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Thunder Resonates as Modernization Inches Forward in Pakistan

Dude, JF-17 can fly so it crashed, even F-22 was crashed but Tejas still rides on truck so it will not definitely crash.
View attachment 16981
lolz brother thats a mock up of tejas whats your point

Tejas is way behind JF-17 in development. For starters, it's still in development. Second. JF-17 is about to have 3 squadrons equipped and is being produced at a rate of at least 18 per year, Tejas won't have its first squadron till 2017 at the earliest. Third, Tejas is still flying test planes. :disagree:
well brother as i said it is HALs first attempt to design and make a advanced 4th gen fighter jet while chinese had been making fighter jets for more than 30 years before + Tejas is not the back bone of IAF but MKI is so no issues at least it prooved to be a good tech demonstrator and a vaible platform to develop owr own aviation industry + costed just 1.08 billion US $$s for the whole project of which 15 prototypes were made and 4 are under cunstruction :)
GoP should give money to PAC to build 100 JF-17s Block-IIs along with 50 K-8 and 70++ Super Mushak and pay the Chinese back for their 50 JF-17s Block-Is.
yr the one who visits JFT thread and is still asking basic questions?

We had developed 3rd sqd since a long time but didnt announced for political reasons. Till this date we have developed 51 b1 planes because one extra was made to replace the crashed one. So now we have 50 b1 planes and serial production of b2 plane has started since december.
That's what I said.. 51-16 (35) planes in 4 years.. Do the math.

you can't count cash and money deficiency in production.
you gets what you pay for and PAF got what they paid for.
assembly?? that's kinda unfair....
with 58% avionics and around 38% airframe(2011 gradually to be increase to 60%) and with radar building at home under licence you should not show such jealousy and give at least some credit rather than telling us that we assemble that plane.
well about source care surfing the JF-17 thread when you even don't have such basic knowledge about the production capacity of PAC then i don't think you should have allowed yourself you reward us with such impressive opinions.

Dude, you need to do something about your comprehension. Dont you see me saying Manufacturing & assembling both? A part of Thunder is manufactured in Pak and a part in China and final assembly in Pakistan. Is that incorrect? stop jumping at shadows please..

and you can run around it as much as you want but PAF produced 35 planes in 4 years. Future capacity may be higher, but we will talk about it when we see it.. So far, 8.5 / year seems to be the capacity on which PAF has delivered so far.. not 18/year as claimed earlier
As per Officiall source's the production capacity per year onwards Block II manufacturing is 18.Though on demand can be increased to 25 let say if someone orders it.

We know Block III manufacturing will start in 2016.And with the rate of 18 per year,by 2016 mid the target of 50 JF-17 II will be completed

Mr Tufail is a seasoned operator---he knows what the F 16 can do----as for the chinese stealth---it is all up in the air----.

Chinese stealth is way overrated---just like russian stealth aircraft. And secondly---there is no chinese stealth fighter---there are a couple of aircraft and that is it----. They maybe about 10 to 15 years away from production.

So---as a fighter jock---he has to put his bet on what is available.


Bring out some technical aspects of what you think is superior or compatible to the 'west'.

You kids need to understand to LEARN without PREJUDICE.

Or maybe the gentleman is stuck with old notions, happens in all professions, people get stuck with a certain way of thinking:)
18 new JF 17's per year ?? any backup to this claim??

you have manufactured/assembled 34 planes in last 4 years.. (1st squad with 16 planes was launched in Feb 2010 and PAF has 50 planes today).. That makes it 8.5 planes every year..

It's in the main article of this thread. Max capacity is 25 planes per year. Initial production is slow, I think about 4 planes per year.
It's in the main article of this thread. Max capacity is 25 planes per year. Initial production is slow, I think about 4 planes per year.

The article seems to have false information.. Quoting

"PAC produces 18 aircraft a year but has a capacity of 25."

PAC hardly produces 18 aircrafts every year at this point.. As I said, more like 9... May be I am missing something.. May be @Oscar can help clarify
The article seems to have false information.. Quoting

"PAC produces 18 aircraft a year but has a capacity of 25."

PAC hardly produces 18 aircrafts every year at this point.. As I said, more like 9... May be I am missing something.. May be @Oscar can help clarify

PAC is following the phasing out pattern of PAF. They are building as per requested by the PAF.
The article seems to have false information.. Quoting

"PAC produces 18 aircraft a year but has a capacity of 25."

PAC hardly produces 18 aircrafts every year at this point.. As I said, more like 9... May be I am missing something.. May be @Oscar can help clarify

The 50 planes in Block 2 run production from end of 2013 to 2016 before switching to Block 3 production in 2016. The stated production rate seems to be correct.
The article seems to have false information.. Quoting

"PAC produces 18 aircraft a year but has a capacity of 25."

PAC hardly produces 18 aircrafts every year at this point.. As I said, more like 9... May be I am missing something.. May be @Oscar can help clarify

One reason mentioned by aeronaut. The other is funds..I am able to bake ten cakes.. but if I can only purchase the batter for three.. then I cant do much. Additionally, the line took its time to ramp up. Since I just started baking cakes.. I wont be baking ten the first time I try them.. ill stary with three a day.. then to five.. to seven and so on.
The orders however are only delays by 9-10 months so all is quite well.
So you think F414-GE-INS6 is obsolete engine design??

Spending money abroad to buy engines is not as wise a choice of developing your own engines, which is precisely why Block 3 JFT gets WS-13A engines by 2016, which is just as powerful as F414-GE-INS6. :bounce:
Spending money abroad to buy engines is not as wise a choice of developing your own engines, which is precisely why Block 3 JFT gets WS-13A engines by 2016, which is just as powerful as F414-GE-INS6. :bounce:

Good for China!! Lets see when it will be ready.
Good for China!! Lets see when it will be ready.

Also good for Pakistan. These engines will also be produced at PAC following an initial learning curve. :bounce: Eventually, all parts of JFT, including airframe and radar and cockpit and engine and flight control and EW and various pods will be completely manufactured at PAC.

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