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Trial of Fire for Bangladeshi Muslims: Al-Mujtama reports

@Moander , bhai article er shate american's vassel state er kunu shoporko nai. Ja lekse ta je shotti, hoitai ashol bishoi. :)

Whats wrong in being secular. Most modern democracies are secular. It does not mean leaving your religion, you can be proud muslims and yet your country can be secular. It simply means govt has nothing to do with religion. It does not mean Individuals (including your head of state) has to be atheist or something.

Indian farts R not welcome. U can remain a hindu guy for all we care. Similarly U mind your own business. Let us decide what we want to be. :wave:
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@Moander , bhai article er shate american's vassel state er kunu shoporko nai. Ja lekse ta je shotti, hoitai ashol bishoi. :)

Indian farts R not welcome. U can remain a hindu guy for all we care. Similarly U mind your own business. Let us decide what we want to be. :wave:
I thought PDF is for discussion and debate? You cant take decisions on behalf of your country, nor can I, they best we can do is to influence other's views :)
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@Moander , bhai article er shate american's vassel state er kunu shoporko nai. Ja lekse ta je shotti, hoitai ashol bishoi. :)

Indian farts R not welcome. U can remain a hindu guy for all we care. Similarly U mind your own business. Let us decide what we want to be. :wave:

What i meant was all the countries of middle east directly or indirectly funding Americans so called war against terrorism while lecturing about Islam & secularism to us.
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@Moander An important point. Sheikh Hasina got rid of Bismillah from constitution, but Ameria and Uk still use God bless America and God save the queen!!! Seems like Sheikh hasina is the flag bearer of Secularisation.......!!

I have no idea how much more hindu vote one can get. Will you get 110% hindu vote in next election or get money for 2 Padma Bridge as prize for secularism? Oh you forgot kobiraaz (kobiraaz means medicine-man, not king of kobi that someone mention on other topic) God is secular in America who just happen to reflect Christian version lol.
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Iman is the most important part of Islam which happened to reside in muslims heart. With out iman your hall of justice, peace and tranquality is meaningless. Most of the European countries got all those things but not Iman. I also don't like hate mongering, robbing and killing. By the which western country is secular? They have holiday for Christmas but not for Eid lol. So, Muslim is heart is most important than reflecting on practice.

If you see something wrong being done to someone stop it with your might, if you cannot stop it with your might protest against it verbally and if you cannot do that iether hate it in your 'heart' but that is the weakest state of 'imaan'. Now, that's a very well known hadith and that implies that having the imaan in the heart is not enough. Yes, it's the beginning or the root. It means everything has to be done on the basis of that belief that we call 'imaan' but it does not mean you don't have to act. 'Imaan' without 'amal' won't get you far. Once a sahabi let his camel move around lose and told the Blessed Prophet(pbuh) that he had faith 'imaan' in Allah. Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) told him to tie the camel and then have faith in Allah. This is also another famous hadith implying that we must do what is in our power to do and then have faith in Allah for the outcome. So, the question arises, is Khaleda doing her part? The answer is no, she is asking Allah to do her part.
It simply means govt has nothing to do with religion. It does not mean Individuals (including your head of state) has to be atheist or something.

Practice what you preach. Your country doesn't allow Muslim to sacrifice COW during EID just because COW happen to be GOD to majority Hindu population. So where is the presence SECULARISM in INDIA?
Apparently they does not have any idea about the muslims of Bangladesh. Muslims of Bangladesh will start riot if any1 try to uproot islam. Even in British period muslims of bangla rebelled against unislamic elements (Faraize Andolon, Titumer etc.). Its really annoying when some american's vassel state try to talk about islam of Bangladesh. Islam will always remain in the heart of Bangali muslim inshalla.

I have doubt that BD Muslims has remain the same as in the past. I believe our people losing grip on Imaan. Here is Way.

Awami removed "Tawakkaltu Ala-Allah" and inserted a corrupted translation of "Bismillah" in the highest land of the land, the constitution.

So where was the riot or did I missed anything here.

Awami leftist Maloon Dr. Jaffar Iqbal and Co in the process of building a naked statue(murti) in Shah Jalal University, Sylhet.
Protests are going on and it's remain to be seen if Syheli Muslim still has the Imaani Jazba of Shah Jalal Yamani (r.a) to thwart the maloon forces.
Practice what you preach. Your country doesn't allow Muslim to sacrifice COW during EID just because COW happen to be GOD to majority Hindu population. So where is the presence SECULARISM in INDIA?
I never said india is perfect in terms of secularism. But may be at higher stage than bangladesh in the ladder.
I dont want to compare anyway, I was just saying why secularism is the way to go if you want to develop your country. Whether India becomes secular or not is not the point. Should bangladesh become one, yes she should
I have no idea how much more hindu vote one can get. Will you get 110% hindu vote in next election or get money for 2 Padma Bridge as prize for secularism? Oh you forgot kobiraaz (kobiraaz means medicine-man, not king of kobi that someone mention on other topic) God is secular in America who just happen to reflect Christian version lol.

