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Jayalalithaa calls for a referendum on separate Eelam

Once you(GOI) started interfering in their affairs and caused more than enough damage, you can't decide when to stop especially when Tamilians are left to pick up all the fallouts. You shouldn't have stuck your nose where it did not belong(read it as rearing LTTE for its own reasons and not for welfare of SL tamils) and now you can't expect us Tamilians to stop it just because you changed your stance based on the damages you faced. Sorry - we do not subscribe to the cow herd mentality.

unfortunately tamil political parties made srilanka always a political issue.right from the genisis of ltte to its end.they are the ones who moulded their men as if srilanka is something very important to tamils.and this is continuing even to day..if at all had they acted responsible on that day..all this blood shed would not happen..leave about srilanka.what are we doing with naxals in odisha or chattisgarh or insurgents in kashmir??if tamils have right to protest abt srilanka then the people of disha or chattisgarh can even sympathize with those naxals.those who become a threat to the national security must be weeded out in what ever be the country it might be to protect the civilians.theres no second thought in it.
thats uncalled for.

What was uncalled for in that.It is a truth that north indians does not care for what language TN is speaking except for some uneducated goon of SP.

Even i favor adopting english as a predominant medium of instruction.
TBH I am a punjabi boy sitting in Delhi I really don't know much about the Ground situation in TN but I am sure the people of TN are as patriotic to the nation as any other indian living on any part of the country
When we raise the issue of Hindus,Sikhs,Christians getting slaughtered in pakistan I think The TN Tamils have every right to do so not allowing them that would be total hypocrisy

Now the question arises how can TN Tamils help thier SL brethren

By passing resolutions against them in UNHR or by calling for a Tamil Elam or by danding territory from them & pushing the SL govt to edge making them take tough descdiins m
This is the question I would like to ask the lady in the flying cape & the man in the dark glasses


By helping them build infrastructure thier by generating jobs & giving moral support to SL govt to ensure the Tamil community remains safe

You decide
I too agree with you India should make sure that Tamil community in SL is treated as equal citizens and the people who committed war crimes booked.............This is a sentimental issue and we all Indians should support our Tamil brethren for this cause...................Leave aside Politics played by DMK & AIDMK................
Being a Malayali i didn't like the way TN played politics in Mullaperiyar issue..............But being an Indian first, i should feel the Pain & sentiments of my fellow Tamil brethrens................
Now its you who is being emotional.

My reply was to your moral stand as to how we can "interfere" in the internal affairs of another country. This issue is not their internal affairs, not from the last 30 years when the RAW ang GoI started "interfering" there or atleast from the moment their President came to New Delhi to invite them being a part in their affairs.

i was not emotional.i was just logical
yes unfortunately we interfered.thanx to tamil political parties who reaped political benefits from a bilateral issue.may be that day he cam to new delhi.but to day he'll go to beijing..this is not the way our foreign policy must operate.the only way to ensure welfare of tamils in srilanka is going with it not against it..passing a referendum wont solve the issue it just complicate things
unfortunately tamil political parties made srilanka always a political issue.right from the genisis of ltte to its end.they are the ones who moulded their men as if srilanka is something very important to tamils.and this is continuing even to day..if at all had they acted responsible on that day..all this blood shed would not happen..leave about srilanka.what are we doing with naxals in odisha or chattisgarh or insurgents in kashmir??if tamils have right to protest abt srilanka then the people of disha or chattisgarh can even sympathize with those naxals.those who become a threat to the national security must be weeded out in what ever be the country it might be to protect the civilians.theres no second thought in it.

For tamil in TN, SL tamil issue was always a political issue but not a major issue but SL tamil issue was a non-violent movement till late 1970s when Indira decided to punish SL by arming LTTE - TN politicians did not do that nor perceive it themselves. So you can't wiggle out citing Kashmir or Odissa or stuff - India was involved, lost Rajiv and was involved in the SL war in 2008-2009 helping in destroying LTTE. And now that LTTE is wiped out, India can't wiggle out from its commitment on human rights and the deals what it made with SL for the 13th amendment. That is not how it works.
PS - Hopefully we will get rid of Karuna from the politics and this becomes a election issue in 2014 so that the 40 MPs we elect will decide on SL issue at the center due to coalition politics.

But Congress and BJP are on Same boat on this issue...............Even SP didn't support to bring a resolution in Lok Sabha.............
But it should at least be reported in tamil media? UN? amnesty international?

