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Muhajir Province Map

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No I'm afraid your wrong on that. I also love Islamabad and Abbottabad. But yes I wont deny that I'm a hardcore regional nationalist. I just love my city too much. I personally don't care much about ethnicity but that doesn't mean that I will just stay silent if someone is going to insult my group of people. My experiences outside of Karachi have been really bad. Family members really close to me were murdered due to the language they spoke. So try to look at it from my perspective.

I can see ur point but why are u not looking at other perspective. to be honest, I have found ur posts more anti punjabi in numbers than punjabi's for urdu speakers. If I provoke someone by calling them mess of Pakistan or ala bla I must not forgat that they can also has warm blood like me. TIt for tat
Many people says that punjabi has eaten the rights of saraiky and south punjab, but I cant agree with it. this is done by our ill govt. Common Pakistanies including all sects are as helpless as I am. So, why do I blame an innocent punjabi. this will just create hatreds among us. we already has become a laughing stock for whole world.
its not bad to love ur birthplace but we are also Pakistanis which require from us to give respect to each part of our land which includes punjab and KP.
Political parties are responsible for target killings, I cant see a common pathan or punjabi can even think to kill their fellow countryman just because the are urdu speakers.
I'm a Punjabi Pashtun (Pashtun from both sides of family), born in Lahore, however i can't speak Punjabi though i can understand it, my parents raised me to speak Urdu and that is the only Pakistani language i'm most fluent in. To me, it does not matter whether you are Urdu speaker, Punjabi, Pashtun, Kashmiri, Sindhi, Balochi, Hazara, Lahori, Peshawari, Karachiite, or whatever you are or consider yourself, to me what matters is personality and loyalty to your fellow countrymen and your nation.

Discipline, honesty, sincerity, loyalty, hospitality, and brotherhood as well as faith in God and in one another, that is what we need.

I have no doubt that majority Urdu speakers are loyal Pakistanis, true patriots, sons of the soil, and this has been proven to be true in 1971 when our countrymen in East Pakistan struggled to raise high the Green flag of Crescent and Star and to keep it high despite all the odds, in the end they paid the price after the last West Pakistani troops withdrew from what was once a part of United Pakistan.

It hurts to see them suffer even after 40 years, to live in humiliating conditions in cramped spaces eating from charity, yet even then they hold high the dreams of returning to their true homeland, which they will InshaAllah!

Our corrupt and incompetent government (not a surprise considering they are the reflection of the people) decided to give citizenship to 3 million bangalis who were stranded here after 1971, instead they could have taken in those stranded Pakistanis who need no citizenship to come to their homeland.

And for those people who have animosity towards Pashtuns, please do understand that there are good and bad in all people, and speaking from personal experience as well as experience of others, Pashtuns are one of the most hospitable and loyal people one can meet. Of course they are not perfect, and really no one is perfect, every race, nation, ethnicity, religion has its good and bad.

Sikhs and Muslims live in harmony in Peshawar - YouTube

Hazara community finds peace in Peshawar - YouTube
Why don't you call 90% of your ancestors from India then?
After all your people are in the government for 22 years. LOL
Sorry but unfortunately there is no U for Urdu or M for Muhajir in Pakistan's name. You have no basic representation so how on earth are you going to form 'mohajir province' :rofl:
No, but there is PAKISTAN in the name, the first person to support it after it was put forward was Chaudhry Khaliq uz zaman, our ancestor. If we ever get a province, that's where the name should come from too, not Mohajir or Urdu.
Prophet Mohammad Stated - Reference: IslamiCity.com - Mosque - The Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Last Sermon

All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood.


Pakistan's current status in World:

"A country going thru degradation , and with low support for civil liberties and lawlessness and dangerous living conditions"
"Daily we have Terrorist Bombings in our cities"
"Nothing worth value in our hospitals"
"Nothing worth value in our schools"
"No real culture that is promoted that identifies that as being Pakistani"

When a Pakistani (Punjabi - Sindhi - Balouchistani - Paktoonkuwa - Kashmire) resident travels they are suspect to same interrogation no one sees any difference

For a white man , the slight difference in brown shade or dark shade is not that much they all consider you all a person with dark skin that is fact ...

