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War with India inevitable: Nizami

There is a big difference between "cutting off the Indus river", and "building a dam".

LoL, why don't you explain the difference to your pakistani friends before you decided to nuke India with your keyboard. Phew. That was close......

Grasp at the straws chini..grasp...:)

If they were both the same thing, then what does that say about the fact that China is building a dam on the Brahmaputra?

We couldn't care less...though its a matter of life and death for your bangladeshi friends...
Sir Majeed Nizami is a great Pakistani.A true freedom fighter who fought war of freedom of Pakistan and now Kashmir.
Living in the Western hemisphere, I get a chance to chat with Indian nationals sometimes. Considering me a very docile person (that is, not arguing them on their boasting of 'Shining India') they, in the end, always try to convince me that India could be a stronger country had the two nations been together. No matter how nice these people are, it appears that they are indoctrinated from childhood of a United India utopia that they believe in like a religion.

True, even In India we believe in concept of United India . In PDF I have seen Pakistani brother saying "It was good that BD got separated".

While In India no one will say "It was good that Pakistan was separated." We consider partition as bad incident and black day of Indian history.
While In India no one will say "It was good that Pakistan was separated." We consider partition as bad incident and black day of Indian history.

Sorry sir,...please speak for yourself...Personally I view Partition as one of the best things to have happened to India...even though how it was conducted leaves much to be desired and could have been more systematic,comprehensive and humane..
Sorry sir,...please speak for yourself...Personally I view Partition as one of the best things to have happened to India...even though how it was conducted leaves much to be desired and could have been more systematic,comprehensive and humane..

May be this is what you believe, But truth is after 60+ years Indian still believe in United India and believe partition as a sad incident.
May be this is what you believe, But truth is after 60+ years Indian still believe in United India and believe partition as a sad incident.

If we have a referendum, not one sane thinking Indian would want to undo '47. I know I would not.

In '47 we cut loose from the millstone around our neck and we were free to go our own way, chart our own path and destiny.
May be this is what you believe, But truth is after 60+ years Indian still believe in United India and believe partition as a sad incident.

Though this is going offtopic but I think that 47 was a bit like detox for India. It had to happen sooner or later just like Bangladesh had to happen. The seeds were there already before 47. The fun is that Jinnah tried very hard for the dravidian nation to happen but he could not remould the slick logic of religious non-compatibility to make a case. And looking at it all today, things really have a way of working out I must say.
Living in the Western hemisphere, I get a chance to chat with Indian nationals sometimes. Considering me a very docile person (that is, not arguing them on their boasting of 'Shining India') they, in the end, always try to convince me that India could be a stronger country had the two nations been together. No matter how nice these people are, it appears that they are indoctrinated from childhood of a United India utopia that they believe in like a religion.

Yes - considering the amount of money wasted on weapons and wars that could have been diverted to education, infrastructure and development - most of them are right. Not to forget that Muslims would constitute some 35-40% of the population of India. Hardly a minority. Plus, they would not have had to suffer military coups and civil wars. What is the argument for the way things turned out anyway?
May be this is what you believe, But truth is after 60+ years Indian still believe in United India and believe partition as a sad incident.
partition was inevitable so as to separate islamic country from secular country. because, at the end, these two cannot exist as a single entity. they are not our people. because, if you believe in united India, you will have more heart burn seeing India being divided into small entities in every region with muslim majority as separate countries and all of them cheering and united with aggression against secular India. Do you want this to happen?
Indian hostilities and conspiracies against the country will never end until she will be told a lesson
Oh yeah? Like India would sit on its a$$ and watch the PA teaching India a 'lesson'!!

I've seen clowns, but this guy takes the cake! It's sad that these jokers are denigrating and maligning Pakistani society today! Together with conspiracy specialists like Zaid Hamid and Co running riot all across Pakistan from Universities to talk shows and seminars, it looks like Pakistan society is slowly but surely getting radicalized by these bozos.

Why don't the majority of sane Pakistanis stand up and be counted?

Even though Pakistan submitted a "non-paper" to India during the foreign secretary talks in February, Pakistani foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi was quoted as telling TV interviewers on Friday that it wasn't India stealing Pakistan's water but Pakistan was wasting its water.

"The total average canal supplies of Pakistan are 104 million acres/ft. And the water available at the farm gate is about 70 million acre/ft. Where does the 34 million acre/ft go? It's not being stolen in India. It's being wasted in Pakistan," Qureshi is reported to have said in an interview.

"Water productivity in Pakistan remains low... crop yields are much lower than international benchmarks. India has nothing to do with these issues of water management that are internal to Pakistan. Only Pakistan can seek solutions to these matters," Sabharwal said.

"We have never hindered water flows to which Pakistan is entitled, not even during the wars of 1965 and 1971... those who allege that India is acquiring the capacity to withhold Pakistan's share of water completely ignore the fact that this would require storage and canal network on a large scale. Such a network simply does not exist," he added.

'India didn't block water even during war' - Times Of India
“Indian hostilities and conspiracies against the country will never end until she will be told a lesson,”

Seems to me these are the same words that we indians used to listen from the Foolish CCP. This guy is playing according to CCP game plan.
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