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War with India inevitable: Nizami

Is he or are his sons willing to pick up weapons as well.. if this happens.
I think not.
they will be on the first flight out of Pakistan if heaven forbid such a situation happens.

I do not think fight is happening, in fact touch wood, we are getting better relationship. Zardari is coming to India for a personal trip. If we see these personal trips increasing, thats a good sign. Honestly we are enemy for no big reason.

Hey did you changed you ID. Was you someone with a id staring a....?
it's very unfortunate that the voices like those ones do get heard in Pakistan. Saner pakistani would ask his people to look within & see how they can improve internal situation to counter external threat, instead of trying to cut external forces down to your size. Just yesterday there was thread about how Pakistani rulers failed to put in a effective water management policy in the past 45 years. There's no point in blaming others for all the sin that exists in your country. Try doing something about resolving those issues. Once you have done that, rest will fall in line on its own...

Pakistan failed to store water in past 45 years: experts - thenews.com.pk
LAHORE – Reiterating his stance that India cannot digest an independent and economically strong Pakistan

we digested "independent and economically strong Pakistan" long enough to have indigestion.its an weak pakistan that we fear of,because of fear of falling nukes into wrong hands.
A stronger Pakistan means a more stable & responsible Pakistan for us = better trade relations = lesser chances of conflicts.

Take China for instance, she is stable and vastly more powerful than India, we hardly have any problems with them like cross border terrorism etc, it has helped have a good trade relations which in a way lessens possibility of conflict between both.

But a strong Pakistan will have a bigger military budget, India already kicks up a fuss about sales to Pakistan, so imagine a richer Pakistan, there's proof of this fallacy!!

India has a much bigger problem with pakistans conventional capabilities, exactly what they do not want to increase.

The cross border terrorism story is just masala!!
But a strong Pakistan will have a bigger military budget, India already kicks up a fuss about sales to Pakistan, so imagine a richer Pakistan, there's proof of this fallacy!!

India has a much bigger problem with pakistans conventional capabilities, exactly what they do not want to increase.

The cross border terrorism story is just masala!!
Presence of Osama Bin Laden in Abottabad was also a bowl of masala!
So, what is the solution in your opinion?

My point was not predicated on having a "solution"!!

The solution to India Pakistan is a problem facing many third world countries, we are always pitted against each other to suit imperial designs, how sad that we collectively betray our own so often and so callously.

this theory is an artificial smokescreen created by the rulers of Pakistan to divert public attention from their inability to govern their country.

It's not for India to choose whether they want a stronger Pakistan or weaker. It's for Pakistanis decide what kinda Pakistan they want...
200% incorrect. We are only concerned with Pakistan regarding terrorism, if there is no terrorism, we have no issues.
Also, every country wants military edge with other neigbours and there is nothing wrong in it. Please do not take that as a act of enemey, IMO that is natural.

I wish you are right
I really do
honestly I wish that our concerns towards your military build up, building dams on the rivers that we got after Indus water treaty. having 80% of your land forces along our borders are all misplaced , misinformed and propaganda.

it doesnt really affect me where I live because Balochsitan doesnt depend on the rivers that flow from Indian side to Pakistan. but it has happened back in the 50s and I hope it doesnt happen again.
War with India inevitable: Nizami

LAHORE – Reiterating his stance that India cannot digest an independent and economically strong Pakistan,

War with India inevitable: Nizami | The Nation

Tell me something new. Every Pakistani knows that india cannot and will not ever tolerate a economically stable and prosperous Pakistan, they only want to see a subjugated and weak Pakistan that is dependent on them and therefore tows their line, but that will never happen InshaAllah!!

Strong, prosperous, and independent Pakistan Zindabad!!!!!!!!!! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
I do not think fight is happening, in fact touch wood, we are getting better relationship. Zardari is coming to India for a personal trip. If we see these personal trips increasing, thats a good sign. Honestly we are enemy for no big reason.

Hey did you changed you ID. Was you someone with a id staring a....?

I like your optimism and respect your positive tone and conciliatory attitude
find us moving 2 steps for every single step towards peace made by yourself

but you see. when we talk about addressing our long standing disputes that are the main hurdle in our normalization of relations, an influential section in India (military and civlian) voices against it just because of Indian strong position so we have a stalemate.

any agreement that is done between partners with one having a foot on the other's neck is never going to be long lasting.
not sure if you missed the thread about Wahga border ceremony. some Indians were terming it waste of money adn embarrising and I ventured to say that its in fact Siachin thats a waste and embarrassing causing the world to laugh at us for fighting at -40 to -60 c (give or take) temperatures and it would help if we demilitalize it (I predicted also in the same post that how this comment will be refuted & a chicken and the egg argument will start)

sure enough, a horde of Indian shock troopers charged on me with excuses like Kargil and all that (although it was Indians who took those heights back in the 80s thus starting that nonsense war, like I said again we will have argument no you did it) but no one bothering to suggest a solution to resolve it.

by the way, through cultural shows and exchanging showbiz personalities and making personal visits to Panja Sahib & Ajmair Sharif we wont solve our differences, we would be kidding ourselves if we dont resolve the core issues together and hope that games and artsits are going to fix everything.
dont get me wrong though, such gestures are good but our leaders got to do better than that. they kid us. make their money and leave their offspring to rule when they die. (no offense you also got the Gandhi family and well we also do in almost all major parties except , PTI & MQM)

it's very unfortunate that the voices like those ones do get heard in Pakistan. Saner pakistani would ask his people to look within & see how they can improve internal situation to counter external threat, instead of trying to cut external forces down to your size. Just yesterday there was thread about how Pakistani rulers failed to put in a effective water management policy in the past 45 years. There's no point in blaming others for all the sin that exists in your country. Try doing something about resolving those issues. Once you have done that, rest will fall in line on its own...

Pakistan failed to store water in past 45 years: experts - thenews.com.pk

good point

our guys in Sindh say that doing so will destroy the plans of Sindh because of the advancing sea water

this is the line of the feudal lords, same guys who ordered the breaking of some flood defenses to save their lands and flooded populated villages.
But a strong Pakistan will have a bigger military budget, India already kicks up a fuss about sales to Pakistan,

There can be 2 reasons maybe:
1.For domestic political gains, for our leaders to show opposition, they are not soft on Pakistan.
2. The obvious, India wouldn't want Pakistan to get weapons that would be game changers or make if difficult for Indian forces to prevail, since we believe the probability of conflict with Pakistan is greater.

so imagine a richer Pakistan, there's proof of this fallacy!!

I think a richer Pakistan will be bothered about maintaining her economic growth rather than have heavy concerns about India.

India has a much bigger problem with pakistans conventional capabilities, exactly what they do not want to increase.

We wouldn't boast about Cold Start if it was Pakistani conventional capabilities that bothered us.

The cross border terrorism story is just masala!!

For you maybe. But cross border terrorism emanating from Pakistan will be perceived by not just by India but others too as a sign of weak state or state which will destabilize the region, in short an unreliable nation.
If there is any so called water sharing issue, go to international court and settle it out there..I guess Pak has done it in the past and lost the case….now this man, don’t know who is he…. man, mad or mullah talking about a War….Seems life of people in Pak has become so cheap that any Nizami, Kayani or Benami can take a call like this….pathetic!
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