So I am just simply showing the mirror to our folks

Plus we all seem to forget

Subcontinent as whole was an enslaved meaning you were slaves

Normally people who were free should talk about being superior or inferior when the whole continent was enslaved meaning you owned nothing .. you were "subjects" of white man then how can you be superior to another human

When someone owns property they are owners of that property , someone can't be Muhajir if they lived and were born in Pakistan

Just my 2 cents -

And PS I also am in favor of bringing stranded Pakistanis in Bangladesh because they belong to Pakistan and if our leaders disbanded them tough luck I don't leave any one behind like our pathetic politicians - there is ample room to populate them in Balouchistan
really?? how so?? do we owe you any money??

I don't want any of your money. I'm just saying that it would have been better if your forefathers stayed back in their ancestral land and fought for the independence of their land from hindus and annexed it to Pakistan. Maybe then you would have been given more respect today in Pakistan. Why did you come empty handed? You should have brought gifts with you if you wanted to stay.

And I really don't understand why you people are getting so sensitive about my posts. I didn't say anything racist, just stating facts. And sorry to burst your bubble but Jinnah was not a Mohajir, he was born in Karachi, he was not a migrant (mohajir).

the 3 members cb4, a1kaid and omar should be banned

You should be banned.
I don't want any of your money. I'm just saying that it would have been better if your forefathers stayed back in their ancestral land and fought for the independence of their land from hindus and annexed it to Pakistan. Maybe then you would have been given more respect today in Pakistan. Why did you come empty handed? You should have brought gifts with you if you wanted to stay.

And I really don't understand why you people are getting so sensitive about my posts. I didn't say anything racist, just stating facts. And sorry to burst your bubble but Jinnah was not a Mohajir, he was born in Karachi, he was not a migrant (mohajir).

I see you live in USA , that means you must be a Mohajir as well ^_^ let it go bro , there is no superiority of being special just because your forefathers did not had to leave their homes behind - in ways you have to remember that even Prophet Mohammad was a Mohajir as he left Macca to go live in Madina that is all I will say you are a smart man

As a Pakistani citizens of Pakistan can demand new rules and laws as citizens of Pakistan

Those of us who actually studied "Pakistan Studies" and studied the chapters on creation of Pakistan know why Pakistan was created , and know what large sacrifices people made leaving behind businesses and property and homes

There is a reason why Karachi was CAPITAL of Pakistan for good while

And "the Forefathers" did fought for independence of Pakistan , and that is why you have a Pakistani passport because they fought beside Qaid-e-azam

Its never too late to buy a book on Pakistani Studies and history of Pakistan

Failure of Industries in Pakistan is a Federal problem its not a specific "ethnic problem" its a federal problem and civilian justice failure problem
I don't want any of your money. I'm just saying that it would have been better if your forefathers stayed back in their ancestral land and fought for the independence of their land from hindus and annexed it to Pakistan. Maybe then you would have been given more respect today in Pakistan. Why did you come empty handed? You should have brought gifts with you if you wanted to stay.
Like you did for Firozepur and Gudraspur and Kashmir and Bangladesh? Oh wait, you guys LOST all those lands, you're one to talk
I see you live in USA , that means you must be a Mohajir as well ^_^ let it go bro , there is no superiority of being special just because your forefathers did not had to leave their homes behind - in ways you have to remember that even Prophet Mohammad was a Mohajir as he left Macca to go live in Madina that is all I will say you are a smart man

As a Pakistani citizens of Pakistan can demand new rules and laws as citizens of Pakistan

Living in USA is only temporary for me. I will return back to my homeland so will many Pakistanis in North America and Europe once halat becomes better in Pakistan, but I don't think halat in Pakistan will get better anytime soon especially not in Karachi.

Like you did for Firozepur and Gudraspur and Kashmir and Bangladesh? Oh wait, you guys LOST all those lands, you're one to talk

Yes we lost much of Punjab but Punjab is Punjab. We still have most of Punjab. Kashmir we are still fighting over, its still disputed territory. We freed half of Kashmir. Bangladesh is too far away. We want your ancestral land Uttar pradesh to be part of Pakistan. We want Calcutta and Delhi and all those places your forefathers keep talking about.
Yes we lost much of Punjab but Punjab is Punjab. We still have most of Punjab. Kashmir we are still fighting over, its still disputed territory. We freed half of Kashmir. Bangladesh is too far away. We want your ancestral land Uttar pradesh to be part of Pakistan. We want Calcutta and Delhi and all those places your forefathers keep talking about.
I do not think this is worthy of a response but I'll still respond. First of all, YOU didn't free anything. The Radcliffe award gave the lands to you. The Kashmiris fought for themselves, there was help but not much. Considering that 85% of the population was revolting, even a small amount of help from you guys should have easily helped win Kashmir. But no, you guys didn't help. By the way, once again, princely states were the only lands not awarded.
And we tried to secede to Pakistan, see Hyderabad Deccan and Junagarah but last I checked, the Pakistani people didn't help squat
Discussion is taking an unnecessary bad turn !!!! Every one in Pakistan have the right to think good for themselves Mohajir Siraki etc. and every Pakistani has the right to resist that i.e. Sindhi Punjabi etc.

