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ASEAN as Defence Bloc?

That's just a politically correct way of stating the obvious.

Anyways, I'm sure India would be very interested in such an endeavor, if such a bloc were to have an anti-china orientation.

Doubt that as historically, India has stayed away from anti-Chinese alliances.

But India will take this as an opportunity to improve ties with ASEAN nations.
China supports ASEAN since 1997,
from 1997 to now, China-ASEAN leaders meeting(10+1meeting) held every year, 14 times
China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA) found in 2010,China-ASEAN export and import value 363 billion$ in 2011, China is the first trade partner of ASEAN;

ASEAN covers a land area of 4.46 million km², which is 3% of the total land area of Earth,
a population of approximately 600 million people, which is 8.8% of the world's population.
GDP had grown to US$1.93 trillion in 2011, 2.7% of the world;
in which Indonesia is 44% GDP of ASEAN, and the top 4 hold 75% GDP of ASEAN(Indonesia,Thailand,Malaysia,*Singapore).

Indonesia $845.6 billion
Thailand $345.6 billion
Malaysia $278.6 billion
Singapore $259.8*billion
Philippines $224.7*billion
Vietnam $122.7*billion
Burma $82.7*billion
Brunei $15.5*billion
Cambodia $14.2*billion
Laos $7.9*billion

except VN and Philippines, China has good relation with other 8 countries, if ASEAN is one country, it will be the 9th biggest country, bigger than India, and India can hardly catch up ASEAN.

Are you happy now?

I know you are rich and mighty, we are poor and backward. So pls stop to provoke us by staging military exercises in the SCS and installing other equipments in the disputed areas!

Vietnam requests China to respect sovereignty
VOV Online Newspaper - B
Despite all the rhetoric there's not one single country within ASEAN would join an anti-China alliance and that's including Vietnam and the Philippines.
Despite all the rhetoric there's not one single country within ASEAN would join an anti-China alliance and that's including Vietnam and the Philippines.

But there are some nations in ASEAN which seek to balance China's influence in the region by inviting other nations
Are you happy now?

I know you are rich and mighty, we are poor and backward. So pls stop to provoke us by staging military exercises in the SCS and installing other equipments in the disputed areas!

Vietnam requests China to respect sovereignty
VOV Online Newspaper - B

and I don't think VN and Philippine will really and openly anti-China, time will solve that, China has traditional good feeling with Korea,VN and India.
As usual, the dream of DaiViet, lead the ASEAN warriors to counter its historical enemy and hope someday plant its flag in Beijing.

I really get a problem with the Chinese.

Why can´t you just close your eyes and let us do what we want to do?
Historically we never pose a threat to you, athough we could take some chances to do in ancient times. So keep quiet and watch the show this time.
But there are some nations in ASEAN which seek to balance China's influence in the region by inviting other nations

Economically, militarily and politically there's no one country within ASEAN can and willing to 'balance' China because China's simply too big for any of these country to 'balance'. By inviting another country you probably mean the US. If the US is calling for a military alliance of ASEAN today now with her as a leader I would doubt anyone, including the Philippines, would join. After all you're the one who have to live with you neighbor in the future and despite all the media hypes not everyone in the area perceive China is as threat.
Europe is Christian, ASEAN is Communist, Muslims, secular democracies, Chinese (70+ million), Christian (phillipines), Buddhist (Thailand n Burma) etc etc (not going to work)

Europe doesn't have outstanding land disputes, ASEAN has huge land disputes e.g. last year skirmishes between thailand and cambodia (not going to work)

You can't just say because Europe did it we should emulate that for somewhere else. It took two world wars and a cold war for Europe to be where they are now.

Perhaps not overnight, but step by step. Say, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei join first and then the others one by one.
Economically, militarily and politically there's no one country within ASEAN can and willing to 'balance' China because China's simply too big for any of these country to 'balance'. By inviting another country you probably mean the US. If the US is calling for a military alliance of ASEAN today now with her as a leader I would doubt anyone, including the Philippines, would join. After all you're the one who have to live with you neighbor in the future and despite all the media hypes not everyone in the area perceive China is as threat.

Fully agree with the bolded part

PS: my opinion was based on cables from wikileaks
I really get a problem with the Chinese.

Why can´t you just close your eyes and let us do what we want to do?
Historically we never pose a threat to you, athough we could take some chances to do in ancient times. So keep quiet and watch the show this time.

LOL The reason I have to put my 2 cents in because I was afraid if I don't reveal you 'plan' to my leaders you might lead my small nation-state to a war path.
And of course, I find it is just fair if we lead the defence bloc, that other member states should finance our army partly. Like the US demands from Japan.
And of course, I find it is just fair if we lead the defence bloc, that other member states should finance our army partly. Like the US demands from Japan.

Now my good man, you're the one who's ruining all the chances of forming a military ASEAN alliance this time around.
Let me give you a little perspective. How many nations does China have large war games with? Does China have war simulation training on a large scale with their economic partners in Europe? or ASEAN? Who does China have huge scale military war games with> and who votes in accordance with each other at the UNSC?

Conducting some war games is not the criteria for a defense block, nor it is a symbol,if that was true India should be member of such numerous blocks.

For a start like some members in this thread posted,all the members should be united against a common threat,thats not the current situation in SCO.

So if tomorrow China have some dispute with India,will all the members rally behind China against India especially Russia, same if Russia goes against Pakistan, will China allow an united offense?

Rather than some war games what are the major offensives in which SCO took part.
Does it rallied behind Russia in its war against Georgia,and by that I dont mean diplomatically, I mean military since we are talking about a military block.
Dude you still, still don't get it! When Turkey invaded Greece the US AKA superpower could just say stop it u stupid kids and make them stop. If sh1t hits the fan like i said earlier:
How is Vietnam going to stop a three way war between Malaysia-Singapore-Indonesia? Or help Phillipines fight their communist rebels (Vietnam is communist) or prevent a war between thailand and cambodia? .

We provoke the war between thailand and cambodia to warn Thai-Chinese King that: if he doesn't go against China's agression with us, then he will be overthrown like PoL Pot soon.:coffee:
Thailand informs Cambodian, Vietnamese embassies on spy arrest

BANGKOK, June 10 - Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya on Friday said his ministry informed the Cambodian and Vietnamese embassies in Bangkok about the arrest of their nationals for alleged spying, affirming that legal action would be taken under Thai law.

Three men -- one Thai, a Vietnamese and a Cambodian -- were arrested by the Thai military authorities for alleged spying on this country’s military bases and bunkers for the local population in the border province of Si Sa Ket
Thailand informs Cambodian, Vietnamese embassies on spy arrest
ahfatzia said:
Despite all the rhetoric there's not one single country within ASEAN would join an anti-China alliance and that's including Vietnam and the Philippines.
How about attacking Thailand (and next is Singapore), kick out all bad chinese there like what we did from 1979 to 1988 to let Thai-Sing to joint Viet-Laos-Camb's defence bloc ?? :P

Let me remind you that: China-US didn't dare to protect their ally Thailand that time and three nuclear capable missile Shaddock with 1000kg conventional warhead can destroy the entire Singapore's territory :P
Now my good man, you're the one who's ruining all the chances of forming a military ASEAN alliance this time around.

My good man, the defence treaty would include financing aspect, among other things. Let say we would send army to a friendly country, that is only fair to share the costs.

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