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Kurds protest wall being built by Turkey - clash with police

I dont have to explain. Find me a video where Erdogan, the PM who got 50% of the votes, can gather this many people? Just look at the beauty of that video. Millions gathered in once place. I mean, you hate to admit that you have never seen anything like it :)


No you're simply evading my question don't you? İ don't care about how much erdogan or öcalan gathes :). İ have no inferiority complex to go on a dick measuring contest.

But please İ'm still waiting for a question how can a party that is supposedly representing all Kurds not get over the thresh hold? 
Ooh by the way İ can't see the video you posted.
Your question is silly. I could answer it but it does not matter. Election faud and the fact that hundreds of Kurdish politicians ( including 3 elected mayors) are sitting behind bars has some of the blame. Look at the video and look at the power of the people. Even if BDP only gets 1%, what difference does it make? There is still a question to be answered.

BDP represents those Kurds who want to be represented in the constitution. There are also those Kurds who do not care and vote for other partys. But why would I care about them? Our main focus is with those who want a status for Kurds.

Besides, red areas under BDP Kurdish control... That is not a bad result for a party that has been closed down 4 times earlier.

Your question is silly. I could answer it but it does not matter. Election faud and the fact that hundreds of Kurdish politicians ( including 3 elected mayors) are sitting behind bars has some of the blame. Look at the video and look at the power of the people. Even if BDP only gets 1%, what difference does it make? There is still a question to be answered.

BDP represents those Kurds who want to be represented in the constitution. There are also those Kurds who do not care and vote for other partys. But why would I care about them? Our main focus is with those who want a status for Kurds.

Besides, red areas under BDP Kurdish control... That is not a bad result for a party that has been closed down 4 times earlier.


İn the core it does not indeed matter how much votes Bdp gets. But when you say that BDP is the party of the Kurds then things will change.

İndeed you don't care for the "other" Kurds. All you care about is your own ideology and the party which represents it. You want to hange the region and force your own ideology through the throats of Kuds who don't follow that.

So bahoz friend. İs it safe to assume that BDP doesn't even have a majority support amongst Kurds themselves?
BDP is the party of the Kurds. BDP raised Kurdish language question 1000 times in Parliament. AKP did it maybe 20 times. Where were AKP when 10.000 Kurds were rotting in prisons? Did any AKP member ever mention Pozanti prison? And no, do not start with your victim card bullshit again. If AKP is a party that represents Kurds then go ahead. Even I would vote for them. But they simply are not. Their Kurdish MPs did not raise the question of Roboski ONCE. So stop it right there.

BDP does have majority of support among Kurds. What the hell are you on about lol? Even 100% of the Turkish TV channels after the 2009 and 2011 elections said that BDP had most Kurdish votes, thus being the main winners right after AKP, with MHP and CHP being the losers. But true, it is not enough if you ask me. BDP has some 55%, AKP has some 40% and CHP+MHP have 5% in Kurdish regions.
BDP is the party of the Kurds. BDP raised Kurdish language question 1000 times in Parliament. AKP did it maybe 20 times. Where were AKP when 10.000 Kurds were rotting in prisons? Did any AKP member ever mention Pozanti prison? And no, do not start with your victim card bullshit again. If AKP is a party that represents Kurds then go ahead. Even I would vote for them. But they simply are not. Their Kurdish MPs did not raise the question of Roboski ONCE. So stop it right there.

BDP does have majority of support among Kurds. What the hell are you on about lol? Even 100% of the Turkish TV channels after the 2009 and 2011 elections said that BDP had most Kurdish votes, thus being the main winners right after AKP, with MHP and CHP being the losers. But true, it is not enough if you ask me. BDP has some 55%, AKP has some 40% and CHP+MHP have 5% in Kurdish regions.

İ did not say that AKP, or any other party represents the Kurds. The Kurds only represents individually themselves. Again, İ only raised these questions only because you think that BDP is for all Kurds, which is not true.

