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I assume(d) you are honest about your statements. When your two statements apparently contradicted each other I asked clarification for at least one to avoid misunderstanding.

My two statements do not contradict each other. Maybe they do to the Jamati mind and others but not to the normal mind. Let me explain my friend.

1. Banning an organization, which by the way calls for civil war and attacks the police, burns cars and murders civilians is not an act of violence. It is a legislative act.

2. Reacting to that ban by waging a campaign of violence is violence.

Let's say the government of Texas decided to ban smoking in public and people went out to attack police, threaten "civil war" and destroy properties and murder civilians. What the Texas government has done is a legislative act and the rioters have done is an act of violence.

Sorry you fail to understand that.

My support (or the lack of it) for their violence wouldn't affect the likelihood of an upcoming violence once they are banned. Anyway, I condemn any forceful observance of strikes (by way of vandalizing, burning public/private properties, in brief, forcing one to observe a strike) be it called by any party or organization. That's a breach of fundamental democratic rights.

Good to see you condemn acts of violence by Jamat. I will condemn acts of violence by any party be it the Awami League, BNP or Jamat. Thanks for condeming recent Jamati violence......or will you then backtrack and say you support Jamati riots or find some other wording to impliclty support them?

"Either you are with us or with the terrorists." (Fallacy of false dillema)

Not quite. I have never seen you condemn Jamat even up till now whereas I have condemned the Awami League many times and have no problem in doing so. In a recent thread about moderation I posted on-topic and stated that I would leave if certain unpleasant individuals were made moderator (my personal choice, the forum will continue) as I felt they are unsuitable. I did not elaborate on why they were unsuitable or make any comments about those two individuals. You then posted an off-topic message purely about me (not about moderation) falsely claiming that I had done X, Y and Z and how wonderful one of these two people were. Your post was clearly biased. Thus due to this and other things I believe your sympathy lie with Jamat. This is your right, but please do not try and appear neutral when you are far from so and I would appreciate it if you stop following me around the forum focusing on how to attack me.

The culture of political violence must end.

It will end.
Recently, one of my colleague's sons along with his friend visited the Shahbag fest. At some point during the conversation between them, they talked about how crazy it all seemed (not in a bad way).

Then, all of the sudden they were attacked by a mob and handed over to police to get even more beatings.

Reason: Mob thought they were Jamatis even though they weren't. Bodroh lokh er barir chele ora.

They were detained (without any charges), and were released only after the police demanded money from their parents.

They were freed just day before yesterday.

Did the media report this? No.

See, here's what is going on over there:

We all know that they get free biryani. Yes, there is sanitation and fresh drinking water. Who provides them? Companies that are getting paid by the government for providing those services. It is known that Jamuna Group is one of them. The government only provide security. The sheer scale of the operation is massive.

It's dirty politics combined with commercial and media interests. Justice my foot...

Now, what about civil war? If things go completely out of control, and Hasina fails, army would have to inevitably step in.

You remind me an incident that took place some 2/3 months back probably I didn't share here. One evening one of my colleagues looked tense because he was just informed that his friend an official of Islami Bank got arrested by police from the front of bank. Then we assumed probably the guy had some sort of Jamat-Shibir connection and asked him. He said that they studied together for 8 years, 4 years in polytechnic and another 4 years in DUET and he never saw him getting involved in any sort of political activities. In DUET they probably shared same room in hall. That day police probably arrested 14 members randomly just from the front of bank with a false allegation. Among them 8 were detained, 6 were released immediately. That guy's family tried hard to get his release, but failed and without any reason he was taken to remand and sentenced to jail for 2/3 months. Someday ago he got his release.

Govt. money is also being spent there for the Shahbagh Circus which is our hard earned money...city corp. is also providing services. We the poor should stop paying tax.

This time it seems something similar to civil war will 1st take place, army will sit idle. If they come in the scene, that would be late...just an assumption.
for your kind information, the insurgency in our north-east started in 1960s and in kashmir in 1980s..so that means india is in a civil war since eternity :lol: or r u confusing some etenic\local uprising as a CIVIL WAR???

