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Police has rights to defend themselves or not ??
Those misformed people were that violent that they would kill any gov troops or gov supporters.
They would remove the gov if their points were not fulfilled. Is there any constitute or not??
That was a great danger. Democracy would have gone in danger if they were allowed further.
I seen what they done to Motijheel. Its like a Gotham City. They had even plans to loot Bangladesh bank.Thanks to Allah for saving us from those evils. My respect to those innocent hefajotis. They didnt know they were the victims of jamaat-bnp alliance plan.

Have you ever seen BD banks volt?without train person and machineries it is impossible for mob to break in and please stop mindless speculation.My cousin works there.on 6TH he took pictures on his phone,blood splatter all over the entrance. And cleaning crews were cleaning with bleach.and about your gopalganj police from whom they wanted to protect themselves from?unarmed sleeping poor ppl,why they even went there that night?couldnt they do it in broad day light?why the secrecy?if it was a peaceful evacuation then why ppl died at all.and please bhai enough with your untrue half true statement's. Its good that you support AL.that's your personal choice. But being blind about their fault and lying through your teeth is not my cup of tea.
awami leauge has done something that would not have been possible without them, they have united hefazot and jaamati and not just in bangladesh even in london they have united

if there is civil war weapons will come from jaamati and most of the soliders will be from hefazot

there is no way awami league can defeat a united muslim bloc
awami leauge has done something that would not have been possible without them, they have united hefazot and jaamati and not just in bangladesh even in london they have united

if there is civil war weapons will come from jaamati and most of the soliders will be from hefazot

there is no way awami league can defeat a united muslim bloc

This is a battle the AL cannot win. Doesn't matter how many they kill.
Independent channel clears the truth of operation shapla chattar.

I think @eastwatch @CaPtAiN_pLaNeT should watch this.

Have you ever seen BD banks volt?without train person and machineries it is impossible for mob to break in and please stop mindless speculation.My cousin works there.on 6TH he took pictures on his phone,blood splatter all over the entrance. And cleaning crews were cleaning with bleach.and about your gopalganj police from whom they wanted to protect themselves from?unarmed sleeping poor ppl,why they even went there that night?couldnt they do it in broad day light?why the secrecy?if it was a peaceful evacuation then why ppl died at all.and please bhai enough with your untrue half true statement's. Its good that you support AL.that's your personal choice. But being blind about their fault and lying through your teeth is not my cup of tea.

Plz stop your nonsense. Come out of day dreams. This types of false allegation and claims hurt BD.
I wanted you proof not this gibberish. If you cant proof what happened than why you are talking.
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Independent channel clears the truth of operation shapla chattar.

If all the videos is not proof enough for you,then I am really sorry to say there is no hope for you.truth hurts.as I couldn't proof what happened(despite all the proof in Technicolor) nor did you proved that a pre plan cold blooded killing did not happened either. And farther more if you posses one iota of human fillings you will stop the nonsense you spout now and then.
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Independent channel clears the truth of operation shapla chattar.

If all the videos is not proof enough for you,then I am really sorry to say there is no hope for you.truth hurts.as I couldn't proof what happened(despite all the proof in Technicolor) nor did you proved that a pre plan cold blooded killing did not happened either. And farther more if you posses one iota of human fillings you will stop the nonsense you spout now and then.

Which videos you are talking about which proof your claim??? Can you please share that here!! Whatever was the reality that was already proved through the videos that were posted here. Furthermore this was proved again as neither BNP or hefazat could submit the list of people those who were dead nor any of the supposed dead people's relatives claimed that.

Now lets come to some of your claim "genocide" and "pre planned murder". Do you know what is the definition of that?

My following questions will answer all of your claim:::

Was not HeI supposed to clear Shapla Chattar by 6 PM of May 5, 2013. Did not they give commitment for that??

What it would happen in USA if a group violating earlier commitment tried to keep occupying the business district of the city and conducted severe destructive activities whole day??

What HeI did all day is well documented and the above video is a clear example of that?? How much these group of people contribute to the national economy?? and who gave them the right to destroy public property like that??

I am assuming you have already noticed the amount of destructive activities that they carried out, the way they even cut the trees and uprooted the dividers.

All of these for what??? To save Islam?? Answer is no!! Ahmed Shafi and some other top HeI leader were offered minister position if they can continue the rally/meeting upto May 7, 2013 at that point specially from morning of May 6, 2013 both Jamaat and BNP supporters were supposed to join them and they planned to take over secretariat and Bangladesh Bank and it was assured to BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia a group of army officer will break away from army and this may eventually cause this government to fall. Only from this point after the call of Khaleda Zia to Shafi and when he returned BAL started to issue tough warning to HeI and HeI started all the destructive activities.

