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Pak-India outstanding issues affecting war on terror: PM


Dec 3, 2007
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Pak-India outstanding issues affecting war on terror: PM

* Gilani calls for early resumption of ‘meaningful, result-oriented’ dialogue with India
* Kashmiris integral component of peace process
* AJK Council budget approved

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Non-resolution of all outstanding issues between Pakistan and India is impeding efforts to effectively counter terrorism, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said on Saturday.

Speaking at the PM’s House, while chairing the 44th session of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Council, the prime minister called for early resumption of a “meaningful and result-oriented” dialogue process with India.

He said he has always stressed that peace and stability in South Asia could only be guaranteed if all outstanding issues between Pakistan and India, including the Kashmir dispute, were resolved.

“Pakistan has shown commitment to reversing the course of confrontation in South Asia. We are ready to start a journey of peace and accommodation in order to provide a better environment to the people to prosper and develop,” Gilani said.

He hoped that the governments of Pakistan and India would live up to the expectations of their people and the Kashmiris so that the dream of lasting peace in South Asia could be realised.

Gilani said Kashmiris are a party to the dispute and an integral component of the peace process. They should be included in the dialogue process to make it more meaningful and result-oriented, he added.

He assured the Kashmiris that the government and the people of Pakistan would always stand by them, until they succeed in their struggle to achieve self-determination.

Gilani said Pakistan has called for an end to human rights violations in Indian-held Kashmir and pressed India to repeal its draconian laws.

He said Pakistan is committed to finding a just and peaceful resolution to the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

He said Pakistan would continue extending political, moral and diplomatic support to the people of Azad Jammu and Kashmir in their struggle.

Budget: Earlier, the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Council unanimously approved its budget for the year 2009-10 and revised estimates for the year 2008-09.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
How can fighting groups that espouse the establishment of a so called "Islamic state" in FATA and eventually Pakistan have anything to do with territorial disputes. Particularly when Kashmiris themselves don't want these militant groups to fight on "behalf" of them.

A real stretch by the honorable PM when he should be pulling up the extremists for using Islam for political purposes for his war on terror.
Amusing at best. No one internationally buys this argument. Trying to give a spin to things is an old Pakistani habit, especially when they have been caught with thier pants down.

If Pakistan was really serious about shutting these groups down it would have done so already. Resolving of outstanding issues is just an excuse to keep the jehadi powder dry, the PA is doing is the same with Gulbuddin Hakimiyat faction in Afghanistan - just bidding for time before using these proxy groups to do its bidding. One fails to understand what outstanding issues the Pakistanis have with the Americans that is stopping them from acting against people like Hakimiyat.
How can fighting groups that espouse the establishment of a so called "Islamic state" in FATA and eventually Pakistan have anything to do with territorial disputes.

As long as the disputes remain Pakistan cannot dedicate its entire Resources and Focus on eradicating Alqaida which the US is keep on demanding . Its due to the obvious nature of these outstanding disputes that PA cannnot go after the hardcore millitants like Haqqani network or HIG network which enjoy compleet impunity Along bordering areas of North Waziristan .
No one internationally buys this argument

If the US dosent acknowledges this truth then it will have to withdraw from afghanistan without securing any of the objectives .With all these disputes PA cannot go after the hardcore millitants which the US demands .
PM is right on spot. Pakistan is watching India and fighting a war towards Afghanistan.. A million dollar question is why so? To answer, we have fought 3 wars on the issue of Kashmir with India and we are still vulnerable to each other. 10 men, who ever they were, on 26/11 had brought two Nuclear Powered Nations stand eye-ball to eye-ball.. and God forbid, this might happen again in a matter of hours.

Pakistan cannot focus towards Afghanistan as long as Pakistan and India stand as enemies and without resolving Kashmir, it is not possible.
As long as the disputes remain Pakistan cannot dedicate its entire Resources and Focus on eradicating Alqaida which the US is keep on demanding . Its due to the obvious nature of these outstanding disputes that PA cannnot go after the hardcore millitants like Haqqani network or HIG network which enjoy compleet impunity Along bordering areas of North Waziristan .

The government must first act on its promises :cheers:or how abt giving a pause to cross border terrorism:what:
PM is right on spot. Pakistan is watching India and fighting a war towards Afghanistan.. A million dollar question is why so? To answer, we have fought 3 wars on the issue of Kashmir with India and we are still vulnerable to each other. 10 men, who ever they were, on 26/11 had brought two Nuclear Powered Nations stand eye-ball to eye-ball.. and God forbid, this might happen again in a matter of hours.

Pakistan cannot focus towards Afghanistan as long as Pakistan and India stand as enemies and without resolving Kashmir, it is not possible.

Now a nuclear war :cheesy: thats a dream for indians. India will never use Nukes
if so it can only be done by Pakistan

And Kashmir my friend is a core issue only for Pakistan we have a lot of other things, But u guys want only Kashmir :cheesy:
The government must first act on its promises

Actually the GOP is . But the Pace is slow as there are limited resources to contour these well established networks . the GOP simply cannot assign the entire PA to go after these millitants without taking into account the threat these outstanding disputes pose , thus greatly slowing down the Pace of progress which in turn is haunting the frustrated Americans across the border .
Franky in my view the PMs statement is not directed towards Indians it for those Demanding American officials who keep on shouting domore domore without taking interests into the ground realities and the limitations of the Theater in which the PA is .
This is just a diversion tactic by PM & PPP. As now NRO is history the President & PPP govt has lost credibility & legitimacy. ISI holds the real power. Military influenced NAB to pursue NRO recipients in SC, so as to diminish politicians' clout. Now govt has been told by PA to follow their policy otherwise Mili will push for their exit, as long as Gilani goes along with that his govt is safe. Is important to note most of the corruption in armed forces was not touched by NAB. ISI is still sympathetic to Islamists, they still think they can use so called good Taliban & AQ to Pakistan's advantage to bleed Afghanistan, India & even Iran. ISI is playing double game with US, supporting war on terror to some extent to get financial & military help at the same time giving safe haven to Quetta shura & safe houses to AQ leadership. They see this war as a cash cow or the chicken that lays the golden eggs, they don't want to finish it.
If the US dosent acknowledges this truth then it will have to withdraw from afghanistan without securing any of the objectives .With all these disputes PA cannot go after the hardcore millitants which the US demands .

