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India’s Indigenous Engine-making Programme Kaveri to be Revived

But they did name you Chinese, didn't they? :P

Sorry, I meant they named mainland China as Chinese people.

You were given another name that you stick to.

Japanese right wing party call Chinese Sina, 支那。We call them back' little Japanese evil',小日本鬼子。


Japanese right wing party call Chinese Sina, 支那。We call them back' little Japanese evil',小日本鬼子。


It still doesn't change the fact that you retain your given name China instead of Zhongguo in english. So how different are you from us?

In fact, even Pakistanis have retained Pakistan which is not an english word, rather than Pakland or something.
Its looks like more china -japan war. lol
BTW , China also not able to develop full jet engine, So no use. Both country are struggling to develop engine.
Its looks like more china -japan war. lol
BTW , China also not able to develop full jet engine, So no use. Both country are struggling to develop engine.
But India never, perhaps in the next 100 years, you can make your own motorcycle engine.
It still doesn't change the fact that you retain your given name China instead of Zhongguo in english. So how different are you from us?

In fact, even Pakistanis have retained Pakistan which is not an english word, rather than Pakland or something.

Japanese call us Chiong kuo ku.
崇拜强者不等于欺凌弱小。钓鱼岛自古就是中国的固有领土,冲绳在历史上是中国的附属国。你们拍的西游记都是娱乐化的,建议你看看六小龄童演出的西游记。作为中日混血的你,心灵深处一定非常矛盾。希望你多对两国有利的事情,让你身边的朋友多了解中国。两国的年轻人大多年轻气盛,我建议还是要从长远来看待中日关系。这一点Abe Shinzo 需要了解。

Its looks like more china -japan war. lol
BTW , China also not able to develop full jet engine, So no use. Both country are struggling to develop engine.
Don't play idiot here, you got to sleep right now.
In the recent poll of whether Japanese expatriates wanna working in Japan or China, Majority of Japanese voters choose China. The main reason why they don't wanna go India is due to the food security mismanagement and bad toilet sanitation. Most voters hold negative impression of India, especially in Sanitation field.
In the recent poll of whether Japanese expatriates wanna working in Japan or China, Majority of Japanese voters choose China. The main reason why they don't wanna go India is due to the food security mismanagement and bad toilet sanitation. Most voters hold negative impression of India, especially in Sanitation field.
I totally agree, after all, we have the same culture, language close.
If we choose, we will choose China because the same ancestors, better economy, better development
I totally agree, after all, we have the same culture, language close.
If we choose, we will choose China because the same ancestors, better economy, better development

You forgot one important thing.

the same dog and cat meat eating habits.

we can understand the mind games played by fake poster boys and the 50 CENT ARMY from China.
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