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Korean War June 25, 1950: U.S. beaten by revolutionary war

The US lost ground to China. We didn't lose ground, we gained ground. Strategic victory for us. The US was at the Yalu river before we entered the war, North Korea was under full American control. At the end of the war, the US was driven back to South Korea and North Korea was liberated by us from American rule.

No other country has made a complete mockery of the US military like we did in the Korean War. That's why the US never talks about that war, too humiliating for them. They want to pretend they have never lost a war to keep the ignorant population brainwashed with the propaganda mouthpieces from the American regime.

The US had far superior technology and weapons and over 20 nations helping them against a poorly armed Chinese volunteer army. Yet we still managed to make a technologically superior military with a massive military budget to retreat in the most humiliating way and achieved strategic victory.

We are the only country that have defeated the United States military in war.

Let satisfy yourself when I and foreigner friends roll on the floor laughing.
lol. Depend on what you mean by not "Recorded" and what is your definition of "History Book"

Do bear in mine both incident you mention is referenced by an "AMERICAN" Source while the Formosa Exedition one refer to an article in NY Times and the Rover Incident are referred by numerous US source (Google, NY Times) . So if we are to "Intentionally" hidden these type of Fail incident, why would we allow our Post and our news source report on it??

You did not learn them in school is your own problem, not the American Educational System. Will you be needing it is another question all together. However, things is a bit different when you talk about Tiananmen Massacre, or How China fail in protecting it land during WW2 and how Chinese failing in Economical/Political during Cultural Revolution is a ban of information of a different scale.

You mean how American history books lie about America doing all the fighting against Japan in WW2? China fought Japan from 1937 to 1941 for four years before America entered the war. The front line with Japan stabilized in 1940 before Pearl Harbor happened.

After the Japanese were halted in 1940, in 1941 they flattened all of the west's southeast asian colonies and overran entire southeast asia except parts of new guinea in several months. The American ruled Philippines was overrun.

Your American history books lie about the war. They claim China let America do all the fighting against Japan and was saving its soldiers for the civil war. They do not mention that China was fighting a two front war with both the Soviet Union and Japan. The Soviet Union attacked China in Xinjiang in 1937 and in 1944 during the Ili Rebellion. In 1942, China infiltrated tens of thousands of soldiers into Xinjiang to wrest it from the pro Soviet governor Sheng Shicai. After taking over the province the Sovits attacked in 1944 and over 100,000 Chinese soldiers were fighting the Red Army.

None of these are found in American history books on WW2.
The same army that defeated 20+ nations in Korea is now ready to punish our hostile neighbors like India, Japan and Philippines :yay:

speaking of the Korean war Yultong and Erie hill your people got a heavy @$$ kicking this just other typical chinese propaganda b.s but and the very definition of b.s losers
lol China defeated the US in what dream world they just won a battle but then Turks,Canadians,English and Americans drove them back.
If china would have "won" why does south korea exist and why didnt you hold your grounds?
lol China defeated the US in what dream world they just won a battle but then Turks,Canadians,English and Americans drove them back.
If china would have "won" why does south korea exist and why didnt you hold your grounds?

The Turkish brigade was a few thousand soldiers. It was a token force of mostly unexperienced soldiers (peasants from anatolia?) to show that Turkey was contributing as part of the UN.

The Turkish brigade killed South Korean soldiers and it was reported in the media as Chinese soldiers.

Disaster in Korea: The Chinese Confront MacArthur - Roy E. Appleman - Google Books

Word of the Turks' "victory" quickly reached the 2nd Division. It wanted to confirm it and to stablish communication with the Turks, and at once sent a Nisei (Japanese-American) interpreter to Wawon. He reported that the Turks actually had met about 200 ROK troops retreating from Tokchon, has thought they were Chinese, and had attacked them, killing many and capturing about 125.

It is certain, however, that during the day, and probably during the morning, Chinese a,bushed the leading battalion of the Turks three to four miles east of Wawon and inflicted on it a decisive defeat. It appears that one battalion of the Turks lost most if not all of its vehicles in this fight, that their personnel losses were heavy, and that survivors took to the hills if they could not retreat back west on the road...

