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Israel and Pakistan Building 2nd Strike Capability With AIP Submarines


Oct 31, 2009
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Haq's Musings: Israel and Pakistan Bolster Second Strike Capability With AIP Subs

Israel does not trust Iran just as Pakistan does not trust India. While Israel is preparing for eventual nuclear-armed Iran in the future, Pakistan is threatened by India's growing nuclear triad and atomic arsenal today. So what are Israel and Pakistan doing to deter potential nuclear attacks by their regional rivals? They are both building sea-based nuclear second strike capability with diesel-electric submarines equipped with air-independent propulsion (AIP).

Israel's Submarine Fleet:

Israel has just taken delivery of the 5th of 6 Dolphin II class AIP-equipped submarines built by Germany. More than 225 feet long, the diesel-electric Dolphin II class is part attack submarine, part nuclear strike ship and part commando taxi. Each sub has 10 tubes. Four of these tubes are larger 26-inch tubes—the size is rare for a Western-built submarine—capable of launching small commando teams or firing larger nuclear-capable cruise missiles. The remaining six tubes measure at 21 inches, according toReal Clear Defense.

Several German defense ministry officials interviewed by German news magazine Der Spiegel believe that Israel intends for these submarines to carry nuclear weapons. The missiles can also be launched “using a previously secret hydraulic ejection system,” the magazine reported.

Diesel-Electric AIP Vs Nuclear-Powered Subs:

A key requirement for submarines is to be stealthy—and the Dolphin II is indeed very quiet. The trick is in the submarine’s air-independent propulsion fuel cells, which provide power under the surface as the diesel engines—used for running on the surface—rest and recharge. This system is quieter than the nuclear-powered engines on American and Russian submarines, which must constantly circulate engine coolant. Nuclear submarines are virtually unlimited in terms of range, and are better used for deep-water operations. But Israel has no need for nuclear-powered subs when quiet diesel subs can do the same job, according to Real Clear Defense.

Pakistan's AIP Submarine Fleet:

The details of Pakistan's planned submarine fleet are not clear yet. However, Pakistan too is acquiring a fleet of AIP-equipped diesel-electric submarines.

Pakistan Navy operates a fleet of five diesel-electric submarines and three MG110 miniature submarines (SSI). The nucleus of the fleet includes two Agosta-70 and three modern Agosta-90B submarines. Pakistan's third Agosta-90B, the S 139 Hamza, was constructed indigenously and features the DCNS MESMA (Module d'EnergieSous-Marin Autonome) air-independent propulsion (AIP) system. Pakistan retrofitted the two earlier Agosta-90B vessels with the MESMA AIP propulsion system when they underwent overhaul in 2011, according to Nuclear Threat Initiative.

Pakistan is expanding and modernizing its underwater fleet with 8 additional AIP-equipped submarines ordered from China. Whether the Chinese submarines are the S-20 export derivative of the Type-039A/Type-041 Yuan-class submarine, or a bespoke design, is unclear. But the Yuan has also been mentioned, and according to government officials. If the deal transpires, it will be the largest ever Sino-Pakistani deal. He believes the submarines will each cost $ 250 million to $325 million.

Mansoor Ahmed of Quaid-e-Azam University's Department of Defense and Strategic Studies told Defense News that AIP-equipped conventional submarines "provide reliable second strike platforms, [and] an assured capability resides with [nuclear-powered attack and nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines], which are technically very complex and challenging to construct and operate compared to SSKs, and also very capital intensive."

Balance of Terror as Deterrence:

Let's hope that nuclear deterrence works and the world never again sees the use of the growing stockpile of nukes in South Asia, the Middle East or anywhere else. Here's the full video of a recent interview with Pakistan's General Khalid Kidawi on Pakistan 2nd strike capability:

I think senior American analyst and South Asia watcher Stephen Cohen summed up the current situation in South Asia when he said: "The alphabet agencies—ISI, RAW, and so forth—are often the chosen instrument of state policy when there is a conventional (and now a nuclear) balance of power, and the diplomatic route seems barren."

I see little likelihood of full-scale war between India and Pakistan. The best way for the two nuclear armed neighbors to proceed is sustained diplomatic engagement to resolve all outstanding issues including Kashmir. If the diplomatic rote remains barren, there will be continuation of covert and proxy wars in the region.

