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Jayalalithaa calls for a referendum on separate Eelam

One person missing out and loosing out in this battle is "VAIKO" He is the champ in this matter.... I didnt hear much from him oflate... or is it media give more importance to Amma & Karuna???????

I think She can accommodate whole of SL....................What are your Plans

Why u want to lower your standards by quoting such posts.... Ignore
One person missing out and loosing out in this battle is "VAIKO" He is the champ in this matter.... I didnt hear much from him oflate... or is it media give more importance to Amma & Karuna???????

Why u want to lower your standards by quoting such posts.... Ignore

Two extremely good comments in this first post article that captures our side of the story.

A comment by Tamilan1-

The writer like most observers outside of Tamil Nadu seems to be speculating about the ground realities in TN, instead of explaining the actual situation. I am an Indian and a Tamil (both these identities being equally important to me), and this is the situation as I see it. During the LTTE days, most Indian Tamils were a little hesitant in openly supporting the sri lankan tamil movement, given the LTTE's blunder of assassinating a former Indian PM. Now with the LTTE out of the way, Indian Tamils have no qualms with supporting our battered and bruised brothers. The Delhi media seems to be focusing too much on what Jaya and Karuna say, this is not about them. We are genuinely angered by the plight of sri lankan tamil people. Yes, LTTE resorted to violent methods, and have paid the ultimate price, but the sri lankan army and its leaders used brutal methods to wipe out the LTTE, and murder thousands of innocent civilians, who is to answer for their crime?

To make matters worse, the Indian government has been completely insensitive when addressing this emotional issue. Another seething issue has been the routine intimidation of Indian Tamil fishermen by the Sri Lankan Navy. This is an issue which Delhi could have nipped in the bud. Indian Navy vessels could have been dispatched with ease, and the message could have been sent that India will not tolerate any intimidation of it's fishermen. I keep hearing that if Indian votes against Sri Lanka at the UN and so on, India will have less influence in the region and China and Pakistan will fill the vacuum What has India ever done to inspire confidence on this front? Why should Indian Tamils care about India Sri Lanka relations when all is lost? Thousands wiped out in SL, and Indian Tamil fishermen intimidated everyday. Do we think Delhi really cares about these issues? Of course not.

These factors combined with numerous other issues, for example Delhi's complete lack of interest in resolving the cauvery issue (both national parties have been reluctant to not anger Karnataka as they don't want to lose their votes there), given that both BJP and Congress are dead on arrival in TN have fed the flames of Tamil nationalism. On numerous other issues on and on, Delhi has shown second rate treatment towards TN. The people are fed up and have decided that enough is enough hence the anger on the streets. So my dear friend, to attribute this to "smaller fringe groups that feed off a fanatical Tamil identity" completely misses the point. This is a mass movement in TN.

We see the Sinhalese who have a smaller population than us, but greater control over their destiny why? They have their own country. Hence the comments in frustration about secession. People should remember that Indian is not an ethnicity or a pure identity like 'German' or 'French'. India is a political union of a multitude of states, regions, languages and identities. Please do not trivialize our concerns as "regional", "chauvinistic" and so on. India should understand the TN is key to resolution of the Sri Lankan Tamil question, and not the exact opposite that media pundits have been spewing. Please understand, we have been Indians since 1947, but Tamils for more than 2000 years.

Another by Pachai Tamizhan -

For one, I had stopped commenting in FirstPost because it is patently anti-Tamil even though Venky Vembu and Jagannathan sound distinctly Tamil!

But after a long time, Tamilan1 had hit the nail!

North Indian politicians, media professionals and a host of other such half-baked commentators here have not even understood that the present upsurge in Tamil Nadu is a spontaneous movement, essentially spearheaded by passionate and committed students, who after a long time have understood how a bunch of North Indians are deciding on the destiny of the Tamil people - be it in India or Sri Lanka. Look at the way India reacted to the killing two Kerela fishermen by the Italian marines. It almost snapped diplomatic ties with Italy (the motherland of Sonia Gandhi).

But look at the callousness and utter disregard shown towards Tamil Nadu fishermen numbering more than 500 killed by the Sri Lankan Navy in the past four-five years! Not a word is raised against the Sri Lankan State. In fact the Ambassador of Sri Lanka, Kariyawasam is called to Television Channels and asked to comment on latest IPL controversies and India's vote against SL in UNHRC...But not a question is asked about the killing of Tamil Nadu fishermen by the Sri Lankan Navy!

