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Wahhabism & its Connections with Terrorism..!!!

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No Wahabi came forward - Is this not instructive? Murderous, Sacrilegious, Barbarous, if these public perceptions of the Wahabi persist , it is not because of the attitudes of others, rather it is because of what the ideology of the Wahabi is all about - The Wahabi religion came about in the late 1700's and claims to have "reformed" Islam - indeed they have taken upon themselves to suggest that Islam not only needs "Reform" but also that their ideology is up to the challenge and indeed the many Jihad they have waged against Muslims is testimony to their depravity.

Irfan says, Ulema have declared that Shi'ah and Sunni are brothers and Muslims - Which Wahabi will have the courage to break the chain of their hateful ideology and assert that this is true and that the clergy of the Wahabi religion also assert the same?

Muse have gone out of his way to declare the fictional people as Kafirsmall together saying they are a brand new religion with a prophet. See what I mean about this guy??
Mate, if ignorance to 'deep' philosophy of Islam spares us this mayhem, then let it be. We were very ignorant during the 50's/60's/70's, and we did pretty good.

According to my analysis.... in Pakistan very few know the philosophy of Islam.

as per factual statistics... terrorist attacks were organised by forces presence in Afghanistan and who they are is known to every one!
Why don't you all chill out and let everyone practice what they believe in ??

Why lobbing of "kafir" and "khawarij" at each other .

However "backwards" and "superstitious" my religion is we all more or less get along .

A person who eats flesh is also a hindu .

A person who is a strict vegetarian is also a Hindu .

A person who prays to any random God i have not head about is also a Hindu .

It's his belief and everyone is fine with it .

God is not a RELIGION but s SPIRITUAL BOND . Leave it to That . Belief is VERY PERSONAL . Its between God and his follower . Stop lobbing "Kafir" and"khawarij" at each other .
@Mosmania, @Arabian Legend @BATMAN, you guys were asking for a Wahabi? Here you go. This is prime example of a closet-wahabi who might one day end up blowing himself. Why? Look at the way he analyses what others are reciting, and he has a problem with that.

@K-Xeroid, dude, you will need years of therapy to be fixed and brought up to the standards, where you understand the meaning of non-interference and being non-judgmental about others faiths.

You are not Allah, nor are you supposed to be his soldier. You are one deluded child, who doesn't even know that his operating system has been corrupted beyond repair.

:lol: Just answer the question , Whoever call them Infidal is Wahhabi? and Do you even Know their Kalma? Do you even understand the Parameters of Faith ? :wave:
Hey Wait , Muslims Pray inside mosques , then Who Pray in Imam Bara or Imam Bargah ? :what:
Hyper Baby just avoid unnecessary debate , Will Ya?
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Mate, none of them.. I mean not ONE of them associates anyone with Allah, the Almighty. You are sadly misinformed. Btw, I am not Shia.

I put that for your consideration i haven't read the post you are responding to. my bad
Looks like I was spot on - it will be a cold day in hell, before any Wahabi is going assert that Shi'ah and Sunni are Muslims and brothers

But the challenge is and will remain open, however, will any Wahabi have thje courage to take the challenge, this remains to seen
Funny thing is I don't even believe in the existence of a God, however I am willing to go to the ends of the earth to defend everyone's right to practice whatever religion they deem fit. But tht bastard muse still calls me a Wahhabi based on my country and my race. You guys don't know him. And you certainly dont know him @Hyperion.

Looks like I was spot on - it will be a cold day in hell, before any Wahabi is going assert that Shi'ah and Sunni are Muslims and brothers

But the challenge is and will remain open, however, will any Wahabi have thje courage to take the challenge, this remains to seen

I will not even indulge a bastard like you. The end of my show is cleaner than your foul tongue.
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Listen up Wahabis!

Declare that shi'ah and Sunni are Muslims and brothers --- put to lie all who say that Wahabi ideology does not assert that.

Assert that Wahabism is not takfiri

Assert that Wahabism is not connected with terrorism

Can you do that ?

IMO... NO... you can't be Muslim.. as long you call your self or identify your self as Shia or Sunni.

There was no such divide in the religion given to us by Allah via prophet Mohammad.

I seriously wish for any Wahabi to turn up and end your ordeal.
Again, you are generalizing. All who follow or think that Khomaine was some sort of prophet are misguided as well. We are not discussing that. We are discussing blanket "fatwas".

Btw, I don't know of anyone who thinks that Khomaine is anything more than a normal human being.

Who is Khumeni and his following Mullahs, according to Shia faith?
Please, guide me to a single post.. where any one was termed as Kafir?

Labelling people Kafir... overtly or covertly is un-islamic.

Its not Overt on this forum , All covert , Backhanded Replies and y'all but i have seen it everywhere from Facebook communities to Youtube to what not .

Yemeni guy on this thread Made fun of Shias . That's not good by any standards .
I will not even indulge a bastard like you. The end of my show is cleaner than your foul tongue.

An Inflamed Wahabi? Well, as appealing as that graphic is, the challenge is open to you, prove to all that the Wahabi are not hate filled brutes, declare that Shi'ah and Sunni are Muslims and brothers

Why can't Wahabi do this simple thing? Does their prophet not allow this? Does this go against their religion and it's takfiri ideology?
Dude, I don't call you a Wahabi. The problem is I know my country, and such a differentiation does exist there. Those people who brought a certain virulent strain of religion to our country, affected the whole god forsaken nation. I know it, as I have experienced it myself. These so called "Wahabis", knowingly or unknowingly relate to the Saudi state and it's people, and have gone on murderous sprees to neutralize anyone who stands in their way.

And mate, stop calling names. It doesn't suite your stature as a doctor.

@Everyone, it's a good debate, let's keep it civilized.

Funny thing is I don't even believe in the existence of a God, however I am willing to go to the ends of the earth to defend everyone's right to practice whatever religion they deem fit. But tht bastard muse still calls me a Wahhabi based on my country and my race. You guys don't know him. And you certainly dont know him @Hyperion.

I will not even indulge a bastard like you. The end of my show is cleaner than your foul tongue.
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Listen up Wahabis!

Declare that shi'ah and Sunni are Muslims and brothers --- put to lie all who say that Wahabi ideology does not assert that.

Assert that Wahabism is not takfiri

Assert that Wahabism is not connected with terrorism

Can you do that ?

Bring me a reference will you?

P.S Shia Insulting Muslim figures ( companions/wife) of prophet Mohammed Peace B Upon him and calling for brotherhood with Muslims:lol:
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