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India's Israel Envy

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Haq's Musings: Israel and Pakistan Bolster Second Strike Capability With AIP Subs
While Israel is preparing for eventual nuclear-armed Iran in the future, Pakistan is threatened by India's growing nuclear triad and atomic arsenal today. So what are Israel and Pakistan doing to deter potential nuclear attacks by their regional rivals? They are both building sea-based nuclear second strike capability with diesel-electric submarines equipped with air-independent propulsion (AIP).

Balance of Terror as Deterrence:

I think senior American analyst and South Asia watcher Stephen Cohen summed up the current situation in South Asia when he said: "The alphabet agencies—ISI, RAW, and so forth—are often the chosen instrument of state policy when there is a conventional (and now a nuclear) balance of power, and the diplomatic route seems barren."

I see little likelihood of full-scale war between India and Pakistan. The best way for the two nuclear armed neighbors to proceed is sustained diplomatic engagement to resolve all outstanding issues including Kashmir. If the diplomatic rote remains barren, there will be continuation of covert and proxy wars in the region.

Isn't Pakistan has more nuclear arsenal than India and the numbers are further going up? Then how come Pak is threatened by India's "growing" nukes? India has "No First Use" policy on nukes while Pak is ready to battle it out with her tactical nukes. Isn't the very first sentence of the article foxy?

India has combined threat from China and Pakistan, both nations being defence and strategic partners and both having territorial disputes with India. Any balance of power should weigh India on one side and China-Pak on the other. Any assumption of balance of power with only Pakistan will grossly undermine India's security. Pakistan can not be equated with India in terms of area, population, economy or defence and hence there can not be balance of power.

The article ends suggesting that covert and proxy wars are a result of lack of diplomatic effort. But Pakistan's proxy war on India using terror is an overt as well as covert state strategy and nothing to do with dialogues and diplomacy.
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Haq's Musings: Israel and Pakistan Bolster Second Strike Capability With AIP Subs

Israel does not trust Iran just as Pakistan does not trust India. While Israel is preparing for eventual nuclear-armed Iran in the future, Pakistan is threatened by India's growing nuclear triad and atomic arsenal today. So what are Israel and Pakistan doing to deter potential nuclear attacks by their regional rivals? They are both building sea-based nuclear second strike capability with diesel-electric submarines equipped with air-independent propulsion (AIP).

Israel's Submarine Fleet:

Israel has just taken delivery of the 5th of 6 Dolphin II class AIP-equipped submarines built by Germany. More than 225 feet long, the diesel-electric Dolphin II class is part attack submarine, part nuclear strike ship and part commando taxi. Each sub has 10 tubes. Four of these tubes are larger 26-inch tubes—the size is rare for a Western-built submarine—capable of launching small commando teams or firing larger nuclear-capable cruise missiles. The remaining six tubes measure at 21 inches, according toReal Clear Defense.

Several German defense ministry officials interviewed by German news magazine Der Spiegel believe that Israel intends for these submarines to carry nuclear weapons. The missiles can also be launched “using a previously secret hydraulic ejection system,” the magazine reported.

Diesel-Electric AIP Vs Nuclear-Powered Subs:

A key requirement for submarines is to be stealthy—and the Dolphin II is indeed very quiet. The trick is in the submarine’s air-independent propulsion fuel cells, which provide power under the surface as the diesel engines—used for running on the surface—rest and recharge. This system is quieter than the nuclear-powered engines on American and Russian submarines, which must constantly circulate engine coolant. Nuclear submarines are virtually unlimited in terms of range, and are better used for deep-water operations. But Israel has no need for nuclear-powered subs when quiet diesel subs can do the same job, according to Real Clear Defense.

Pakistan's AIP Submarine Fleet:

The details of Pakistan's planned submarine fleet are not clear yet. However, Pakistan too is acquiring a fleet of AIP-equipped diesel-electric submarines.

