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The Last Six Months

This thread is frankly embarrassing and comprises the ramblings of lunatics. Respectfully.

You're right, but it's something needed to know.

When a large amount of people believe in this, it has real effects in real world, no matter if it's lie. Or even if a tiny amount of powerful people believe in this.

Fertile fallacies, it's called by George Soros.

"the great city that has dominion over the kings of the earth"

was Rome

and now in the last version of the Roman Empire (Biblical-Roman Empire 1967 or AngloEmpire 2.0) is Washington DC
Yes, it was Rome, but that power fell and the Armageddon has not come yet :lol:.

So it's not a past event, it's a future event, and it's unlikely Italians will conquer world again.

And everybody knows who is the current sole superpower of this planet :enjoy:.

So if the Armageddon happens tomorrow, no doubt that Babylon is USA.

But maybe it happens in one hundred thousands years.

Or maybe all are hallucinations and lies of St John.
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