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Florida Pulse gay club attacked in Orlando - 50 dead and 53 injured

Well that won't happen, one, because Christians/Jews don't consider Islam to be an actual Abrahamic faith, they believe Mohammed was a false prophet. And this incident will be politicized, especially in political arena, but also among religious popular circles. What's weird is that Jewish, Christian and Islamic scripture all instruct their followers to execute gays. Of course many of them are in denial about that, and will say that's fundamentalist approach. No, that is the Abrahamic approach.

Ideally Abrahamic religion should be banned all together as it's not compatible with modern world, or at the very least, Abrahamic faith adherents need to be reeducated on the principles of their religions, and then make choice to keep it or leave it.

The Christian/Jewish vs. Muslim drama will never end as long as these religions cause enormous general divide among society, and the people will continue blabbering about one religion being inspired by Satan, and how God is going to defeat so and so, etc....All this hatred is very simple as a result of these ancient ME religions.

Actually the Jewish religion doesn't consider Christianity to be an abrahamic religion either. They consider Jesus PBUH as a "heretic and a lunatic".

It doesn't mean Christianity isn't abrahamic just because the Jewish don't consider it so.

The preceding religion will always consider the preceding as a heretic because it naturally negates theirs. Fyi
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Lol you think the world will be any different? I've heard that excuse too many times. There have been MANY wars that weren't the result of religion. Yet people see what happened in the past few years and conclude religion is the cause for all human suffering. Arrogance.
In the end it's not the guns, its not the religions, its the humans who cause the immense suffering of other humans. Perhaps the best thing that could happen to this planet is if a asteroid hits and wipes out all humanity and the roaches take over :lol:.
I am appalled at the senseless act of terrorism against the LGBT.

My deepest sympathy to the family and friends of the victims.

It’s a good day for the freaking racist demagogue and his supporters, and he is taking full advantage of the tragedy.

but he's right though :-) and how is he a racist?? is Islam a race?

and the left is using this tragedy for #GunControl
In the end it's not the guns, its not the religions, its the humans who cause the immense suffering of other humans. Perhaps the best thing that could happen to this planet is if a asteroid hits and wipes out all humanity and the roaches take over :lol:.

Or we can blow each other up with nukes :P
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Lol you think the world will be any different? I've heard that excuse too many times. There have been MANY wars that weren't the result of religion. Yet people see what happened in the past few years and conclude religion is the cause for all human suffering. Arrogance.

Absolutely will be different, will rip people of any excuses they use to hate one another or invade nations on the basis of religion/combating another religion. Nobody said wars will decline as a result, secular nationalism is still better alternative though. Many social schisms will decline as a result, too. I'm sure you see the social consequences yourself in Canada.

Actually the Jewish religion doesn't consider Christianity to be an abrahamic religion either. They consider Jesus PBUH as a "heretic and a lunatic".

It doesn't mean Christianity isn't abrahamic just because the Jewish don't consider it so.

The preceding religion will always consider the preceding as a heretic because it naturally negates theirs. Fyi

It used to be that way, not anymore. Western Christians/Jews generally see more common ground in their faiths, and assert 'judeo-christian' nature of their religions. Islam is singled out. You investigate yourself, you'll see these religions are nothing more than tools to spread influence, hate, get support for country overseas, make money off it, etc....

There are two outcomes/behaviors/benefits to Abrahamic religions:

1. General = Business, spread hate, make claims over land, make excuse for war under religious context, like Jihad or Western wars overseas, somewhat try bonding society together or keep them distracted from important things....

2. Personal = Give one meaning to life to cope with life, have a social status in your local religious center, talk about religion because it gets you FB likes and is trendy thing to do, get attention, in very rare cases work on self betterment, etc....

As you see, nothing good comes out of it.
Vary sad incident, R.I.P to departed souls.
Who says you need religion to hate? The only reason it is more prominent is because of external funding from outside elements to mercenaries that randomly yell Allah hu Akbar. After a while the people will just kill each other for revenge. It's called divide and rule. Same thing that's trying to succeed in Pakistan.
All those $tupid so called muslims who hate American values should not immigrate here. These murthor furthers bring a bad name to real muslims who follow the true peaceful islam.