Disaster in Korea: The Chinese Confront MacArthur - Roy E. Appleman - Google Books

Just before noon, a Chinese force drove the Turks put of Sinnim-ni. They began falling back on Pong,yong-ni and Kunu-ri in utter disorder

Disaster in Korea: The Chinese Confront MacArthur - Roy E. Appleman - Google Books

but Chinese forces had met and defeated the Turks on the road to Tokchon.

As I said, it s a token force of a few thousand soldiers so i wouldn't expect this to reflect on the Turkish army in general. But i urge you not to overinflate their role in the UN mission when other countries contributed tens of thousans of soldiers. There were many other battles Turkey won in the war of independence, why are you inflating the role of a token brigade thousands of miles away from Turkey?

And i disagree with the other Chinese posters on this thread who thump on about the Korean War because of the CPC's desire to portray itself as singlehandedly defeating western imperialism while many soldiers from the Qing dynasty fought and defeated the imperialists.

So what you're really saying is that you've never actually read any American history books?

I said history books about world war 2. They all lie and say China was hiding soldiers for the civil war and not fighting Japan. You have to open a book specifically about the history of modern central asia or Xinjiang to find out about the Soviet invasion in 1944 in the ili Rbellion or china sending soldiers into Xinjiang to oust Sheng Shicai from power.
Yawn I still see South Korea exists even though North Korea invaded it in attempt to reunified it under their control with approval from China and Soviet Union. It failed. Enough said.
The Turkish brigade was a few thousand soldiers. It was a token force of mostly unexperienced soldiers (peasants from anatolia?) to show that Turkey was contributing as part of the UN.

The Turkish brigade killed South Korean soldiers and it was reported in the media as Chinese soldiers.

Disaster in Korea: The Chinese Confront MacArthur - Roy E. Appleman - Google Books

Disaster in Korea: The Chinese Confront MacArthur - Roy E. Appleman - Google Books

Disaster in Korea: The Chinese Confront MacArthur - Roy E. Appleman - Google Books

As I said, it s a token force of a few thousand soldiers so i wouldn't expect this to reflect on the Turkish army in general. But i urge you not to overinflate their role in the UN mission when other countries contributed tens of thousans of soldiers. There were many other battles Turkey won in the war of independence, why are you inflating the role of a token brigade thousands of miles away from Turkey?

And i disagree with the other Chinese posters on this thread who thump on about the Korean War because of the CPC's desire to portray itself as singlehandedly defeating western imperialism while many soldiers from the Qing dynasty fought and defeated the imperialists.

I said history books about world war 2. They all lie and say China was hiding soldiers for the civil war and not fighting Japan. You have to open a book specifically about the history of modern central asia or Xinjiang to find out about the Soviet invasion in 1944 in the ili Rbellion or china sending soldiers into Xinjiang to oust Sheng Shicai from power.
Battle of Wawon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia That is an example.
US was the superior force with advance technology, largest air cover and naval power during Korea war. Korea situated by the surrounding ocean only N.K border with China. The surround water in Korea allowed U.N naval force to reenforce their front line with fire power and air raid on Chinese army penetration. With no air force or naval force, Chinese army without heavy artillery managed to push U.N force back to the 38 parallel was the major victory in it self. Imagine if China have the air cover and naval power of the U.S, Korea would be unite under N.K government. This is the fact that, China great strategist halted U.S intention of unified Korea and divide Korea into South and North Korea as today.
The US lost ground to China. We didn't lose ground, we gained ground. Strategic victory for us. The US was at the Yalu river before we entered the war, North Korea was under full American control. At the end of the war, the US was driven back to South Korea and North Korea was liberated by us from American rule.

No other country has made a complete mockery of the US military like we did in the Korean War. That's why the US never talks about that war, too humiliating for them. They want to pretend they have never lost a war to keep the ignorant population brainwashed with the propaganda mouthpieces from the American regime.

