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Turkey Demands Syrian Army Exit Rebel Areas, Threatens Force

Lolz didnt u just do the same in earlier thread asking me to go fight instead of doing hard work and replying with facts and logic???

"instead of"? I have nicely showed your hypocrisy in that thread, perhaps pay closer attention.

About ur comment, u seem to know nothing about the ceasefire and agreements recently agreed. Ur logic of syria belonging to asad army is also naive. There was a public uprising against him and he used lethal force against ordinary syrians, killing many and giving rise to a civil war. He had lost all territory untill russians came n helped him kills hundreds of thousands of more syrians. I would like to see ur hypocrisy on yemen, iraq and lebanon as well.

I have heard this tale before, it's getting old and no-one except you lot seem to believe it (or pretend to).
I don't see Assad fighting anyone except some foreigners on his soil. Sadly the collateral deaths are part of war. All sane people should be saddened by it.
In Yemen- People are fighting some foreigner invaders I.e Saudis
In Iraq- The same story in form of ISIS, Americans etc

You seem to equate every invader as legitimate so long as they're fighting a particular sect i.e Iran orientated. Or am I missing something here?
When millions of Syrians come to your border and you spend tens of billions to feed them and provide them normal human condition for living and when on your southern border you have a civil war that threatens your country’s security then you can come and give your opinion. Turkey has the right to defend its interests in Syria because it is directly impacted by what happens on its southern border.

Think about this. Did the Syrian refugee crisis exist before NATO, including Turkey, started the regime-change war in 2011 ??
"instead of"? I have nicely showed your hypocrisy in that thread, perhaps pay closer attention.

I have heard this tale before, it's getting old and no-one except you lot seem to believe it (or pretend to).
I don't see Assad fighting anyone except some foreigners on his soil. Sadly the collateral deaths are part of war. All sane people should be saddened by it.
In Yemen- People are fighting some foreigner invaders I.e Saudis
In Iraq- The same story in form of ISIS, Americans etc

You seem to equate every invader as legitimate so long as they're fighting a particular sect i.e Iran orientated. Or am I missing something here?

And u seem to equate every invader as legitimate if they are alloed to iran, no?
Funny how u dnt see iranian interference in yemen but see saudi, u dnt see iranian interference in iraq and syria but see Turkey as interfering, are u blinded in one eye or half brained?
You think all this is a tale? Ppl like u with sectarian affiliation are blinded by hate and stupidity. Did u forget those mass demonstration in syria???? Did u forget how snipers were used to kill hundreds of peaceful demonstrators?? All this is tales for u?? If it were all some foreigners, then how they dedeated syrian army? Have any foreigners been apprehended? Foreign intervention is like PMU n shia militias, the whole world sees it, except u. So " u lot" can try to show lies but everyone sees ur hypocrisy.
And u seem to equate every invader as legitimate if they are alloed to iran, no?

What invader are you talking about? Give me a single example. Iran is nowhere in that region where the legitimate government has not asked Iran to be. i.e Syria, Iraq etc.

Funny how u dnt see iranian interference in yemen but see saudi, u dnt see iranian interference in iraq and syria

As above.

are u blinded in one eye or half brained?

Insulting like a child will not help your case here. Try again.

You think all this is a tale? Ppl like u with sectarian affiliation are blinded by hate and stupidity. Did u forget those mass demonstration in syria????

Demonstration and terrorism are two different things.

Did u forget how snipers were used to kill hundreds of peaceful demonstrators?? A

You're getting your news from Al arabiya and Fox news it seems.

this is tales for u??

They're definitely tales.

If it were all some foreigners,

I never stated they were ALL foreigners.

then how they dedeated syrian army?

"defeated" in your fantasy perhaps.

Have any foreigners been apprehended?

You need to go do some basic research, like I asked you already. Countless foreigners have been killed in Syria by the SAA.

Foreign intervention is like PMU n shia militias, the whole world sees it, except u. So " u lot" can try to show lies but everyone sees ur hypocrisy.

PMU are all Iraqis. At least pick a proper example if you want to be taken seriously.
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why you guys must bring Iran in anything . for thousands time we are not part of Idlib operation , its Syria+Russia operation .
now if you want to talk about Aleppo then its something else
IRGC OR IRGC-led militias are currently in Idlib. Didnt an IRGC commander die in Idlib recently?

