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Turkey to limit sales of alcohol

The turks got a great tradition including the national drink RAKI - this shouldnt be abolished. Actually the islamic Party AKP is working on a new design of Turkey by changing the direction Kemal Atatürk chose to modernize the country. Turkey is just at the stake of a cultural clash between muslim fundamentalism and secular politics. The limit of alcohol sales will bring big losses for the turist sector and of course the spirit of freedom
Government plan to diminishing drinking of alchol among society by legalize some limitations on sale location and sale of time...

from many aspects alchole more hazardous than cigarette in society life....According to statistics, Alchol always among top three causes in serious health problem like cancer, death toll of accidents, deadly quarell among people, divorces and so on..

The proposal that AKP goverment intend to legalize through parliemantery decision isnot different than the legal limitations in West countries even more mild than one in some non muslim countries..

Recently Mayor of district of Kadikoy which stronghold of secularist circles in Istanbul Selami Ozturk said: after we have set time and location limitation on nightlifes crime rate decreased 60% in our district..

How Protecting human health, preventing deadly accidents and quarrells, saving unity of family and saving a huge monetary cost that alchol caused lost could be action againist secularism...??

Waht are the differences between line off smoking cigarette and drinkng alcohol. ? ..Why are you not be some realistic and honest..?

we are sick of your non-stop grouchyings and complainings like spolied rich kids..

and more...im expecting many declerationss with full of complaining and critisism from west human right org. after gov. legalized the proposal on the behalf of freedom and anxeity about secularism..

As the west countries or some our secularist municipality set limitations on alcohol then no problem with secularism, yet an pro islamiv gov. or municipality prepare the same limitation then start to crying for secularism....what a great fair approach!!
Government plan to ... what a great fair approach!![/B]

My friend, those who have concerned about secularism in Turkey, are aware of the benefits you mentioned. The main criticism is not the restriction for alcohol. The concern is about why other aspects of development are omitted by the government. Is alcohol the only concern in Turkey's development?


You rarely (if not never) hear a solution for those problems from Erdogan. I am not saying in the past the situation was acceptable but The requirements of current Turkey dictates a full developments in all accept.

We all discussed the same issue about women rights in Turkey and you know how AKP behaved selectively about this matter.

I wonder if grandma gives the guide for Ayran-man that how to solve the press problem in Turkey. I am not sure if AKP accept that such a problem exist.

At least, the attitude of A. Gul was more promising.

“Our faith teaches us that we must respect people’s rights, freedoms and dignity without discriminating them on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnicity and language. Respect for faiths and identities as well as tolerance are among the most noble characteristics of our nation.”
If you wanna abolish the alcohol have the guts to do so. They wanted to ban abortion too.. what happened?

AKP is a phucking bunch of pvssies. When it comes religion It's always "democracy and freedoms" BS

but no freedom for non-religious people. Hell no
The turks got a great tradition including the national drink RAKI - this shouldnt be abolished. Actually the islamic Party AKP is working on a new design of Turkey by changing the direction Kemal Atatürk chose to modernize the country. Turkey is just at the stake of a cultural clash between muslim fundamentalism and secular politics. The limit of alcohol sales will bring big losses for the turist sector and of course the spirit of freedom

What if turks doesn't want attaturk legacy of militant secularism to continue. Just like Ottoman empire came to an end Attaruks kelamist legacy will also come to an end. Nothing in this world is static and everything has an end. Attaturk's was a revolution of taking turkey away form its roots and revolution doesn't last for ever but changes , specially if its forced on the local populace. That's my opinion, not need to blast out at me like some of your countrymen.

Btw AKP is more like a centre-right party than a islamic party in the traditional sense of politics.
:lol: People living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

I'd like to know how you think of secularism as someone who lives in a theo-monarchy (not sure what you call it).
@Luffy 500
You don't know much about Turkey apparently. Visit Turkey and then make up your opinion, I can't judge any regulations in Bangladesh because a) I don't follow Bangladeshi news and b) I have never been there or have never met one. The only thing I know about Bangladesh is the war with Pakistan and that Brothel that was featured in a documentary on I watched once.

