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US American Media: "Kill everyone in China"

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Our leaders are chosen through the ranks which take decades of evaluations practices and evaluations. They are thoroughly vetted and proven over their history of service for the country before elected as top leaders

It will not be Mao's era - that was war time and historical.
Dont BS! You have a series of inept and radical leaders even though they were elected. indira gandhi, nehru ... who else?

1/4 speck of dust in return.
you are comical. I have stated the case in failed state india in my above post
since u want to drag usa in, who made decisions on WMD in Iraq when there was none?
Was he elected?

It is quite foolish of you to assume that I am an Indian even after I entered the thread clearly identifying myself as an American(ofcourse Indian American) but you are the one who started pulling in India. As for the leader who went into WMD in Iraq why is that non-Americans are feeling butt hurt while it is for us to decide whether he is inept or not?

And Mao's era wartime and historical? So he caused 60 million deaths(30 million each through Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution) just some 40 years ago and you call it historical? What is the guarantee that CCP will not bring in another inept one like Mao? Just because you guys had Deng(who you need to indebted to) does not mean you will not have another Mao who can in a whim and fancy turn towards another idiotic version of Communism eventhough you claim that they are vetted etc etc. This claim is for internal consumption and no one outside your country is believe that propaganda.
It is quite foolish of you to assume that I am an Indian even after I entered the thread clearly identifying myself as an American(ofcourse Indian American) but you are the one who started pulling in India. As for the leader who went into WMD in Iraq why is that non-Americans are feeling butt hurt while it is for us to decide whether he is inept or not?

And Mao's era wartime and historical? So he caused 60 million deaths(30 million each through Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution) just some 40 years ago and you call it historical? What is the guarantee that CCP will not bring in another inept one like Mao? Just because you guys had Deng(who you need to indebted to) does not mean you will not have another Mao who can in a whim and fancy turn towards another idiotic version of Communism eventhough you claim that they are vetted etc etc. This claim is for internal consumption and no one outside your country is believe that propaganda.

it is only you who knows who you are ethnically!
of course india has to be mentioned. aint you be happy - for a failed state which is badly in need of attentions all the time and you people are bragging for the lot of election, the largest democracy -- all these shits!

you feel butt hurt it is your problems and why an indian has to concern about our political system! you have confirmed my point being appointed as the head of state through election does not guarantee a fool proof of not getting dumbass leaders. I have given you examples and in rebuttal on your prolonging silly comments, Mao is a historical figure and what he has done was not entirely his fault

Talking about Mao era's famine, india still has more than 1.7 million kids dying out of malnurition each year (JUST AT THE UNDER 5-YEAR OLD CATEGORY). and your government is elected!
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it is only you who knows who you are ethnically!
of course india has to be mentioned. aint you be happy - for a failed state which badly in need of attentions all the time and you people are bragging for the lot of election, the largest democracy -- all these shits!

you feel butt hurt it is your problems and you have confirm my point being appointed as the head of state through election does not guarantee a fool proof of not getting dumbass leaders. I have given you examples and in rebuttal on your prolonging silly comments, Mao is a historical figure and what he has done was not entirely his fault

Talking about Mao era's famine, india still have more than 1.7 million kids dying out of malnurition each year (JUST AT THE UNDER 5-YEAR OLD CATEGORY). and your government is elected!

You are now reaching the levels of stupidity - I have been consistent with what I have always claimed here as for my nationality - Ethnically I might have come from India but I have only one country's citizenship and that is the country I stand for(even if there is a hypothetical situation there is a conflict with India).

And you can quote any numbers regarding the kids dying but you have significant no of kids dying every year as well - roughly around 300,000. And I would take any nos coming from China with a pinch of salt. But even taking the published nos, it is like a beggar with a silver bowl making a mockery of another one with aluminum bowl. So stop making silly arguments here.
You are now reaching the levels of stupidity - I have been consistent with what I have always claimed here as for my nationality - Ethnically I might have come from India but I have only one country's citizenship and that is the country I stand for(even if there is a hypothetical situation there is a conflict with India).

I dont give a damn to what and who you are.
It is the failed state india that I am quoting for my arguments

And you can quote any numbers regarding the kids dying but you have significant no of kids dying every year as well - roughly around 300,000. And I would take any nos coming from China with a pinch of salt. But even taking the published nos, it is like a beggar with a silver bowl making a mockery of another one with aluminum bowl. So stop making silly arguments here.

I further scale down my taking your failed state with 1/10 of a speck of dust
you have 1.7 million kids who die out malnutrition JUST AT THE UNDER 5-Y-O CATEGORY ALONE in a loud bragging ELECTED government!

you have obliterated yourselves to even less than 1/10 of a speck of dust!
I dont give a damn to what and who you are.
It is the failed state india that I am quoting for my arguments

I further scale down my taking your failed state with 1/10 of a speck of dust
you have 1.7 million kids who die out malnutrition JUST AT THE UNDER 5-Y-O CATEGORY ALONE in a loud bragging ELECTED government!

you have obliterated yourselves to even less than 1/10 of a speck of dust!

Commies and their complexes. Seen it in with commies in India, seeing here from Chinese. And getting into strawman arguments. I am done with your B.S unless you come up with another line of argument.
Commies and their complexes. Seen it in with commies in India, seeing here from Chinese. And getting into strawman arguments. I am done with your B.S unless you come up with another line of argument.

you are going down the drain

you have initiated our system will run the risk of a Mao like leader and the accusation of Mao's mistake of leading the massive deaths of our civilians

I counter by saying principally india - the failed state and on the sides also I've quoted usa - that these systems elect their leaders and they are not fool-proof practices that dumbass leaders will not be selected. And the quotation of the massive demise of malbourished kids each year as a strong and effective rebuttal to you accusation of Mao era' famine! And again failed state india is still bragging loud and clear unashamedly it is the largest democracy and their leaders are elected

get it - 1/1000 of a speck of dust?
you are just silly to the core!

why the host and ABC apologized?

a great revelation of your intelligence to another level!

