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Iranians rally for 1979 revolution anniversary !!

No suprise here AKP officals countless times caught by TVs when giving free coal bags and washing machines to lower class citizens prior to elections , same mentality different countries.

Islamists, doesn't matter in which country, they are all the same.

Free food for protestors:

Buses from rural areas:

They collect poor people from rural areas to attend by promising them food. They also force government workers to attend such rallies.
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while our nation is under heavy economic pressure because of sanctions, yet instead of protesting against government policies, they come to street to support their revolution. this is a simple fact you haters can't endure.

and THIS is why you consider Muslims as yourself :

Insulting Iranian President for $ 15 per hour in New York!!!
Islamists, doesn't matter in which country, they are all the same.

Free food for protestors:

Buses from rural areas:

They collect poor people from rural areas to attend by promising them food. They also force government workers to attend such rallies.

Man , I'm neither pro government nor against it and didn't take part in rally too , But as an Iranian living in the capital , can't ignore that people still believe in this system .

If we wanna divide Iranian society , We'll face 3 groups here right now ,

The 1st group are the ones that believe in the system ( mostly based on their religious belief )

The 2nd group is formed by the neutral ones that are more than the opponents right now and usually don't get involved in politics and such stuffs ( mostly want a better and more stable economy and ... )

The 3rd group are the opponents , whose number has certainly increased during the last 3 decades ( They can be divided in some other groups based on their view ideology and etc ... ) . This group of Iranians want major changes in every field and mostly want the system change .

This is what I can see in our society right now .

You'd better not to act like an expert and let local Iranians post their views .
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Man , I'm neither pro government nor against it and didn't take part in rally too , But as an Iranian living in the capital , can't ignore that people still believe in this system .

If we wanna divide Iranian society , We'll face 3 groups here right now ,

The 1st group are the ones that believe the system ( mostly based on their religious belief )

The 2nd group is formed by the neutral ones that are more than the opponents right now and usually don't get involved in politics and such stuffs ( mostly want a better and more stable economy and ... )

The 3rd group are the opponents , whose number has certainly increased during the last 3 decades ( They can be divided in some other groups based on their view ideology and etc ... ) . This group of Iranians want major changes in every field and mostly want the system change .

This is what I can see in or society right now .

You'd better not to act like an expert and let local Iranians post their views .

@S00R3NA, Whats your prediction about coming elections?
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@S00R3NA, Whats your prediction about coming elections?

I think there is no free election in the world ( Iran is a part of it too ) .

Iran had some free elections ( in comparison with other ones ) before , Such as :

The 1st election after the Islamic revolution which gave power to a betrayer president ( Abulhassan Banisadr ) that caused losing the war , cities and thousands of Iranian people in the early months of Iran - Iraq war . Abulhassan Banisadr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 7th and 8th elections after the revolution which gave the power to Iranian reform movement and brought tension inside the country adding that this group was not close to the Iranian Leadership's view and kinda divided the Islamic groups into 2 sides .

Iranian reform movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iranian presidential election, 1997 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iranian presidential election, 2001 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since mentioned elections , The system became more cautious in choosing the candidates which caused more limitation and filters .

Sorry for the long story , But according to the last election and it's results for the Islamic republic It seems we'll see no sign of reform movement's candidates or they'll be limited in coming election .

Iranian presidential election, 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I myself believe that the election will not be free as its gonna be a competition in 1 political group for taking power however I prefer a candidate of Right-wing Islamic Republic of Iran ( The current group in power ) than reform movement's , cos if the reform movement takes power in next election they'll justify all their mistakes and etc ... by accusing Ahmadinejad's government but the right-wing will have no justification and has to make it's mistakes up ( happened in he last 8 years ) or will lose the rest of it's supporters in society .

At the end add that , In all the elections people have to choose Bad or worse
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Man , I'm neither pro government nor against it and didn't take part in rally too , But as an Iranian living in the capital , can't ignore that people still believe in this system .

