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"Eat Pork or stay hungry", new right-wing government in French towns tells Muslim Children.

Do you know the meaning of secularism General stalin?


What is the European way please share with us since you Hate Saudi Arabia for forcing their own views on you.

It will be difficult for you to get a sane answer to your questions. The general view from non-Muslims here is that "it is their country so it is their rules". Stupid I know but how do you argue against stupidity? A 3rd generation French Muslim by that argument is not a French citizen and remains a citizen of some imaginary large Muslim kingdom. France after all is not "their country".

Then the other argument is that some Muslims behave radically in European countries hence it is justifiable to persecute all Muslims. Reminds me of the Third Reich which justified the mass murder of Jews for the reason that some of the Jews were wealthy industrialists and bankers. The very France which fought that menace is now introducing it into its very social existence.
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Imagine I moved to China and swore rice was satanic.

Don't they teach something about 'false analogy' in America?

Stop justifying bigotry and hatred of French.

Moreover, since when communist China become a standard bearer for "civilised" and "free" France?

Lol....tribal Europeans? As opposed to the fine developed culture that rode into Asia minor on horses with no civilization at all?

Yes. Tribal Europeans. Or in European terms "Barbarians"

What was Europe *before* it came in contact with the civilization of the East? Yes, a land filled with barbarians roaming throughout Germanic planes.

And ancient Turks established some of the largest empires incorporating multiple cultures/peoples.... It wasn't just about "roaming around in Asia minor"

Anyways, reply on topic.
When in Rome ,be like Roman.France is a secular nation.IF muslims don't like France's secular ways,they are free to leave .
I've already replied to you before but you had no answer and chose to ignore, then you post the same thing :lol:

Most Muslims in France are 3rd generation Algerian, which may I add was a former French colony. If these people are not French according to you because they are no French by blood, then you are not Russian because you have Indian blood.

If France is so secular, why would they force people to eat certain things or force children to stay hungry? You're just contradicting yourself. Eating certain foods is mandatory to be secular now?

Now go on ignore my post again because you're full of shit.
How can you expect that in such diverse religious communities, spread all across the continent, there won't be any 'nuts'? Has this EVER happen in ANY human institution/culture?
Fine...Then consider Britain's EDL and France's NF as 'nuts'. But call them whatever you want, you cannot deny that what they are and what they focus on are consequences from actions of other 'nuts'.

You see, the "core" problem here is European/Western racism/bigotry, tendency to single-out the 'other' in turbulent times, and basically go back to the uncivilized, barbaric tendencies that tribal Europeans has had for the most of part of their existence...

You are Vietnamese-American....I am very sure that I can find ALOT of idiots in your community too..should I say "Your community is either unwilling or unable to control your community's idiots?"
The flaw in your argument here is that Vietnamese-Americans or Chinese-Americans or Japanese-Americans who committed crimes do not advocate the submission of American laws and culture to other laws and cultures. If anything, these criminals would rather preserve the existing system because the existing system, with all of its flaws and loopholes, make possible their criminal activities.

For example...Women's rights, prostitution and other forms of financial gains are possible and best when a society believes in women's rights and freedoms.

There is clearly a deliberate, well-thoughout Western effort to de-humanize Muslims in the context of global conflict.

Typical barbarians.....
We non-Muslims, especially the ones who refused to convert, have been dehumanized as well in the religious contexts of Islam. So please spare us infidels your false victimhood.
Fine...Then consider Britain's EDL and France's NF as 'nuts'.

They are nuts, offcourse. The only problem is, unlike nuts of Muslim communities, these "nuts" are really considered nuts by European populations---but rather, these 'nuts' are *voted* into power by people...and that too, by giving them millions of votes.

What does it tell me? Probably, as I said, a large segment of Western population is still...in European terms...'barbarians' and civilisation of modern world has been unable to change their tribal, uncivilized character.

You don't see *millions* of Muslims voting/cheering for idiots like Anjem Chaudry. But in France, millions of French vote and cheer for NF and Le Pen.
The flaw in your argument here is that Vietnamese-Americans or Chinese-Americans or Japanese-Americans who committed crimes do not advocate the submission of American laws and culture to other laws and cultures. If anything, these criminals would rather preserve the existing system because the existing system, with all of its flaws and loopholes, make possible their criminal activities.

Nor do Muslims. Why are you deliberately trying to give an impression that Muslims want American laws to 'submit' to 'their' laws? lol...

Also, if you had taken even a basic class in Islamic Law, you would know that within Islamic Law, the condition is that if Muslims are in minority, they can not argue for applying Islamic Law in the society.

Again, few random idiots can say anything--and you'll jump on it and focus on that?