How many times have these worthies in the so-called national media has bothered to interview the student leaders who are spearheading the movement in Tamil Nadu? Like Venky Vembu, these so called national media professionals, do not even have the commonsense to talk to these students and find out who they are and what they want! It is indeed pathetic to see VeeraRaghav of CNN-IBN hectoring and lecturing with a textbook glee on the Tamil issue whereas he seems to be a guy who will enjoy hanging around in CoffeeDay and Barista and whatsapping!

I suppose Tamil Nadu is still part of India and the Tamil Nadu fishermen are Indian citizens. I do not even think that the Kerela fishermen were rich so that the media and TV channels went about making that into a big issue. The fact is that the fishermen killed by Italian marines were Kerelites whereas the ones being regularly killed by the SL Navy are Tamils...and that is the difference!

Now, if India has a blue water Navy which cannot even handle SL Navy, the moot question is, why and how will this country protect itself from China and Pakistan? If India cannot even protect the Tamils in India, why the hell should the Tamils care about what India gets from China and Pakistan? Why should the Tamils in Tamil Nadu worry about whether a Chinese base is going to come up in Sri Lanka or not, when, as a race, we are fighting for our right to survive?

I also do not understand this whole breast-beating that goes on in the columns of a whole lot of men here - that if India does not surrender to SL and lick the boots of Rajafckse, then the Chinese and Pakistanis would come and set up shop in SL. If SL was such a friendly country of India, why on earth would it be so insensitive to India's interest? Why would it continuously blackmail India using the China card when it is claimed to be the best friend of India?

The policy towards SL demonstrates the utter failure of India's foreign policy machinery. The foreign policy mandarins never use any of the aces up their sleeves to influence neighbours. The only remedy they know is to go and boot-lick, be it Rajafckse or Zardari. Just look at this - a country like Maldives, which is one third the size of Pune City, is wagging a finger or two at India! Nepal which is completely landlocked and dependent on India for its own survival is cocking a snook at India! Why?

Reason : We are ruled by a Government which is made of complete set of limpets and weeklings headed by a man, who is a slave of a woman, who was not even born a citizen of this country! The foreign policy has been usurped by a bunch of bureaucrats whose world view has not changed in the last 60 years or so! These bureaucrats in turn are guided by corporate interests (in Sri Lanka, it is largely driven by AirTel, Hindujas etc) and their own petty personal interests.

A foreign policy that is completely divorced of moral compass is bound to fail!

On the harangue of Venky Vembu and his abuse of the Tamil people, all I have is this...

Mr. Venky Vembu, please believe at your own risk that this movement in Tamil Nadu will die out once elections are over. If the Indian State is unable to see the underlying fire and if the Indian media is unable to perceive the underlying discontent that is brewing in TN, be it the Ealam Tamil issue or killing of TN fishermen or denying of our just claim for waters from Cauvery and Kerela, then you are doing a great dis-service to your country, India! I completely agree with Vaiko that TN may not even be part of India, by 2047AD (100th year of India's Independence)!

We as Tamils are now fed up! And angry and frustrated! This cannot continue for long and ever. There is now a growing realisation that Indian State and the media is nothing but racist and anti-Tamil. And Mr Venky Vembu, please dont contribute to this discontent further by writing trash!

One look at the Tamil channels will tell you that the students spearheading the Ealam movement are a passionate bunch of extremely articulate and well-informed youngsters who have taken up a cause, which is just and worth fighting for! I for one, believe that the future leaders of the Tamil society may as well emerge from amongst these students! And they stongly believe that the India State had been unfair to the Tamils as a whole. And you may have to start dealing with them 10 years down the line! Both DMK and AIADMK may not even survive by then!

Ignore them at your own peril.

PS : Mr Venky, dont give too much credence to Karunanidhi. Poor man, he has been so thoroughly exposed, he cannot do much about his plight now. He and his party are doomed. So dont base your views on the Tamil issue from an anti-DMK perspective. DMK as a political entity may not even survive as a party in the next five years. What you should on the other hand note is that Jayalalithaa has changed her anti-Ealam stand so diametrically in the past two to three years now! With Jaya expected to do well in the next 2014 elections, clearly she will play a very prominent role in Indian politics. If what she articulated in the TN assembly is true and was from her heart, you can be rest assured that there will be sea change in India's policy towards SL if she participates in the next Central Government! Watch out for that change!

A comment by Alagu Vignesh Mohan -

A very valid point about history that you mentioned. The best way to obliterate a culture is to erase its history. The 1806 revolution or the travails of Poolithevan or Maruthu Brothers never get mentioned in the NCERT books. Never mind that....Ask any Tamil student about Indus valley civilization or Vedic civilization. They'd probably be able to speak volumes about it. Ask them about Aathichanallur...They would definitely blink....I am a Tamil and an Indian. But this blatant obliteration of our history makes me wonder, if the BIMARU people do not consider any of our things as "Indian". And if we protest against this, they brand us anti-national and parochial. Truth is, we want to be Indians. But they would let us to be Indians only if we give up being Tamils. And then they wonder why there are so many secessionist groups in the country.