The US had far superior technology and weapons and over 20 nations helping them against a poorly armed Chinese volunteer army. Yet we still managed to make a technologically superior military with a massive military budget to retreat in the most humiliating way and achieved strategic victory.

We are the only country that have defeated the United States military in war.

Actually, the biggest defeat for the US military is not in Korea, but in Vietnam. In Korea, US was able to recovery after the defeat and recovered Seoul, South Korea.
The Korean War (Korean: 6·25전쟁; 25 June 1950 – 27 July 1953) was a war between the Republic of Korea (South Korea), supported by the United Nations, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), at one time supported by the People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union. It was primarily the result of the political division of Korea by an agreement of the victorious Allies at the conclusion of the Pacific War at the end of World War II. The Korean Peninsula was ruled by the Empire of Japan from 1910 until the end of World War II. Following the surrender of the Empire of Japan in September 1945, American administrators divided the peninsula along the 38th parallel, with U.S. military forces occupying the southern half and Soviet military forces occupying the northern half.

The failure to hold free elections throughout the Korean Peninsula in 1948 deepened the division between the two sides; the North established a communist government, while the South established a right-wing government. The 38th parallel increasingly became a political border between the two Korean states. Although reunification negotiations continued in the months preceding the war, tension intensified. Cross-border skirmishes and raids at the 38th Parallel persisted. The situation escalated into open warfare when North Korean forces invaded South Korea on 25 June 1950. In 1950, the Soviet Union boycotted the United Nations Security Council, in protest at representation of China by the Kuomintang/Republic of China government, which had taken refuge in Taiwan following defeat in the Chinese Civil War. In the absence of a dissenting voice from the Soviet Union, who could have vetoed it, the United States and other countries passed a Security Council resolution authorizing military intervention in Korea.

The United States of America provided 88% of the 341,000 international soldiers which aided South Korean forces in repelling the invasion, with twenty other countries of the United Nations offering assistance. Suffering severe casualties within the first two months, the defenders were pushed back to a small area in the south of the Korean Peninsula, known as the Pusan perimeter. A rapid U.N. counter-offensive then drove the North Koreans past the 38th Parallel and almost to the Yalu River, when the People's Republic of China (PRC) entered the war on the side of North Korea. Chinese intervention forced the Southern-allied forces to retreat behind the 38th Parallel. While not directly committing forces to the conflict, the Soviet Union provided material aid to both the North Korean and Chinese armies. The fighting ended on 27 July 1953, when the armistice agreement was signed. The agreement restored the border between the Koreas near the 38th Parallel and created the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), a 2.5-mile (4.0 km)-wide fortified buffer zone between the two Korean nations. Minor incidents still continue today.

From a military science perspective, the Korean War combined strategies and tactics of World War I and World War II: it began with a mobile campaign of swift infantry attacks followed by air bombing raids, but became a static trench war by July 1951.

Basically the result of the war was a stalemate in favor of the South, since they were able to successfully defend their position at 38th parallel, which was the pre-war border between North and South Korea.
Forces on South Korean side:
South Korea: 602,902
USA : 326,863
UK And others: 14,198
Total: 972,214

Forces on North Korean side:
China: 1,350,000
North Korea: 266,600
USSR: 26,000
Total: 1,642,60

The total forces on North's side was almost double that of on South's side. China alone had 1.5 times the combined Southern forces.

The North suffered more than double the deaths and casualties of the South.
Forces on South Korean side:
South Korea: 602,902
USA : 326,863
UK And others: 14,198
Total: 972,214

Forces on North Korean side:
China: 1,350,000
North Korea: 266,600
USSR: 26,000
Total: 1,642,60

The total forces on North's side was almost double that of on South's side. China alone had 1.5 times the Southern forces.

The North suffered more than double the deaths and casualties of the South.

China without much of military technology, no air force, no naval force, no tank or heavy artillery able to force the U.N retreat to the south of 38 parallel. China and N.K sacrificed many lives to gain the key strategic victory after the U.N force pushed their way up north and about to encroach into China territory.

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