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Two-Decade LCA Engine Effort [Kaveri] Stalls

As long as mediocrity and reservations allowed in the research institutions these things are bound to happen, a couple years back i went for a conference on "Formal Methods" held in TIFR where a scientist from BARC had given presentation which i rather found subtle when compared to presentations given by profs from IIT's, TIFR and other univs. Govt need to adapt different pay/recruitment policy when comes to hiring talent for this kind of research rather than just wasting money.

Buddy there is no quota in BARC , IGCAR, ISRO for the selection of scientific officers. Only age relaxation is there. There is no separate cut off for SC, ST and OBC candidates.
You have to first clear the written exam and then interview to get selected . FOR BARC and IGCAR interview you can apply through GATE score also.

I dont know about DRDO...
I think the test which is come at dec this year on lca is kaveri running condition or not. If it is working then the problem is not about thrust which iaf want around 90-100kn current kaveri produce only 80-85kn with dry thrust 52kn I read some where that kaveri without red heat may be go for Ajt. I know we are not producing any engine for last 2 decade but at least we gain something, which make our base for our future project.
Every body talking about 2 decade India not produce something reverent but finally we start-achieving u can see...
Pinaka around 80 no. already induct by army
Last year Akash found it way and Iaf order a small no of 2 sqn army may get later
This year Nag is inducting ATV on July-Aug sea trail then in Oct Arjun get the final chance against T-90 and decide it future
Next yr lca got the IOC
2011 -- Bramos Air launch & hypersonic. Also F-insas
2012 -- AAD & PAD also LCA FOC
2013 -- Indian Navy get his Ist indigenous built Aircraft Carriers
So the wheel starts moving
...India didn't do this with the LCA. They should do it with Kaveri, but I am afraid there are just too many people and politicians who would turn this into a patriotic debate, saying somewhat along the lines of what you have claimed, "believe in the Indian scientific community. We can go to the moon, so we can build an engine". No doubt you could, but at what cost? Almost half the country is below the international poverty line, it only makes sense to stop throwing money down pits.
LCA and Kaveri are the first steps India took for indigenous fighter aircrafts and engines. To me these are very important steps for a country that want to be less dependent from others and don't want to be only a buyer. In the helicopter field India is already ahead with Dhruv, Shakti engine and now new onwn developments like LCH and LOH. The aircraft field is catching up and they will learn from the problems they faced. All these experience will be a benefit to later developments and jv that India will have in future, be it indigenous, or partnerships with other nations.
About Kaveri, the problem is definitely not the thrust, it already would fulfill PAFs requirement for JF17 engine, but IAF seems to have other requirements. That's also why they didn't go for Russian (RD 33/93), or French (M88) engine for LCA MK2. There is already a jv with Snecma to fix Kaveris problems and the new engines for LCA MK 2 could come with ToT too (some reports are talking about it). So IAF and MoD are doing everything to solve the problems and get it done and that is imo crutial!
You can't go on and improve yourself if you didn't end what you have started.
LCA and Kaveri might be delayed, but they can't be failures, if we bring those projects to the end. And that is what happening now, instead of many not mature MK1 versions, that have to improve and upgraded through the years, there will only be 2 squads (mainly for training pilots) of them. The more mature MK2 version will come in numbers and with more capabilities only, that is the best way out of the problems.
Btw, if you look at LCA and other fighter projects you will see the same problems and delays too and those countries have way more experience than India. Look at EF 2000 for example, development started in the mid 80s and it is still not fully developed and facing several delays and problems too! Rafales M88 engine was not ready from the start too and they used also the GE 404 for their demonstrators and prototypes for nearly 10 years.
I think the bane of Indian R&D is that it is govt. controlled. So who is the boss, who is accountable to whom. The Americans are an ideal to follow. The Govt. gives the contract to a private company and the discipline and research is followed up in a commercial manner. At present even an incompetent scientist has his job intact because he / she works for the govt. that wouldnt be the case int he private sector. Althou India has very very slowly included the private sector, it is to meager, they have to think and come out with a brand new thinking , give the private sector. Include penalties, etc etc. trust me you will see results. It may be expensive. But this Indian govt. kanjoosgiri policies must change. Trust me if we are to supercede China, the private sector is the answer. We have the brain power, we need to flash the big bucks. Ultimately the scientiest as just like us guys, the money makes the difference
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