Yes, in some parts it is indeed quite rhetorical, but its not without its fair share of truth and ground realities.
@Bang Galore @Sashan @third eye @samantk @anonymus @Echo_419 @Ayush @neehar and the other rage boys :D
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One person missing out and loosing out in this battle is "VAIKO" He is the champ in this matter.... I didnt hear much from him oflate... or is it media give more importance to Amma & Karuna???????

Because this protest is not political.

That is what most people are missing out.

india has no right what so ever to interfere in Sri Lanka's internal affairs.........., on not meddling with our internal matters......

We ARE already involved in their internal affairs.

Do you even know the amount of collusion New Delhi had in the final phase of the war ? So this call for "not interfering" in internal affairs is a completely bogus,sham line used by people who dont know that we already interfered/precipitated the human casualty there.

If we should not involve in internal affairs, why the **** were we supporting the Lankan Army in the final phase of the war inspite of knowing fully well those madfucks were on a loose butchering Tamil civilians even after the LTTE were completely decimated.
stop saying BIMARU this and that,

These posts are usual secessionist posts which dont understand the real situation,

I dont give credit to any of these student protests.I give lesser and lesser credibility to most Arts colleges of Madras and like many people know,they do not have a educated view or idea of the situation even though they are just naive and emotional and not as stupid as the St Stephen's morons and some others of their DU ilk.

Indian Navy gives the SL navy a free hand purely for 2 reasons,

first is that there is now ay to find out whether the fishermen are innocent or are they helping the fringe LTTE elements still left,there are so many people who came to India boarding the ferry/ships from Yaazhpanam/Point Pedro and land up in Nagapattinam.

The coast guard at Rameshwaram is not able to distinguish between the LTTE supporters and normal fishermen and if you want my opinion,most fishermen are catholic and the links between LTTE and the Catholic Church are real and dangerous.

Second reason is the fishing thing,most of the fish in Indian waters are already dead due to the use motored trawlers and typical fishing nets and the fishermen have to go the srilankan side to get better returns of fish and this is a problem.

The Srilankans have banned these nets and they dont want Indian Fishermen poaching in their waters and killing their fishes.

These two topics combined make the Indian government keep quiet.

The LTTE has lot of supporters in Nagapattinam/Pattukottai/Thiruvarur/Cuddalore belt and even upto Pondicherry and many Tamils of Jaffna also migrated from here before and the support fairly extends upto Trichy,most Jaffna Vellalars have also settled in Trichy if not Madras.

Now coming onto the other argument,the DMk has avidly developed a clear xenophobia about North India/Hindi speaking states since the 1965 anti hindi agitations and the hostile atmosphere some north indians might perceive in Chennai especially is due to this factor.

Their primary target is Tamil brahmins as they continued to speak sanskrit/chant vedas/vegetarian lifestyle which is shared only by 2-3 communities especially the saiva vellalars/pillaimaars.

So they become aliens in their own land,the tamil brahmins have been in TN for much longer than most of the telugu castes who are in it.

But many TBs are also in this Tamils first/why hindi and no hindi propaganda of the DMK.

So,that argument which says we are tamils for 2000 years is pure comedy,

There are many Telugu castes and they are not necessarily Tamils for 2000 years.

But there are many people who are indeed Tamil only for 2000 years and my family from near the Kerala-Tirunelveli-Kanyakumari border is much more Tamil than most of the Telugu castes/Muslims of TN.

This crowd wants to put tamil first etc etc and it is a pure political posturing and they dont knw **** about most of the tamil literature which itself was reclaimed by U.ve Swamithan Iyer known as Tamil Thatha.

Most of the self less,great leaders of TN starting from Bharathiyar/Kamaraj/Rajaji/Muthuramalinga Thevar/our Karthik's very own patron saint Hon.Dheeran Chinnmalai were all largely nationalists and not linguistic chauvinists precisely because they already they are Tamil and they are cool,they are not insecure dravidar kazhagam people who have no other achievements to feel good about,so they keep most of the populace in a time warp and a sticky linguistic chavinism garb just so that they can make their money and keep their power.

Most Tamils regardless of caste feel this and realize this and know the real faces of these people.

They also say that most of TN is neutral and that's not true,

70% of the voters are with DMK/ADMK exclusively and the rest with some smaller parties.

