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US American Media: "Kill everyone in China"

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Counter me with your arguments on an election system for good leaders vs a non-election (western styled) system for bad leaders and it was you who used the 'stupdity" word as a start and you are nasty

For the other @jhungary is nasty on diclaiming his statement on "killing of 1.3 billion Chinese' and his failure on supporting the stupid host at ABC! He lost his arguments all the time but resort to cry babies antics!

Dude, it's "Exclaim" or "Proclaim" not disclaim (you spell that wrong btw)

Disclaim mean unproved, get the word right first, then come back, or don't comeback
What argument?

All I see is YOU SUCK in caps and referring to me as dumbass

What kind of argument you are trying to make here? That I suck or I am stupid?

That was not the topic at hand bro
Do you support what Kimmel did? Do you think its quite normal for a kid to say killing all Chinese for not paying the debt. If my son say one day that all Indians shall be killed cause we don't like you guys i will give him a lesson ASAP.
Dude, it's "Exclaim" or "Proclaim" not disclaim (you spell that wrong btw)

Disclaim mean unproved, get the word right first, then come back, or don't comeback

My last reply to your nonsense in this afternoon. I'll come back in the evening!

I edited "disclaiming" - check your dictionary to understand what that meant!
Counter me with your arguments on an election system for good leaders vs a non-election (western styled) system for bad leaders and it was you who used the 'stupdity" word as a start and you are nasty

For the other @jhungary is nasty on disclaiming (spelling edited) his statement on "killing of 1.3 billion Chinese' and his failure on supporting the stupid host at ABC! He lost his arguments all the time but resort to cry babies antics! 

Chill out crybaby! dont call me "bro" ever!
You cant think logically
You dont know what "freedom of speech" is
If you cant read or think then chill out.
I'll come back just keep spewing your nonsense here!


You want to say I claim I will kill all Chinese in this forum, or you are saying I did not claim that, it is very simple, if you claim I did, you just post my post from my history, I never edit or delete any post, my history is the world to see.

Until you proven that, you need to disprove I have said I never say so, that is the part of the "Disclaim"

You simply use the word wrong and you spell that wrong, what more can you say?

And I found this very funny, the whole post started because some Chinese crybabies butt hurled about what a kid say on TV, then the same cry baby calling other crybaby for not care enough. Man, you are very funny, did you even know that?

And I will do you one better, this is my last post to you on this subject, you know it's the end when a person live in China tell another person living in Australia "you don't know what is freedom of speech"

Good one, have a nice day
Do you support what Kimmel did? Do you think its quite normal for a kid to say killing all Chinese for not paying the debt. If my son say one day that all Indians shall be killed cause we don't like you guys i will give him a lesson ASAP.

I don't CARE what jimmy kimmel said, if indeed he want to kill all the Chinese, then he can go do it, just don't expect me to follow him

He is just one dude working for a TV channel, why does I have to care what he said, as I said, he can say he want to kill me for all he want, he can try, but even so, do I still care what he said?
"You can't say that on TV" is a common everyday expression. There are indeed things that you cannot say on public TV. I thought even kids know that.

Tweet or put on Facebook inappropriate things could be even worst, you could break the law and end up in jail. Enough cases that got reported in the news such that everyone knows this unless they live in a cave.

Freedom of expression? Double standard much? You hypocrite!
Counter me with your arguments on an election system for good leaders vs a non-election (western styled) system for bad leaders and it was you who used the 'stupdity" word as a start and you are nasty

Dude - you need to learn comprehension skills - calling some post as stupid is different than calling someone stupid.
There are millions of Christians living in China, Kimmel wanna kill them all? This one is no more than a grandstand.
Final deliberation:

1. both kimmel and abc have apologized
2. if they treasure their career and reputation they wont do this stupidity again
3. the case applies not only to Chinese but to other ethnic groups
4. you CANNOT use violence to settle a case of debts even verbally on public television just because you owe the debtor money, let alone a verbal violence that amounts to genocide of a race. Kimmel failed miserably as an adult and a public figure to correct the bizarre comment albeit by a kid.
5. I am sure if the same remarks are spoken in respect to indians, Arabs, Russians, japanese ... the reaction will be the same - Apology or Law suit
6. Both Kimmel and ABC did not respond immediately. I am sure they had consulted their legal counsels on that matter and the best option was for them to apologize

I dont have any further comment, not any more to non-sensical comments which are childish!
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This is what you said:
"Petition compares show to Nazis, demands the government take a Nazi action by shutting the show down because they don't like what it says. Oh irony."

