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Florida Pulse gay club attacked in Orlando - 50 dead and 53 injured

so when pakistanis came to the uk in 60's did things go sour? not really no only a little which was swiftly dealt with. it is very hard for a country to monitor each and everyperson coming to theri country. in this case the guy who killed these people was on the "radar" but why no action? he was a police officer so why was he not screened then?

He was not a police officer, it's just some unauthorized nypd shirts hes wearing that anyone can buy from the I Love NY tourist stores in nyc.
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I'd say religiously and culturally incompatible societies and ideologies can not function without problems of violence, in the case of muslim immigration to the liberal west, there is only a problem with the hardcore religious ones, for the rest, I know some of the most liberal (not sjw retards, like real liberal) and not ultra religious muslims in the US, great people, love to party etc
True, but those people are in a minority. I don't use rare exceptions to determine the direction of the general population of a specific group of people if their isn't concrete evidence to prove that those rare cases are a general trend. On the whole, there is a threat level that exists with a certain group of people who's ideology you are at war with.

but ultra orthodox religious sunnis (sallafi/wahhabi) are a problem, these guys are always a hair's breadth from going insane and murdering people.. this has to be, and must be spoken about openly without fear of being labelled racist or bigot or islamophobe.
It's not gonna happen anytime soon. These idiot Liberals are going to destroy their own Liberal societies with their own hands. They rather be slaughtered and raped by foreign enemies than be labeled "racist". Apparently, being called a Nazi is more painful than being beheaded.
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Its horrible , I just don't have any words ,

Note: Please take it as a request , We already have enough hatred in world and different societies , please don't use this horrible act to spread hate in-between Different Religions

Thank you all
When did the billions die? I see no facebook trend for it.
I do remember europe killing millions of jews though.

It was just a number chosen at random, like the numbers presented regarding casualties in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
I think the point is made, so I will delete the post.
It was just a number chosen at random, like the numbers presented regarding casualties in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
I think the point is made, so I will delete the post.
What point is that? The fact that mass hysteria helps or that hatred does?
This just gives Trump supporters more power. A sad incident like this is going to have a huge impact on presidential elections

Not really, its too far out. If it happened in November or October i'd agree.
so when pakistanis came to the uk in 60's did things go sour? not really no only a little which was swiftly dealt with. it is very hard for a country to monitor each and everyperson coming to theri country. in this case the guy who killed these people was on the "radar" but why no action?
Well, that's the trouble you will have, a potential fifth column. Modern Liberal societies are digging their own graves because they view all of humanity as being on par with them (universal egalitarianism).

(Hypothetical scenario) Its like Pakistan allowing into its borders millions of Hindu indians, giving them citizenship and the right to possess firearms under the belief of universal egalitarianism, and then going to war with india or hindu extremists and not expecting those hindus within its border to form a potential fifth column. No kidding that's a recipe for disaster.

What liberals don't understand is that respect and honor are something that is earned, not handed out like candy. You can't just start respecting and honoring people who never earned that privilege and just hopped off the refugee boat, that they are equal to you just because they bleed red. You have these people coming into your countries who never contributed to your societies but are now reaping the benefits of the citizens of that country while also harboring hate.
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This shooter ,Omar Mateen:

1. Called 911 declaring his allegiance to IS.

2. Was on terror watchlist for last 5 years. FBI could not do anything against him as he has not acted on his expressed belief before today, and freedom of expression is a fundamental right.

3. Seeing Gay kissers was probably only a trigger. Someone selling porks-chop could have been a trigger on any other day.


He's another one of those pathetic liberal White wannabe sellout Pakistanis. People like him need to be stripped of their Pakistani nationality.
Wow, so i'm a liberal now. @Kaptaan your home boy just called me a liberal :lol: I think that title was intended for you.
No, it was a reaction to the reiterated claim that U.S. is killing millions of Muslims.
And there will be those reactions as long as there are counter reactions. Humanity has done horrible things to itself, more so in the name of being justified in the past.
Its horrible , I just don't have any words ,

Note: Please take it as a request , We already have enough hatred in world and different societies , please don't use this horrible act to spread hate in-between Different Religions

Thank you all

Well that won't happen, one, because Christians/Jews don't consider Islam to be an actual Abrahamic faith, they believe Mohammed was a false prophet. And this incident will be politicized, especially in political arena, but also among religious popular circles. What's weird is that Jewish, Christian and Islamic scripture all instruct their followers to execute gays. Of course many of them are in denial about that, and will say that's fundamentalist approach. No, that is the Abrahamic approach.

Ideally Abrahamic religion should be banned all together as it's not compatible with modern world, or at the very least, Abrahamic faith adherents need to be reeducated on the principles of their religions, and then make choice to keep it or leave it.

The Christian/Jewish vs. Muslim drama will never end as long as these religions cause enormous general divide among society, and the people will continue blabbering about one religion being inspired by Satan, and how God is going to defeat so and so, etc....All this hatred is very simple as a result of these ancient ME religions.

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