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India’s mythical beliefs and Pakistan forces preparedness for war

Its difficult to counter a bunch of conspiracy theories,plain lies,some half truths,some facts and assumptions that are strung together in chronological order to make the concoction believable.

But let me try honestly...let me touch upon some of the points,else it will make me waste too much time..

India tested a nuke in 1974 was not directed at Pakistan.For India,1972 Shimla agreement at that time meant Pakistan was the last thing on their minds.

Believing myths about India is Pakistan's past-time and not vice versa.
The much vaunted British Martial races theory which is Chapter #1 in Nursery schools or maybe pre-schools.

Cold Start is in cold storage because there is a weak Govt in power since 2004 in India.It was not ever put into practice.You havent mentioned in whose drawing room was this Indo-Israeli plot devised.Please enlighten us.

Even in 2002 India didnt have three time of Nuclear material compared to Pakistan.Conventional forces size India Vs Pakistan is 2:1 and not 5:1.India hasnt yet gotten serious about its defences, else we would be under military rule.It will nice if that happens though.

Since,26/11 India has never thought about a war with Pakistan and never mobilised hotly or coldly the defence forces.

If Pakistan implodes,it will be tough for India given the nukes in Pakistan..so balkanisation of India is a dream of Pakistan-China and not of India.Infact its your stated policy.

The Chinese junk called weapons are worse than the Russian junk in the cold war years.If you dont believe it try using Chinese toys and you will know what it means to consume Chinese goods.

The only thing I concede is that India doesnt even produce junk..in terms of defence material..so there is no comparison.

Finally, dont gloat about Afghanistan.India wants US to exit the region and fast...because then the finger will be clearly pointed at Pakistan-China for terror activities around the globe.You should worry about Iran bombing you guys as there commender recently warned unless terrorism directed at them isnt stopped.

Do remember,once American forces leave the ground Pakistan can be easily targetted from the air by US.Right now they are testing waters with drones.Secondly, India has no problem with your Taliban in Kabul.You will have to ensure no terror happens anywhere in the world. Fell upto the task......
As usual , all i can see is trolls , rants , personal attacks i wonder if its the effect of the indian curry of the water you drink that most of you lean on ludicrous remarks and not on actually coming up with a reply.

I hope few people will be kicked out from this thread !
As usual , all i can see is trolls , rants , personal attacks i wonder if its the effect of the indian curry of the water you drink that most of you lean on ludicrous remarks and not on actually coming up with a reply.

I hope few people will be kicked out from this thread !

Dear BB

What kind of discussions do you want on this article?

Does it contain any new facts whose repercussions we can discuss?

All this article contains is the viewpoints of a highly biased mind. All we have done is ridicule those viewpoints.

There have been no racist attacks other than those made by you. In fact, just by posting such ignorant articles, you tried to spread your own myths, trying to reinforce prejudices of those who are already biased.

As a researcher, I implore you to dig deep and do some honest research about facts rather than opinions. And if you want to post opinions/viewpoints, there are plenty of balanced articles out there rather than these fluff pieces.

Hope to see improved quality posts from your side.

3 people had posted the original article in their response rather then just highlighting their response to the OP. And all we got to read was bs responses. Nothing surprising at all considering the fact that this is pretty much what shows up after any thing anti indian getting posted. Now for people who are calling it bs. Well even if we take this article for bs for a minute, then and even then its fair game. After all we are also forced to live with the mega pile of bs coming from the indian media day in day out. So what if we tend to return the favor at times.
1. India won the 1971 war
2. India conducted nuclear tests
3. The so called freedom struggle in Kashmir is armed with supplies coming from you know where
4. Pakistan conducted nuclear test
5. 9/11 happened.
Oh my GOD!! I never knew these facts!!

1. War? Are you joking? More like invasion.

2. Ok, so did we.


4. okay.


Congrats, you debunked nothing.
Indians believe a lot in myth making. They derive pleasure in pretending what they are not. Governed by the yearning desire to be called a big power, they have been making strenuous efforts to fulfill their dream.
How else would one become a 'big power'?
After achieving a so-called military victory in former East Pakistan in 1971 with the help of former Soviet Union and Mukti Bahini, the Indians started imagining that India had become mini-super power of South Asia. To put a stamp on self-perceived status, it conducted nuclear test in 1974 but got dismayed when it found Pakistan not getting over awed.
ROFLMSAO!!!! This guy is really nuts. This- India bashing - is getting so delusional that to give a boost to one's non-existent/unsubstantiated ego/pride/identity, people are resorting to publishing outright lies and fiction! Worse still, we have 'educated' and apparently 'informed' people falling for this malarkey!

Thanks BB, I actually had a good laugh reading this piece of utter BS! Gotta give it to the moron for including each and every 'issue' Pakistan faces with India - right from partition based on a religious ideology, Kashmir, '65 '71 wars, Chankya niti, carving Bangladesh out of Pakistan, Nuclear power, ISI's peccadilloes glorified as achievements, Cold start doctrine, to missiles and even F-16s & JFTs supported by AWACS - all in a single article!! Beat that Ms Arundhati Roy, for whatever that booker prize of yours is worth!

Seriously, anyone falling for this must need to have his/her cranium scanned for presence of any brain matter! Fvckin idiots!
1. War? Are you joking? More like invasion.

2. Ok, so did we.


4. okay.


Congrats, you debunked nothing.

Congratulations, we have an einstein amongst us!! :taz::taz:

In case you still don't get it, the point of my post was that there is absolutely nothing in this article to debunk!! Whatever I listed were the only facts in the article. Rest was all author's imagination
While India never reconciled to Pakistan’s existence and vied to re-absorb it within Indian union,

You may not like it but this is the truth..India has gradually infused the propaganda of "India Pak were / are same country with identical culture and language" in head of every student and able to over run Pakistani identity on the international front through mass media propoganda.

It would not seek such means if it did accept Pakistan mentally. The Indian leaders have always called for destroying Pakistan and breaking it up. What are they gonna do after breaking it up? Leave it as a rag-tag law less country to infiltrate more terrorists into India?
The author is a great story writer... has done justice to his pay i guess... lot of facts twisted ... Indian journalism is far better... they make things bad without twisting any facts.. where as this journalism twisted facts...

One great line "Humiliating defeat in Kargil :lol: :lol: ".. author should read lot of articles in the internet .. atleast he should read what his own leaders are saying
You may not like it but this is the truth..India has gradually infused the propaganda of "India Pak were / are same country with identical culture and language" in head of every student and able to over run Pakistani identity on the international front through mass media propoganda.

It would not seek such means if it did accept Pakistan mentally. The Indian leaders have always called for destroying Pakistan and breaking it up. What are they gonna do after breaking it up? Leave it as a rag-tag law less country to infiltrate more terrorists into India?

ok..now who's into myth making?
i must admit i read the entire artical , i had nothing else to do ...
any way i really pity the people who actually belive this , as long as you keep beliving ,there are people who will keep BSing.

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