People who claim 100's of dead fishermen have been able to prove only double digit claims from any neutral source.

Why shouldn't people be skeptical.

This is from Jan 23 2011 -

Pranab vows action on fishermen's killings - The Hindu

And this is from Mar 8 2013,
Fisherman shot at by Sri Lankan Navy - The Hindu

Now can you tell me what happened to Pranab's vow ?

And there are plenty of news that come in vernacular media that dont make it to the english media.

The kachatheevu issue as far as i know did not had provisions of fishing in it.

No it had. Fishing, drying of nets and pilgrimage.

Students have acted as catpaws of politicians in past mostly during anti-hindi movement.

That was waaaaaaaay back in 1960s..Its been 50 years hence.

And that was a mass movement too.

I knew about channel 4 even before it made that documentary.It had made great global warming swindle and other such documentaries in past.

You should watch ABC debate on that particular documentary to know about this channel.

SO UNHRC is also biased ? That they are passing resolutions simply for time pass without any actual evidence ?

Hindi not being a national language is well known to most of Educated Cow belters and those who don't do not even point out TN on map.

No one here gives a damn with Tamils not knowing hindi.It is a made belief of chauvnist that we care if they don't speak hindi as they lose all traction if it a common tamil comes to know that north Indians don't give a damn as to what language they speak.

Then you need to visit Indian forums to know what people think. Even many educated, IT working people still believe Hindi is our "rashtra basha" and ask how can these pesky Tamilians not speak our national language ?

Maybe you had not experienced it, but I as a south indian who actually has stayed in states outside the southern states have met this question far too often. Mostly I just pass it with a smile since the questions were being asked by people that I know !

But Congress and BJP are on Same boat on this issue...............Even SP didn't support to bring a resolution in Lok Sabha.............

BJP had a much more nuanced and realistic take on the issue.

But Congress and BJP are on Same boat on this issue...............Even SP didn't support to bring a resolution in Lok Sabha.............

I do understand none of the national parties agree with TN sentiments but I am hoping that 40 MPs will be a significant force in the total nos when it is always simple majority for UPA or NDA in the recent times and the politicians at the center will find it juicy to get the 40 MPs to their side(their mentality would be - who cares about strategies in Indian Ocean - hell with SL - I need 40 MPs to stay in power for the next 5 years - similar to what UPA is thinking wrt Nitish and rumors going on about providing special status to Bihar ;) )
You may think how it affects your image, but I frankly dont care when my people are being killed. Actually they are your people too. If you consider them as Indians.

Its not mine but my countries image and reasoning, we cannot he held to popular sentiments just by a section of Indian society.

Can you define "secluded" and how it negatvely affects the overall economic or social development of the country ?

It may or may not, but does it hurt?

If secluded means not watching Zee TV saas-bahu serials or watching Bollywood or speaking in Hindi, then I'm ok with it. As long as it does not negatively affect the overall development of the country why would you care how we are ? frankly speaking we are better off than most other regions in the country.

No you do not have to, but why hate hindi? I understand you guys thought it was a culture invasion but why hate a language to this day?

Sorry if I sound a bit harsh. But the amount of apathy from fellow Indians is just plain frustrating.

Its ok.

Apathy is because we do not understand what goes on inside Tamil Nadu too, I mean most of the postings on the SL Tamilians on my facebook is that I find them in Tamil and since I cannot understand I have to let it go. Same thing happens with me when it comes to Andhra and Kerala but to a much lesser extent (Most of the shop keepers who spoke any other language apart from Tamil were Keralites and that too in Hindi - my experience). This does create a divide in opinions and the reactions.

I would like you to answer the other questions I raised too.
i was not emotional.i was just logical
yes unfortunately we interfered.thanx to tamil political parties who reaped political benefits from a bilateral issue.may be that day he cam to new delhi.but to day he'll go to beijing..this is not the way our foreign policy must operate.the only way to ensure welfare of tamils in srilanka is going with it not against it..passing a referendum wont solve the issue it just complicate things

How many days will you allow yourselves to be blackmailed and bullied by parroting the China card ?

and to quote your words - that is not how foreign policy should be conducted. Not on fear.
For tamil in TN, SL tamil issue was always a political issue but not a major issue but SL tamil issue was a non-violent movement till late 1970s when Indira decided to punish SL by arming LTTE - TN politicians did not do that nor perceive it themselves. So you can't wiggle out citing Kashmir or Odissa or stuff - India was involved, lost Rajiv and was involved in the SL war in 2008-2009 helping in destroying LTTE. And now that LTTE is wiped out, India can't wiggle out from its commitment on human rights and the deals what it made with SL for the 13th amendment. That is not how it works.

