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Iran is popular in Pakistan, overwhelmingly disliked everywhere else

then why u painted every indian ? :lol:

Where did i say "every Indian". If i have said i only meant the ones on PDF. I have said it in my post on the first page that anyone can turn the guns here on PDF. :azn:
Pakistanis will like anyone that raises the "Islamic flag." Get a wahabi sheikh or an extremist shia from Qom to preach hate and Pakistanis off the street will flock to their cause.

For the same reasons Iran is unfavourable in the West, Pakistanis favour Iran.

Re. the poll, well it's not a surprise to any Iranian. I don't like "us," why would a Westerners like us? In the sunni world, wahabism is king for now. Shias vote Iran, sunnis are divided between the wahabi camp and the secular West.

Not a surprising poll at all.

Here's how the poll would have been without the Islamic khomaini regime. The West would favour Iran across the board (the same way Pakistanis get aroused when people talk about Islam and the ummah, Westerners get aroused the second we talk about Persian history/culture etc...). All we need to do is put up two posters advertising Persepolis, the most impt pre-historic site between Greece and India, and we have ourselves the Western praise and worship. In the Islamic world however little would change except that we would gain the vote of the secular sunnis. We would still be shia kafirs to the wahabis so nothing would change there.

It's not about that. As Surenas said, it's how Iranian regime stands up to the west, while Pakistani regime let's US bomb them without doing anything.
Have you ever used survey report for data analysis and how to draw conclusion ?

There is difference. If a city holds 90% favorable, another might suggest 2%. It cannot possibly be a figure for just 1 place that is not possible and labelling lets say Abbotabad as all of Pakistan. It answers your concerns. It has termed 'Pakistan' so it must be an average.
The problem is that , most of the people in the world are affected by pro western and Israeli media .

Most of the people in the world don't know Iran and who Iranians are , All they see is that Iran is a country which is based on the goal of destroying Israel . If they just see an Iranian family and their behavior and manner , You'll see different numbers in that list .
The problem is that , most of the people in the world are affected by pro western and Israeli media .

Most of the people in the world don't know Iran and who Iranians are , All they see is that Iran is a country which is based on the goal of destroying Israel . If they just see an Iranian family and their behavior and manner , You'll see a different numbers in that list .

Even if they saw Iranian families; they still see Iranian mullahs.
I don't think its about Islamism. I think its about Iran standing up against the US in the eyes of Pakistanis, while they have been victims of drone-attacks, etc. They see Iran as a country that won't let other countries mess with.

You are spot on, they wouldn't get a 76% turnout if it was about Islamism. Most of Pakistan is Sunni and so it wouldn't be a stretch to say most of the people interviewed were Sunni, Indians would have you believe that all Sunnis in Pakistan are out for Shia blood so this just shows you their propaganda failure. It is about Iran being a self respecting country and Pakistanis respect that about Iran regardless of them being Shia.

No comments my friend on how Pakistanis only people in the world who actually like you guys?? Also like @Surenas said this is a year old survey so with all that happened since a year ago the numbers are probably higher now.
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China and India. :woot: No friends of Iran it seems.

dont know about this survey but Indians commonly *** Iranians with parsi community who are one of the most respected community in India thus view Iran and Iranians positively despite Israel being our major ally
The problem is that , most of the people in the world are affected by pro western and Israeli media .

Most of the people in the world don't know Iran and who Iranians are , All they see is that Iran is a country which is based on the goal of destroying Israel . If they just see an Iranian family and their behavior and manner , You'll see a different numbers in that list .

In swedish public discourse this idea is well planted.
I agree with@ KRAIT. Who knows the methodology adopted? Where was this survey taken? You know what they say - Lies, damn lies, and statistics.

I would like to point out though Washington Post is considered an 'establishment paper'. If something appears in it, then one must guess the reason for it. Bracketing Pakistan with Iran would serve some purpose; can not say which.

BTW I was surprised to see the figures related to India, but what is important is the disapproval ratings as well. Seems like Indians do not particularly pay much attention to Iran, because disapproval ratings for Iran are low. However, in Pakistan's case the Approval and disapproval ratings both support one another. That of course is because Pakistanis (except Wahabis) generally like Iran, and Iran's policy towards USA, Israel, etc... and also because they are our neighbors and we have cultural and historical links with them.

Ahmadinejad is quite popular here because of his down-to-Earth demeanor (and for fiery speeches). If he were to run for president here in Pakistan, I suspect that he might get elected (only then to loose popularity quickly because of his mouth).
What you don't reciprocate the love ? :cray:


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