Therefor I don't interfere in news about inner-Bangladeshi politics, as I don't like to make myself look like someone who talks without any knowledge.

Now for the Atatürk part:
Atatürk and his ideas are here to stay, as long as the country and its people remain free. If you happen to be in Turkey one day ask the people. And even if I don't drink because I get pretty sentimental, I will fight for the right of others to do so.
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I think it is a good idea to restrict the hours and places Alcohol can be sold. Make it less available but don't BAN the sale totally. We have seen that when Alcohol is banned totally, it creates a BLACK MARKET for Alcohol. As such, some people start SMUGGLING it in the country and others start making or BOOTLEGGING Alcohol illegally which creates new set of problems in the society. Because of its inferior quality, Bootlegged Alcohol kills or blinds many people.

Also, you can tax the heck out of sales of Alcohol and Cigarettes. That is what we do in the USA. It is commonly referred to as SIN TAX in the US
@Pakistanisage or we can create a black market who deals at night :D please, people can simply buy the drinks in an early hour and drink later :D still idiotic from every aspect I can think of :D Who'll watch and stop every damn liquor store in the country from selling after 22:00? Police will just take their bribe and be on their way.

You know what happened when they've banned smoking indoors? People found zillions of ways to breach it. Lots of businesses modified their places with convertable roofs so they can open it when there's an investigation :D

They've raised the prices of smoking now smuggling organizations are making millions. AKP is a fool for thinking they can control people's lives. Home brewing and counterfeit production is getting very common especially in touristic places.

Previously gangs have even produced counterfeit alcoholic beverages from methanol which caused deaths. It's a going-on process and the lost tax-money will be taken from non-smokers and non-drinkers. You're such dumazzes for not seeing this :D
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I'd like to know how you think of secularism as someone who lives in a theo-monarchy (not sure what you call it).
@Luffy 500
You don't know much about Turkey apparently. Visit Turkey and then make up your opinion, I can't judge any regulations in Bangladesh because a) I don't follow Bangladeshi news and b) I have never been there or have never met one. The only thing I know about Bangladesh is the war with Pakistan and that Brothel that was featured in a documentary on I watched once.

Therefor I don't interfere in news about inner-Bangladeshi politics, as I don't like to make myself look like someone who talks without any knowledge.

Now for the Atatürk part:
Atatürk and his ideas are here to stay, as long as the country and its people remain free. If you happen to be in Turkey one day ask the people. And even if I don't drink because I get pretty sentimental, I will fight for the right of others to do so.

No, we call it an absolute monarchy.

Well, I believe that any political ideology gains its own legitimacy from its people. Secularism ,by definition, is the separation between place of worship Church - Masjid - Synagog or whatever, and the states in which governments try to isolate itself from any religion as much as possible. However, if secularism gets too far it may end its people up with a government, willing to do whatever it takes to make necessary progress at the expense of social equality, as well as morality. For instance, Nazism was known to be a secular movement up until its rise to power ,and eventually it resulted into the loss of as many as 50 million human beings for the sake of its necessary progress. Undoubtedly, Secularism has its own pros and cons depending on the society practicing it ,and the state implementing it. Therefore, I guess I'm right to say that all that glitters is not gold? Don't you think?

I have lived in both secular and a conservative societies for a long period of time ,and I can easily tell that each one has its own social values.
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I think it is a good idea to restrict the hours and places Alcohol can be sold. Make it less available but don't BAN the sale totally. We have seen that when Alcohol is banned totally, it creates a BLACK MARKET for Alcohol. As such, some people start SMUGGLING it in the country and others start making or BOOTLEGGING Alcohol illegally which creates new set of problems in the society. Because of its inferior quality, Bootlegged Alcohol kills or blinds many people.

Also, you can tax the heck out of sales of Alcohol and Cigarettes. That is what we do in the USA. It is commonly referred to as SIN TAX in the US

Sounds like a good idea. But, I don't think such tactics would work in Turkey tbqh. I have visited Turkey twice and as our fellow @what stated that the Turkish society cherishes their secularism from the bottom of their hearts. The US is a different issue though friend. Back in the day while I was living in Texas, we couldn't stand how awful things it could get when a Texan goes tipsy, those folks are well-known for their drinking habits :undecided: Oh yes! Breaking old habits so hard to do :D!