About the majority thing İ dunnı about that. Hey might have they might not have. All though if Bdp has a majority in kurdish support then the Kurdish population consists of less than 13% of Turkey. Anyways it doesn't matter.

But when you speak, don't speak in name of all Kurds until your party has the support of all kurds.

İ have many Kurdish relatives who became damat and gelin's to our families. Heck one of them is a navy officer. And İ'm pretty sure that they all would disagree with you.

Anyways, it's enough for today. Perhaps İ will bother you tomorrow.
You don't know much about Iranzamin obviously..I am talking about the unity of Iranian peoples NOT ISLAM OR PERSIANISM And this doesn't mean just people living in Iran. Iranian is a larger term than you think it is associated with Iranic peoples who speak Iranic language and share same culture and same genetics. Tajiks Ossetians Pahstun Afghans Kurds Baloch Azaris (not fucking Turkish bullshit lies) Persians Talysh these are all Iranic people they all have same speak language , culture and genetics. (R1a and J2). For example they all celebrate Norooz.

He already knows that, it is called Pan Iranism..

Turks are not Iranic they are Turkic mongoloids. Arabs are definitely not Iranic either they are Semitic trash.
Which Persians copied so much off when they invaded Ashur & Babylon, made the Semetic land the center of the Persian empire dynasties.
My point is that bureaucracy in Turkey is horrible and there are people waiting for years for a trial, there are exsample of 8-9 years, its not specifically to Kurds.

And to my grandpas exsample, he did something illegaly and got punished, hes not cutting trees illegaly anymore to make sofas, and he himselfs says he did something stupid and he deserved it, so in the end the punishment had a positive effect. 

You are funny, Kurds in Iran was oppressed the same way as in Turkey and Iraq.
The only difference is that Kurds have their freedom now in Turkey and Iraq.
I dont know how the situation is in Iran now though but i hear frequently from kurdish execution there.

No matter what Bahoz says there is not a single bananymore in Turkey that affects Kurds.

Kurds have every right in Iran they can do whatever they want. In turkey Kurds have no rights at all until recently. Ak Partiyi çok seviyorum inşAllah Tayyip Erdoğan her zaman kazanır. Dik dur eğilme büyük başbakan! Adam gibi adam Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Kasımpaşali Reis. BENIM TEK SEVDIM TÜRK TAYYIP ERDOĞAN O GERCEK TÜRK IŞTE 

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You don't know much about Iranzamin obviously..I am talking about the unity of Iranian peoples NOT ISLAM OR PERSIANISM And this doesn't mean just people living in Iran. Iranian is a larger term than you think it is associated with Iranic peoples who speak Iranic language and share same culture and same genetics. Tajiks Ossetians Pahstun Afghans Kurds Baloch Azaris (not fucking Turkish bullshit lies) Persians Talysh these are all Iranic people they all have same speak language , culture and genetics. (R1a and J2). For example they all celebrate Norooz.

Turks are not Iranic they are Turkic mongoloids. Arabs are definitely not Iranic either they are Semitic trash.
Are you fucking kidding me? Azeris are Turkic and speak Azeri dialect of Turkish its almost the same as Turkey Turkish we understand eachother.
Who are you fooling, how can they be iranic if they speak Turkish?

In this video people in Tabriz show their Turkic identity during President Güls visit, they even make the Wolf symbol from Turkic mythology with their hands.

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İ did not say that AKP, or any other party represents the Kurds. The Kurds only represents individually themselves. Again, İ only raised these questions only because you think that BDP is for all Kurds, which is not true.

About the majority thing İ dunnı about that. Hey might have they might not have. All though if Bdp has a majority in kurdish support then the Kurdish population consists of less than 13% of Turkey. Anyways it doesn't matter.

But when you speak, don't speak in name of all Kurds until your party has the support of all kurds.

İ have many Kurdish relatives who became damat and gelin's to our families. Heck one of them is a navy officer. And İ'm pretty sure that they all would disagree with you.

