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US American Media: "Kill everyone in China"

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China side where Islam Spread and Islamic Trade men and Armies went even have Shaabah went are not real Chinese but they are Mix of Turks and Mongols and that Areas of China is called

Your post just described, that China has two main Muslim Ethnicity, Uygurs and Huis, Huis are more closer to Hun chinese in blood, compared to Ugyers.

anyways, That does not sound like Yajuj Majuj where it only takes one bus ticket from Pakistan to go in and out from the lands of these "Yajuj Majuj" and where you get to view their wall, as a tourist spot, where you can take pictures, and cross the wall over, from either side freely.

Your over all thesis sounds like Intellectual Dishonesty and denial of the truth.

China side where Islam Spread and Islamic Trade men and Armies went even have Shaabah went are not real Chinese but they are Mix of Turks and Mongols and that Areas of China is called

The Uyghurs (Uyghur: ئۇيغۇر‎, ULY: Uyghur ;[6] [ʔʊjˈʁʊː]; simplified Chinese: ; traditional Chinese: ; pinyin: Wéiwú'ěr) are a Turkic ethnic group living in Eastern and Central Asia. Today, Uyghurs live primarily in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in the People's Republic of China. An estimated 80% of Xinjiang's Uyghurs live in the southwestern portion of the region, the Tarim Basin.[7] Outside Xinjiang, the largest community of Uyghurs in China is in Taoyuan County, in south-central Hunan province.[8] Outside of China, significant diasporic communities of Uyghurs exist in the Central Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. Smaller communities are found in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Germany, Russia and Turkey
According to China Muslims' traditional legendary accounts, Islam was first brought to China by Ehtesham Khan. Chinese Muslims have been in China for the last 1,400 years of continuous interaction with Chinese society.[1] "Islam expanded gradually across the maritime and inland silk routes from the 7th to the 10th centuries through trade and diplomatic exchanges."

Origin of modern nationality

"“The Uighurs are the people whom old Russian travellers called Sart (a name which they used for sedentary, Turkish-speaking Central Asians in general), while Western travellers called them Turki, in recognition of their language. The Chinese used to call them Ch'an-t'ou ('Turbaned Heads') but this term has been dropped, being considered derogatory, and the Chinese, using their own pronunciation, now called them Weiwuerh. As a matter of fact there was for centuries no 'national' name for them; people identified themselves with the oasis they came from, like Kashgar or Turfan.”" — Owen Lattimore, "Return to China's Northern Frontier." The Geographical Journal, Vol. 139, No. 2, June 1973[27]

The term "Uyghur" was not used to refer to any existing ethnic group in the 19th century, but to an ancient people. A late 19th-century encyclopedia titled The cyclopædia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia said "the Uigur are the most ancient of Turkish tribes, and formerly inhabited a part of Chinese Tartary (Xinjiang), which is now occupied by a mixed population of Turk, Mongol, and Kalmuck".[28] The inhabitants of Xinjiang were not called Uyghur before 1921/1934. Westerners called the Turkic speaking Muslims of the Oases "Turki", and the Turkic Muslims in Ili were known as "Taranchi". The Russians and other foreigners used the names "Sart",[29] "Turk", or "Turki"[30][31] for them. These groups of peoples identified themselves by the oases they came from, not by an ethnic group.[32] Names such as Kashgarliq to mean Kashgari were used.[33] The Turkic people also used "Musulman", which means "Muslim", to describe themselves.[33][34]

Introduction of Islam in 616-18 AD

According to Chinese Muslims' traditional legendary accounts, Islam was first introduced in China in 616-18 AD by Sahaba (companions) of Muhammad: Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas, Sayid, Wahab ibn Abu Kabcha and another Sahaba.[4] Wahab ibn abu Kabcha (Wahb abi Kabcha) might be a son of al-Harth ibn Abdul Uzza (aknown as Abu Kabsha).[5] It is noted in other accounts that Wahab Abu Kabcha reached Canton by sea in 629 CE.[citation needed]

Sa`ad ibn Abi Waqqas, along with three Sahabas, namely Suhayla Abuarja, Uwais al-Qarani, and Hassan ibn Thabit, went to China from Arabia in 637 for the second time and returned by the Yunan-Manipur-Chittagong route, then reached Arabia by sea.[6] Some date the introduction of Islam in China to 650 AD which is the instance of the third sojourn of Saad ibn abi Waqqas to China,[7] Sa`ad ibn Abi Waqqas, was sent as an official envoy to Emperor Gaozong which was his third sojourn during Caliph Uthman's era in 651 AD

The Hui people (Chinese: ; pinyin: Huízú, Xiao'erjing: حُوِ ذَو / حواري, Dungan: Хуэйзў/Huejzw) are a predominantly Muslim ethnic group in China. Hui people are found throughout the country, though they are concentrated mainly in the Northwestern provinces and the Central Plain. According to a 2011 census, China is home to approximately 10.5 million Hui people, the majority of whom are Chinese-speaking practitioners of Islam, though some practice other religions. Although many Hui people are ethnically similar to Han Chinese, the group has retained some Arabic, Persian and Central Asian features, their ethnicity and culture having been shaped profoundly by their position along the Silk Road trading route.