If we wanna divide Iranian society , We'll face 3 groups here right now ,

The 1st group are the ones that believe the system ( mostly based on their religious belief )

The 2nd group is formed by the neutral ones that are more than the opponents right now and usually don't get involved in politics and such stuffs ( mostly want a better and more stable economy and ... )

The 3rd group are the opponents , whose number has certainly increased during the last 3 decades ( They can be divided in some other groups based on their view ideology and etc ... ) . This group of Iranians want major changes in every field and mostly want the system change .

This is what I can see in or society right now .

You'd better not to act like an expert and let local Iranians post their views .
S00R3NA, what is the opinion of the people about the recent corruption allegations against he Larijani family?
Also what do people think about the guardian counsil, who for example would also disqualify you and other thousands from becoming candidate to be elected.
My last question, what is the average age of current parliament members in Iran?
S00R3NA, what is the opinion of the people about the recent corruption allegations against he Larijani family?
Also what do people think about the guardian counsil, who for example would also disqualify you and other thousands from becoming candidate to be elected.
My last question, what is the average age of current parliament members in Iran?

Hello my friend , Your questions are not that easy to be answered and I'm not a politician too .

I hope other Iranian members that have more knowledge and information than me help you .

what is the opinion of the people about the recent corruption allegations against he Larijani family?

This is not logical to say what Iranians think or what their views are but most of the people I know , have totally changed their mind about them and mostly think recent corruption allegations have happened as the power is not in 1 man's hand like the past and we'll see everyone going it's own way like Ahmadinejad and Larijani family .

Also what do people think about the guardian counsil, who for example would also disqualify you and other thousands from becoming candidate to be elected.

nowadays people think about economy than any other thing :)

Its not easy to say what people think but for such questions you can read the IR constitution .

My last question, what is the average age of current parliament members in Iran?

I don't know man but most of them are middle aged . approximately between 40 - 65 .

There are some Iranian members studying political science , They can help you better .

Hello my friend , Your questions are not that easy to be answered and I'm not a politician too .

I hope other Iranian members that have more knowledge and information than me help you .

This is not logical to say what Iranians think or what their views are but most of the people I know , have totally changed their mind about them and mostly think recent corruption allegations have happened as the power is not in 1 man's hand like the past and we'll see everyone going it's own way like Ahmadinejad and Larijani family .

nowadays people think about economy than any other thing :)

Its not easy to say what people think but for such questions you can read the IR constitution .


I don't know man but most of them are middle aged . approximately between 40 - 65 .

There are some Iranian members studying political science , They can help you better .

Thank you my dear friend:). By the way I'm new here, and joined this forum after reading a lot of topics here.
I hope some Iranian friends/political analysts could give us some views about the Iranian politics and its future.
I agree...when people are struggling, they have no time for politics.
Thank you my dear friend:). By the way I'm new here, and joined this forum after reading a lot of topics here.
I hope some Iranian friends/political analysts could give us some views about the Iranian politics and its future.
I agree...when people are struggling, they have no time for politics.


Welcome .
lmao I knew one of you hezbollahis would open this thread. It's the anniversary of the revolution and the regime is throwing a party, wooooooopdedoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

The Soviets were masters of throwing parties and we saw what happened.
Saddam also knew how to throw a party.
Same with Mubarak.


As Surenas said, they give people sweets, food, drinks etc... if they come and people show up. Heck I would show up if I had nothing better to do and lived close by.

In Iran the juice brand "sandis" has become a source of comic.

The caption here reads: "the power of Sandis"


The poor and cretins of Iranians society, who are obviously the more religous people, get bought off with random crap by the govt and this juice brand had become the symbol of this phenomenon.

As others have said, the Islamists in Egypt and Turkey also buy off support with the same behaviour. It's easy because the poor, religious, uneducated... people of our societies have no ambition whatsoever. They have no goals and no morals. It's like they're all missing their frontal lobes and function like androids.
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