Pakistan Navy operates a fleet of five diesel-electric submarines and three MG110 miniature submarines (SSI). The nucleus of the fleet includes two Agosta-70 and three modern Agosta-90B submarines. Pakistan's third Agosta-90B, the S 139 Hamza, was constructed indigenously and features the DCNS MESMA (Module d'EnergieSous-Marin Autonome) air-independent propulsion (AIP) system. Pakistan retrofitted the two earlier Agosta-90B vessels with the MESMA AIP propulsion system when they underwent overhaul in 2011, according to Nuclear Threat Initiative.

Pakistan is expanding and modernizing its underwater fleet with 8 additional AIP-equipped submarines ordered from China. Whether the Chinese submarines are the S-20 export derivative of the Type-039A/Type-041 Yuan-class submarine, or a bespoke design, is unclear. But the Yuan has also been mentioned, and according to government officials. If the deal transpires, it will be the largest ever Sino-Pakistani deal. He believes the submarines will each cost $ 250 million to $325 million.

Mansoor Ahmed of Quaid-e-Azam University's Department of Defense and Strategic Studies told Defense News that AIP-equipped conventional submarines "provide reliable second strike platforms, [and] an assured capability resides with [nuclear-powered attack and nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines], which are technically very complex and challenging to construct and operate compared to SSKs, and also very capital intensive."

Balance of Terror as Deterrence:

Let's hope that nuclear deterrence works and the world never again sees the use of the growing stockpile of nukes in South Asia, the Middle East or anywhere else. Here's the full video of a recent interview with Pakistan's General Khalid Kidawi on Pakistan 2nd strike capability:

I think senior American analyst and South Asia watcher Stephen Cohen summed up the current situation in South Asia when he said: "The alphabet agencies—ISI, RAW, and so forth—are often the chosen instrument of state policy when there is a conventional (and now a nuclear) balance of power, and the diplomatic route seems barren."

I see little likelihood of full-scale war between India and Pakistan. The best way for the two nuclear armed neighbors to proceed is sustained diplomatic engagement to resolve all outstanding issues including Kashmir. If the diplomatic rote remains barren, there will be continuation of covert and proxy wars in the region.

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

Pakistan's Second Strike Capability

Pakistan's Shaheen 3 Can Hit Deep Inside India and Israel

Pakistan Building Nuclear Submarine?

India's Israel Envy

Pakistan Space Program

Revolution in Military Affairs

Pakistan Defense Production Goes High-Tech

Drones Outrage and Inspire Pakistanis

RMA Status in Pakistan

Cyber Wars in South Asia

Pakistan's Biggest Ever Arms Bazar

Genomics and Biotech Advances in Pakistan

India's Israel Envy: What if Modi Attacks Pakistan

Eating Grass: Pakistan's Nuclear Program

Kerry Challenges Modi With Hard Evidence

Haq's Musings: Israel and Pakistan Bolster Second Strike Capability With AIP Subs
The confusion is increasing by every passing day about which Nuclear Submarine are we looking for ???
Isn't Pakistan has more nuclear arsenal than India and the numbers are further going up? Then how come Pak is threatened by India's "growing" nukes? India has "No First Use" policy on nukes while Pak is ready to battle it out with her tactical nukes. Isn't the very first sentence of the article is foxy?

India has combined threat from China and Pakistan, both nations being defence and strategic partners and both having territorial disputes with India. Any balance of power should weigh India on one side and China-Pak on the other. Any assumption of balance of power with with only Pakistan will grossly undermine India's security. Pakistan can not be equated with India in terms of area, population, economy or defence and hence there can not be balance of power.

The article ends suggesting that covert and proxy wars are a result of lack of diplomatic effort. But Pakistan's proxy war on India using terror is an overt as well as covert state strategy and nothing to do with dialogues and diplomacy.

India's NFU is not worth the paper it's written on. Past track record of India shows it can not be trusted by any of its neighbors, including Pakistan. Teaching Akhand Bharat and huge arms imports are just the tip of the iceberg of India's ambitions. Haq's Musings: BJP Makes "Akhand Bharat" Part of Indian School Textbooks
India's NFU is not worth the paper it's written on. Past track record of India shows it can not be trusted by any of its neighbors, including Pakistan. Teaching Akhand Bharat and huge arms imports are just the tip of the iceberg of India's ambitions. Haq's Musings: BJP Makes "Akhand Bharat" Part of Indian School Textbooks

India has a treaty boss!! If India really had the ambitions to use nuclear, it would have concentrated more on building warheads like Pakistan does. Instead India has been developing 2nd/3rd strike capability and a Ballistic Missile defense System.