Most of the people cant make a decent living and hate both the parties but align themselves due to the lack of other livelihood.

Thats all there is to it.
Two extremely good comments in this first post article that captures our side of the story.

.....Yes, in some parts it is indeed quite rhetorical, but its not without its fair share of truth and ground realities.
@Bang Galore @Sashan

Pretty much of the same kind of arguments seen here. Just adding Kaveri/Karnataka, Kerala/Mullaperiyar to the list. Btw, the Kaveri tribunal award has been notified. In any case how one can argue for one Indian state & against another & expect that the state in question won't demand the same seems illogical.

A second point seems to be a more general anti north Indian attitude. That too will probably be reciprocated. No North Indian is implicated in the direct killing of a Tamil leader, the reverse is true.

As I have said here before, people assume that anyone speaking against the general tide is either anti-Tamil or has no connection to Tamils at all. Both those are not known to be true in my case. I cannot be responsible for any assumptions made (which btw seems a fairly common one made by most pro-intervention Tamil members here)

The argument that most gets my goat goes like this. " We will only be Indians if the rest of you jump when we say jump - otherwise we will mouth something on the line of "we are Indians only for 70 years, Tamils for 2000 years". That ironically can also be argued for everyone else; it is not unique to the Tamils. More importantly, that suggests that those making the argument imply that they should get their way failing which they will trot out a secessionist line. Why anyone else should be expected to respect those whose loyalty to India is based simply on their getting their way is not answered. All of us are in this boat together. We are either in it for both the good & the bad or we are just fair weather travelers. To expect respect for fair weather travelers is asking for too much.
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1. I don't know what rage boy means.Probably to you it means anyone who does not conform to you.Not being tamil may make me not empathize with eelem sentiment but there is nothing for me in supporting Sri lanka.At worst i am making observation from neutral prespective.

2. You people cannot support your main claim ie "Sri lankans are killing TN fisherman in 100's".

In this thread http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...lankan-players-barred-playing-chennai-15.html i had asked @Indian Tiger to support claim of 100's of dead fishermen

I would like some neutral link on 100's of dead fishermen.

Western,indian,sri lankan, pakistani,malaysian any will do but don't post some propaganda from eelem trolls.

to which he replied

yes, may be you are not in Tamil Nadu(no offense). so please dont assume things and oppose us without feeling the pain of Tamils.

Another Tamil Nadu fisherman brutally killed by Lankan Navy - Times Of India

85 fishermen killed by Sri Lanka in 10 years: Govt - Times Of India If Times of India is a propoganda source, dont support any news which is from times of India..

Below is the source about Jaya warning.. Do you think people are really foolish to hear such warnings from a politician with out any attacks?
Tamil Nadu CM Jayalalithaa warns of legal action against Centre if attacks on fishermen not stopped - Times Of India

His own link states that there are 85 casualties in 10 years which include 7 years of civil war.

Why do you expect people to believe when the only proof is polemical.

3. Indian fishermen have no right to fish in Sri lankan water.The fact that they have to fish in sri lankan water irrespectivly is a sad product of populism.Indian trawlers have destroyed marine ecosystem in Palk bay because government provided them subsidies.

4. Students have always acted as stormtroopers of TN politicians. So expecting concession on that count is futile.

5. Being a student does not allow you to be ignorant.These students have been brainwashed with manufactured lies.Tamil diaspora in britain even employed a "Gun for hire" television station to make dubious videos.Even i would have been convinced by it had i not known Channel 4's history.

6. The fact that Rest of India has some secret conspiracy against TN is a self made fantasy or else rhetoric bordering to stupidity coming from DMK would have been reciprocated.The whole exclusive tamilian supremacist ideology propagated by DMK would be given a bubblebath if people start quoting Max Muller and Nietzsche and there is a lot of material on that too.

7. Being an emotional ignorant does in no way excuse ignorance.

8. On kaveri issue,going by natural justice,karnatka is right in its stance.They have got much less water that they deserve base on treaty signed by wadiyar dynasty and British.

If you are not satisfied by tribunal award and want to revise the treaty keep in mind that while karnatka having 42% basin area got 37% in final award,TN on other hand with 54% of area has got 58%.And that too also because both are part of India.If you are bent on secession then be sure that your demand on Cauvery waters do not stand a chance in any court.
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Two extremely good comments in this first post article that captures our side of the story.