BD needs that kinds of strict policy which u guys taken. U guys taken right decisions that was required to make sure an united nation. We should learn from that. But that doesnt mean that Im supporting killing of muslims. Im talking about policy :)
look at those pics carefully.how much money is there? 20 to 30 k highest.even a rikshwala has that ammout of money

Shahbagh protest will go without any help it is impossible. All day ppl will give slogans and they will be sick by that and no one will come to help them. Ppl are widely helping. Everyone is helping from his hands. I heard some beggars and rickshaw puller also contributed to the fund.
Yes there is fund raising for doing all the arrangements.
BD needs that kinds of strict policy which u guys taken. U guys taken right decisions that was required to make sure an united nation. We should learn from that. But that doesnt mean that Im supporting killing of moslims.[ Im talking about policy :)
see india is not an anti-islamic country..but the trouble doers must be booked.Everyday,dozens of maoists are killed who all r hindus..in the NE,the millitants killed are majority hindus.So.a religious identity cannot come before any law,this is the heart and soul of the shahbag rise.Yes,sometimes innocent ppl do get hurt like u've heard about fake encounters in kashmir,but those are stray incedents and does not occur at regular intervals
violence is part of Bangladeshi politics, awami league does it and so does BNP. Its the way of the land. Hunger strike and peaceful protest does not do jack unless it is government backed.

To aazidane and @PlanetSoldier who thanked his post,

Sorry to disappoint you both and what seems your liking for political violence.

1. Muslim Bengal has existed before without political violence and it will do so again.

2. It can be done, has been done, and will be done, whether you like it (which it seems you do) or not.

The most recent example was the 2 years of the Fakhruddin administration.

3. We the people of Bangladesh (I am not a member of any party like one person here, not someone with business interests in Bangladesh seeking to make money from political connections like someone else here, or from the rich elite, I am from a simple Bangladeshi family like 150 million others) are sick and tired of thugs, political activists, greedy businessmen and others ruining our lives by organizing hartals. If they want political violence let them go in to a boxing ring and fight each other.

In this day and age of social media the Bangladeshi people will speak out more and more against political violence.

A social consensus will be formed.

Laws can be passed.

It won't be easy. It will take time but with the nasr of Allah ta'ala it will help.

I will not elaborate on the legislative measures that can be enacted and other things as this place is not really a serious discussion forum but many things can be done.

You may ridicule me. However I for one will speak out against political violence from any group. You will ridicule me however what you fail to realize is this is a webpage. Merely speaking out against political violence involves no major effort apart from typing. Slowly, slowly the social consensus against political violence and thuggery will become so strong that Bangladesh will become more like Malaysia, Thailand etc.

Many of you on this forum sit behind keyboards in comfort while peoples lives are being destroyed and watch as voyeurs as thugs attack and murder people. Some of you here are connected to political parties.

I am a normal Bangladeshi and I can tell you for a fact that despite your love for political violence and thuggery it will - and I repeat - it will end.

Maybe not in the next 5 years but in years to come it will end.

Just as Fazle Hasan Abed started BRAC and has now created the biggest and best NGO in the world.

Just as other Bangladeshis have done many other great things, we Bangladeshis will end the culture of political violence.
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loki has no idea. i buy 100 packet of tehari too by 5000 taka .i saw many people helping like giving foods ,some small ammout of cash .some beggar gives 350 taka too .prothomalo lead that news
Shahbagh protest will go without any help it is impossible. All day ppl will give slogans and they will be sick by that and no one will come to help them. Ppl are widely helping. Everyone is helping from his hands. I heard some beggars and rickshaw puller also contributed to the fund.
Yes there is fund raising for doing all the arrangements.

some beggar gives 350 taka to the protestors in the name of solidarity .
you are a moron

be nice
BD needs that kinds of strict policy which u guys taken. U guys taken right decisions that was required to make sure an united nation. We should learn from that. But that doesnt mean that Im supporting killing of moslims. Im talking about policy :)

If we need to learn things, model countries could be Britain, Germany, Malaysia, Korea and so on who could establish a distinguished model but not india. Tokai following tokai will lead to same poor bed for sleeping under the open sky :) .
If we need to learn things, model countries could be Britain, Germany, Malaysia, Korea and so on who could establish a distinguished model but not india. Tokai following tokai will lead to same poor bed for sleeping under the open sky :) .

Those countries not share same type of problems we face. Those countries also faced some disputed maters and they came with strictness. As like Britain they still imposing colonial power to some states. We will follow the rules which better suit us.

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