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Wahhabism & its Connections with Terrorism..!!!

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Yeah, that part I have heard. And pisses me off. Whatever the case, @muses's logic is sound as well.

Bring me a reference will you?

P.S Shia Insulting Muslim figures ( companions/wife) of prophet Mohammed Peace B Upon him and calling for brotherhood with Muslims:lol:
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An Inflamed Wahabi? Well, as appealing as that graphic is, the challenge is open to you, prove to all that the Wahabi are not hate filled brutes, declare that Shi'ah and Sunni are Muslims and brothers

Why can't Wahabi do this simple thing? Does their prophet not allow this? Does this go against their religion and it's takfiri ideology?

Hahaha, even though I said I do not believe in the existence of a God he still calls me "Wahhabi". I think we have just proved without an doubt that this person here is a hate filled bigot idiot who should not be even taken seriously.

Look at me I am an Arab, oooooo indulge yourself within my Arabi soul. Arab Arab Arab. Arabs everywhere. Look there is an Arab behind you better hide. Booooo.
Mate, if ignorance to 'deep' philosophy of Islam spares us this mayhem, then let it be. We were very ignorant during the 50's/60's/70's, and we did pretty good.

Actually we had more knowledge of Islam in past decades... which was still not enough.

In our times, we use to learn Islam through, Islamiyat text book, which is now abolished... now every one is being subjected to propaganda and ignorance.
if they wont expand, you people will cry that the Saudis are doing nothing to provide comfort to the Hajis

if they wont expand, you people will cry that the Saudis are doing nothing to provide comfort to the Hajis

and if i remember correctly the Saudis are the ones supporting USA in WoT so how are they terrorists? enlighten me please, it is interesting to see that shias support US strikes and agenda in Pakistan but oppose it when US does the same with iran so who is a bigot wahabis or shias

Whenever and wherever they create space, they create by destroying Islamic heritage sites.
Why don't they create space by demolishing hundreds of luxury hotels. Why do they always find demolishing Islamic heritage sites suitable , for creating space.
The reason is, hatred of Islamic heritage sites is in their hearts. And they search for a reason to destroy them. Why dont they demolish McDonald Restaurants to create space. ( whose part of profits goes to country of Israel ? )
Yeah,. Whatever the case, @muses's logic is sound as well.

Indeed, yes, Murderous, Sacrilegious, Barbarous, these characterizations associated with Wahabism and it's relation to terrorism, are beyond sad and debatable - As we have seen, the Wahabi realize that they are a fringe group within the world of the sects of Islam, and therefore they spending on spreading Wahabi ideology to get more converts to their ideology, in countries with high population growth and low literacy.

However, because of their Murderous, Sacrilegious, Barbarous ideology, generally the illiterate and those who have a tribal tradition are victimized by this ideology - but tribal though they may be, they seek brotherhood, and as we can see no wahabi can declare that Shi'ah and Sunni are Muslims and brothers - I'm sure this is instructive, even if sad and unfortunate - a remedy to this malady will have to delivered to those afflicted by this ideology.
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Dude, I don't call you a Wahabi. The problem is I know my country, and such a differentiation does exist there. Those people who brought a certain virulent strain of religion to our country, affected the whole god forsaken nation. I know it, as I have experienced it myself. These so called "Wahabis", knowingly or unknowingly relate to the Saudi state and it's people, and have gone on murderous sprees to neutralize anyone who stands in their way.

And mate, stop calling names. It doesn't suite your stature as a doctor.

@Everyone, it's a good debate, let's keep it civilized.

No no no, you do not debate with muse, he just insults, I have tried debating him logically for months, and it never works even though I mop the floor with his logic. You do not debate with this thing, you should see our previous debates from 2 years ago, then you will know what I am talking about. He is a racist asshole who doesn't deserve the air he is breathing and should be spent elsewhere like farts, at least farts are healthy.
@muse @Mosamania. No to insults, kindly.