Last minute call changes it all | The Daily Star

Only for this reason BAL in a meeting decided to free Shapla Chattar by night from HeI as the morning both BNP and Jamaat supporters were supposed to join them and at that point it would be difficult and bloody to free Shapla Chattar. That answer your question why the operation was carried out at night and why power was cut down mainly to reduce the number of visible target from HeI. This has been agreed by all that if it would continue for another day it would cause much more destruction. Khaleda Zia the 48 hour ultimatum given was mostly based on the HeI's success from the 5th may rally. As that failed BNP did not give any more agitation program.

সেনা অভ্যুত্থানের আশ্বাস পেয়েছিলেন খালেদা জিয়া

Eidesh.com: News:

Rab, police and BGB issued warning for more then 1 hour and asked them to evacuate the place. Did not they do miking for such a long time?? This is the Diganta TV report which is confirming that and not only that it is also confirming that when HeI started throwing stones to RAB the operation shapla started at that point.

Rab, Police and BGB during the operation used rubber bullet, sound grande and tear shell. None of which is meant for killing people and this is used by most of the riot police all across the countries of the world. All the people were let go at night and for this they kept one side road open. Only the people those who went into direct clash with law enforcement agencies were injured and this is unfortunate that at night around 20 people died for this.

The people those who masterminded the rally and all the top leader of HeI were not even present at the scene. They used young madrashah students as cannon fodder. Just look at the ages from the video that @madx posted. If it lawful and ethical to bring such young and minor children for violence just giving them 1000-2000 taka??

'হুজুর আমাগো ধোঁকা দিছে'

'হুজুর আমাগো ধোঁকা দিছে' :: প্রথম পাতা :: কালের &#24

‘হুজুর কইছিলেন বড় একখান ওয়াজ মাহফিল আছে, জনেরে ২০০০টেহা দিবো’


I am posting the following two video from BNP and Jamaat supported news channel NTV and Diganta. They even depicted what HeI did at that night and the amount of destruction that they carried out. No wonder for this HeI lost all their popularity after this.

My final question to you those who pre planned all these violence and used minor madrasah students for their own benefit, dnt they have any fault on this? If the procession/rally/meeting would have ended at 5-6 PM of May 5, 2013 as it was planned would all these destruction, killing and murder happen?
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Simple and innocent question: Why did the government ban Diganta TV and Islamic TV?

The same reason why USA banned Al Jazeera for broadcasting Osama Bin Laden's video. HeI was in no way peaceful and many of their associated member even had extremist link or ideology. Both the news channel were propagating these extreme speeches mostly for political reason which was inciting more violence. That was the reason why they were banned from broadcasting temporarily as described by government. This is a norm used by media not to propagate extreme view or ideology that can cause violence.

On topic both the news channel covered operation shapla and both of them were banned more then 1 hour after ending of the operation. Though I believe they could be allowed to broadcast so that people can see how much extreme these HeI is despite they were/are using the name islam with them. Even though Diganta aired 16 peopled died in the whole day after the operation who knows the next day they might subscribed to different Jamaati propaganda but to be honest I did not find discrepancies in their report so far.

What was going on behind the scene very few people know. Some news reported BAL leaders passed sleepless night that day.
On 5-6th may leading upto genocide Awami League force fired (165,000) one hundred and sixty five thousand round bullets and tear shell. That goes to show even more scale and scope Awami League genocide and exposes those who are running propaganda for Awami league coverup.


The number that you presented is half truth. The real truth is that bulk of that was used from noon of May 5, 2013 to 10 PM of May 5, 2013. Only around 1/3 of the mentioned amount was used at the night operation. As you can see majority of them were tear shell which is in no way meant for killing people. The report also mentioned that they fired open bullet and used sound grenade which was mostly used to create fear among the protesters so that they move out from Shapla Chattar. Accurate number of ammunition used at that night's operation will be published in a day or two.

Here is the detail news report for you:

†`o j¶vwaK †Mvjvevi“` e¨envi
Which videos you are talking about which proof your claim??? Can you please share that here!! Whatever was the reality that was already proved through the videos that were posted here. Furthermore this was proved again as neither BNP or hefazat could submit the list of people those who were dead nor any of the supposed dead people's relatives claimed that.

Now lets come to some of your claim "genocide" and "pre planned murder". Do you know what is the definition of that?

My following questions will answer all of your claim:::

Was not HeI supposed to clear Shapla Chattar by 6 PM of May 5, 2013. Did not they give commitment for that??

What it would happen in USA if a group violating earlier commitment tried to keep occupying the business district of the city and conducted severe destructive activities whole day??

What HeI did all day is well documented and the above video is a clear example of that?? How much these group of people contribute to the national economy?? and who gave them the right to destroy public property like that??

I am assuming you have already noticed the amount of destructive activities that they carried out, the way they even cut the trees and uprooted the dividers.