Sorry but we bring in Iran because in general, Iran is seriously involved in the Syrian war.
You seem to equate every invader as legitimate so long as they're fighting a particular sect i.e Iran orientated. Or am I missing something here?
This sums up most of PDF. But when you call them sectarian, they get angry and mad, just like when you call out racist people for being racist.

Sorry but we bring in Iran because in general, Iran is seriously involved in the Syrian war.
Not anymore. Iran ditched the civil war after ISIS was destroyed. Do you think Turkey could even move an inch if Iran was still invested in the civil war?

Irans main objective was to destroy ISIS, and make sure Assad stays in power to save Hezbollah. Other than to save Hezbollah, Iran doesn't give a damn about Assad.

Now Irans objective is to create a permanent base in Syria and probably they are running many secret ops involving Hezbollah. But Iran is not invested in the Syrian civil war anymore.
Not anymore. Iran ditched the civil war after ISIS was destroyed. Do you think Turkey could even move an inch if Iran was still invested in the civil war?

Irans main objective was to destroy ISIS, and make sure Assad stays in power to save Hezbollah. Other than to save Hezbollah, Iran doesn't give a damn about Assad.

Now Irans objective is to create a permanent base in Syria and probably they are running many secret ops involving Hezbollah. But Iran is not invested in the Syrian civil war anymore.

Iran saved assad when the entire world thought he was done for (including Russia). Iran spent billions, and sacrificed hundreds of officers to achieve this.. And right on the cusp of victory you really think Iran lost interest? \

Iran just went back to its previous modus operandi of playing behind the scenes. but only a fool would think Iran is not going to get the benefit of being on the winning side of the war out of this..

the benefit include Iranian entrenchement and bases in Syria directly threatning Israeli security and enhancing Irans strategic depth, and ability to hit the Zionists, and the deterrence that comes from it. Syria will firmly be an Iranian ally going forward.

To achieve this final goal Syria has to achieve sovereignty to its pre-2011 levels. and regain deterrence against the Zionists. as of today, the Zionists have correctly calculated that they can take cheap shots on Syria. and while Syria is still busy fighting enemies on its soil, it wouldn't risk an all out war with israel..

this equation will change immidiatly when all terrorists on Syrian soil are neutralized. IT is immensely in IRans interest to help Syria achieve this. that way when the Zionists take their next cheap shot, the Syrian response will be massive Ex. Ballistic missile strike on several Zionists bases, and being ready for a possible war.

that would immidiatly deter future Zionist aggression and restore deterrence. making Iranian entrenchement far easier to achieve. this is why the Zionists are crying so hard. This has been a massive IRanian military and geopolitical victory when all seemed lost around 2011-2014
Not anymore. Iran ditched the civil war after ISIS was destroyed. Do you think Turkey could even move an inch if Iran was still invested in the civil war?
Then why is the head of every NDF unit in Syria an Iranian?

Irans main objective was to destroy ISIS, and make sure Assad stays in power to save Hezbollah.
Agreed, but Iran has other very important long term goals, such as its strategy against Israel, which Syria is a key piece of. Syria remains Iran's only real Arab ally! Iran values Syria! just not as much or directly as Hezb.

Other than to save Hezbollah, Iran doesn't give a damn about Assad.
While i agree Hezbollah is Iran's priority, i dont agree Iran doesnt give a damn about Assad. For one, Iran didnt spend all this blood and money on Assad if it didnt care about him. ALso, if Syria falls, how can Iran effectively support Hezbollah?

Now Irans objective is to create a permanent base in Syria and probably they are running many secret ops involving Hezbollah. But Iran is not invested in the Syrian civil war anymore.
You and i know once Iranians enters via war directly Iran doesnt exit. Yes, Iran is not leaving Syria for decades( at least).

Tbh, people on PDF often think the Iranian govt is frustrated, or angry, or disoriented, but tbh, i believe the Iranain govt overall (regional situation wise) is generally confident and Ok (excluding Soleimani situation also). Iran's strategic plans are still on track and havent been disrupted by US or Israel.

Short term, Iran has taken losses. Long term, Iran feels invincible.
Then why is the head of every NDF unit in Syria an Iranian?

Agreed, but Iran has other very important long term goals, such as its strategy against Israel, which Syria is a key piece of. Syria remains Iran's only real Arab ally! Iran values Syria! just not as much or directly as Hezb.

While i agree Hezbollah is Iran's priority, i dont agree Iran doesnt give a damn about Assad. For one, Iran didnt spend all this blood and money on Assad if it didnt care about him. ALso, if Syria falls, how can Iran effectively support Hezbollah?