I dont blame a person who has the standard of making casual and stupid comments of "killing 1.3 billion Chinese“ or "soldiers"!

Dude, did I EVER justified what kimmel and the kids said?

In my first post, I have already say what they said is stupid and illogical, and implying they made a total Bafoon out of themselves, since when did I ever say what they said was indeed correct?

In America, there are many people who is willing to make a name for themselves by shooting themselves on their foot, did I condoned those act? No.

America, unlike China, have freedom of speech, television don't tell us what to think, what comes out of our television is for entertainment purpose only. They can say they wanted to kill all American, Australian, Mexican for all they care, they said that foes that mean we have to think like that? they apologised for the reaction, but did they recanted their statement?

You have a problem with that? Turn off the goddamn TV

Wait, you don't even live or lived in America. Lol
Dude, did I EVER justified what kimmel and the kids said?

In my first post, I have already say what they said is stupid and illogical, and implying they made a total Bafoon out of themselves, since when did I ever say what they said was indeed correct?

I dont care about your justification but all you B/S as usual with the tone of playing down the issue here is obvious!

In America, there are many people who is willing to make a name for themselves by shooting themselves on their foot, did I condoned those act? No.

you are already doing those a lot of time on pdf! Yes! how silly is that!

merica, unlike China, have freedom of speech, television don't tell us what to think, what comes out of our television is for entertainment purpose only. They can say they wanted to kill all American, Australian, Mexican for all they care, they said that foes that mean we have to think like that? they apologised for the reaction, but did they recanted their statement?

Freedom of speech has their limits. And we are talking about a national tv here!
Get a proper education or a proper brain to think about that.

You have a problem with that? Turn off the goddamn TV
some of that yes turning off the TV but some and many took the walk to ABC and demanded apologies. What is the problem with the protest!

Wait, you don't even live or lived in America. Lol

I dont need to live in america to know about usa.
Another dumbass comment - as usual!
even though you said blah blah blah - you SUCK - BIG time and all the time on PDF!
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you are going down the drain

you have initiated our system will run the risk of a Mao like leader and the accusation of Mao's mistake of leading the massive deaths of our civilians

I counter by saying principally india - the failed state and on the sides also I've quoted usa - that these systems elect their leaders and they are not fool-proof practices that dumbass leaders will not be selected. And the quotation of the massive demise of malbourished kids each year as a strong and effective rebuttal to you accusation of Mao era' famine! And again failed state india is still bragging loud and clear unashamedly it is the largest democracy and their leaders are elected

get it - 1/1000 of a speck of dust?

So looks like this is your new line of argument here after the @WebMaster warned you about your IQ line of arguments. You are getting nowhere with these arguments. :lol:
So looks like this is your new line of argument here after the @WebMaster warned you about your IQ line of arguments. You are getting nowhere with these arguments. :lol:

well all my comments are in response to your name calling but invalid "stupdity" all the time. You have lost the argument and you are trying to be nasty!
I dont care about your justification but all you B/S as usual with the tone of playing down the issue here is obvious!

you are already doing those a lot of time on pdf! Yes! how silly is that!


Freedom of speech has their limits. And we are talking about a national tv here!
Get a proper education or a proper brain to think about that.

some of that yes turning off the TV but some and many took the walk to ABC and demanded apologies. What is the problem with the protest!

I dont need to live in america to know about usa.
Another dumbass comment - as usual!
even though you said blah blah blah - you SUCK - BIG time and all the time on PDF!


If you are not going to argue a point without resorting to personal attack, no point really talking to you

Dumbass, I suck (in all caps no less)

Please come check out this personal insult, thank you

How many chance did this member get before he got banned? Seems like he is doing this in a very consistent way
well all my comments are in response to your name calling but invalid "stupdity" all the time. You have lost the argument and you are trying to be nasty!

Sorry dude. If I was nasty I would be quoting something similar to the speck of dust argument to get back at you. I do not waste much time trolling here. And I know for sure if the webmaster has not warned you, what would be the level of nastiness coming from you.

all these losers have lost their arguments on reasons and these nasty low level tricks are all you losers can resort to! PATHETIC!

What argument?

All I see is YOU SUCK in caps and referring to me as dumbass

What kind of argument you are trying to make here? That I suck or I am stupid?

That was not the topic at hand bro
Sorry dude. If I was nasty I would be quoting something similar to the speck of dust argument to get back at you. I do not waste much time trolling here. And I know for sure if the webmaster has not warned you, what would be the level of nastiness coming from you.

Counter me with your arguments on an election system for good leaders vs a non-election (western styled) system for bad leaders and it was you who used the 'stupdity" word as a start and you are nasty

For the other @jhungary is nasty on disclaiming (spelling edited) his statement on "killing of 1.3 billion Chinese' and his failure on supporting the stupid host at ABC! He lost his arguments all the time but resort to cry babies antics! 
What argument?

All I see is YOU SUCK in caps and referring to me as dumbass

What kind of argument you are trying to make here? That I suck or I am stupid?

That was not the topic at hand bro

Chill out crybaby! dont call me "bro" ever!
You cant think logically
You dont know what "freedom of speech" is
If you cant read or think then chill out.
I'll come back just keep spewing your nonsense here!
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