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Trial of Fire for Bangladeshi Muslims: Al-Mujtama reports


Apr 8, 2007
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Al-Mujtama, the most influential publication of Arabic language, has described the present situation in Bangladesh as the ‘Test of Fire’ of the Muslims in Bangladesh.

The Kuwait based publication covers series report on ‘Process of Secularization in Bangladesh’. In its two consecutive issues the leading Arabic magazine unearths the violent approaches of the radical secular forces in Bangladesh and their plan in uprooting Islam from the state affairs. The Magazine also wrote on the torture on Muslim scholars, leaders and activists of Islamic parties carried by the radical secular Awami League government. The article expresses shock over the police torture on Muslim women wearing hijab in Bangladesh.

The cover story of the magazine published on 29th December, 2013 was ‘Processes of Secularization in Bangladesh: Squeezed Political Dissidence and Electoral Farces’. Ahmad Al Shalqami has reported the story.

Another story has been published in the same issue titled as ‘Is Islam being separated from the State?’ by Muhammad Salim Mansiri, The report focuses on the radical secular thoughts expressed in the so called ‘Thesis’ written by Sajib Wajed Joy, the only son of Sheikh Hasina; the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. Mr. Sajib has been working for the government as the Advisor to the Prime Minister.

In its recent issue of 5th January, 2013 the magazine Muhammad Salim Mansiri reported another news story. The report is extensively informative from the historical perspective. It summarizes this way- ‘as part of the plan of uprooting Islam from the state of Bangladesh, the Awami League and its alliance partners have undertaken radically fundamental secular policies. They have set up a tribunal to try the so called war criminals of 1971 which has mainly targeted the leaders of country’s largest Islamic political party Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’.

The reports also high-lighted the police torture on Muslim young women wearing hijab who have been engaged in Islamic activities. The article also expressed anxiety on reports of incidents of rape and torture on Muslim women carried by police forces in secular India. The recent arrest of Muslim women wearing hijab the National Press Club premise of Bangladesh for protesting torture on fellow women activists, clearly gives signal of something ominous, commented the Magazine.

The issues also published photos of police brutality on opposition activists.

Al-Mujtama is regarded as the Time or Newsweek to Arabic readers.

Trial of Fire for Bangladeshi Muslims: Al-Mujtama reports | BDINN.com
---------------------Test of Fire’ of the Muslims in Bangladesh.

--------------------------------------- ‘Process of Secularization in Bangladesh’. --------------------------------------------------------------- violent approaches of the radical secular forces in Bangladesh -------------uprooting Islam from the state affairs. ------------------------------------- on Muslim scholars, leaders and activists of Islamic parties carried by the radical secular Awami League government. The article expresses shock over the police torture on Muslim women wearing hijab in Bangladesh.

------------------------------------ ‘Processes of Secularization in Bangladesh: Squeezed Political Dissidence and Electoral Farces’.-----------------------

-------------------------------------------------- ‘Is Islam being separated from the State?’ by Muhammad Salim Mansiri, -------------------- radical secular thoughts -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘as part of the plan of uprooting Islam from the state of Bangladesh, --------------------------------------------------- radically fundamental secular policies. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

---------------------------------- police torture on Muslim young women wearing hijab -----------------------------------------. The article also expressed anxiety on reports of incidents of rape and torture on Muslim women carried by police forces in secular India. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.



take note of only the colored sentences

and few names 'Muhammad Salim Mansiri", "Al-Mujtama", "Ahmad Al Shalqami"
Al-Mujtama, the most influential publication of Arabic language, has described the present situation in Bangladesh as the ‘Test of Fire’ of the Muslims in Bangladesh.

The Kuwait based publication covers series report on ‘Process of Secularization in Bangladesh’. In its two consecutive issues the leading Arabic magazine unearths the violent approaches of the radical secular forces in Bangladesh and their plan in uprooting Islam from the state affairs. The Magazine also wrote on the torture on Muslim scholars, leaders and activists of Islamic parties carried by the radical secular Awami League government. The article expresses shock over the police torture on Muslim women wearing hijab in Bangladesh.