You and i know once Iranians enters via war directly Iran doesnt exit. Yes, Iran is not leaving Syria for decades( at least).

Tbh, people on PDF often think the Iranian govt is frustrated, or angry, or disoriented, but tbh, i believe the Iranain govt overall (regional situation wise) is generally confident and Ok (excluding Soleimani situation also). Iran's strategic plans are still on track and havent been disrupted by US or Israel.

Short term, Iran has taken losses. Long term, Iran feels invincible.

PDF folks are under the The Turkish spell what can I say their soft power and propaganda works well in Pakistan and among Pakistanis to many Pakiis he is the next Caliph of the neo Ottoman empire a realist would understand that its all just politics he is just a hegemonic regional leader like Iran and Saudi trying to use the Syrian situation to increase Turkish presence in the region simple but Erdogan knows one thing or watermellon seller knows Assad isnt going anywhere at some point he will get his head straight by Daddy Putin basically Putin made Wattermelon seller his b,.tch and he can do is moan cause west dont trust him no one trusts him so he will bark and then we back to square one
Then why is the head of every NDF unit in Syria an Iranian?
It's symbolic, a way to keep influence, and to gather intel.

While i agree Hezbollah is Iran's priority, i dont agree Iran doesnt give a damn about Assad. For one, Iran didnt spend all this blood and money on Assad if it didnt care about him. ALso, if Syria falls, how can Iran effectively support Hezbollah?

Iran doesn't care about Assad. But Iran couldn't risk that a government hostile to Iran or Hezbollah would take control over Syria.

You and i know once Iranians enters via war directly Iran doesnt exit. Yes, Iran is not leaving Syria for decades( at least).

Tbh, people on PDF often think the Iranian govt is frustrated, or angry, or disoriented, but tbh, i believe the Iranain govt overall (regional situation wise) is generally confident and Ok (excluding Soleimani situation also). Iran's strategic plans are still on track and havent been disrupted by US or Israel.

Short term, Iran has taken losses. Long term, Iran feels invincible.

Who said anything about a direct war? Do you think the Turkish proxies in Syria is even comparable to when ISIS and the other terrorist groups were at its strongest in Syria and Iraq? Iran fought ISIS, Al-Nusrah, HTS, FSA, Turkmen militias, and tens of other terrorist groups in two countries at the same time while they were receiving aid, weapons etc by UAE, Qatar and Saudi, and ISIS fighters were given free passage and chemical weapons from Turkey.

Turkish proxies are nothing. Iran did what it needed to do in Syria, we are not involved in the civil war anymore. This is now a Turkey-Russia conflict. Iran is focusing on project Israel.

Iran saved assad when the entire world thought he was done for (including Russia). Iran spent billions, and sacrificed hundreds of officers to achieve this.. And right on the cusp of victory you really think Iran lost interest? \

Iran just went back to its previous modus operandi of playing behind the scenes. but only a fool would think Iran is not going to get the benefit of being on the winning side of the war out of this..

the benefit include Iranian entrenchement and bases in Syria directly threatning Israeli security and enhancing Irans strategic depth, and ability to hit the Zionists, and the deterrence that comes from it. Syria will firmly be an Iranian ally going forward.

To achieve this final goal Syria has to achieve sovereignty to its pre-2011 levels. and regain deterrence against the Zionists. as of today, the Zionists have correctly calculated that they can take cheap shots on Syria. and while Syria is still busy fighting enemies on its soil, it wouldn't risk an all out war with israel..

this equation will change immidiatly when all terrorists on Syrian soil are neutralized. IT is immensely in IRans interest to help Syria achieve this. that way when the Zionists take their next cheap shot, the Syrian response will be massive Ex. Ballistic missile strike on several Zionists bases, and being ready for a possible war.

that would immidiatly deter future Zionist aggression and restore deterrence. making Iranian entrenchement far easier to achieve. this is why the Zionists are crying so hard. This has been a massive IRanian military and geopolitical victory when all seemed lost around 2011-2014

You fail to see the bigger picture here. Iran already accomplished its objectives. Iran pulled out from the civil war because it's not in Irans interest and it never was. Iran was only invested in the civil war to make sure Assad stays in power or if Assad failed, a new government hostile to Iran and Hezbollah wouldn't take control. Iran pulling out only means that Iran feels confident that Assad will stay in power. This is now a Russia-Turkey fight. Iran is focusing on Israel, not on the civil war. It is not of importance to Iran.
Who said anything about a direct war? Do you think the Turkish proxies in Syria is even comparable to when ISIS and the other terrorist groups were at its strongest in Syria and Iraq? Iran fought ISIS, Al-Nusrah, HTS, FSA, Turkmen militias, and tens of other terrorist groups in two countries at the same time while they were receiving aid, weapons etc by UAE, Qatar and Saudi, and ISIS fighters were given free passage and chemical weapons from Turkey.

