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India’s Indigenous Engine-making Programme Kaveri to be Revived

India can not even produce a motorcycle engine, serious corruption, chaotic social order, poverty of the population, the strange diet, this is all my impressions of India.

well, Indian cant produce motorcycle engine is as true as Japanese cant produce chinese junks like you....mind your lang or be ready to take more..u arseolee.....
Terrible stupid, why should the import of Japanese cars?
I like the stupid Indians


you are such an idiot..a v bad product of ranking I guess....you first raised the point of moter cycle engine and now saying then why we import japanese car? such pathetic logic can be expected only from junk rated human beings like u....

But India never, perhaps in the next 100 years, you can make your own motorcycle engine.

well, but seems Japanese will keep producing Chinese for the next 100 yrs...as u know China lacks it!

आबे चाइनीज कुत्ते एइंग्लिश में भोक यहा ...
आबे चाइनीज कुत्ते एइंग्लिश में भोक यहा ...

That's Japanese.
India AKA Bharat lives log back when Muslims religion came into existence and your for father were born, So its Natural you cant know the history and a country which was long when your fore father was born.

at the time Ramayana and Mahabharata, all regions is ruled by Raja's and Raja's ruled by Maharaja's .

Go and ask you history teacher what was before Muslims religion and bet he dont anything. Indian Rules till afaganistan, thats why Bhudda statue was their which hurt muslims fake ego.

And you was born 5000 years ago to see everything right? India rules extended till Afghanistan lolll Cant argue with idiots like you, you have been brainwashed by RSS mandirs.
I think Indians are smart man, only problem is DRDO employee lacks of arduous working attitude as our engineers.. There are more pertinent management problem(KPI valuation) in DRDO. Anyone could tell the organization structure flaw of DRDO, you guys shall split it into two organization inducting competition system.

No one takes resposibility for Kaveri development halt at the very obvious.

1. I thank you for sticking to topic
2. Mark my words Unless these Defense Organizations are Reformed no amount of Funding,TOT can help them
They should be reformed 1st
& Private sector should be invited into defense sector
That's Japanese.

If Chinese dog barks in Japanese that wont make it Japanese....I didnt say its Chinese langauge.....I called him chinese D0g for all good reason I had no choice but to use offensive language after long time...there is a limit to everything and if Mods are not taking any action against such offensive trolls then we have no choice but to resort a counter offensive strategy!
Umm.. @S-DUCT @sandy_3126 @Abingdonboy Why do I see Blisk manufacturing of 1st stage fan in this engine?


No wonder they are getting confident about the Kav- if the weight were to drop even by a 100 Kg we would be looking at a thrust to weight ratio of 7.4:1 (the same as the highest thrust variant of the F-110).
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That's Japanese.
@saumyasupratik - what Tokyoboy wrote was Chinese, not Japanese.
@Aeronaut - we thought Pakdef is an english language forum. This thread has seen a lot of exchanges from Wanglaokan and Tokyoboy in Chinese . Or you allow it as a discount for your friendly countries?
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Its ok to revive the project. But please call it something else. Don't name it after a already failed project. Sometime repackage is a good idea.

Indian logic, the Japanese diet is to follow his father's nationality and position, but China is my second home, in between Japan and China, such transnational marriages are common. Xi'an is considered to be the Japanese homeland.
Of course, you do not know

I hate to break this to you here. But in India, there are some Oriental looking individual that they called Mongoloids and they occupy the equivalent of untouchable caste in India. Whether you are Chinese or Japanese or Korea, you don't matter because you are someone that only deserve to be equate to the untouchables in their eyes.
I hate to break this to you here. But in India, there are some Oriental looking individual that they called Mongoloids and they occupy the equivalent of untouchable caste in India. Whether you are Chinese or Japanese or Korea, you don't matter because you are someone that only deserve to be equate to the untouchables in their eyes.

:rofl: another case of Chinese iq
आबे चाइनीज कुत्ते एइंग्लिश में भोक यहा ...

That's Japanese.

NO Bro they were typing in Chinese!!

I hate to break this to you here. But in India, there are some Oriental looking individual that they called Mongoloids and they occupy the equivalent of untouchable caste in India. Whether you are Chinese or Japanese or Korea, you don't matter because you are someone that only deserve to be equate to the untouchables in their eyes.

What are you trying to imply. It doesn't make any sense. It's better keep quite than looking dumb.
Umm.. @S-DUCT @sandy_3126 @Abingdonboy Why do I see Blisk manufacturing of 1st stage fan in this engine?


No wonder they are getting confident about the Kav- if the weight were to drop even by a 100 Kg we would be looking at a thrust to weight ratio of 7.4:1 (the same as the highest thrust variant of the F-110).

When was blisk an issue....

I used to have very high hopes from Indian defence sector 5years ago, when I thought there was some real push towards innovation, Now I a skeptical, It almost seems the initial push towards self reliance is being sabotaged by foriegn -dalal mafia that is deeply embedded within the procurement-mod nexus, Even if kaveri was 400 lbs lighter, even if there was a 1500 Hp powerpack for arjun, even if there was a MMR available for LCA, even if Atsra II had better performance, I have doubts if they will see the light of the day....
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When was blisk an issue....

I used to have very high hopes from Indian defence sector 5years ago, when I thought there was some real push towards innovation, Now I a skeptical, It almost seems the initial push towards self reliance is being sabotaged by foriegn -dalal mafia that is deeply embedded within the procurement-mod nexus, Even if kaveri was 400 lbs lighter, even if there was a 1500 Hp powerpack for arjun, even if there was a MMR available for LCA, even if Atsra II had better performance, I have doubts if they will see the light of the day....

Sir ji, if I am correct then Blisk manufacturing is used in even the compressor fans and the turbine disks (hot stage)...it used to be an issue, back in 2011 the GTRE honcho specifically stated that we had issues with it, similarly TBCs (YSZ is just at lab sample stage according to someone I know, that is one BIG hurdle- if we can get the yttria stabilized zirconia coatings to work that will be a boon), add to that single crystal blades- the 2013 demo didn't state which gen the blade belonged to.

Could you elaborate on which components of the engine require blisk?
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