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France & Pakistan to revive JF-17 Avionics/EW/Missiles deal as Indian MMRCA stalls.

Unlike several decades repeated missed deadlines for the induction of LCA, the news of J-10 induction was never official, the acquirement of this aircraft was an outside option but since the F-16s were released, there was really no need for J-10 in the PAF....not in it's present form in any case.
thats why j10b was offered around same time when we got f16s deal.
@Horus is suggesting that Saudis want to replace Tornadoes with Rafale
As said before, why would Saudi AF want Rafale now when they have ordered 72 Typhoons and received over 40 and I guess they 'll order more. They also have 80 new F-15 on order beside upgrading old ones. Typhoon deal was also fruitful because Tornados being bought back was part of it. Saudi National Guard is on the rise and they may consider Rafale, interesting to note that some were hoping they would get JF-17 though still possible. But Saudis don't have to buy anything to replace Tornados. Ask Horus for what he said
Why on earth would Saudi's be interested in JF-17 ?
@Horus you have totally lost it:crazy:.:lol:.Welcome to :pdf:

Other who are following him, Just pproves why your state of affair is such. Anyway carry on :lol:
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That makes no sense whatsoever, man! The M2000 line has been dismantled years ago; it was offered to India last, before the MRCA became MMRCA. Dassault now only offers upgrades to it.
This also explains why anyone who mentioned Dassault as part of this deal is wrong, the Thunder not being one of its products.

An avionics suite would be alright though but that is then independent from any Indian contract as a couple posters ( Abingdon et al ) rightfully noted. Apply simple logic, please : Russia sells Su-30s or derivatives to both India and China. The USA has on-going deals with both Pakistan and India. So why would French corporations doing as much warrant the flurry of anti-French comments I read in the last 7 pages?

Besides, if one ( Pakistan or anyone else ) makes such statements, should they not put their money where their mouth is? If we tally all comments from fora ( PDF or other ), no one would then buy from anyone or just about … which is why top nations aim for autonomous indigenous products in the first place.

Finally, from a moral standpoint, if you criticize nation X for its duplicity / self-interested practices and go on to buy their stuff, you are just as bad and knavish as they are. Show some backbone and pride, for Pete's sake!


P.S. For what it's worth, I checked for French sources and found none which is of course not sufficient in and of itself to prove or disprove anything.
dont take the thread to yr heart but thats true that french did scrapped the deal on indian saying......Paris bloque un contrat d'équipement français d'avions de chasse pakistanais

WebCite query result

Also wikileaks conformed this too.
He is in the know group... We ask him for the info, so his opinion matters. Meaning JFT really does not need the French package anymore since the current avionics are as good as they were offering.
I am not commenting on the value of the avionics for JF 17. Just the perception that exists among Pakistanis about it
20 Billion is huge money no country would like to lost such buck French are just creating pressure on India same like India media/expert circulating news/views about scraping Rafale deal for more SU-30mki or other option. but if the news is true and French don;t cancel he deal like previous time will certainly boast the power and moral Of Pakistan air force . :enjoy:
That makes no sense whatsoever, man! The M2000 line has been dismantled years ago; it was offered to India last, before the MRCA became MMRCA. Dassault now only offers upgrades to it.
This also explains why anyone who mentioned Dassault as part of this deal is wrong, the Thunder not being one of its products.

An avionics suite would be alright though but that is then independent from any Indian contract as a couple posters ( Abingdon et al ) rightfully noted. Apply simple logic, please : Russia sells Su-30s or derivatives to both India and China. The USA has on-going deals with both Pakistan and India. So why would French corporations doing as much warrant the flurry of anti-French comments I read in the last 7 pages?

Besides, if one ( Pakistan or anyone else ) makes such statements, should they not put their money where their mouth is? If we tally all comments from fora ( PDF or other ), no one would then buy from anyone or just about … which is why top nations aim for autonomous indigenous products in the first place.

Finally, from a moral standpoint, if you criticize nation X for its duplicity / self-interested practices and go on to buy their stuff, you are just as bad and knavish as they are. Show some backbone and pride, for Pete's sake!


P.S. For what it's worth, I checked for French sources and found none which is of course not sufficient in and of itself to prove or disprove anything.


Logic did not work in this case----the French desperately needed the Rafale deal and attached to it was the submarine deal as well---. The financial mess that france was at that time---it just made them make a bad decision.

You cannot use the logic of what the U S does or what the british do with france. The brains have different of ciruittory.

Logic did not work in this case----the French desperately needed the Rafale deal and attached to it was the submarine deal as well---. The financial mess that france was at that time---it just made them make a bad decision.

You cannot use the logic of what the U S does or what the british do with france. The brains have different of ciruittory.
what exactly we are looking at from France...???
I mean which Radar or EW suit..?
Nothing exciting, not necessary to add more French parts on our JF-17.

France doesn't have great reputation after cancelling deal with Russia on ships and now with India. Pakistan should ignore France's crap offers.
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Hilarious...so now a Chinese plane will be integrated with French avionics. .and China intends to export it to many countries?. ..so let me get this straight...pakistan, china and france need to approve any possible international sales because of the French parts.

And, let's forget the tiny issue of an EU arms embargo on china that will facilitate this sale.
Highly placed industrial sources have indicated to me that the deal for advanced Avionics, Radar, EW suite, HMD/S and MICA Missiles for PAF's JF-17 Thunder jets is back on the table. The deal was postponed after India removed Rafale from its MMRCA. Now that the Rafale deal with India is stalling, the French are willing to sell the whole package PAF wants for its Thunder fleet.

@Windjammer :enjoy:
Irrespective of Rafale,
lets review the book order for Indo-france.

DCNS Scorpene : $3 Billion

DCNS - SeC Supply chain for P75 - $55 Million

Areva - Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, for the Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project - 8 billion Euro ($10.4 billion)

HAL/Turbomeca Shakti - $700 million

Dassault- HAL Mirage 200H upgrade program - $2.2 billion

i.e. 16.8 Billion Dollars worth of book order.... as far as recall the entire defence budget for pakistan was 3.4 billion dollars... So may be your source needs to provide some additional details...
@Oscar India will consider this regardless of strategic implications. But only when France says that I will sell Rafale to Pakistan and not just some avionics.

Despite the fact that Pakistan uses Herman augusta subs, we have sent them RFP for Indian sub program.

as far as our position visa vis French deal with Pakistan, remains unchanged to the limit more than french can go (read tactical )
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