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No One Can Seperate Islam and Pakistan: Gen. Kayani

See, anyone today within and without Pakistan knows very well that one thing all Pakistanis agree on is that Pakistan is islamic. Why is this obvious thing being stressed again by Kiyaniji? Remember, he is not just any other person. He is the most powerful person in Pakistan. If he has to issue a reassurance than it has to be taken seriously. Every word Kiyaniji speaks in public is of great importance to Pakistan similar to the way every word of Obama is important to US. One cannot dismiss it as routine talk. Also Kiyaniji is not a loosemouth like, say, musharraf who loved to talk. Kiyaniji talks very less, and only on important matters.

The message is just to remind that Pakistan is an Islamic state. Dont extract useless or meaningless things.
Yes, they do. Apart from that the Govt. also donates, infact more than Pakistan. "]UNRWA welcomes US$ 1 million donation from India

you'll have to re-post the link, it didn't show

India itself houses more muslims than Pakistan.

no, it doesn't.

old cliche

Chahbahar, and Delaram road, are evidence of India-Iran's similar ambitions for this region.

in terms of geography and location, Gwadar is more strategic anyways. Transit fees accruing from to-and-from-China trade would alone suffice, given its ever-expanding economy

Secondary role would be to serve Central Asian markets; many of those countries are land-locked.

The message is just to remind that Pakistan is an Islamic state. Dont extract useless or meaningless things.

Well, I ignored many such responses but I guess I'll have to present my viewpoint.

Ok, You say Kiyaniji only reminded. Then several questions arise:
who was he reminding?
Why did it need reminder now, was it not taken for granted?

And suprisingly the same time there is a proposal to change the name
of a country. Changing the name of a country is not a small issue. That too, a country that was formed on the basis of Islam wants to remove Islam from its name, if this is not news, what is. I guess these questions are uncomfortable to you guys, so you brush them aside. But I would say that just by closing eyes, things dont change.
You're the only person here who has spent 2 pages making a huge deal out of a simple statement made by COAS. :coffee:
you'll have to re-post the link, it didn't show

Here is a different link UNRWA welcomes USD 1m donation from India

Here is another link to show India's relation with Palestine. 'India's voice carries weight in intl community'

Heres another. India At Forefront Of Humanitarian Aid To PNA: UN Agency

no, it doesn't.

old cliche

Pakistan's population is about 160 million, lets assume all of them are muslims. India's muslim population is about 160 million. So, its almost equal or more.

in terms of geography and location, Gwadar is more strategic anyways. Transit fees accruing from to-and-from-China trade would alone suffice, given its ever-expanding economy

Secondary role would be to serve Central Asian markets; many of those countries are land-locked.


The picture you posted does not depict reality after delaram route is constructed by India. Now, chabahar can be used by Afghanistan and it does not depend on Gwadar. Iran and India are working quite closely on this front.


You're the only person here who has spent 2 pages making a huge deal out of a simple statement made by COAS. :coffee:

Fine, I am also tired of trying to open the eyes. So be it. Lets agree to disagree. I replied because it gets irritating when every other pakistani member quotes the post and says:"Kiyani just said it',' Kiyani was indulging idle talk'..etc. But I promise no more posts on that topic.
alrighty then!

p.s. you cant ignore that landlocked Afghanistan --especially the Mid and Southern regions still rely on Karachi port and highways network to get their goods. Trucking business has always been quite lucrative.
p.s. you cant ignore that landlocked Afghanistan --especially the Mid and Southern regions still rely on Karachi port and highways network to get their goods. Trucking business has always been quite lucrative.

I agree, but the new route is gaining importance...that augurs well for us.
thats true....they'll just be rivals, which is fine. Much like everything else going on =)
are u their spokesperson? How do u know its "propaganda"

there are videos titled..."an Indian muslim's answer to Pakistan" and other $hit like that...I would classify them along with the hindu videos from Pakistan as propaganda videos.
normal people like you and me would not put videos on you-tube declaring our blood-thirst for each other.
i would trust a news report more...as the news agencies fear censors and blacklisting...though even that doesn't stop them from spreading misinformation...everything else is propaganda.
btw, it was minority groups protesting against india when Mr. Pranab Mukhraji made statements about demand for Hafiz Saeed to be arrested
We are going off-track here...yes valid as it may be...I am of the opinion that these fellows marching on the streets of Pakistan chanting anti-india slogans would somewhere down inside want a secular Pakistan more than an islamic Pakistan.
i wasnt even talking about indian muslims -- i was talking about what you yourself said -- that minority groups in Pakistan who stand up for Pakistan are considered "propaganda" artists
i wasnt even talking about indian muslims -- i was talking about what you yourself said -- that minority groups in Pakistan who stand up for Pakistan are considered "propaganda" artists

yes i agree with you yes i think so that no one can separate Islam and Pakistan
but terrors and traitors and also whose those thinking negative for Pakistan include ANP MQM
And our Army General speak realistic i stand with pk army:sniper:
if Pakistan current leaders starts separating Islam which will be wrong will terrorist more reason to attack Pakistani Muslims.
The statement by the Army chief further bolsters the fact that Pakistan is a theocratic state. As the name goes it's the country of the pure. The country has the suffix "Islamic Republic" before its name "Pakistan". Pakistan requires its citizens to declare their religion on the passport, before applying to any government or civil job. A nonmuslim can not hold or run for the office of the President, PM or become Army chief. It has blasphemy laws on the books, also has separate Sharia courts. Right Pakistan & Islam can not be separated, But whose Islam is it anyway? 7th century religious fervor in 21st century?
The statement by the Army chief further bolsters the fact that Pakistan is a theocratic state. As the name goes it's the country of the pure. The country has the suffix "Islamic Republic" before its name "Pakistan". Pakistan requires its citizens to declare their religion on the passport, before applying to any government or civil job. A nonmuslim can not hold or run for the office of the President, PM or become Army chief. It has blasphemy laws on the books, also has separate Sharia courts. Right Pakistan & Islam can not be separated, But whose Islam is it anyway? 7th century religious fervor in 21st century?

its the same Islam but some followed it wrong...it does n t means that TTP Islam or Pakistani Islam is different the only difference it that funded TTP are forcing it on people where a normal Pakistani citizen do n t force on but preach Islam to non muslim .
TTP are created to keep Pakistan army and muslim who want to volunteer Jahid in afghanistan busy in side Pakistan .....TTP are only created to gave freedom fighter of afghanistan a bad name.

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