Isn't Bangladesh already secular?

I saw this while I was researching... do note Bangladesh as a secular state:


If you see something wrong being done to someone stop it with your might, if you cannot stop it with your might protest against it verbally and if you cannot do that iether hate it in your 'heart' but that is the weakest state of 'imaan'. Now, that's a very well known hadith and that implies that having the imaan in the heart is not enough. Yes, it's the beginning or the root. It means everything has to be done on the basis of that belief that we call 'imaan' but it does not mean you don't have to act. 'Imaan' without 'amal' won't get you far. Once a sahabi let his camel move around lose and told the Blessed Prophet(pbuh) that he had faith 'imaan' in Allah. Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) told him to tie the camel and then have faith in Allah. This is also another famous hadith implying that we must do what is in our power to do and then have faith in Allah for the outcome. So, the question arises, is Khaleda doing her part? The answer is no, she is asking Allah to do her part.

Can u tell me muslim of which country has the strongest iman? what do u think will happen if any party agrees to let Bangladesh in USA's war against afghan or Iraq? All our political parties fear our peoples wrath. They know very well the strength of iman of our people. Bengali muslim may overlook the battle of begums but wont tolerate serious violation against islam.
You see, the thing is that Islam is a religion that encompasses one's life from start finish; it encompasses our lives from all aspects and angles. Thus, the meaning of Islam is submission (to God and His will). Islam tells us how to lead our lives as individuals and as a society; it gives us the "law of the land" one might say. So of course this goes as far as to giving us the laws of a state where the Muslims are the majority and in power: Bangladesh being a perfect example. Taking this into account, it is not possible to apply secularism to such a state where the people adhere to such a religion. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was also a political leader alongside being a religious leader. So saying that religion and politics have to be separate, especially in the case of Muslims and Muslim states, is simply preposterous.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating the absolute toppling of the current government and the installation of a shari'ah based government by next weekend. Lol. Shari'ah is applied over years, not days. I simply aim to clarify why many Bangladeshi posters and I are against secularization, especially the extremist form the AL follows.

Hope this answered some questions you may have had. :)
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^^^ I know islam contains quite a bit of everything, which is why it is so difficult to reform. But the point of this debate is not islam but muslims. I am sure many muslims in many countries (egypt, libya, tunisia, malayasia) have realized that secularism is good for them.
Secularism brings equality among faiths and crucial if you have a religious minority. A lot of bangladeshis do support secularism too.

You may have grievences the way secularism is brought in there, even I dont like top down imposition. I hope it will be more grassroot, bit like egypt.
Can u tell me muslim of which country has the strongest iman? what do u think will happen if any party agrees to let Bangladesh in USA's war against afghan or Iraq? All our political parties fear our peoples wrath. They know very well the strength of iman of our people. Bengali muslim may overlook the battle of begums but wont tolerate serious violation against islam.

You didn't have anything to say about the hadith I mentioned. It's clear that you want to evade the topic. The topic is not who has imaan and who doesn't. Your intention is to divert people's attention away from the on going tyranny. You're one of those mullahs who defend the tyrants in the name of Islam or you must be one of those chatra league terrorists who has just joined the Tabligh.
You didn't have anything to say about the hadith I mentioned. It's clear that you want to evade the topic. The topic is not who has imaan and who doesn't. Your intention is to divert people's attention away from the on going tyranny. You're one of those mullahs who defend the tyrants in the name of Islam or you must be one of those chatra league terrorists who have just joined the Tabligh.

Do you want me to argue about Hadith? What's mention in Hadith is truth and what will i accomplish by diverting peoples eye? Stop try to start quarreling by stepping on others feet and before telling hadith to other try to behave like muslim.
Do you want me to argue about Hadith? What's mention in Hadith is truth and what will i accomplish by diverting peoples eye? Stop try to start quarreling by stepping on others feet and before telling hadith to other try to behave like muslim.

Welcome to pdf, beware of the SCHOLARS here. If you disagree with them, you will be a Bigot/Maloon/Munafic/Hindu ******* in their eyes. cheers :D
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