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Fascism at its best! Jamat finally showed its fascist nature to the whole world.

@aazidane, no, I've been in Sylhet for the last few days. Anyway, I see Sepoi got banned. Is @Hammer-fist, @BDforever, @RiasatKhan and @madx banned too?

Keep your eyes on Bangladesh for the next few months. You might get an unexpected surprize. Cheers.

Fascists like you kidnap witnesses, instruct the court to get the kind of verdict they want, pay thugs to foil the protests of the oppositions, release convicted murderers so that they can kill more people of the opposition, murder people in broad day light and then talk about crimes against humanity.
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bro you did not get it, it says that those blogger doing this stuff for a while, now my point is the protest should be in first place long time ago, why now ? when those blogger protesting against war criminals , now they are coming up against blogger activities.

You must thank the social media for both creating trouble and countering the trouble.

Before they were unknown and nobodies after they tried to mix up their anti-Islam hate with war crimes excuse they got exposed and here when they were also known to the Muslims in BD and their intentions as well.
Do Bangladesh have a Blasphemy Law??

if not why these guys are asking for the execution of these bloggers??

So the entire protest is unconstitutional these guys should have approached the courts instead. Looks like the 4.6 % support will also be reduced if these guys do this kind of public life disturbances.

*No Bangladesh doesn't have Blasphemy law, but shahbag protesters aren't following law either, therefore eye for an eye. When nothing was done to Shahbagi then nothing should be done to this protest.

*These are not Jamatis, these guys are way huge in number and if they all come out in the streets, BAL would be gone in a few days at max.
Well..if someone uses abusive words regaeding any of your goddesses or insults your religion, it'll not do any material harm but religious people in india will definitely come out on streets and cause problems to public lives....no? If you get what I mean, you'd get why it's happening.

now you are coming to the point, now tell me are they protesting against islam or protesting against war criminals in shahbagh ?
Well..if someone uses abusive words regaeding any of your goddesses or insults your religion, it'll not do any material harm but religious people in india will definitely come out on streets and cause problems to public lives....no? If you get what I mean, you'd get why it's happening.

In my view if some one abuses your beliefs, you should not give them publicity so that another day some other guy will exploit your weakness.

I don't think GOD needs us mere mortals to protect him.
Do Bangladesh have a Blasphemy Law??

if not why these guys are asking for the execution of these bloggers??

So the entire protest is unconstitutional these guys should have approached the courts instead. Looks like the 4.6 % support will also be reduced if these guys do this kind of public life disturbances.

Telling the court to change a verdict, is that constitutional? Don't poke your dirty nose in our affairs!
*No Bangladesh doesn't have Blasphemy law, but shahbag protesters aren't following law either, therefore eye for an eye. When nothing was done to Shahbagi then nothing should be done to this protest.

*These are not Jamatis, these guys are way huge in number and if they all come out in the streets, BAL would be gone in a few days at max.

Yes some external insecure power saw the shahbagh protest as a threat to Islam (Do remember 1971 massacre was the result of religion based ideology) and sponsoring this public life disturbance.

I can tell you common man on the street do not like disturbance of his public life either Shahbagh or this protest.
Telling the court to change a verdict, is that constitutional? Don't poke your dirty nose in our affairs!

Be nice, he is being reasonable and seems well uninformed. Don't discourage civil discussion.
Yes some external insecure power saw the shahbagh protest as a threat to Islam (Do remember 1971 massacre was the result of religion based ideology) and sponsoring this public life disturbance.

I can tell you common man on the street do not like disturbance of his public life either Shahbagh or this protest.
Islam doesn't run by sponsoring, it runs by faith. :) I myself would have joined it, if i was there.
bro if you think logically , if such things any person does, it comes into public quickly.
My point is some people use religion to fullfill their object, it is not new , it is happening all over the world. watch out of those stuff.

Sounds like you are not familiar with Bangla blogosphere. Once Thaba Baba got exposure due to his death many people for the first time visited Bangla blog sites. Sensing trouble the blog authorities started removing many blasphemic entries. Still you'll see a lot of blasphemic entries if you visit now, because most of the blog entries and comments are of that nature. If they try to remove all such entries the sites would turn into a ghost town.
Islam doesn't run by sponsoring, it runs by faith. :) I myself would have joined it, if i was there.

Some handfull of guys abused your faith and you people got outraged so much and spending lot of money and disturbing public life.

Is this the correct way to answer ??
bro you did not get it, it says that those blogger doing this stuff for a while, now my point is the protest should be in first place long time ago, why now ? when those blogger protesting against war criminals , now they are coming up against blogger activities.

Where was this war crime trial when Jamaat was with the BAL in 1986? Why did Sheikh Mujib pardon the actual 185 war criminals? You're a paid servant of the RAW, aren't you? If all the devout Muslims simply piss, maggots like you will simply wash away and I think the process has started.

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