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  1. E

    India. China prepare for another joint military excercise

    Read This contrarian-investor-sees-economic-crash-in-china: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
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    Fighting for Kashmirs liberation is Pakistans duty

    With NRO being history Zardari is in serious trouble. PML & other parties want to oust him. However Zardari being a shroud politician, he knows he still has several aces in his deck. He has now taken out Kashmir card to rally support for him. He still has the Islam card. If that does not work he...
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    Dragon's Teeth

    Terrorists attacks carried out in Pakistan are done on very sensitive military targets and personnel. It's hard to believe that foreign agencies are aware of internal military heirarchy or even ex political leaders that are targeted by militants. Foreign agencies are not concerned where these...
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    Worlds biggest illegale Gun market in Pakistan

    Gun & Drug culture is nothing to be proud about. Guns are falling in criminal hands. Government has no sovereignity or its writ in these areas. Guns in hands of criminals, gangs or militia is dangerous thing for civil society. Most people killed by these guns are not the foreign enemies but...
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    After air, President takes to water

    Ya tell it to Obama!
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    Al-Qaida Kills Eight Times More Muslims Than Non-Muslims

    That's right today alone Al Queda killed over 100 shia pilgrims in Iraq. AQ has declared war on shia. AQ leadership based in tribal area of Pakistan near Afghan border is ordering killings in Iraq and entire Islamic world is tongue tied and Pakistani leadership & Mullahs are quiet, even Iran...
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    Pak-India outstanding issues affecting war on terror: PM

    This is just a diversion tactic by PM & PPP. As now NRO is history the President & PPP govt has lost credibility & legitimacy. ISI holds the real power. Military influenced NAB to pursue NRO recipients in SC, so as to diminish politicians' clout. Now govt has been told by PA to follow their...
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    Def. minister Ch. Mukhtar A stopped on ISL. Airport. Not allowed to leave country

    For first time I am happy to see democracy & independent judiciary is working in Pakistan. Nobody should be above the law especially the President and military officials implicated by NAB.
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    Afghanistan: Defeated America & Pakistan

    If America & Pakistan are defeated in Afghanistan what is there left for Taliban to celebrate. No infrastructure, no schools, no development, no law & order. They will have poverty, starvation, no international trade. May be just opium and drug trade with most of the population addicted to it.
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    We have proof of Indian hand in terrorism: Malik

    There are a couple of reasons why Malik is accusing Indian hand in recent bombings, mostly to divert the attention from his incrimination in NRO and to get Pakistani public opinion more focused on India than him and secondly recent FBI revelations of involvement of American citizen of Pakistani...
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    No One Can Seperate Islam and Pakistan: Gen. Kayani

    The statement by the Army chief further bolsters the fact that Pakistan is a theocratic state. As the name goes it's the country of the pure. The country has the suffix "Islamic Republic" before its name "Pakistan". Pakistan requires its citizens to declare their religion on the passport...
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    Unlike China, India has growth with values: PM Manmohan

    Who say there is no hunger in USA? According to a report 34 million citizens including 14 million chilren go hungry in USA. Here is the link Hunger in USA rises by 43 percent over last five years
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    Afghan Taliban commander expresses disassociation with TTP

    Correction Islamists & most Pakistanis have a little regard for truth. They still believe 911 was a inside job and TTP is supported by CIA, RAW & Mosaad, though Osama has taken responsibility for 911 on his video & TTP has said they do not accept aid from infidels.
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    Afghan Taliban commander expresses disassociation with TTP

    Islamists & most Pakistanis have a little regard for truth. They still believe 911 was a inside job and TTP is supported by CIA, RAW & Mosaad, though Osama has taken responsibility for 911 on his video & TTP has said they do accept aid from infidels.
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    Terrorist Attack in Peshawar Market

    PA controls GOP. PA controls all politicians in Pakistan, nobody dares to speak against it. PA controls Judiciary. Court will never pass any decision against PA. PA thought they controlled all Jehadis. They were wrong. Some Jehadis have turned against PA, a problem in its own making. Even in...
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    Suicide Attack at PAC Kamra

    At least 22 killed in 3 terror attacks as Taliban nears Pakistan's main nuclear missile store October 23, 2009, 1:33 PM (GMT+02:00) Pakistani brigadier targeted by Taliban At least 7 people were killed, 13 injured when a suicide bomber on a bicycle blew himself up Friday, Oct. 23, outside...
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    Is Nawaz Sharif afraid of taking a stand on the SW Operation??

    NS is no different from PA. It's De Ja Vu for PA. They have again subscribed to theory of bad Taliban & good Taliban and have made deals with Maulvi Nazir & Gul Bahadur. PA only wants go after Mehsud's TTP only , they are still sympathetic to Mullah Omar & AQ. Once again this is a strategic...
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    If fired, Haqqani threatens to unveil 'reams' of Pakistan's secrets

    Well, today's patriots are tomorrow's traitors. Just look at Musharraf, he is selling his information for all mighty $. Just like the last regime's most powerful men like the President & PM are in exile, they can not even enter the country they ruled for 9 years. It is easier for them to visit...
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    GHQ Check-Post Attackers Killed - Hostages Rescued!

    Pakistan frees 39 army HQ officers seized by Taliban. No word on embattled tunnel link to nuclear arsenal Special Report October 11, 2009, 3:22 PM (GMT+02:00) Defending Pakistani army HQ against Taliban A day and a night after an armed Taliban takeover of Pakistan's main military...
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    General Kayani speaks up against the Kerry Lugar Bill

    I know by saying this I am going to unnerve a lot of participants and I will get a lot of responses. But current situation of terrorist acts like the one in Peshawar could be result of tactical mistake by Kiyani not to attack South Waziristan sooner. What is he waiting for? He is giving them...
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