Thank goodness we hardly get to see drink teens in KSA, it maybe once in blue moon :)
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Why Turks like to be alcoholics so much?

There is nothing good about drinking alcohol.

Even the Turk atheists cannot contest that modern medicine is wrong about the harmful effects of alcohol.

And the ban is for certain time limit. That just means more revenue for bars and restaurants.

The Kemalists of Turkey today seem to be liberal fascists. I think if Ataturk was alive today he would be embarrassed by them.
@Pakistanisage or we can create a black market who deals at night :D please, people can simply buy the drinks in an early hour and drink later :D still idiotic from every aspect I can think of :D Who'll watch and stop every damn liquor store in the country from selling after 22:00? Police will just take their bribe and be on their way.

You know what happened when they've banned smoking indoors? People found zillions of ways to breach it. Lots of businesses modified their places with convertable roofs so they can open it when there's an investigation :D

They've raised the prices of smoking now smuggling organizations are making millions. AKP is a fool for thinking they can control people's lives. Home brewing and counterfeit production is getting very common especially in touristic places.

Previously gangs have even produced counterfeit alcoholic beverages from methanol which caused deaths. It's a going-on process and the lost tax-money will be taken from non-smokers and non-drinkers. You're such dumazzes for not seeing this :D

My friend , you are plain weird.

Excise risings has itself proven in many ways not just in Turkey but also in other countries.
Yes perhaps the illegal distillerys or smuggled cigarettes will rise. But in the end the percentage of smokers/drinkers will drop in the population.
And if you care more about tax incomes than public health, then I'm talking to the wrong guy to begin with.
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My friend , you are plain weird.

Excise risings has itself proven in many ways not just in Turkey but also in other countries.
Yes perhaps the illegal distillerys or smuggled cigarettes will rise. But in the end the percentage of smokers/drinkers will drop in the population.
And if you care more about tax incomes than public health, then I'm talking to the wrong guy to begin with.
BUHAHAH public health he says... tell that to the little kids buying & smoking smuggled cigars per 25 cents around the corner of Galata bridge. The government didn't just lose tax control you moron they've created a criminal cartel and left a whole sector to their hands.

BUHAHAH public health he says... tell that to the little kids buying & smoking smuggled cigars per 25 cents around the corner of Galata bridge. The government didn't just lose tax control you moron they've created a criminal cartel and left a whole sector to their hands.


Can't you discuss in a civilized manner? What are you compensating for? Lack of intelligence? Tiny ****?

I know about the smuggling cartel don't worry. I also know that people buy their cigarettes.
I also know one thing that you don't. Even with the above circumstances , the smokers still drop.
And here's another bomb for you. All those tax money that you refer to doesn't compensate for the health cost of a smoker who falls ill.
Why Turks like to be alcoholics so much?

There is nothing good about drinking alcohol.

Even the Turk atheists cannot contest that modern medicine is wrong about the harmful effects of alcohol.

And the ban is for certain time limit. That just means more revenue for bars and restaurants.

The Kemalists of Turkey today seem to be liberal fascists. I think if Ataturk was alive today he would be embarrassed by them.

Modern medicine also says that a glass of wine or beer a day is good for you health.

Also everything is harmful its the volume that makes the difference. And no, not everyone that drinks is an alcoholic, you should look that word up, seems like you don't know the meaning. When you're at it you might as well look up the definition of liberal and fascist. Thats enough homework for a day,
I know thats a though task and will get you to your limits but I think it will be worth it.

Atatürk would be embarassed of what? You act like we have a drinking problem over here, but we don't.
This is also not about alcohol but its against forcing your believes upon others, Turkey is secular and if a Turk wants to go grab a beer at 11PM at the local store, he should be able to do it.
A Turk does not need a government to tell him whats good for him or not, the average Turk is capable of making that decision himself.
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