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Oh pretty lady i'm right here. <3

so what's new? Idune is being idune. Lol.

@aazidane madx er pechhone lagse as usual.

It's really funny when traitors and dalals accuse a good person of treachery just because he was collecting evidence to expose children of jamath matha who were killing hindus and raping their women.
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This piece of song from Tupac, pretty much sums up the whole situation in Bangladesh.
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I caught a whiff-AL handing power to Army.can anybody find out from ALs side.is it true?
i was thinking about starting a thread on this. thanks for posting. this man is a traitor. ' israel to jews, chtgong to chakma' - propagated by this documentary in which this national traitor took part.

My problem with that program was that it was filled with outdated information and plenty of nonsense just to flare up some anti-Muslim ire.

I mean, boy...secularists sure can be bigoted :lol:

In fact, I'm surprised that old fool is still walking around freely after deliberately attempting to destabilize the region with a troubled history.

I suspect that a small, relatively little-known NGO is behind this whole facade. I suspect it to be UK-based.
A beautiful article by Sanjib Chowdhury in Amar Desh:

??? ?????? ?? ???

Another one:

???? ???? ??????

I translated the first article in Bangla written by this Bangladeshi Hindu reporter so the world can see how Awami League is doing false flag attacks on Hindu's and blaming it on Islamic parties such as Jamaat and Hefazat-e-Islami:
Amardesh, April 5, 2013

Kar Dalali ke kore (Whose Dalali/agentship is done by whom)


Sanjib Chowdhury

My journalism career has reached 44 years crossing 43 in this February. In this long period I wrote many pieces in my own name. Last week the response I got from more than a thousand people to the piece I wrote called "who is in more danger", was an unimaginable experience for me. There were many who called me on the phone to speak with me. Some even got emotional and started crying while talking to me. From these conversations I got the impression that they could never imagine that the silent cry of the bearded devout Muslims wearing caps would caught the eye of a Hindu (Sanjib) and get expressed through his pen.

One should remember that I am not saying that the minority specially Hindu's are not in danger. Hindu's houses, temples, businesses are being attacked stealthily at the cover of darkness at night. These attackers cannot be identified for some reason it seems. So forget about giving them punishment, the attackers are not even being caught. Even without these recent disturbances, for valid reasons, there is mountain of pain being accumulated in the minds of Hindu's, and as a Hindu person, I am well aware of this. In this context, what I want to say is that, just like innocent Hindu's, innocent devout Muslims are also not doing well at all. The reason for not doing well of minorities and a section of majority for being devout is the absence of Democratic Values and awareness of a sense of Human Rights. To bring these values back in society, Muslims have to learn to cry at Hindu's pain and Hindu's have to learn to cry at Muslims pain; only after that there will be growth of mutual sympathy for both communities and the evil forces roaming under the cover of darkness will look for ways to escape.

For the last part of my previous piece, a famous Buddhist writer expressed mild objection. He is a very amiable gentleman. There was no dearth of good manners in his way of expressing his objection. He said that the fact that I highlighted the picture of devout Muslims in danger, have overshadowed the fact of Hindu's being in danger. I could not agree with him on this. If I see that you are in bad shape and I say "Brother, your situation does not look so good" - then why should this reduce in importance the fact that I am also in bad situation? Among those readers who responded to my writing online, more than a hundred have expressed praise and support. Among the commenters, only one Hindu have said something different. His comment: "Sanjib Chowdhury, no matter how much dalali/agentship you do, you will not stay alive and I will not either". Just because of sporting a beard and wearing a cap, devout religious Muslims in this country are being put in harms way, I did not know that pointing out this reality becomes dalali/agentship on my part.

In this regard, I want to mention two past incidents. At that time I was working in the editorial section of Dainik Jugantor (news paper named Daily Jugantor). Under the supervision of Hafez Ahmadullah, every Friday the published religion page was getting a lot of popular response. Every now and then, many Huzur's (Mullah) came to meet Ahmadullah from different regions. I met a few of them and over some days got close to them. Seeing this, a coworker from the editorial section (he works in a different news paper now) jokingly said that you are getting too close to these Musalli's/Mullah, you will understand the consequence, once they stab you in your stomach. A decade has past since those jokes. No Hujur ever stabbed me and I am still working as a journalist making ends meet.

Second incident is after 3 months from above incident. There was going to be a religious get together (Waz Mahfil) in Kamrangir Char near Dhaka. A son of Hafezi Huzur, late Hamidullah Huzur was a close friend. He invited me to this religious get together to make a speech. When I decided to go there, my family got very worried. At that time the situation in Kamrangir Char was not so good. One aspect of the situation was that the Muslims in that area are very conservative. If they face someone from different religious background, there was no telling what they might do. My family got worried about what would happen to me if I went to attend this religious gathering (Islamic Mahfil) in this Kamrangir Char area, so they forced my son to go with me as a body guard. But the warm welcome I got in this Mahfil, I still remember that pleasant memory to this day. On the way back, my son was surprised and told me "Dad, none of these Huzur's look communal!"