In the People's Republic of China, the Hui people are one of 56 officially recognized ethnic groups. Under this definition, the Hui people are defined to include all historically Muslim communities in People's Republic of China that are not included in China's other ethnic groups.[2] Since China's Muslims speaking various Turkic and Mongolic are all included into those other groups (e.g., Uyghurs, Dongxiang), the officially recognized Hui ethnic group consists predominantly of Chinese language speakers.[3] In fact, the Hui nationality is unique among China's officially recognized ethnic minorities in that it does not have any particular non-Sinitic language associated with it.[4]

Most Hui are similar in culture to Han Chinese[5] with the exception that they practice Islam, and have some distinctive cultural characteristics as a result. For example, as Muslims, they follow Islamic dietary laws and reject the consumption of pork, the most common meat consumed in Chinese culture,[6] and have also given rise to their variation of Chinese cuisine, Chinese Islamic cuisine and Muslim Chinese martial arts. Their mode of dress also differs primarily in that men wear white caps and women wear headscarves or (occasionally) veils, as is the case in most Islamic cultures.
Copy Paste..
Have you read all this before posting??
Oh my God. The Chinese have nothing to do with the description of that. I think you need to read all the Islamic material on this subject yourself. It only takes one google search.

And anyone with half a brain would know Yajuj Majuj have nothing to do with China. Arabs were Aware of the Chinese, and used to make frequent trade with them at that time.

If I am not mistaken, one of the first Masjids made out side Arabia, was in China! Even Sahabas are buried in China, and brought Islam into China.

According to China Muslims' traditional legendary accounts, Islam was first brought to China by an embassy led by Saad ibn abi Waqqas that was sent by Uthman, the third Caliph, (that was in 651, less than twenty years after the death of Muhammad) which are confusions with Saad ibn abi Waqqas's earlier visits. The embassy was led by Saad ibn Abī Waqqās, the maternal uncle of Muhammad himself. Emperor Gaozong, the Tang emperor who received the envoy then ordered the construction of the Memorial mosque in Canton, the first mosque in the country, in memory of Muhammad.

Huaisheng Mosque - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"On the foothills of Mount Lingshan are said to be the tombs of two of the four companions of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Your description of Yajuj Majuj being Chinese is completly wrong, baseless and ignorant.

Are you trying to say you know more than these Sahabas who actually went to China to preach Islam? seriously.

So Sahabas went to preach Islam to these "Yajuj Majuj"?

You are just wasting people's time with such gibberish.
Ignore him..
He is one of those mullah I think..
Copy Paste..
Have you read all this before posting??

Ignore him..
He is one of those mullah I think..

I donno what to say.... I don't blame real scholars, who practice the art of credibility, authenticity , logic. However, I do blame, the trend among some people who pull bull crap, and write a baseless piece of fiction.

Butcher, Islamic sources in the name of "interpretation", and try to sell their works of baseless fiction in such guise.

Copy Paste..
Have you read all this before posting??

Yes, I have., I actually made a thread about this subject a long time ago.

Sahabas in China
I donno what to say.... I don't blame real scholars, who practice the art of credibility, authenticity , logic. However, I do blame, the trend among some people who pull bull crap, and write a baseless piece of fiction.

Butcher, Islamic sources in the name of "interpretation", and try to sell their works of baseless fiction in such guise.

Yes, I have., I actually made a thread about this subject a long time ago.

Sahabas in China
Islam can be found on any place of the earth. It's better not to discuss it. Only Allah knows well.
Actually scholars are also confuse in it. They don't know that the wall created by Zul Qarnain was the great wall of china, alexander/caspian gates derband, gorgan wall or darial/cascus pass. They don't seem actual wall built by him. Only Allah knows better.
I predict that Countries like India, USA, Israil, Russia, China will be No More in next 100 years, India and Hindu Religion will be wiped out from face of Earth in next 25 Years, Israil and Jews will be wiped out in next 60 years, USA will break in next 40 - 50 Years, Russians and Chinese and other People from Gog Magog Races will be wiped out before this Century Ends also Arabs and European Populations will be wiped out because WWIII and Armaggeddon before End of this Century, I can See Future and this is my Predictions and Only Allah knows All and He can Change times and Facts on Ground as He has power on all of us!
Your post just described, that China has two main Muslim Ethnicity, Uygurs and Huis, Huis are more closer to Hun chinese in blood, compared to Ugyers.

anyways, That does not sound like Yajuj Majuj where it only takes one bus ticket from Pakistan to go in and out from the lands of these "Yajuj Majuj" and where you get to view their wall, as a tourist spot, where you can take pictures, and cross the wall over, from either side freely.