A comment by Tamilan1-

Another by Pachai Tamizhan -

A comment by Alagu Vignesh Mohan -

Yes, in some parts it is indeed quite rhetorical, but its not without its fair share of truth and ground realities.
@Bang Galore @Sashan @third eye @samantk @anonymus @Echo_419 @Ayush @neehar and the other rage boys :D

what are you exactly trying to say??i'm a telugu person and equally indian and i'm njoying both equally here so do many of our fellowmen..just because they speak same language doesnt mean that we got any right to interfere in that country.just because people speak english in australia and u.k they cannot interfere with the internal issues of u.s can they??or just because people speak bengali in bangladesh or urdu in pakistan..can we allow them to meddle in our affairs???
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1. I don't know what rage boy means.Probably to you it means anyone who does not conform to you.Not being tamil may make me not empathize with eelem sentiment but there is nothing for me in supporting Sri lanka.At worst i am making observation from neutral prespective.

I'm afraid that you are anything but neutral.

And being neutral does not mean being informed. Nor is being emotional synonymous with being ignorant.

2.You people cannot support your main claim ie "Sri lankans are killing TN fisherman in 100's".

Not every attack on the fishermen is reported in the Delhi and Mumbai based media who are more pre-occupied with Aishwarya's panty color and Katrina's navel size.

2. Indian fishermen have no right to fish in Sri lankan water.The fact that they have to fish in sri lankan water irrespectivly is a
sad product of populism.Indian trawlers have destroyed marine ecosystem in Palk bay because government provided them subsidies.

See this is the price of your "neutrality". Do you understand that a part of soverein territory of India called "Katchatheevu" was unilaterally given to Lanka by Indira without proper procedures and that Lanka is violating that agreement by not allowing Indian Tamil fishermen to fish in the areas, even though the agreement specifically calls for that ?

3.Students have always acted as stormtroopers of TN politicians. So expecting concession on that count is futile

Then you dont know TN. TN students are some of the most politically apathetic and least interested in student activism. But there are certain lines.

4.Being a student does not allow you to be ignorant.These students have been brainwashed with manufactured lies.Tamil diaspora in britain even employed a "Gun for hire" television station to make dubios videos.Even i would have been convinced by it had i not known Channel 4's history.

And you claim to be "neutral" :rolleyes: Are you one of those Swamy followers who believe that this is all a grand conspiracy by the Church to somehow poke at mother India ?

5.The fact that Rest of India has some secret conspiracy against TN is a self made fantasy or else rhetoric bordering to stupidity coming from DMK would have been reciprocated.The whole exclusive tamilian supremacist ideology propagated by DMK would be given a bubblebath if people start quoting Max Muller and Nietzsche and there is a lot of material on that too.

Lets face it. Many of the cowbelters still regard Hindi as the national language and decide the "integration quotient" of the rest of Indians depending how they are receptive to Hindi. The fact that we are no big fans of Hindi has no gone down well with them. We are regarded as parochial, regionalistic and even anti-national for simply standing up to what we regard is an unwanted imposition on us. We want to retain our cultural autonomy. And the ill-will accruing because of that has meant that our fishermen and the Tamil there pay for that.

And for the 10,0001th time, this is not about DMK. :hitwall:. No one gives a **** to them and they are at the bottom of their credibility. This issue is more more than that.
Calm down..exactly how ? Treat the symptoms and not the disease ?
Why the symptoms are felt(The disease being not in India) only by one state and the whole India should suffer the side-effects of the medicine?
what are you exactly trying to say??i'm a telugu person and equally indian and i'm njoying both equally here so do many of our fellowmen..just because they speak same language doesnt mean that we got any right to interfere in that country.just because people speak english in australia and u.k they cannot interfere with the internal issues of u.s can they??or just because people speak bangladesh or urdu in pakistan..can we allow them to meddle in our affairs???

Requoting my post -

We ARE already involved in their internal affairs.

Do you even know the amount of collusion New Delhi had in the final phase of the war ? So this call for "not interfering" in internal affairs is a completely bogus,sham line used by people who dont know that we already interfered/precipitated the human casualty there.

If we should not involve in internal affairs, why the **** were we supporting the Lankan Army in the final phase of the war inspite of knowing fully well those madfucks were on a loose butchering Tamil civilians even after the LTTE were completely decimated.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...eferendum-separate-eelam-5.html#ixzz2OpKXNkd2

Why the symptoms are felt(The disease being not in India) only by one state and the whole India should suffer the side-effects of the medicine?

Because we (as in Indians) are by nature regionalistic and dont like think of other state problems as ours.

And you yourself gave a hint of why the North Indians at large dont care for this by bringing in the Hindi issue. Many N I still consider Tamils as inherently non-patriotic just because of our history with hindi. People here may be politically correct and all to tom-tom things, but truh is much more harsh and what I said is from my experience and seeing how the media has so far covered the issue.
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