yes india was involved due to strategical reasons.but the issue was politicized by tamil parties which causes problems even today.even if the union was involved in creating it.we also played a crucial role in weeding them out.if sanctions were to be passed on lanka we were to be equally responsible.we must go with lanka not against it to ensure welfare of tamils there.and thanks to those parties issue became much complicated and we voted against them..now we're not even in a bargaining position to demand the welfare of tamils there
Once you(GOI) started interfering in their affairs and caused more than enough damage, you can't decide when to stop especially when Tamilians are left to pick up all the fallouts. You shouldn't have stuck your nose where it did not belong(read it as rearing LTTE for its own reasons and not for welfare of SL tamils) and now you can't expect us Tamilians to stop it just because you changed your stance based on the damages you faced. Sorry - we do not subscribe to the cow herd mentality.

From way back:
THE euphoria over the LTTE's capture of the Elephant Pass military camp on April 21-22 and its subsequent advance in the Jaffna peninsula enabled the pro-Eelam groups to stoke chauvinist feelings once again. Vaiko and Ramadoss were once again articulatin g the LTTE's standpoint. Even as they did this, they kept on claiming that they supported the Centre's stand. They said they welcomed the decision that the Army would not be sent to Sri Lanka,
The doublespeak in Tamil Nadu

Karunanidhi had strenuously lobbied with the other constituents of the ruling alliance and successfully stymied the government's initial inclination to send arms and ammunition. In a bid to reassure his allies, Vajpayee was forced to reiterate that the government had "ruled out the sending or selling of arms to Sri Lanka". The Opposition in Parliament led by the Congress(I) broadly supported the government on the issue. Pranab Mukherjee of the Congress(I) said in the Rajya Sabha that it expected the gov ernment to take the major Opposition parties into confidence on the issue.

Although the Indian government remains committed to the concept of a united Sri Lanka, certain pro-LTTE and chauvinistic parties, on whose support the government is dependent on, want a reversal of this policy. Vaiko, the MDMK leader, is an avowed LTTE supporter. His speech at a recent pro-LTTE conference in Geneva had stirred a controversy. Vaiko had later denied that he made the remarks attributed to him. A combination of forces including such politicians and the Tamil Nadu government wants to preempt even humanitarian relief being sent to Sri Lanka
India's policy dilemma

I do understand none of the national parties agree with TN sentiments but I am hoping that 40 MPs will be a significant force in the total nos when it is always simple majority for UPA or NDA in the recent times and the politicians at the center will find it juicy to get the 40 MPs to their side(their mentality would be - who cares about strategies in Indian Ocean - hell with SL - I need 40 MPs to stay in power for the next 5 years - similar to what UPA is thinking wrt Nitish and rumors going on about providing special status to Bihar ;) )

Your argument is overstated. Little more than half of those numbers will be on any one side. The numbers against will involve much larger parties with far greater numbers. There is simply no way that anyone is getting an easy ride on this one. As we have seen, there are lines that neither the Congress or the BJP is willing to cross, whatever the consequences.
How many days will you allow yourselves to be blackmailed and bullied by parroting the China card ?

and to quote your words - that is not how foreign policy should be conducted. Not on fear.

if the issue must be resolved there is no other way but to go with srilanka.india too helped srilankans to weed out ltte..so we're equally responsible.now add china in the equation as u said .i guess u know about the port they're built in lanka and that they can use it even for millitary purpose..leaving aside the national security aspect..if china sides with srilanka..srilanka may behave even adament with india wrt to tamil welfare or anyother..how good does is this to us??
How many days will you allow yourselves to be blackmailed and bullied by parroting the China card ?

and to quote your words - that is not how foreign policy should be conducted. Not on fear.

Bro - read the other thread about US and India forging relationship in APAC? India, Japan, Vietnam and US is a deadly combination than China in Indian Ocean with Pakistan and other minnows. Likewise US is already here in Indian Ocean in Diego Garcia - US wants to confine China in SCS. So when China is spreading the tentacles in Indian Ocean, US has issues as well. I am appalled that rest of the Indians do not see themselves in a strong position but are worried so much about SL and China card.
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