Every one has right of religious duty. if he have order to do this and at in some 10 min you must wait for it. I think this is not hurting you. If he go long and waste time in other work than you can say he is not good. Every pray maximum need time 15 min to do. Now best of luck i see this tread in hurry so a little bit mistake occur while i read the topic. I explain my opinion at National level & Macro levels.. Best of Luck.
I can understand your point of view.. However it is only in Islamic countries (not all) that religion is so important. And also some catholic countries like Ireland.
but if you really go to a place which does not care much for religion, your right to pray may be there, but due to that you may have an impact at your work place. I am not against praying during work time, but when deliveries are to be done at work , people who are not going to pray may raise an eyebrow, if you are not compensating for it in someway. this is only my opinion.
for eg in my office some muslims got do only the friday prayer, but they have to walk about 15 mins. so to go and come there they spen about an hour . and thats an hour of productive time esp when critical deadlines are to be met. I am not saying they shouldnt go, but some alternatvie should be there.