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Turkey violating Geneva Conventions using ambulances for weapons transport

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who said i support my government? i hate erdogan alot today , should i go and kill him or cut my self up so he stops his policies? Plus i didnt even give a damn about syria or oppisition , i didnt even want any problems but after syria the 'lion' government shot our unarmed f-4 i said bomb the heck out of this esad and our government is still a wussy couldnt do anything anyway forget that but i never seen turkey export terrorism like some and especially considering syria in 1990s supporting pkk it seems that its not you done this and i done that , in 1990s did we support oppositions in syria again lol? there was none.
Your jet was in Syrian airspace at a time whne Syria was at war and when any threat would have been IMMEDIATELY dealt with maximum force.

Again, you should be venting your frustration at your govt not Syria. Syria is the victim here. Turkey is supporting a bunch of extremist Jihadists who are only concerned about death and destruction.

I have the same problem with the Iranian regime. I don't understand why Iran is meddling in the Arab world. We have nothing to do with them, we're not gaining anything from it and we don't have any responsibility for them.
thank you for admitting you support terrorism.

That jet wasn't in international water, it was in Syrian water, plus Turkey then made an excuse saying Syria didn't shoot it.

Anyways, Turkey will suffer as well.

Like i said, Assad is no better than them. If they are terrorists, Assad is even worse.

If it would have up to me, i'd never involve Turkey into this mess, but since we are in it and can not turn back from this point, thanks to AKP, we must be the one who end it... And we shall.

No worries, we are already suffering. That's the reason why Assad will go.
Well, apparently bombs and you have similarities. You can't tell shrapnel not to hit a certain person, but you can tell a terrorist not to plant bomb near a bus stop in a very crowded street, no?

Please, just do not try to justify that digusting attack...
tit for tat.

you support Jihadists, they will support the PKK.

Hate the game, not the player. Exit if you can't play without bitching and moaning.
tit for tat.

you support Jihadists, they will support the PKK.

Hate the game, not the player. Exit if you can't play without bitching and moaning.

What i'm bitching about is that you're trying to justify the deaths of 1,3,11 and 12 years old children.

Bombs and you, seriously...
What i'm bitching about is that you're trying to justify the deaths of 1,3,11 and 12 years old children.

Bombs and you, seriously...

all those innocent people in Syria that were killed were killed by the terrorists which your government support, if you really cared about those kids and babies, tell your government to stop supporting terrorism , and start supporting peace.
What i'm bitching about is that you're trying to justify the deaths of 1,3,11 and 12 years old children.

Bombs and you, seriously...
you think I'm justifying it when I'm giving you a rational explanation of how events have played out in the past year.

The issue is very clear. Turkey supports Jihadist wahabis in Syria > Syria gets mad at Turkey > Syria supports the PKK > bomb blows up in Turkey > Turkish people die > Turkey supports the Jihadists even more > the Jihadis blow up Syrians > Syrians get mad > Syrians support the PKK even more > the PKK kills more Turks and around we go
all those innocent people in Syria that were killed were killed by the terrorists which your government support, if you really cared about those kids and babies, tell your government to stop supporting terrorism , and start supporting peace.

Please... We are talking about a psychopath who likes to bomb cities without targetting, murderer of thousands of people, babies included.

I did tell my government not to get involve in this mess, they didn't listen to me :undecided:. Now, unfortunately the only way for peace is through war...
Please... We are talking about a psychopath who likes to bomb cities without targetting, murderer of thousands of people, babies included.

I did tell my government not to get involve in this mess, they didn't listen to me :undecided:. Now, unfortunately the only way for peace is through war...

your mind is american mind, they think democracy and peace comes with bombing and destroying nations, examples: Iraq and Libya. again your government is supporting terrorists, and if you support that then it comes down to you to let your own flag be with the terrorists.
your mind is american mind, they think democracy and peace comes with bombing and destroying nations, examples: Iraq and Libya. again your government is supporting terrorists, and if you support that then it comes down to you to let your own flag be with the terrorists.

To be honest, my priority here is the peace in Turkey, and Assad chosed to become an obstacle for that. Democracy and peace in Syria is not my concern...
To be honest, my priority here is the peace in Turkey, and Assad chosed to become an obstacle for that. Democracy and peace in Syria is not my concern...

Peace in Turkey will only happen when its neighbors have peace. wasn't turkey in peace when Syria was in peace? but again you support terrorism so you shot your self in the foot.
Peace in Turkey will only happen when its neighbors have peace. wasn't turkey in peace when Syria was in peace? but again you support terrorism so you shot your self in the foot.

I agree with you, by supporting FSA we shot ourselves in the foot. Now in order to save that foot, we must finish the job we started.

You may want to check my previous posts if you wondering what i'm thinking about FSA, not much different than you. But the real difference between you and me is, i think that Assad is also a terrorist.

Anyways, dark days are ahead of us... Hopefuly we can get through this with minumum innocent deaths.
Also to the Turks, politics is a dirty game. Unfortunately in the Mid East terrorism is used by some countries against each other. You use terrorism against Syria, killing thousands of innocent civilians. Now the same has been done against you, may all the dead from all sides rest in peace.
I agree with you, by supporting FSA we shot ourselves in the foot. Now in order to save that foot, we must finish the job we started.

You may want to check my previous posts if you wondering what i'm thinking about FSA, not much different than you. But the real difference between you and me is, i think that Assad is also a terrorist.

Anyways, dark days are ahead of us... Hopefuly we can get through this with minumum innocent deaths.

Again your following the American mentality, if you made a mistake fix it, dont just make it worse, american fix its mistake by making it worse, by starting wars and destroying nations and etc. so basically Erdogan following the footsteps of USA.
Also to the Turks, politics is a dirty game. Unfortunately in the Mid East terrorism is used by some countries against each other. You use terrorism against Syria, killing thousands of innocent civilians. Now the same has been done against you, may all the dead from all sides rest in peace.
how you are thinking 80 % people of syria were terrorists ? real terrorists are Asad and you .. everyday hundreds and hundreds civilians are killing by ASAD and his terrorist regime .. insallah free syrian army will win victory ..
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Only way for peace is when Assad hang from a tree. He and his father has been supporting PKK against us for ages.

Now it is our turn. Assad has to go without us being our hands dirty. If assad didn't support PKK we wouldn't be enemies.
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