Nanupur Madrasa in Fotikchori, Chittagong is a conservative Islamic educational institution. Adjacent to this Madrasa is a very old Buddhist village. On one side of the boundary wall is a Madrasa and on the other side is a Buddhist temple. For half a century, these have co-existed with mutual good relations. When the General Manager of the Madrasa Zamiruddin Huzur died, people in the Buddhist village were filled with sorrow. This Madrasa is probably now the largest Islamic educational center in the country. More than a year ago, a few miscreants attacked a Hindu village to illegaly take over Hindu property. If Allama Ahmad Shafi, one of the main important personage in Hathajari Madrasa, did not resist with his anti-communal feelings, much blood would have flown in that day. Everyone knows about aggressive attitude of late Mufti Fazlul Haque Amini. But no one much remembers how he was alert about making sure that there is no break in the Puja-Archana (Hindu prayer rituals) in Dakeshwari temple, and how he instructed Lalbag Madrasa students to watch out for the temple's well being.

Therefore, the Hindu gentleman who said that he and I will both die at Muslim hands, this kind of idea is baseless. Rather, it will be better for Hindu's like him to get out from such perverted thinking.

But it is not just Hindu's that is suffering from such delusions. Recently, the chairman of Human Rights Commission, Dr. Mizanur Rahman, made a tremendous insulting statement against the devout Muslims of this country, so much so that there is worry that this will irrepairably damage the non-communal reputation of Bangladesh. He said that the way Bangladesh is going, it seems that in 20 years no Hindu's will exist in this country. He also said that the current stealth attacks that are going on against Hindu temples and property are just training exercises. In his opinion, Hindu's are facing a terrible upcoming blow. If we analyze Dr. Mizan's statement, first we can say that Bangladesh is going this way, because Awami League govt. is running it this way. That the Hindu's will disappear in Bangladesh in 20 years, if things continue this way, for this Dr. Mizan is blaming the misrule of AL govt. and holding the AL govt. responsible? This needs to be clarified. According to Dr. Mizan's theory, Hindu's will disappear in three different methods:

- first, Hindu's will all be killed
- second, Hindu's will all convert
- third, Hindu's will escape from the country

Other than these three reasons, there is no other way for the Hindu's to disappear. Does he think that Muslims of Bangladesh are loosing their sanity and are bent on destroying the Hindu community in Bangladesh? What is the basis of his belief that there is imminent assault on Hindu's (of Bangladesh). If he found authentic evidence for this upcoming attack, then what is his responsibility as the Chairman of the Human Rights Commission to stop this imminent assault? I personally think that by making these strange and provocative statement he is creating an environment of fear and terror in the country, defaming Bangladesh and handing over sharp weapons to other states to act accordingly (making use of this make believe situation to take steps against Bangladesh). Not only that, this is also a huge insult for the majority (Muslim) community of this country. In 1955 then East Pakistan Chief Secretary Punjabi ICS (CSP) officer Aziz Ahmad, thumped a table and told Mrs. Neli Sengupta, an influential leader of Pakistan National Congress: I know how to eliminate Hindu's from Pakistan. Pakistan broke, Bangladesh came into being, Aziz Ahmad is no more, we Hindu's are living together with Muslims through thick and thin. And after so many years, I don't know if Dr. Mizan is feeling the same itch of Hindu elimination like Aziz Ahmad. But whether Doctorate degree holder Mr. Mizan likes it or not, as long as there is Bangladesh, there will be existence of many different religious communities of Bangladeshi's in this country.

When I almost finished this article, I saw a news in one of the private TV channels. US Ambassador Dan Mozena went to Dhakeshwari temple to express sympathy to Hindu's under the context of ongoing attacks (on Hindu's). There he uttered some pleasant words. According to the TV news report, some temple affiliated Hindu's told Mozena that Jamaat-Shibir and Hefazat-e-Islam are attacking Hindu's. Firstly, I would like to say that, if US Ambassador want to express his condolences for the affected Hindu victims of attacks, that is good, but why go to Dhakeshwar temple for that? Has this temple or any other temple in the capital city (Dhaka) been affected? Mr. Mozena, would it not be more proper and realistic if you had taken the trouble and visited the actual areas where the attacks took place and talked directly with the affected Hindu's? Where did Dhakeshwari temple priests (Purut/Thakurs) find the information that Jamaat-Shibir and Hefazat-e-Islam are together beating up the Hindu's? In govt. statements, so far it was heard that BNP was assisting Jamaat-shibir for attack on Hindu's; suddenly BNP name was dropped and Hefazat-e-Islam's name is now being mentioned, who gave them this idea, I don't know. I would request the important personage of the Dhakeshwari temple not to parrot the same propaganda and do further damage to the Hindu community (of Bangladesh). I am a Hindu as well. I also know some information. The information I have is that among Political parties, only Jamaat-e-Islami is trying to help the affected Hindu's in a organized way. I felt ashamed from this incident. I never voted for Jamaat-e-Islami; no Hindu's ever voted for them I think. But even then this party collectively is standing by the side of Hindu's in this hour of need, this fact cannot be denied. Who felt ashamed or who felt aggrieved, however do not determine the flow of history.
15 km away (in Uttara area) from April 6 program venue,steady stream of people pouring in...

Dam , thats huge crowd, it is rocking, watching Diginata channel live telecast :D
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