Anyways, it's enough for today. Perhaps İ will bother you tomorrow.

I speak for all Kurds who want to fight for their rights to be guaranteed in the constitution. So does BDP and HDP as the only partys in Turkey. There are also Kurds who do not care but that is not my problem. They can vote for whoever they want.

If tomorrow AKP comes out and say '' We will guarantee Kurdish language and identity in the constitution'' then I will be the first to vote for them. Why not? But that is not the case.

BDP is a party for everyone. Nobody has fought for Kurds, Assyrians, Alevis and journalists' rights as much as BDP.

AKP is a populist party. In Trabzon they shout '' tek millet, tek vatan, tek dil''. In Diyarbakir they shout ''Kurdistan! Turks and Kurds are brothers''. What kind of brotherhood are they speaking of?


Van karayolu yapımını üstlenen özel bir firmaya ait, şehir merkezine 5 kilometre uzaklıktaki şantiyeyi basan silahlı 15 PKK’lı, çalışanlara bir süre örgüt propagandası yaptıktan sonra, 10 araç ve iş makinesini ateşe verip kaçtı.



Şırnak- Van karayolunu yapan özel bir firmaya ait şantiye, bugün saat 16.00 sıralarında, silahlı 15 PKK’lı tarafından basıldı. Görevlileri etkisiz hale getiren PKK’lılar, şantiye çalışanlarını toplayıp örgütün propagandasını yaptı. PKK’lılar, daha sonra 7 kamyon, 1 dozer, 1 ekskavatör ve 1 yakıt tankerini ateşe vererek, uçurumdan yuvarladıktan sonra bölgeden yaya olarak kaçtılar.


Firma yetkilisi Atila Bilgin, yakılan araçları bankalardan çektiği kredi ile aldığını henüz borçlarını dahi ödeyemediğini belirterek, bu durumun kendisini mağdur ettiğini belirterek, şunları söyledi:
"Sayın Başbakan ve sayın Barzani Diyarbakır’da buluştular, barış sürecini istemeyenlerin tepkisi bu oldu işte. Burada çalışırken yaklaşık 10-15 PKK’lı gelip bütün araçları yakacaklarını söylemişler. Burada çalışma istemediklerini, çok tepeden emir aldıklarını, hiçbir aracı boş bırakmayacaklarını, hepsini yakacaklarını söylemişler. "


Yetkili, "Sonra çalışanlar yalvar-yakar, bazı iş makinesini kiralık olduğunu söylemişler. Diğerleri yaklaşık 10 adet dumandan tespit edemedik ama 10 adet iş makinemizi uçuruma yuvarlayıp yakmışlar. Allah kabul etmesin diyorum, başka da söyleyebilecek hiç bir şeyimiz yok. Çalışanlar gelen PKK’lıların silahlı olduklarını söyledi."


İş yerinde çalışan ve adını vermeyek istemeyen bir işçi, yaşadıklarını şöyle anlattı:
"Çalışırken bütün araçları topladılar. Efendim ’Gerilla adına eyleme gelmişiz, burada çalışma olmayacak burası Van-Şırnak yolu değil askeri güvenlik yolu’ dediler, ’Araçların hepsini yakmak için üstlerimizden emir aldık’ dediler. Gördüğünüz gibi burada 80 tane, 100 tane işçi var, hepimizi perişan ettiler."


İşçi, "Biz bu işçilerin hakkını nasıl yapalım? Burada bizim hepimizi perişan ettiler. Gördüğünüz gibi araçlarımızın hepsini yakmışlar. Bence bu Kürt-Türk ile ilgili bir şey değil. Yani bunun Bilgin İnşaat’ın ve Dicle İnşaat’ın biz burada hepimiz Kürt evlatlarıyız. Bu toprakların evlatlarıyız. Ekmek parası için çalışıyoruz. Bu yaptıkları haksızlıktır." dedi.