All of these for what??? To save Islam?? Answer is no!! Ahmed Shafi and some other top HeI leader were offered minister position if they can continue the rally/meeting upto May 7, 2013 at that point specially from morning of May 6, 2013 both Jamaat and BNP supporters were supposed to join them and they planned to take over secretariat and Bangladesh Bank and it was assured to BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia a group of army officer will break away from army and this may eventually cause this government to fall. Only from this point after the call of Khaleda Zia to Shafi and when he returned BAL started to issue tough warning to HeI and HeI started all the destructive activities.

Last minute call changes it all | The Daily Star

Only for this reason BAL in a meeting decided to free Shapla Chattar by night from HeI as the morning both BNP and Jamaat supporters were supposed to join them and at that point it would be difficult and bloody to free Shapla Chattar. That answer your question why the operation was carried out at night and why power was cut down mainly to reduce the number of visible target from HeI. This has been agreed by all that if it would continue for another day it would cause much more destruction. Khaleda Zia the 48 hour ultimatum given was mostly based on the HeI's success from the 5th may rally. As that failed BNP did not give any more agitation program.

সেনা অভ্যুত্থানের আশ্বাস পেয়েছিলেন খালেদা জিয়া

Eidesh.com: News:

Rab, police and BGB issued warning for more then 1 hour and asked them to evacuate the place. Did not they do miking for such a long time?? This is the Diganta TV report which is confirming that and not only that it is also confirming that when HeI started throwing stones to RAB the operation shapla started at that point.

Rab, Police and BGB during the operation used rubber bullet, sound grande and tear shell. None of which is meant for killing people and this is used by most of the riot police all across the countries of the world. All the people were let go at night and for this they kept one side road open. Only the people those who went into direct clash with law enforcement agencies were injured and this is unfortunate that at night around 20 people died for this.

The people those who masterminded the rally and all the top leader of HeI were not even present at the scene. They used young madrashah students as cannon fodder. Just look at the ages from the video that @madx posted. If it lawful and ethical to bring such young and minor children for violence just giving them 1000-2000 taka??

'হুজুর আমাগো ধোঁকা দিছে'

'হুজুর আমাগো ধোঁকা দিছে' :: প্রথম পাতা :: কালের 

‘হুজুর কইছিলেন বড় একখান ওয়াজ মাহফিল আছে, জনেরে ২০০০টেহা দিবো’


I am posting the following two video from BNP and Jamaat supported news channel NTV and Diganta. They even depicted what HeI did at that night and the amount of destruction that they carried out. No wonder for this HeI lost all their popularity after this.

My final question to you those who pre planned all these violence and used minor madrasah students for their own benefit, dnt they have any fault on this? If the procession/rally/meeting would have ended at 5-6 PM of May 5, 2013 as it was planned would all these destruction, killing and murder happen?
BHAI,SHIKHITO MURKHO JATIR OBHISHAP.Needless to say it does not matter how many times we give proof of this murders the likes of you will always come up with absurd arguments. You AL supporters are as bad as Jamat supporters.Both are equally harmful to us and BD.but you should remember: ONNAE JE KORE,AR ONNAE JE SHOHE,DUJONEI SHOMAN PAPI.with your carefully thought out questions you are trying to cover ALs bloody trail.in the process you just colored your hand with innocents ppls blood.I wonder how you sleep at night?
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All the statistics you posted were half true.#1:the announcement for evacuation lasted less then 1/2hrs.
#2:if you new there are children what kind of ppl that make you if you shoot them with rubber bullets?
#3:plz check the actual amount of ammo used that night.
#4:there is no rational logic you can give for the evacuation to carry out at night.unless any body can prove your hypothesis .every one nows SHORKAR FELE DEBO.is a political CHAPABAJI.even AL couldn't do it.they had to wait for election or 1/11 farce of a care taker gov:
#5:and you lie about destruction of public /gov properties by Hfazat only it was openly done by Jamat and AL both.
#6:in the last line-So you do believe that killing and murders did happen?
#7:all political parties hire men for rally and other public activities. Its not something new.cousins from my father side regularly supply men to BNP and AL both in Khulna and shatkhira.even my driver got 300tk for staying in shahabagh.
#8:And about the entire operation not being pre plan is big fat lie.we are not a country at war.10k police and other armed force just happened to be passing from shapla chottor with fully ready for killing spree is utter rubbish.and you know that better than me.
we need a independent judicial probe in to this matter . you have fire around 40000+ live ammo and claiming no lethal weapons wear used is utter false and it is also unbelievable that within hours govt troops have wipe out 2500 dead body. and if there were 2500 dead then how many injured ? where those injured people taking treatment ? where are the relative of missing/dead hepajat worker . or most of the hepajot worker were parents and relativeness ?
The moral of the above discussion is not how many died on 5th .Its about in a free country,under a elected democratic gov: ppl with right to demonstrate opinion opposing gov: had to die at all in the middle of the night like animals. It does not matter how many.

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