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Would you accept a Muslim as your boss?

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Mar 5, 2010
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United Kingdom
A top Brazilian school is conducting a research survey on religious affiliations and boss and subordinate relationship.

The research is specific to Non Muslim countries only, hence doesn't apply to Muslim countries? The specific research question is how: Would you willingly accept a Muslim as your boss if you are a non Muslim? or How much are you comfortable with the idea of working under a Muslim?

Very comfortable. So long as the pay is good, working conditions are adequate ( I like a bit of pressure ), and the management is sane.........its all good. Religion has nothing to do with it. Atleast, not for me personally.
What a bloody rediculous survey. Why in Gods name an ordinary(not a bigot) would bother about his boss's religion? I personaly served under muslims and its no different at all. Bigoted survy damn.
No problem which religion the boss belong to as long as he is sane.. I used to work under different team leaders which belong to different religion and all are kanjoos in giving me leave :angry:
No doubt ; i would happily work for a Muslim or for that matter any boss from any religion .
What a ridiculous survey........
We have so many Muslims in our company in higher posts.

I've worked for a Christian before; he was a pain in the arse whenever I came late or on giving me leave-from-work, but otherwise why should a person's religion figure in work-context ? Its a work-contract thats signed not a social or political one !
What a lame question. Ofcourse anyone would do as long as the 'manager' keeps his religion a private issue and maintains professionalism.
as long as he is good,i wouldn't bother if he is muslim or sikh or whatever
What a lame question. Ofcourse anyone would do as long as the 'manager' keeps his religion a private issue and maintains professionalism.

I think the survey itself may be loaded....you know, meant to elicit a specific response. Other than that, i dont see any point in conducting one along such ridiculous lines.
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My Professor for whom I worked as Teaching Assistant - Among the Good teachers ever had. Never gave extra load of work. Always punctual. When asked for recommendation, gave the best one it without any delay.

Same case with a Brahmin Professor for whom I worked as TA and RA.

My dad had Muslim as Junior officers. He told Muslim officers were good with their juniors.

Personally I don't find any problem. I think its about how Professional a person is. Its more of Individual trait and character.
What a stupid Question,

But on the other hand this shows how and what sort of tactics they are using to show their people that Muslims are someone from the different world and they are not good as anything above you...

If this is to answer, i have will work with all sort of people , but not hindu, i had one hindu boss and he was not a good boss and person, he always wanted to take the credit but blame others even for his mistakes.... so should i say all hindu's as boss are like this?
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