The cover story of the magazine published on 29th December, 2013 was ‘Processes of Secularization in Bangladesh: Squeezed Political Dissidence and Electoral Farces’. Ahmad Al Shalqami has reported the story.

Another story has been published in the same issue titled as ‘Is Islam being separated from the State?’ by Muhammad Salim Mansiri, The report focuses on the radical secular thoughts expressed in the so called ‘Thesis’ written by Sajib Wajed Joy, the only son of Sheikh Hasina; the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. Mr. Sajib has been working for the government as the Advisor to the Prime Minister.

In its recent issue of 5th January, 2013 the magazine Muhammad Salim Mansiri reported another news story. The report is extensively informative from the historical perspective. It summarizes this way- ‘as part of the plan of uprooting Islam from the state of Bangladesh, the Awami League and its alliance partners have undertaken radically fundamental secular policies. They have set up a tribunal to try the so called war criminals of 1971 which has mainly targeted the leaders of country’s largest Islamic political party Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’.

The reports also high-lighted the police torture on Muslim young women wearing hijab who have been engaged in Islamic activities. The article also expressed anxiety on reports of incidents of rape and torture on Muslim women carried by police forces in secular India. The recent arrest of Muslim women wearing hijab the National Press Club premise of Bangladesh for protesting torture on fellow women activists, clearly gives signal of something ominous, commented the Magazine.

The issues also published photos of police brutality on opposition activists.

Al-Mujtama is regarded as the Time or Newsweek to Arabic readers.

Trial of Fire for Bangladeshi Muslims: Al-Mujtama reports | BDINN.com

I don't think these US puppets can help us. They talk about Islam and then shake hands with the zionists. Nobody can help us if we don't help ourselves. We can take ideas from our Egyptian brothers and apply it in Bangladesh against the mubarak of Bangladesh.
I don't think these US puppets can help us. They talk about Islam and then shake hands with the zionists. Nobody can help us if we don't help ourselves. We can take ideas from our Egyptian brothers and apply it in Bangladesh against the mubarak of Bangladesh.

Well, Jamat BNP already tried this -Bangla Spring but failed miserably. Egypt's model isn't ideal for Bangladesh. Its a democracy unlike Egypt! If we want to establish Islam in state level, we will have to take more sophisticated route... Like taking control of media and social networks, creating anti secular sentiment!
Well, Jamat BNP already tried this -Bangla Spring but failed miserably. Egypt's model isn't ideal for Bangladesh. Its a democracy unlike Egypt! If we want to establish Islam in state level, we will have to take more sophisticated route... Like taking control of media and social networks, creating anti secular sentiment!

One of the major flaws of the previous 4 party alliance was complete ignorance & disregard to media power. But I think this kind of a disaster by BAL/MUA-FUA was necessary to open the eyes of the people. The whole episode of the past 5-6 years will make both BNP & JI & all patriotic forces of BD a whole lot stronger IF they can overcome this disaster. Sometimes its good to face up with danger. Every nation goes through critical phases but in our case we may have experienced a bit too many such episodes with current period being the darkest.

As for creating anti-secular sentiments, don't worry BAL fagots R doing that themselves. :lol:
Does this artcle mean that the 90% muslim people of BD are tortured and prosecuted...Come on Munshi...How is it possible that majority people of a nation will be prosecuted??? Does not sound it odd?
Well, Jamat BNP already tried this -Bangla Spring but failed miserably. Egypt's model isn't ideal for Bangladesh. Its a democracy unlike Egypt! If we want to establish Islam in state level, we will have to take more sophisticated route... Like taking control of media and social networks, creating anti secular sentiment!