Your over all thesis sounds like Intellectual Dishonesty and denial of the truth.

Gog Magog were released in Waves one follow another and these Waves like Tsunami Waves hit all of World Populated and not Populated Areas especially Arabs and Muslims but they will hit Arabs (Muslim Arabs as well as Christian Arabs and other Non Muslim Arabs) more severely then these Waves hit other Muslims and other parts of Human Race, First Waves hit Arabs and Islamic World were First Crusades and other Crusade Waves come after first Crusades, 2nd Waves were Mongol Invasions and Mongol wars and Invasions continue for at least 100 years in which they wipe out Most of Arabs living in Babylon and other parts of Arab lands
so you can say Gog (Yajooj) people are white Caucasian + Aryan races but not all Europeans White Race but most of East Europeans like people from Ukraine + Bulgaria + Greece + France (over 100 %) + Germans + UK (not all) + Canada + Australia + Portugal + Poland + Spain + Lebanon! (White Crusaders Hybrid Arab Race)!! (even Indian Aryans and Persian Aryan Races if they are real Aryans they are Doubtful )etc these Gog

People actually mix with lot of White Natives of Europe so they are not really remain Gog People but Hybrid of Gog people and these Gog people have already released just after the death of Caliph Omar r.a
and Magog (Majooj) people are Mongol and Chinese Races and their Hybrids like Vietnamese,
Burma (Myannmar) + Thiland + Indonesians + Japanese+ Cambodia etc

Only Allah Subhanoo Wat'ala Knows all Truth but this is my Intelligent guess Work but Time will tell and it is not very Far anyway next 50 years will in reality shows real Horror of Gog Magog esp. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Egypt, Yemen and other Arab Islamic lands will surely see Wars from Gog Magog on them for their Oil and other Resources! Allah Subhanoo Wat'ala gives me some power and I am giving out this info to my Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters about a Destruction from Evil Imperialist Racist Nazis Crusaders

Supremacist Rapist War hungary Greedy Demons out of Hell Gog Magog Races of World who are really more then other Human Races like said in a Hadiths

Gog and Magog are two groups of Turks, descended from Yaafith (Japheth), the father of the Turks, one of the sons of Noah. At the time of Abraham (p.b.u.h.), there was a king called Dhool-Qarnayn. He performed Tawaaf around the Kabah with Abraham (p.b.u.h.) when he first built it; he believed and followed him. Dhool-Qarnayn was a good man and a great king; Allah gave him great power and he ruled the east and west. He held sway over all kings and countries, and traveled far and wide in both east and west. He traveled eastwards until he reached a pass between two mountains, through which people were coming out. They did not understand anything because they were so isolated; they were Gog and Magog. They were spreading corruption through the earth, and harming the people, so the people sought help from Dhool-Qarnayn. They asked him to build a barrier between them and Gog and Magog. He asked them to him to build it, so together they built a barrier by mixing iron, copper and tar.

Thus Dhool-Qarnayn restrained Gog and Magog behind the barrier. They tried to penetrate the barrier, or to climb over it, but to no avail. They could not succeed because the barrier is so huge and smooth. They began to dig, and they have been digging for centuries; they will continue to do so until the time when Allah decrees that they come out. At that time the barrier will collapse, and Gog and Magog will rush out in all directions, spreading corruption, uprooting plants, killing people. When Jesus (p.b.u.h.) prays against them, Allah will send a kind of worm in the napes of their necks, and they will be killed by it.

Another relevant Hadith:
Ibn Mas'ood reported that the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said, "On the night of the Israa' (night journey), I met my father Abraham, Moses and Jesus, and they discussed the Hour. The matter was referred first to Abraham, then to Moses, and both said, 'I have no knowledge of it'. Then it was referred to Jesus, who said, 'No one knows about its timing except Allah; what my Lord told me was that the Dajjaal will appear, and when he sees me he will begin to melt like lead. Allah will destroy him when he sees me. The Muslims will fight against the Kaafirs, and even the trees and rocks will say, 'O Muslim, there is a Kaafir hiding beneath me - come and kill him!' Allah will destroy the Kaafirs, and the people will return to their lands. Then Gog and Magog will appear from all directions, eating and drinking everything they find. The people will complain to me, so I will pray to Allah and He will destroy them, so that the earth will be filled with their stench. Allah will send rain which will wash their bodies into the sea. My Lord has told me that when that happens, the HOUR WILL BE VERY CLOSE, LIKE A PREGNANT WOMAN WHOSE TIME IS DUE, BUT HER FAMILY DO NOT KNOW EXACTLY WHEN SHE WILL DELIVER." (Ahmad, Musnad 1/375. Similar Hadith in Ibn Majah, Kitaab al-Fitan (Hadith 4081), 2/1365, 1366)

