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Kurds protest wall being built by Turkey - clash with police

Haha. And how do they know it is PKK sympathizers? Everything is blamed on PKK these days.

Also, maybe I should post all the kids that were killed by OFFICIAL TURKISH SECURITY FORCES?

Turkish security forces blamed for killing 501st child since 1988 | World news | theguardian.com

Turkish defense: ‘Proportional force’ used in killing of Uğur Kaymaz - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news

BBC NEWS | Europe | Turkish Kurds demand justice

Civil society asks who and what caused Ceylan’s death - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news

Looks like your cousin doesn’t like Pan Iranism.

Unity of Iranic groups is a good thing. But it will not happen during Islamic regime. Also, the unity should include all groups in Middle East, not just Iranic groups.
Unity of Iranic groups is a good thing. But it will not happen during Islamic regime. Also, the unity should include all groups in Middle East, not just Iranic groups.

Then your not a Pan Iranist.

Pan Arabism, Pan Turkism, Pan Iranism, not what your suggesting.

Your prime minister aknowledged 'Kurdistan' in his speech. Are you going to deny it from now on? :lol: Must not be funny being an AKP supporter right now.
Here are your ''peace loving'' pkk fighters destroying construction mashines on a highway construction.
What did this workers do to you pkk people, they are trying to earn their oney to feed their familys, this is just sick.
Many kurds in Turkey are working in construction sector and im sure as hell that at least 50% of workers there was kurdish, pkk is harming kurd more than someone else.

Şırnak'ta PKK 10 aracı yaktı / 1 - Foto Haber Galeri

And you ask why eastern parts of Turkey are under developed, heres your answer. 

Your prime minister aknowledged 'Kurdistan' in his speech. Are you going to deny it from now on? :lol: Must not be funny being an AKP supporter right now.
He meants KRG and nobody is denying that, actually Turkey is main trade partner of KRG.
Their Electricty, construction material and investments are coming from Turkey.
First and foremost, I do not believe one word of what those Turkish sources say when it comes to PKK. As I said, even if an ant is killed in Turkey, they will blame PKK. I will wait and see the updates.

And no, PKK is not hurting any Kurds. Nor are they hurting Turks. Stop it. Otherwise they would not have millions of supporters. You should know that by the help of PKK, even Kurds in Syria are creating an autonomous region. Who are you fooling? I am no kid. Stop trying to convince people of what Turkish medias try to convince you. I have already brought 5 cases where PKK was initially blamed, but where it turned out to be the work of Turkish security forces. So stop it. Fires, killings... Everything is initially blamed on PKK. But just like Susurluk, Sirnak bombings, Ceylan Onkol, Roboski etc. etc., it will all be revelaed who was the real perpetrator. You need to seriously open your eyes. Turkey is not only hurting Kurds.. Turks are hurt too.

Good. So you aknowledge there is Kurdistan? That is one step forward.
First and foremost, I do not believe one word of what those Turkish sources say when it comes to PKK. As I said, even if an ant is killed in Turkey, they will blame PKK. I will wait and see the updates.

And no, PKK is not hurting any Kurds. Nor are they hurting Turks. Stop it. Otherwise they would not have millions of supporters. You should know that by the help of PKK, even Kurds in Syria are creating an autonomous region. Who are you fooling? I am no kid. Stop trying to convince people of what Turkish medias try to convince you. I have already brought 5 cases where PKK was initially blamed, but where it turned out to be the work of Turkish security forces. So stop it. Fires, killings... Everything is initially blamed on PKK. But just like Susurluk, Sirnak bombings, Ceylan Onkol, Roboski etc. etc., it will all be revelaed who was the real perpetrator. You need to seriously open your eyes. Turkey is not only hurting Kurds.. Turks are hurt too.

Good. So you aknowledge there is Kurdistan? That is one step forward.
Yeah the goverment burned this mashines right?
And pkk is not hurting anyone? Are their AKs only water guns or did i miss something?
I could come up with so many pkk attacks but i will not, since its sensless to speak to a brainwashed terror sympathiser like you.

And to kurdistan part, mybe KRG will be independent someday, but forget it on Turkish soil, dont even think at autonomy.
Whoever wants a part of Turkish soil has to fight for it, so forget it.
There it came again. The ''terrorist sympathiser'' card. It seems like the majority of Turks are indoctrinated to come up with this arguement whenever they feel pushed up in a corner. Almost like their politicians.

So, forth on, let us just call it Kurdistan with a capital K. No need to call it KRG or anything like that. If it really does hurt you to write the word Kurdistan then call it Kurdistan Region. Your PM seems to be fine with both though :)

Autonomy in Iraq, Syria... Peace talks with Ocalan and PKK in Turkey. Iran already has a Kurdistan region, it is just a matter of time before Kurds can govern themselves there... I dont know about you but for me the pattern is very clear.

Btw, I am not bragging. I am just saying it is silly trying to deny the reality. You are going to burn yourself if you live in this dream.
There it came again. The ''terrorist sympathiser'' card. It seems like the majority of Turks are indoctrinated to come up with this arguement whenever they feel pushed up in a corner. Almost like their politicians.

I call you terror sympathiser because you are, you have a sympathy for pkk (maybe a member of pkk) and pkk is a terror organisation its that simple.
And im not pushed to a corner at all, i actually like our conversation because thats the perfect way to show the mindset of people like you.

So, forth on, let us just call it Kurdistan with a capital K. No need to call it KRG or anything like that. If it really does hurt you to write the word Kurdistan then call it Kurdistan Region. Your PM seems to be fine with both though :)
I call it KRG because its KRG and not Kurdistan, i have no problem with the word Kurdistan nor would i have with the country itself if there will be a kurdistan anytime soon.
Actually i dont really care about kurdistan as long as its not used for Turkish soil.