Assad+Iran+Iran backed terrorist groups are nothing
even FSA kicked Assad+Iran+Iran backed terrorist groups combined
and ROUHANI called helping from PUTIN and Russia joined to Syrian civil war in 2015 to save pathetic Assad+Iran+Iran backed terrorist groups

FSA always fought even Assad, Iran , Iran backed terrorist groups , ISIS and PKK/YPG Terrorists

on the other hand Assad Regime , Iran , Iran backed terrorist groups also Russia killed over 800.000 innocent Syrian civilians with heavy weapons , barrel bombs and chemical weapons to protect radical sectarian Assad Regime

Iran did what it needed to do in Syria, we are not involved in the civil war anymore. This is now a Turkey-Russia conflict. Iran is focusing on project Israel.

Iran joined Syrian civil war in 2011 to protect radical sectarian Assad Regime to create shia crescent in Iraq,Syria,Lebanon ( even shia population only 10-12% in Syria )

and cowardly insects Assad Regime , Iran , Iran backed terrorist groups are hidding behind of Russia to attack Turkish Forces
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When millions of Syrians come to your border and you spend tens of billions to feed them and provide them normal human condition for living and when on your southern border you have a civil war that threatens your country’s security then you can come and give your opinion. Turkey has the right to defend its interests in Syria because it is directly impacted by what happens on its southern border.

That for sure will happen. Assad who can’t even wipe his nose without foreign help will crush Turkey.
Iran that is absolutely isolated will happily attack one of the few neighbors it is having normal-ish relationship with (and which is a small gateway for them through the sanctions and to the foreign markets).
Russia that built some economic and strategic relations with Turkey in the last years will gladly crush it without even taking NATO into consideration.

Real world is not a computer game my Persian friend under American flags.
Your so called Erdogan shouldn’t support regime change in Syria to begin with.
Ummm, so Turkish soldiers are inside Syria, fighting with Syrian soldiers and Erdogan wants Syrian soldiers to pull back.

What am I missing ??
Cease fire deal.

Basically, Russia, Turkey and Syria agreed to a safe zone in Northern Syria, where Turkey would be able to send back Syrian refugees. Turkey guaranteed their safety, and installed a bunch of observation posts to make sure Syria wouldn't try anything, while Russia guaranteed Syria would not move into those areas.

Syria is violating the agreement, which is why this is occurring. Russia is probably helping Syria do this, but its unclear as to why, since Russia and Turkey have had a very good understanding and respect of each other's boundaries, since Turkey and Russia had a major diplomatic crisis when Turkey shot down a Russian fighter violating Turkey's sovereign border.
Cease fire deal.

Basically, Russia, Turkey and Syria agreed to a safe zone in Northern Syria, where Turkey would be able to send back Syrian refugees. Turkey guaranteed their safety, and installed a bunch of observation posts to make sure Syria wouldn't try anything, while Russia guaranteed Syria would not move into those areas.

Syria is violating the agreement, which is why this is occurring. Russia is probably helping Syria do this, but its unclear as to why, since Russia and Turkey have had a very good understanding and respect of each other's boundaries, since Turkey and Russia had a major diplomatic crisis when Turkey shot down a Russian fighter violating Turkey's sovereign border.
You forgot one thing : Flushing rebels out of Idlib triumphs over any other agreement or option.
Cease fire deal.

Basically, Russia, Turkey and Syria agreed to a safe zone in Northern Syria, where Turkey would be able to send back Syrian refugees. Turkey guaranteed their safety, and installed a bunch of observation posts to make sure Syria wouldn't try anything, while Russia guaranteed Syria would not move into those areas.

1. Those refugees will be mostly Syrian civilians.

2. But Syrian security forces have to somehow ensure that there won't be saboteurs amongst these refugees.

3. Therefore Russia can help in this situation by joint supervision of such refugee camps.
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