BTW, Republicans of your nation DO advocate for applying *their* laws/culture on others. Take for example the issue of abortions. Republican states actively discourage/ban abortion just because *they* are Christian nuts and they impose their religious will/law on others, too. (Atleast, try to do it actively under different pretenses)

We non-Muslims, especially the ones who refused to convert, have been dehumanized as well in the religious contexts of Islam. So please spare us infidels your false victimhood.

Again irrelevant mumbo jumbo..a failed try to deflect the real issue at hand.

We "non-christians", especially the ones who refused to convert, have been dehumanized as well in the religious context of Christianity. So please spare us infidels your false victimhood

Btw, the very word "infidel" in the context of something demeaning comes from the religion of Christianity, not Islam. Look it up.

Alot of religions believe that they are 'truth' and others are false. However, a political party actively dehumanizing Muslims and forcing their kids to eat forbidden meal or starve is a completely different matter.

French are back to being stupid----next they are going to target vegetarians---and next it will be vegans---. Maybe in future they may bring back the inquisitions and stake burnings as well---maybe all the non catholics would be converted back to catholicism by force---.
They are nuts, offcourse. The only problem is, unlike nuts of Muslim communities, these "nuts" are really considered nuts by European populations---but rather, these 'nuts' are *voted* into power by people...and that too, by giving them millions of votes.

What does it tell me? Probably, as I said, a large segment of Western population is still...in European terms...'barbarians' and civilisation of modern world has been unable to change their tribal, uncivilized character.
Yeah...And how many Muslims eager to live among these 'barbarians' with all of life's conveniences, of which not one came from the more 'advanced' Muslim countries.

You don't see *millions* of Muslims voting/cheering for idiots like Anjem Chaudry. But in France, millions of French vote and cheer for NF and Le Pen.
That should be a clue for you on how people want to protect their ways of life when they feel threatened. Too bad you are too self absorbed to note.

Nor do Muslims. Why are you deliberately trying to give an impression that Muslims want American laws to 'submit' to 'their' laws? lol...
Not YET in America.

Also, if you had taken even a basic class in Islamic Law, you would know that within Islamic Law, the condition is that if Muslims are in minority, they can not argue for applying Islamic Law in the society.
I do not care what the Quran or Islamic law say. I only care what Muslims DO.

Again, few random idiots can say anything--and you'll jump on it and focus on that?
Yes, I would.

I do not care much for what Christians or Jews or Muslims did a thousand or even one hundred yrs ago. I only care what religionists of all stripes are doing TODAY, as in this generation. From what I see today...



You have more than a 'few nuts' in your religion, buddy. You got countries full of them, if we are to go by your standards.

BTW, Republicans of your nation DO advocate for applying *their* laws/culture on others. Take for example the issue of abortions. Republican states actively discourage/ban abortion just because *they* are Christian nuts and they impose their religious will/law on others, too. (Atleast, try to do it actively under different pretenses)
It is funny that you Muslims shy away from the issue of abortion. Why ? Do you NOT believe that a fertilized egg is a human being ? Why not, after all, you Muslims strained logic and interpretation to say that the Quran 'predicted' all sorts of scientific achievements by the West and that includes the fertilization process ? So why are you so afraid of calling abortion an act of killing a human being ?

Christians conservatives considers the fertilized egg a human being, fully endowed with all the attributes common to all other human beings and that an abortion without medical and moral justifications are in effect murder the same way someone kills another person for material goods. So for them, banning abortion is akin to banning murder.

Again irrelevant mumbo jumbo..a failed try to deflect the real issue at hand.

We "non-christians", especially the ones who refused to convert, have been dehumanized as well in the religious context of Christianity. So please spare us infidels your false victimhood

Btw, the very word "infidel" in the context of something demeaning comes from the religion of Christianity, not Islam. Look it up.

Alot of religions believe that they are 'truth' and others are false. However, a political party actively dehumanizing Muslims and forcing their kids to eat forbidden meal or starve is a completely different matter.
Forcing ? Nonsense. To 'force' is to compel with the constant threat of physical harm if a person does not comply. What the NF is saying is that the French government is under no MORAL obligations to obey the Muslims. Whatever is on the menu for that day, the food is in full compliance with French laws and if there is pork for that day, no one is 'forcing' Muslims and Jews to eat it.
It is not uncommon for Muslims and Jews to team up both technically and politically on halal and kosher issues.

Only when they take a break from firing rockets at each other and fighting over land yeah ? :D
Only when they take a break from firing rockets at each other and fighting over land yeah ?
In both peace and war: link. This thing the Arabs do about depriving enemies of food and water to defeat them isn't in Israel's playbook.
It is good manner to accept what is offered and finish what is on the plate/bowl/banana leaf.
Food habits is a personal choice.

If true, its a bad decision France is making.

Banning a food somebody likes or forcing somebody to eat what they dont like are both extreme measures of the oppressive kind.
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