Autonomy in Iraq, Syria... Peace talks with Ocalan and PKK in Turkey. Iran already has a Kurdistan region, it is just a matter of time before Kurds can govern themselves there... I dont know about you but for me the pattern is very clear.
You will be dissapointed if you really think that peace talk with pkk will lead to self-goverment or even to indenpendency.
Like i said, whoever wants to have even a inch of Turkish soil has to fight for it.

Btw, I am not bragging. I am just saying it is silly trying to deny the reality. You are going to burn yourself if you live in this dream.
What did i deny, and what am i dreaming?
Its you whos dreaming about kurdistan on Turkish soil, so its you whos going to burn.
Of course you have no problem with the word Kurdistan. The man in your display used it vividly prior to 1923.

I will hold you to your word. In a couple of years you will get disappointed. Do not take it personally once it happens in the future. I would not want you to have a bad heart.

Your prime minister aknowledged 'Kurdistan' in his speech. Are you going to deny it from now on? :lol: Must not be funny being an AKP supporter right now.

Why would İ be bothered by a word? :).
You need the one who should be bothered to be honest. İ heard that your Baboon master was crying in the prison that they never did mention his name in the şenlik in Diyarbakır :).

You know what the entire point was in the end? To divide the Kurds among themselves. There will also be a İslamic Kurdish party in the next elections that will chip away from the voters of BDP. Not to memtion that this public stunt has certainly won votes for AKP in the kurdish region.

Barzani did exactly what he was supposed to do. Showing himself as a alternative Kurdish leader.
That's why BDP had critic towards the barzani diyarbakır thing. That's also why öcüalan is crying right now. Sırrı sürreya önder was whining today at habertürk that they should not talk with Barzani for the peace but with Öcalan.

Gracia for the cheap oil and gas :)
Anyways bahoz.

İ thought you were a Kurd from Konya. So tell me how did you end up in Europe?
İ always thought and experienced that Kurds from central Anatolia were always a bit more patriotic than you ahow here.

So how did you screw up so badly?
Why would İ be bothered by a word? :).
You need the one who should be bothered to be honest. İ heard that your Baboon master was crying in the prison that they never did mention his name in the şenlik in Diyarbakır :).

You know what the entire point was in the end? To divide the Kurds among themselves. There will also be a İslamic Kurdish party in the next elections that will chip away from the voters of BDP. Not to memtion that this public stunt has certainly won votes for AKP in the kurdish region.

Barzani did exactly what he was supposed to do. Showing himself as a alternative Kurdish leader.
That's why BDP had critic towards the barzani diyarbakır thing. That's also why öcüalan is crying right now. Sırrı sürreya önder was whining today at habertürk that they should not talk with Barzani for the peace but with Öcalan.

Gracia for the cheap oil and gas :).

Well, the road to peace goes through Öcalan. That is why AKP is still meeting with him. Did you not hear his brothe returning today? Nobody can take away the votes from BDP. AKP tried everything. How many people were there during erdogan visit? 30.000? 40.000?

He was not whining. He was telling the truth for the sake of peace. The people gave their promise to Öcalan, did you forget? BDP is even so strong that they split into two partys. One will take votes from Turks, the other from Kurds. Again, millions gave their promise to Öcalan. No money or show can buy this love and support;

Has anyone Middle Eastern leader in the history ever been able to gather this many people? I challenge you my friend, I challenge you.

Oh, btw, Barzani had a meeting afterwards with Osman Baydemir and BDP members. If you knew Kurdish, you would probably be shocked at what he said afterwards :) I can reveal that it was very positive from my side :)

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Well, the road to peace goes through Öcalan. That is why AKP is still meeting with him. Did you not hear his brothe returning today? Nobody can take away the votes from BDP. AKP tried everything. How many people were there during erdogan visit? 30.000? 40.000?

He was not whining. He was telling the truth for the sake of peace. The people gave their promise to Öcalan, did you forget? BDP is even so strong that they split into two partys. One will take votes from Turks, the other from Kurds. Again, millions gave their promise to Öcalan. No money or show can buy this love and support

Oh, btw, Barzani had a meeting afterwards with Osman Baydemir and BDP members. If you knew Kurdish, you would probably be shocked at what he said afterwards :) I can reveal that it was very positive from my side :)

Well, the road to peace goes through Öcalan. That is why AKP is still meeting with him. Did you not hear his brothe returning today? Nobody can take away the votes from BDP. AKP tried everything. How many people were there during erdogan visit? 30.000? 40.000?

He was not whining. He was telling the truth for the sake of peace. The people gave their promise to Öcalan, did you forget? BDP is even so strong that they split into two partys. One will take votes from Turks, the other from Kurds. Again, millions gave their promise to Öcalan. No money or show can buy this love and support;

Has anyone Middle Eastern leader in the history ever been able to gather this many people? I challenge you my friend, I challenge you.

Oh, btw, Barzani had a meeting afterwards with Osman Baydemir and BDP members. If you knew Kurdish, you would probably be shocked at what he said afterwards :) I can reveal that it was very positive from my side :)

Yeah yeah,

Now here's something else interesting. You are really trying hard to make it come over that the party for kurds is bdp.

Now let's think about a figure for a minute. Let's say that the Kurds in Turkey consist of 15% of the population. Mind to explain to how this party of the Kurds that has "full support" of all kurds can't evem get over the thresh hold of 10% ? Aşn't this a bit weird?

No dare İ to say that the other parties would have more Kurdish voters than BDP. Dare to explain?

And yes apo was whining that his name was never mentioned.
I dont have to explain. Find me a video where Erdogan, the PM who got 50% of the votes, can gather this many people? Just look at the beauty of that video. Millions gathered in once place. I mean, you hate to admit that you have never seen anything like it :)
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