The second biggest and unforgivable sin is murder and killing. Killing one human is equal to killing entire humanity in Islam so I'm confused where these bigots get their nonsense version from.
If the second amendment can be exploited by terrorists...shouldn't it be looked at?
A more sensible approach would be to ban those who are prone to extremist ideologies from entering the country. Why should Americans change their centuries old constitution because some recent son of an immigrant wants to kill in the name of his religion? Does that make any sense?
Let's not pretend Quran is the only Islamic source for rulings there is, that's simply not true, with all due respect. Mohammed taught the Sharia by means of oral tradition. Much of the Islamic faith guidelines, Sunnah, laws, do not come from Quran. They come from Hadith. And all schools of thought are in agreement about that, and also in agreement that the companions of the Prophet endorsed death penalty for the condition of homosexuality. And there are examples of that in the verified Hadith's. Of course you may not choose to believe in Hadith, but then you might as well not believe in much of the Sunnah, and other teachings that derive from Hadith. And some schools of thought will say it's entering disbelief if you reject Hadith.

Me myself, I'm not in favor of that, I'm an agnostic-atheist. So I have no agenda here. I'm bothered however, by the denial Christians, Muslims and Jews put themselves through, regarding key tenets of their religions. This incident will now be used by some Christian and Jewish circles, to emphasize how Islam is brutal, and how it's a religion of Satan, because of certain laws in Islam, such as apostasy or homosexuality judicial punishments. But, those same people don't know, Islam just brought that down from Judaism, actually much of Islam is literal taken down from Judaism. Jews know what is controversial in their religion, so they get rid of the most controversial things, such as the Talmud scriptures, to try projecting different meaning to their religion. Which just simply proves, by taking logical route, of disbanding much of scripture that supposedly came from their God, that they deny their God and treat their religion as if it's a man made religion. Otherwise they would keep the controversial scriptures since it's supposedly from a divine source. My argument makes absolutely sense, it's just semi-religious people don't like facing the reality here.

And to expand on my point, because they took logical route, now they have credibility to attack Islam, and Muslim's will be unfairly attacked over scripture that is actually originating from the original Abrahamic/Biblical scriptures that Jews and Christians profess to follow. So while I don't have positive views on Abrahamic faiths, my point here actually is beneficial for Muslims.

Now regarding the biblical scriptures on homosexuality:

  • Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."1
  • Leviticus 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them."
  • 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
  • Romans 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."


PS, none of that is 'biblical', it's actually all Jewish scripture which Christians use. Hence this is product of both religions. Some will say it is old testament and no longer relevant, yeah no. Like I said, you took logical approach to clean up your religion. When there is no such permission by the supposed 'Divine Lord' that you allowed you to do that.

I'm an agnostic-atheist and not taking anything out of context. I'm speaking about general established guidelines for society, among all three Abrahamic religions. They are all not favorable towards homosexuality, and they all actually implement death penalty for it. Even one of the most important stories in all the three religions, the story of Lot and his tribe, make it very clear where the Abrahamic God stands in regards to homosexuality.

Instead of being in denial, why can't the educated of you just admit you perceive these religions as man-made religions? Or are you guys claiming the 'Divine God' made some mistakes when condemning gays, and many other things? A perfect God can't make such mistakes. So what is going on here, is these followers of these religions made up their own God, and hence have no issue altering their own God's views, and suddenly claiming he no longer stands for such things, or that he has now become a moderate figure because we're entering modern times....:rolleyes:
Again, your entire post has YET to provide proof for your claim. Your eloquent rant aside, WHERE IS THE QUOTED REFERENCE OR THE LIKE. I am not here to defend the bible since that is the job of the Christian, I asked you for a reference which you so far have avoided and instead are on a needless tirade to fill up a post with meaningless words.

Find the reference for your claim, or Ill keep your tirade off this thread.
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All those $tupid so called muslims who hate American values should not immigrate here. These murthor furthers bring a bad name to real muslims who follow the true peaceful islam.

The second biggest and unforgivable sin is murder and killing. Killing one human is equal to killing entire humanity in Islam so I'm confused where these bigots get their nonsense version from.
Not only that, but America is also not a Islamic country. Muslims didn't found America, therefore what legitimacy do these people think they have that they can implement their interpretation of religious laws in a non-Muslim country?? Isn't that in itself against Islam? No one is forcing these people to go to a gay bar. Just live and let live or move back to wherever you came from if you can't help the urge to impose your religious laws on others.
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