Şırnak merkeze 5 kilometre uzaklıkta bulunan bölgede araçların ateşe verilmesi üzerine, Şırnak Belediyesi’ne ait itfaiye araçları bölgeye gelerek, yanan araçları söndürmeye çalıştı.

Araçların yakıldığı bölgeye gelen Şırnak Emniyet Müdürlüğü’ne bağlı özel harekat timleri, çevrede güvenlik önlemi alırken, kaçan PKK’lıların yakalanması amacıyla da çalışma başlatıldı.



ElTurco; In English please. This is an English section.
ElTurco; In English please. This is an English section.

Let me translate it for you. PKK terrorists burned downed the machinary which were making a road between two eastern cities.

You are thinking " those machines opperesed kurdish people and raped Kurdish girls" , right ?
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Yezidi Kurds in Armenia
The Armenian general Dro and the Yezidi Kurd Cengir Agha struggled together in 1918-1920 particular in the Battle of Bash-Aparan which was a battle against the Turkish army on May 21, 1918 during the Turkish-Armenian War, when the Turkish Army invaded the newly independent Democratic Republic of Armenia.

According to the 2011 Census, there are about 35,272 Yazidis in Armenia. According to a 2007 U.S. Department of State human rights report, "As in previous years, Yezidi leaders did not complain that police and local authorities subjected their community to discrimination". A high percentage of Yezidi children do not attend school, both due to poverty and a lack of teachers who speak their native language. However, the first ever Yezidi school opened in Armenia in 1920. Due to the ethnic tension created by the war with Azerbaijan, the Yazidi community has renounced its ties with the mostly Muslim Kurds that fled the country and tried to establish itself as a distinct ethnic group. The Yezidis showed great patriotism fighting with Armenians during the Nagorno-Karabakh war, when many died in service.

And read this
Armenian Yezidi/Kurds Report - SOFT POWER: Understanding Through Culture
Armenian–Kurdish relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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First of all this topic is in the wrong section, so The mods should re-place it.

There are two things we have to clarify; one of which Terrorists and their supporters, the other is civillians.

in the opening post there are people WHO carry some sings that praise the leader of a terrorist organisation, and also that terrorist organisation.

If this forum is comply with the laws and rules ; and also respect a nation and a country, then the mods should delete this topic.

Because the title is intentionally misleading people in here; This forum should not be a propaganda place, and not allowed some people to follow their agenda.


as for the Wall, Turkey has the longest border with Syria and it sometimes gives hard times to the Turkish army.

Turkish army has reported many smuggling attempts from syria; and also the army said the smugglers opened fire at the Turkish troops. Here is some news:

In one of these incidents in august, 18 Turkish soldiers were injured when a group of several thousand alleged smugglers clashed with the army as they tried to cross into Turkey from Syria.

The group of 2,500-3,000 people threw stones at military patrol vehicles on the border at the town of Oğulpınar in Hatay province and refused to disperse after warnings were issued in Turkish and Arabic, the Turkish military said at the time.

LOCAL - Turkish army intercepts smugglers at Syria border

But refugees, smugglers and rebel fighters have been able to cross the border undetected in many remote areas, bypassing the main gates and leaving Turkey with a major security challenge.

Turkey Builds Wall On Syria Border To Stop Illegal Crossings

Here is the result:

More than 40 people were killed and over 100 were injured by the blasts.
Yes, that was in Reyhanli. Which leads me to my point; Most of the problems Turkey have encountered on the Syrian border were with towns like Reyhanli, Kilis and Gaziantep where the majority of fighters and civilians enter and exit. So the wall should be built there, and not in Nisebin which is probably the most peaceful border town.

Other than that, you do not have the right to call these people terrorist supporters. If you want to shut these people down, start by doing it in your own country. There are millions of '' terrorist supporters''. How easy it is for Turks to claim that all these people are merily terrorist supporters. How sad.

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