Gog Magog were released in Waves one follow another and these Waves like Tsunami Waves hit all of World Populated and not Populated Areas especially Arabs and Muslims but they will hit Arabs (Muslim Arabs as well as Christian Arabs and other Non Muslim Arabs) more severely then these Waves hit other Muslims and other parts of Human Race, First Waves hit Arabs and Islamic World were First Crusades and other Crusade Waves come after first Crusades, 2nd Waves were Mongol Invasions and Mongol wars and Invasions continue for at least 100 years in which they wipe out Most of Arabs living in Babylon and other parts of Arab lands
so you can say Gog (Yajooj) people are white Caucasian + Aryan races but not all Europeans White Race but most of East Europeans like people from Ukraine + Bulgaria + Greece + France (over 100 %) + Germans + UK (not all) + Canada + Australia + Portugal + Poland + Spain + Lebanon! (White Crusaders Hybrid Arab Race)!! (even Indian Aryans and Persian Aryan Races if they are real Aryans they are Doubtful )etc these Gog

Do you have any relevant Islamic sources to back up your claim? If not, then all you just wrote is nothing but work of fiction.
ABC media apology to All Chinese

Friday, November 08, 2013
ABC Television Network
Statement on behalf of ABC Entertainment and Jimmy Kimmel Live!

On behalf of everyone at Jimmy Kimmel Live and ABC, please accept our heartfelt, sincere apology for the airing of the “Kids Table” segment of Jimmy Kimmel Live! on October 16, 2013.

The simple fact is, the segment should never have been broadcast. Systems we have in place for these types of things did not function properly, and steps have been made to try and prevent this kind of egregious mistake from occurring in the future.

We have strengthened our review process and several new safeguards have been put in place to both our Broadcast Standards & Practices and Entertainment Programming areas to ensure that segments like this are immediately brought to the attention of appropriate senior executives who can address them appropriately.

We have also done everything in our power to ensure that the segment receives no further exposure. We issued a written apology, the offending skit has been edited out of any future broadcast of that episode; we have taken down the clip from all of our online platforms; and the show has decided to forego any future segments of “Kids Table.”

In addition, Jimmy Kimmel has apologized on-air, in writing, and has personally met with concerned citizens to hear their viewpoints and to apologize, again, in person.

Please know that we take our responsibility to our viewers extremely seriously, and are confident that the steps we’ve taken will prevent this type of issue from happening again.


And Jimmy's apology to Chinese (Chinese version) and they will cancel "Kid's table show" forever !

ABC media apology to All Chinese


And Jimmy's apology to Chinese (Chinese version) and they will cancel "Kid's table show" forever !


That so-called "sincere apology" is rather an insult because they MODIFIED one of their totally unrelated article from Nov 8 into a such "sincere apology" letter, to make the protest held on Nov 9 look unreasonable/unnecessary, and ABC got caught doing it.

ABC Backdates Apology In Regards to "Kill all Chinese"
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I predict that Countries like India, USA, Israil, Russia, China will be No More in next 100 years, India and Hindu Religion will be wiped out from face of Earth in next 25 Years, Israil and Jews will be wiped out in next 60 years, USA will break in next 40 - 50 Years, Russians and Chinese and other People from Gog Magog Races will be wiped out before this Century Ends also Arabs and European Populations will be wiped out because WWIII and Armaggeddon before End of this Century, I can See Future and this is my Predictions and Only Allah knows All and He can Change times and Facts on Ground as He has power on all of us!

I predict that within 50 years, the Earth with be invaded by Gummie Bears and Sour Patch Kids from outer space :cuckoo:
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I predict that Countries like India, USA, Israil, Russia, China will be No More in next 100 years, India and Hindu Religion will be wiped out from face of Earth in next 25 Years, Israil and Jews will be wiped out in next 60 years, USA will break in next 40 - 50 Years, Russians and Chinese and other People from Gog Magog Races will be wiped out before this Century Ends also Arabs and European Populations will be wiped out because WWIII and Armaggeddon before End of this Century, I can See Future and this is my Predictions and Only Allah knows All and He can Change times and Facts on Ground as He has power on all of us!

If at all your predictions are true, I'd like to marry three more times. :rofl:
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