I cannot recall BNP and Jamaat ever creating a Taharir Square and holding their position. They come up with daylong or 48 hour hartals. Now, we know and you know these do not resemble anything even close to what took place in Egypt. As for democracy, if you claim Bangladesh is still a democracy my prayers are for you! I didn't know that in a democracy the government is allowed to tell the court what the verdicts should be and when they should be handed out. I didn't know that in a democracy the courts issue imported verdicts, I didn't know that in democracy courts can be as corrupt and partisan as it is now. I didn't know that in a democracy the government turns the state security apparatus into an assassination and kidnapping tool. I didn't know that in a democracy the opposition parties are supposed to wait for their turn while the entire country is robbed left and right and turned into a personal property of the ruling party. If this is democracy, what is fascism? If this is democracy I do believe that we're better off with Nazi type autocratic government, at least nobody can accuse the government of hypocrisy, in the name of democracy.
Let us do some soul searching - Taharir Square did not happen in one day, MB built grass root activists and organization through social work and pursuing ideological message. Over decades of pain sticking work no amount of pressure could topple grass root.

Do we have that grass root? Did any of nationalist element of our politics, be that BNP or Jamaat build that? Answer is no. We are too focused on political turnover within 5 years term that political leadership ignoring long term interest of people and nation. Grass root level build up is necessity for any meaningful change and sustainability.
Let us do some soul searching - Taharir Square did not happen in one day, MB built grass root activists and organization through social work and pursuing ideological message. Over decades of pain sticking work no amount of pressure could topple grass root.

Do we have that grass root? Did any of nationalist element of our politics, be that BNP or Jamaat build that? Answer is no. We are too focused on political turnover within 5 years term that political leadership ignoring long term interest of people and nation. Grass root level build up is necessity for any meaningful change and sustainability.

In 1971, do you think Zia had built the so-called 'grass root' when he urged the nation to start armed resistance? No he did not. Even BAL did not prepare the people for the armed struggle. Zia's call came at the right moment and people responded because they were hoping that somebody would do the right thing. Now, we don't have anyone in the leadership of the nationalists who dares to do the right thing and that makes all the difference.
Apparently they does not have any idea about the muslims of Bangladesh. Muslims of Bangladesh will start riot if any1 try to uproot islam. Even in British period muslims of bangla rebelled against unislamic elements (Faraize Andolon, Titumer etc.). Its really annoying when some american's vassel state try to talk about islam of Bangladesh. Islam will always remain in the heart of Bangali muslim inshalla.
Islam will always remain in the heart of Bangali muslim inshalla.

That's what the secular politicians want, Islam in the heart, not in state affairs that touch the lives of all. Having it in heart is not enough to stop the hate mongering, robbing and killing that is going on in the name of secularism. The courts have become the halls of injustice. In this kind of situation I don't think Islam tells people to have Islam hidden in their hearts.
That's what the secular politicians want, Islam in the heart, not in state affairs that touch the lives of all. Having it in heart is not enough to stop the hate mongering, robbing and killing that is going on in the name of secularism. The courts have become the halls of injustice. In this kind of situation I don't think Islam tells people to have Islam hidden in their hearts.

Iman is the most important part of Islam which happened to reside in muslims heart. With out iman your hall of justice, peace and tranquality is meaningless. Most of the European countries got all those things but not Iman. I also don't like hate mongering, robbing and killing. By the which western country is secular? They have holiday for Christmas but not for Eid lol. So, Muslim is heart is most important than reflecting on practice.
@Moander An important point. Sheikh Hasina got rid of Bismillah from constitution, but Ameria and Uk still use God bless America and God save the queen!!! Seems like Sheikh hasina is the flag bearer of Secularisation.......!!
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Whats wrong in being secular. Most modern democracies are secular. It does not mean leaving your religion, you can be proud muslims and yet your country can be secular. It simply means govt has nothing to do with religion. It does not mean Individuals (including your head of state) has to be atheist or something.
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