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Violence erupts in Karachi

i guss, every body died there! plz stop of being a nationlist(racist),& start thinking positive & become a pakistani is better for everybody, karachi is karachi , & you cant turn it into , PESHAWAR or SWAT?
accept it, & start thinking positive!

Point taken BATMAN....anything good happens in karachi it is MQM...anything wrong it is "TALIBAN"....and like i said the MQM...and their supporters need to worry because your so called taliban seem to be intrested in fixing PATHANS only...and i guess it is evident from the killing of 45 pathans....so i guess MQM need not worry my friend their is no talbanization...
I agree that MQM has just made this a big issue to cover up the initial reports which suggested that their own people had entered N Karachi. According to The News, a political group had entered N Karachi and opened fire at some of the settlers. After this attack, the rival group had entered with their men and opened fire at MQM workers. Therefore, the people who entered first were MQM. At the moment, the PPP government is also allowing this menace to continue. But, I am sure that after a certain time all anti-Pakistan elements will be taken care of by our Intelligence services. Pakistan Army Zindabad!
i guss, every body died there! plz stop of being a nationlist(racist),& start thinking positive & become a pakistani is better for everybody, karachi is karachi , & you cant turn it into , PESHAWAR or SWAT?
accept it, & start thinking positive!:tsk:

Oh..so its mean that we pashtun should kickout from Karachi..Bcz Karachi is Karachi and no one can take hold of Karachi Xept MQM?

We r thinking positive Batman! but for thinking positive it is necesary to be in ur country..Not advising from Thailand to Pakistani's Mr Think Tank!
I don't think any one should say that Karachi can't be turned into Peshawar but I think that all parties need to get rid of the Afghans because they are the ones causing the trouble at the moment.
Problem lies in Karachi MQM and PPP should stop accusing Pakistani Pushtoons for problems, Afghanis should be kicked out to Afghanistan...but recently that rehman malik swinging his tail going to London to meet altaf i'm suspecting they are loading all their S***t on Pushtoons for their own trouble they created and this land mafia never heard it in years as they are projecting in and out in Pakistan i never heard about Land Mafia back a few years ago i guess they are now planning to take over Pushtoon businesses/Lands/houses/ and what not in Karachi...I really am concerned about what MQM and PPP are cooking...and the disturbing statements that MQM is airing every couple of days is not good for Pakistan they literally are downing the over all image of Pakistan, Karachi and why would stock exchanges not go down and no one will bring investments to Pakistan when such moronic statements are aired by MQM..
I don't think any one should say that Karachi can't be turned into Peshawar but I think that all parties need to get rid of the Afghans because they are the ones causing the trouble at the moment.

But if they can distinguish b/w Afghans nd pashtoons..Bcz in this violence we haven't heard that they have killed any Afghan..
I am urdu speaking mahajir from karachi but that does not mean I am against our pashtoon bros. But need to understand the intensity and actual cause of this voilence first.

People from all over the country come to karachi in search of work and then they adjust theirse;ves quite easily, this where they(MQM) have fear that sooner or later they might not be in majority.

The only reason they changed the name of Mahajor quami movement to Mutahadda quami movement not because of they are in love with others but it just in order to give them false picture and secure their votes.

Most of the educated people are totally against MQM in Karachi but just because of their badmashi in areas like nazimabad, n. nazimabad, azizabad and almost all the suburban areas of karachi people have no other choise.

But if you see why MQM is successful is just because ppl only give vote to the party not the an individual. They are the most organized party and all of them have submitted a halafnama and denying halafnama mean straight to hell.

Nobody can deny Rajni kanth(Altaf hussien) otherwise start praying for yourself.
(Remember Azeem Tariq).
I know how the biznis men in karachi realy hates them. This could go on and on and on.

We can only pray
thank you skywalker you have hit the nail right on the head....people vote for MQM just like people voted for HITLER or now KIM JONG IL....MQM enjoys support because of fear...and i think any pakistani living in karachi would know... and the worse is no one knows where MQM gets its funding from!!!
But if they can distinguish b/w Afghans nd pashtoons..Bcz in this violence we haven't heard that they have killed any Afghan..

I think it is your and Hasnain2009's duty to tell your people to explain to the Afghans to return to their own country and help build it Pakhtoons shouldn't welcome Afghans like brothers and arms should be discouraged by both sides for all this bloodshed is further dividing us.
i feel arms possesion should be banned in karachi doesn't matter if he is PUNJABI,PATHAN,SINDHI,BALOCHI,URDU SPEAKING,SARYAKI anyone.....period ban arms completely....
There is nothing against Pakistani pathan's ! but clearly this is the way i think no matter who u are if u are a threat to the county and its people u are a terrorist and a bastard! that needs to be kicked out or killed! very simple . furtermore, yes Karachi is Karachi and would never be anything else so for those dreamer's that think they wana make it something else are having a dream which will never happen! but yes the taliban and the some pathans in karachi are preching there same bull sh-- and are acting out of place so there for are cathching a bad name ! i have half of family in in Karachi and some even in the armed forces so i get all the news all i wish for is a untied Pakistan and taliban free Pakistan long live Pakistan and its people no matter the race or religon!
i am just appauled at the fact that every thread is MQM and talibanzation of karachi....how do we know talabanazation is happening in karachi??? 12th may 2007 happened before any so called talibanization started!!! karachi is a part of PAKISTAN....

i heard somewhere....a quote of churchill

"LIES get half way around the world before TRUTH gets its pants on" this is what i think MQM is doing spreading lies....

screw ANP,MQM all parties responsible for KARACHI PROBLEMS....disarm alll....
Well ANP won't disarm till MQM does and vice versa and they won't drop arms anytime soon, I think that people should discourage guns and people should stand and say that they will vote for a party that avoids the use and display of arms, that will teach our politicians a lesson.
I am urdu speaking mahajir from karachi but that does not mean I am against our pashtoon bros. But need to understand the intensity and actual cause of this voilence first.

No one is against pakhtuns in MQM, if they were, then Babur Ghauri would not be the MQM minister, he's pashtun!!

Most of the educated people are totally against MQM in Karachi but just because of their badmashi in areas like nazimabad, n. nazimabad, azizabad and almost all the suburban areas of karachi people have no other choise.

Do u knon MQM is the most educated party of pakistan?? and their supporters are most educated too??
U r talking abt thier voilence in azizabad(where i live), nazimabad etc, give source abt the voilence, and MQM only get votes from the areas where educated people lives, u have example of sohrab goth, lyari, keamari, banaras, quaidabad, these are popluar for voilence, from these places MQM didnt get votes, which shows that MQM only get votes from urban areas, u should must look into why MQM only gets votes from educated areas??

I know how the biznis men in karachi realy hates them.

This is business community!!
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MQM is also the most violent party in Pakistan and why did they not let the poice conduct a weapons search in many areas of Karachi makes anyone highly suspicious.
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