I do not see there is any irony here. A well-broadcast show that broadcast the "killing all Chinese" as an interesting idea should not be banned or taken off the air???

What if it were "killing all blacks" was aired??? I bet FTC would have already done that and he would have already been fired since floods of emails, phone calls, protests would have already overwhelm disney already.That SOB does not even have the guts to say "killing all jews", dare he???

If government (FTC) forces the show off the air, you think that is "Nazi action"??? Apparently, you seem to know nothing about how many shows, actors, actresses have been forced off the air, fired and etc due to much lesser inappropriate comments.
The content of the broadcast isn't what matters. It's the demand for censorship. I don't approve of the FCC's (The FTC is something completely different) censorship in any previous instance, either. People need to be free to say what they want, free from government nannying. The Nazis were notorious for their censorship policies, and advocating media censorship while at the same time calling someone a Nazi is indeed ironic. If you have a problem with something someone says, you take it up with them.
The content of the broadcast isn't what matters. It's the demand for censorship. I don't approve of the FCC's (The FTC is something completely different) censorship in any previous instance, either. People need to be free to say what they want, free from government nannying. The Nazis were notorious for their censorship policies, and advocating media censorship while at the same time calling someone a Nazi is indeed ironic. If you have a problem with something someone says, you take it up with them.

Funny you should mention that when the Western media and Hollywood increasingly favors licking China's feet in any manner possible. Being a comic book fan myself, I was disgustingly disappointed with the portrayal of "The Mandarin" from the Iron Man series.

Why Hollywood kowtows to China
Films set in Shanghai, Chinese scientists saving the day, Beijing portrayed as the promised land … US film-makers are flattering their way into the world's fastest-growing movie market.

Last week North Korea threatened America with a nuclear strike. This week sees the UK release of Red Dawn, which features a North Korean invasion of the US. An impressive instance of Hollywood's far-sightedness? Not quite.

Red Dawn is the reboot of a cold war thriller that's much cherished in some quarters. Back in 1984, when the original appeared, the aggressor could only have been the Soviet Union. With the new film comes a new commie bogeyman – but it was not supposed to be North Korea. These days, it's not so much Kim Jong-un's eccentric dictatorship that makes Americans tremble, it's their newfound rival for superpower status, China.

So, MGM's re-imaginers decided to reallocate Russia's role to the Chinese People's Republic. Fancifully enough, they envisaged Beijing "repossessing" an America that had defaulted on its huge Sino debt. However, this storyline didn't go down well in China. When excerpts of the script leaked out in 2010, they prompted the headline "US reshoots cold war movie to demonise China" in the Beijing-based, 1.5m-circulation Global Times. Buyers told MGM that distributing Red Dawn in China would prove problematic. So the studio decided on a change of tack.

Unfortunately, the film had already been shot. No matter. During post-production, $1m was spent on digitally erasing Chinese flags and symbols and changing sequences and dialogue to turn the invaders into North Koreans. Of course, Hollywood would never have dreamed of bowing like this to Soviet displeasure, but China is different.

The world's most populous nation has become the second-largest overseas market for American films. Its increasingly avid cinemagoers can easily add $50m to a Hollywood movie's gross. The number of screens in the country, already more than 11,000, is expected to double by 2015. In a recent report, Ernst & Young predicted that China's box office would overtake America's by 2020.

Sadly for movie-makers, this burgeoning treasure trove is guarded by a censorious state. China's government imposes a quota on film imports and keeps a careful eye on the content of those it allows through. Back in the 90s, Disney, Sony and MGM all had their Chinese business blocked after releasing the movies Kundun, Seven Years in Tibet and Red Corner, all of which were deemed critical of the regime.

Nowadays, any such potential transgressions are usually nipped in the bud. When censors objected to a bald Chinese pirate in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, he was edited out of the film's Chinese version. Footage was similarly removed from Men in Black 3 because unpleasant aliens had dared disguise themselves as Chinese restaurant workers. In the Chinese version of Skyfall, references to prostitution and corruption in China were removed or obscured in opaque subtitles. All mention of the torture inflicted on Javier Bardem's villain when he was an MI6 agent in Hong Kong was carefully expunged.