No need to fight
Like you did for Firozepur and Gudraspur and Kashmir and Bangladesh? Oh wait, you guys LOST all those lands, you're one to talk

At least we got 3/4th of Punjab from Sikh control, 1/3rd of Kashmir, and all of Sindh from hindu control. LOL, Look at you people. Rather than freeing your own places (U.P, and Bihar), you walked straight towards our border. You think we will let you take Karachi now?

Now enough already!
I do not think this is worthy of a response but I'll still respond. First of all, YOU didn't free anything. The Radcliffe award gave the lands to you. The Kashmiris fought for themselves, there was help but not much. Considering that 85% of the population was revolting, even a small amount of help from you guys should have easily helped win Kashmir. But no, you guys didn't help. By the way, once again, princely states were the only lands not awarded.
And we tried to secede to Pakistan, see Hyderabad Deccan and Junagarah but last I checked, the Pakistani people didn't help squat

Your right we should have smashed the mouth of Hindus, Sikhs, and other pagans and unbelievers who stood in our way in 1947, every Pakistani man should have armed himself and liberated all Muslim land on the subcontinent in support of Pakistan army and tribes.

Now had that happened there would be no territorial dispute.
At least we got 3/4th of Punjab from Sikh control, 1/3rd of Kashmir, and all of Sindh from hindu control. LOL, Look at you people. Rather than freeing your own places (U.P, and Bihar), you walked straight towards our border.

Now enough already!
I was born here, I didn't walk here
Living in USA is only temporary for me. I will return back to my homeland so will many Pakistanis in North America and Europe once halat becomes better in Pakistan, but I don't think halat in Pakistan will get better anytime soon especially not in Karachi.

Yes we lost much of Punjab but Punjab is Punjab. We still have most of Punjab. Kashmir we are still fighting over, its still disputed territory. We freed half of Kashmir. Bangladesh is too far away. We want your ancestral land Uttar pradesh to be part of Pakistan. We want Calcutta and Delhi and all those places your forefathers keep talking about.

Well when you will return back to Pakistan then you can call yourself Pakistani at present that makes you a Mohajir in USA , which is perfectly fine nothing wrong with that that you are earning a living in USA and representing Pakistan.

As for your comment about Punjab is Punjab not sure what you mean there these are just "Property" and Land , and any Pakistani can hold or buy property in Pakistan

A Sindhi can buy land in Punjab or a Balouch can buy property and land in Punjab simlar to how Punjabi brother can buy land in other provinces its called being part of a "COUNTRY" called Pakistan.

Utter perdesh is in India , we have enough land in Pakistan to allow Pakistanis to populate

The only people who use "ETHNICITY" to gain an advantage are people who are not confident to be best based on their academic skills or abilities in trade and economy

For me there is no difference between any one from any province if you hold green passport you are Pakistani

That means you wait in line at airport and get abused -

Normally in countries like Japan , USA or England these "Opportunities and Divide" of riches is done based on your education level , and your skills well in Pakistan because we are a uneducated bunch

Its like I am from this and that province so I deserve this job or I deserve to go to this School

But in Developed countries they use criteria like have you got a BA , BSC or MBBS or PHD to determine your class in population and level of income ...

This Ethnicity talk is nothing more then a self patting on back to feel good , one may not have a education or any other skill set who know you might be pumping gas at USA gas station but
one has right to feel good based on ethnicity because that means you have better right to get married to specific person etc and so and so ...

Its just primitive man trying to justify their existence and right to resources

Pakistan only a nation with 30% education levels what else can you expect hahahaha

After you can fix scenes like this in whole pakistan then its worth while to boast about provinces




When you can feed every Pakistani with food and give every child with education and bed not streets then lets discuss status of provinces ...

We have better things to talk about
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