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War with India inevitable: Nizami

Except in cricket I dont know how tow nations could have even existed , let alone exist as a strong nation.

No sane Indian will even think of undoing partition even if all 180 million Pakistanis desire it..(i know you people wont...but just as a figure of speech).

So stop this paranoia about India wanting your country and try to develop yours..if at all, if we had the power, we would like to relocate our country as much far away from Pakistan as we could. Seriously.

Your reading comprehension doesn't seem very good. :lol:

Here, I will quote the post that you were attempting to reply to:

If you really believe that Pakistan will sit there and let millions of their people die after India cuts off the Indus river, then you are really living in a land of delusion. We both know that's not going to happen.

I gave the link to show that their water minister could not care less about a dam on the Indus, the life line of Pakistan.

So no worries about my reading comprehension or about your internet bravery.:)
LoL, and who will provide the response? You with your keyboard? Internet knights..:)

And who will cut off the Indus river? You Indians with your keyboards? :lol:

Anyone with half a brain understands that cuttting off a major river (and thus condemning millions of people to die) will almost certainly result in a nuclear response from Pakistan.
i agree we should use water as a bargaining chip we should build dams to generate hydro-electricity and then divert water until Pakistan agrees to eliminate terrorists on its soil and stop its infiltration of militants into J&K when their is people like this guy who wants to engulf South Asia in war then there is no choice but to protect ourselves.

Once evil China is out of picture the peace would prevail...
And who will cut off the Indus river? You Indians with your keyboards? :lol:

Anyone with half a brain understands that cuttting off a major river (and thus condemning millions of people to die) will almost certainly result in a nuclear response from Pakistan.

your logic is flawed so in order to stop the horrible event of India diverting water to Pakistan they would nuke us which in turn would cause us to use our massive retaliation strike? thats like slitting your own wrists then shooting yourself in your own heart. either way they are screwed in that scenario.
And what do you think is going to happen when millions of Pakistani people start dying from lack of water?

The above can be discussed, if there are indeed Pakistanis dying due to lack of water and that too because of India blocking the rivers.

And most importantly if Pakistan can prove the above in an International court or the relevant Intentional body

Prior to the Indus water treaty India could have blocked the rivers, but never did so.

(And for the record, Pakistan has a larger and faster growing nuclear arsenal than India has.)

Not significant in the Indo-Pak scenario.
And who will cut off the Indus river? You Indians with your keyboards? :lol:

lol dude, not with outr keyboards..but with concrete and steel...read about the Nimoo Bazgoo dam that we are constructing on the Indus and see this map for further projectss on the Shyok and Indus..

Anyone with half a brain understands that cuttting off a major river (and thus condemning millions of people to die) will almost certainly result in a nuclear response from Pakistan.

All of us here have full brains, so we believe Pakistan like any responsible state won't cut off her own head just to get rid of the headache.

There maybe a war hysteria precipitated to bring international attention if such case arises.
Your reading comprehension doesn't seem very good. :lol:

Here, I will quote the post that you were attempting to reply to:

If you really believe that Pakistan will sit there and let millions of their people die after India cuts off the Indus river, then you are really living in a land of delusion. We both know that's not going to happen.

LoL, how about the ming claim on east sea as a delusion? How does that look with your good reading comprehension?
And who will cut off the Indus river? You Indians with your keyboards? :lol:

Anyone with half a brain understands that cuttting off a major river (and thus condemning millions of people to die) will almost certainly result in a nuclear response from Pakistan.

LoL, sorry mate. You took too long to arrive on this thread. Too late for keyboards there. The dams are already under construction. Why else do you think that the pakistanis are desolate enough to wish for war. :)
LoL, sorry mate. You took too long to arrive on this thread. Too late for keyboards there. The dams are already under construction. Why else do you think that the pakistanis are desolate enough to wish for war. :)

There is a big difference between "cutting off the Indus river", and "building a dam".

If they were both the same thing, then what does that say about the fact that China is building a dam on the Brahmaputra? :cheesy:
There is a big difference between "cutting off the Indus river", and "building a dam".

If they were both the same thing, then what does that say about the fact that China is building a dam on the Brahmaputra? :cheesy:

LoL, why don't you explain the difference to your pakistani friends before you decided to nuke India with your keyboard. Phew. That was close......

And regarding the dam on the brahmputra (better name. Isn't it?) the bangladeshis can comment better. Indians will be okay with the tributaries joining the river within India.
It's called: Baghal mein Churri; Moonh mein Ram Ram.

Death of Pakistani Nation by a thousand cuts and then assimilation to make 'United India'.

So much hate in your heart. Don't you feel that you are becoming extremist??
1. There are few ppl who provoke innocent teens. If they are truly patriot I will ask them to field there son in name of Islam/Pakistan. let there son/daughter/grandson make an example.
2. We are neighbor, Our landmass is attached, so it is obvious that we will have issue. Be it water sharing/ forest sharing or land sharing. We have 2 choice, Fight like dogs and die or talk like human and resolve the issues.
3. Pakistan attacked India 100 times (sometime directly some time via terrorists), Nothing changed. Not an inch of land captured by Pakistan. It may sound humiliating but it is the truth. Even next war will result in nothing more than humility and shame.

So lets sit together and resolve the issue.
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