I think, they are mule, if they see a group of Bangladeshi asking for Gay Right in Dhaka, or a precession of naked women, they will never protest it!
Once I asked a Tableague man, why you never protest or raise you voice against politics/Govt or border killing ((anyway, they do not watch news, newspaper, they are cave man but peaceful, and, in most of the time, if you ask them ten questions on contemporary issues, they cann;t reply you)), he replied: that the most peaceful way is to invite others, not protest. But I did not find any answer to tell them that they are ignoring many important issues, as I do have very little knowledge of Islam.
Sometimes I think they are good for country, as they are peaceful, again I think, they are bad for the country, as they have no knowledge in country affairs/issues/interests. In that way, yes, they are good for the interest of India, but do not know if India is trying to promote them.