Hyperion, in more than one occasion you have shown yourself to be someone worthy of a debate and an intellectual conversation, do not reduce yourself to the same level as this insignificant cellular organism aka muse.

I have great respect for you.
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Hahaha, even though I said I do not believe in the existence of a God he still calls me "Wahhabi"..

I think proclaiming that you are depraved and a denier of God and asserting yourself as a Wahabi, is no service to the cause of Wahabism. You and your religion will be best served by declaring before all that Shi'ah and Sunni are Muslims and that it is not Islam that needs "reform" of the Wahabi, it is the Wahabi instead that need reform.

Can you do this? Will your ideology allow you to do this? I hope you will be mature and recant Wahabi ideology after all, name change or no name change, your conscience should be your guide - there is nowhere to hide
Dude, I don't call you a Wahabi. The problem is I know my country, and such a differentiation does exist there. Those people who brought a certain virulent strain of religion to our country, affected the whole god forsaken nation. I know it, as I have experienced it myself. These so called "Wahabis", knowingly or unknowingly relate to the Saudi state and it's people, and have gone on murderous sprees to neutralize anyone who stands in their way.

And mate, stop calling names. It doesn't suite your stature as a doctor.

@Everyone, it's a good debate, let's keep it civilized.

Sorry mate but your country failed to keep things secured and under supervision after the war of Afghanistan, the people whom we financed turned against us and hijacked the religion under fake slogans( Khilafa..etc. it is not the saudi problem nor they should be blamed since such thing you mentioned is not experienced in their society. Shiekh Mohammed Ibn Abud Al-wahab's books are being taught all over the islamic world not only in saudi arabia or pakistan. The guy did not come with anything new, He studied the books of Ibn- Taymmiyah, both are follower of Hanbili school of Faiqah. I still dare anyone to come up here with a piece of his work against Islam teaching. The term is being used to break out the islamic world into Hanbli, wahhabi, shafi'i, Maliki and so one...

There are many videos in youtube by Muslim scholars from all over the world in the regard of the Sheikh. you don't realize how was the arabian peninsula before him. let me keep the cat inside the bag.
Religion without education is nothing but a disaster. You know what happened to Europe In medieval age. Church banned any study and education. Even questioning religion was forbidden and the ones who violated these rules have been sentenced to death! This was the out come of religion without education in Europe.

Now we see almost the same things going on in the middle east. What percent of Afghan people are educated? How about Pakistan? Almost all of these Terrorist are uneducated.Taliban kills a teenage girl because she urged not to give up studying!!!
A brain can be washed easily if it is isolated. Their brains are washed with ridiculous nonsense and they think what they believe is the true religion and by blowing up them selves and killing innocent civilians which are kafir in their mind, they will reach the best place of the heaven!! Taliban, Al-Qaedeh, MEK all of these terrorist groups are the present of isolation and ignorance.

So dear Muslims. We all should believe that The Real Cancer is the religion which emphasizes ignorance!! The Holly Quran repeatedly offers us to think and use our minds.
I think proclaiming that you are depraved and a denier of God and asserting yourself as a Wahabi, is no service to the cause of Wahabism. You and your religion will be best served by declaring before all that Shi'ah and Sunni are Muslims and that it is not Islam that needs "reform" of the Wahabi, it is the Wahabi instead that need reform.

Can you do this? Will your ideology allow you to do this? I hope you will be mature and recant Wahabi ideology after all, name change or no name change, your conscience should be your guide - there is nowhere to hide

Go to the fiery chasms of hell from once you've came. muse you are the ***** and excrement of the world personified. And I won't even indulge you any further.
Go to the fiery chasms of hell from once you've came. muse you are the ***** and excrement of the world personified. And I won't even indulge you any further.

You seem angry

Why would someone who does not even believe in the existence of God be angry at the suggestion that Wahabi should declare that Shi'ah and Sunni are Muslims and Brothers?? It's very curious, either you are being less than truthful about not being a wahabi, or you are in reality a Wahabi and therefore cannot assert that Shi'ah and Sunni are brothers and Muslims?
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