Accommodations like these are not enough for some film-makers, who opt instead for proactive ingratiation. The setting of large sections of Looper was transferred from Paris to Shanghai. In Battleship, it's Hong Kong that is credited by Washington with divining the alien origins of the earth's attackers. The 2010 remake of The Karate Kid saw the young hero's family turned into importunate migrants leaving decaying Detroit to seek a better future in thriving Beijing. In spite of the film's title, the all-conquering martial art becomes kung fu instead of karate, and the fount of all skill, wisdom and fortitude is an altogether Chinese kung fu master.

It seems to pay off. Looper, like The Karate Kid a co-production with a Chinese partner, was gifted a much sought-after Golden Week holiday release; all-American blockbusters such as The Amazing Spider-Man and The Dark Knight Rises are often forced to play against each other to stop them squeezing out indigenous productions. Audiences, as well as the authorities, seem to appreciate a Hollywood kowtow. In disaster epic 2012, a White House staffer lavishes praise on Chinese scientists when an ark they've designed saves civilisation. At this point in the proceedings, filmgoers sometimes rose to deliver a spontaneous standing ovation.

Among Hollywood's old guard, all this has provoked a certain amount of disquiet. A producer, anonymous for fear of offending his industry's new masters, was quoted by the Los Angeles Times as complaining: "It's a clear-cut case – maybe the first I can think of in the history of Hollywood – where a foreign country's censorship board deeply affects what we produce."

There have been complaints that both America and the rest of the world are being given an unduly rosy portrait of a repressive behemoth. China's social injustices, human rights abuses and imperial aspirations are, it's suggested, being discreetly veiled from view.

Still, what's happened with Red Dawn isn't exactly unprecedented. During the first world war, Cecil B DeMille made a film called The Cheat with a Japanese villain. In 1923 the film was reissued, but by then Japan had become an American ally. Without benefit of digital technology, the wily oriental was quickly turned into a Burmese ivory king.

If Hollywood now finds itself cheerleading for an assertive superpower, that isn't new either. For almost a century, Tinseltown buttressed America's own hegemony by puffing up the American way to sell more movie tickets on the home front. If economic success is winning communist China a piece of that pie, well, put that down to capitalism's market forces.

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So you also agree Nazis "killing all Jews" as free speech???

Do you understand that even in your so-called western free world, in many part of Europe, doing so will get your prison sentence???

Free speech has its guideline, not without boundaries.

The content of the broadcast isn't what matters. It's the demand for censorship. I don't approve of the FCC's (The FTC is something completely different) censorship in any previous instance, either. People need to be free to say what they want, free from government nannying. The Nazis were notorious for their censorship policies, and advocating media censorship while at the same time calling someone a Nazi is indeed ironic. If you have a problem with something someone says, you take it up with them.
I have no idea what the heck you are trying to say.

I do understand that asking your government to take up the issue diplomatically with US defies logic and is ridiculous especially for you guys as it is a one way street where your government always asks you to do something and not the other way around.
So you also agree Nazis "killing all Jews" as free speech???

Do you understand that even in your so-called western free world, in many part of Europe, doing so will get your prison sentence???

Free speech has its guideline, not without boundaries.

I have no idea what the heck you are trying to say.

A few questions:

How is a five year old a certified Nazi?

How is a five year old's opinion even relevant? Is the US government looking towards his expertise to launch a preemptive strike on China? Are you that dumb to buy that premise?

How exactly can the Chinis be equated with the Jewish community? The Jews quite literally faced extinction at the hands of the Europeans whereas the Chinis are running scared from a seemingly humorous statement of a preteen!!!
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So you also agree Nazis "killing all Jews" as free speech???

Do you understand that even in your so-called western free world, in many part of Europe, doing so will get your prison sentence???

Free speech has its guideline, not without boundaries.
Nazis killing Jews isn't free speech -- it's murder. Saying you wish all Jews were dead is free speech. It isn't a position I endorse any more than I support the killing of Chinese, but I'm not going to gag people who talk about those things. Again, the content isn't what matters to me. I simply think people should be able to say whatever is on their mind, free from government manipulation. The problem with government censorship is that it's a blunt instrument, and it has great potential for abuse. If you can avoid using it, you should.

I understand that some places in Europe will throw you in prison for saying the wrong things. They are taking a path that I don't agree with. What those governments do or don't do has little to do with my viewpoints. 
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I have no idea what the heck you are trying to say.

Your countryman got it and we had further discussions. Nothing of importance that I need to explain to you.
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