India has never threatened to use Nuclear unlike Pakistan, which for every small argument threatens to use nuclear.
India's NFU is not worth the paper it's written on. Past track record of India shows it can not be trusted by any of its neighbors, including Pakistan. Teaching Akhand Bharat and huge arms imports are just the tip of the iceberg of India's ambitions. Haq's Musings: BJP Makes "Akhand Bharat" Part of Indian School Textbooks
And what Pakistan has been teaching their kids in schools? Akhand Bharat is history. No Indian dreams of hoisting tricolor on Minar-e-Pakistan but kids in Pakistan are sold the dreams of ghazwa-e-hind and hoisting pakistani flag on lal qila.

Pakistan would have died of heart attack if her threats were as large as India's and her defence budget was as low as India's.
And what Pakistan has been teaching their kids in schools? Akhand Bharat is history. No Indian dreams of hoisting tricolor on Minar-e-Pakistan but kids in Pakistan are sold the dreams of ghazwa-e-hind and hoisting pakistani flag on lal qila.

Pakistan would have died of heart attack if her threats were as large as India's and her defence budget was as low as India's.

Nonsense!! Pakistan doesn't teach the stuff you allege. On the other, India does teach the following in its textbooks:

“Students, how would you go about drawing a map of India? Do you know that countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Burma are part of undivided India? These countries are part of Akhand Bharat.” Tejomay Bharat (Shining India) by Dinanath Batra
Haq's Musings: BJP Makes "Akhand Bharat" Part of Indian School Textbooks
Now this bangla cutlet has become a jernail? His opinions are becoming news? Awesome. This is the kind of false security that Indian Defence forces would love to see in our adverseries. Noice.:-)8-)
Too many threads on Usrael &...
Usrael must be feeling lonely now.
The article ends suggesting that covert and proxy wars are a result of lack of diplomatic effort. But Pakistan's proxy war on India using terror is an overt as well as covert state strategy and nothing to do with dialogues and diplomacy.

You are obviously uninformed about the "accomplishments" of RAW. Please read Mission R&AW by former Indian intelligence officer R&W.

Also read the following:

Haq's Musings: Has Modi Stepped Up India's Covert War in Pakistan?
Nonsense!! Pakistan doesn't teach the stuff you allege. On the other, India does teach the following in its textbooks:

“Students, how would you go about drawing a map of India? Do you know that countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Burma are part of undivided India? These countries are part of Akhand Bharat.” Tejomay Bharat (Shining India) by Dinanath Batra
Haq's Musings: BJP Makes "Akhand Bharat" Part of Indian School Textbooks
In ancient times the land known as Bharat Varsh or Jambu Dweep or Aryavart was the land shown in the map of Akhand Bharat. Today's Bharat is khandit Bharat and not Akhand. Tell any staunch hindu nationalist in India if he would like Pakistan or Bangladesh to merge, his answer will be NO WAY.... it was a good riddance. This Akhand Bharat refers only to where hindu civilization was born and flourished. Much water has flown since. Advent of Buddhism, Islam and christianity has changed the culture of India. In fact SAARC is Akhand Bharat. When students are asked to draw the map of India during Ashoka's reign, it covers Afghanistan. In hitherto history Akhan Bharat was never ruled by one king. Let history be history. Any fear that Akhand Bharat is the agenda of Indians is nothing but a propaganda.
And what Pakistan has been teaching their kids in schools? Akhand Bharat is history. No Indian dreams of hoisting tricolor on Minar-e-Pakistan but kids in Pakistan are sold the dreams of ghazwa-e-hind and hoisting pakistani flag on lal qila.

This is an exaggeration. None of our textbooks teach us hoisting our flag here and there, you have related statement of a political person / analyst to our textbooks which is not true and fair.

Pakistan would have died of heart attack if her threats were as large as India's and her defence budget was as low as India's.

The threats Pakistan saw and is facing, Indian has not seen a little little tiny part of those. What we saw for last 30+ years if India had faced those it surely would have dissolved into lots of rajdhanis.

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