Pakistan keeps making statement after statement trying to get the Americans to pressure India. But the Americans just dont seem to be paying any heed. I guess its time that Pakistan realised that the strategic balance of power has shifted to India and no country in the world will antagonise India, that too on Pakistans asking.

Pakistans will be on Washingtons radar screen only till the Afghan problem is solved and then its back to global obscurity for Islamabad.
This is just a diversion tactic by PM & PPP. As now NRO is history the President & PPP govt has lost credibility & legitimacy. ISI holds the real power. Military influenced NAB to pursue NRO recipients in SC, so as to diminish politicians' clout. Now govt has been told by PA to follow their policy otherwise Mili will push for their exit, as long as Gilani goes along with that his govt is safe. Is important to note most of the corruption in armed forces was not touched by NAB. ISI is still sympathetic to Islamists, they still think they can use so called good Taliban & AQ to Pakistan's advantage to bleed Afghanistan, India & even Iran. ISI is playing double game with US, supporting war on terror to some extent to get financial & military help at the same time giving safe haven to Quetta shura & safe houses to AQ leadership. They see this war as a cash cow or the chicken that lays the golden eggs, they don't want to finish it.

on what basis are you saying this BS? do you know daily we pick up the dead bodies of our brothers, sisters and mothers through the cross-border terrorism inflicted by india and US from Afghanistan through RAW and CIA to bleed Pakistan? and instead of showing sympathy towards us, you join our forums and blame our Army, who is being martyred daily, for any outside threat...great!
not a single proof provided by US about quetta shura. we know US game plan. just like they did with Iraq in the name of 'weapons of mass destruction' (a bloody false accusation) US wants to infiltrate in our borders by this quetta shura BS and take control of our nuclear assets.
but the bad news for you is that mulla umar and hikmatyar and PA wont let you achieve your evil plans to take control of Afghanistan and Pakistan nor will PA come under US pressure to target Afghan Talibans because we believe they are fighting against the hostile forces who invaded afghanistan with the name of US and NATO. if we dont support them openly doesnt mean we are against them. US and NATO better pack their bags and rush back before its too late.
Pakistan keeps making statement after statement trying to get the Americans to pressure India. But the Americans just dont seem to be paying any heed. I guess its time that Pakistan realised that the strategic balance of power has shifted to India and no country in the world will antagonise India, that too on Pakistans asking.

Pakistans will be on Washingtons radar screen only till the Afghan problem is solved and then its back to global obscurity for Islamabad.

we dont need US. we fought with india in 1965, 71 and 99 in an arms ambargo. no one came to our help and we did on our own grounds. fools like you keep on dreaming that india has the dictatorship to rule the sub-continent and think that Pakistan is just another Nepal or Bhutan but thats just a fools paradise. the fact is that the balance of power just doesnt shift on the basis of number of weapons. the fact is that about 70% of the indian missiles, troops, fighter planes, submarines and frigates our targeted towards pakistan. if anyone in india considers pakistan so much insignificant then get your troops direction towards china if they have the balls.
we dont need US. we fought with india in 1965, 71 and 99 in an arms ambargo. no one came to our help and we did on our own grounds. fools like you keep on dreaming that india has the dictatorship to rule the sub-continent and think that Pakistan is just another Nepal or Bhutan but thats just a fools paradise. the fact is that the balance of power just doesnt shift on the basis of number of weapons. the fact is that about 70% of the indian missiles, troops, fighter planes, submarines and frigates our targeted towards pakistan. if anyone in india considers pakistan so much insignificant then get your troops direction towards china if they have the balls.

Real fools are people who talk of balance of power my friend.even though 100% is targeted towards Pakistan we wont wage a war unless provoked

the rest is history u know it better than me :cheers:
Pakistan keeps making statement after statement trying to get the Americans to pressure India. But the Americans just dont seem to be paying any heed. I guess its time that Pakistan realised that the strategic balance of power has shifted to India and no country in the world will antagonise India, that too on Pakistans asking.

Pakistans will be on Washingtons radar screen only till the Afghan problem is solved and then its back to global obscurity for Islamabad.

Actually the statement is not ment to get the Americans pressure India . Its more directed towards the acknowledgement of America for the Problems which the Pakistan faces with these long standing disputes due to which the PA simply cant do enough which is actually demanded by Washington .
If the Americans are unable to realize the gravity of these disputes which binds Pakistan and India in a vicious circle of continous animosity and hatered then all their efforts to get the PA going after the Hardcore millitants is bound to fail .

Till now the US gov has not yet formerly acknowledged the effect these long standing disputes and the growing insurgency in Balochistan directed from across Afghanistan(ISAF Controlled) have on the whole mindset of Pakistani military. Unless these things dont get inorder the PA will continue to percieve the US efforts as temporary showdown with an ultimate fear of getting back stabbed again .
And the statement you mentioned in the last is formarilly the prime threat which Pakistani Establishment Fears off.

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