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To whom does the term 'Aryan' belong?

:D ok with the warning.

But tell me are HINDUS Aryan?

if there was NO divide then why Vedic Aryans culture and religion was different than Dravidians

My mother language for example is of Indo-Aryan family. Does that mean I'm an 'Aryan'?

"Ohhh....look at me, I'm an Aryan....I'm so pretty!"


Some guys here are floating the idea that Indians are 'Dravidians', whereas Pakistanis are 'Aryans', and hence the partition.

Now all Pakistanis, bow before us Bengalis, for we are your masters.

LOL @PDFers....

Well in old persian language the word of Aryan also meant noble people but it was not used for social ranks . It was used to point all the people in short it was pointed to the race rather than person

If I'm not mistaken the word 'Iran' literally translates to 'Land of the Aryans'.
Ok than correct your basic understanding, TNT has nothing to do with race and it was a Persian who gave this theory first in 11th century.

Who is the Perisan?

haha funny

The Nazi took the swastika, flipped it over and made it as their own. They took the word Aryan, paint it white, put some blond and blue on it and own it.

You guys are being taken AGAIN!

That is what my grievance is.
haven't enough people already died because of this term? why don't we all give it a rest and stop discussing it...
its not going to make a difference to whoever owns it, in gods eyes all humans are equal.
My mother language for example is of Indo-Aryan family. Does that mean I'm an 'Aryan'?

"Ohhh....look at me, I'm an Aryan....I'm so pretty!"


Some guys here are floating the idea that Indians are 'Dravidians', whereas Pakistanis are 'Aryans', and hence the partition.

Now all Pakistanis, bow before us Bengalis, for we are your masters.

LOL @PDFers....

If I'm not mistaken the word 'Iran' literally translates to 'Land of the Aryans'.

Usually guys call themselves handsome. :-)
Copying it from Wiki

O my Lord, a person who is chanting Your holy name, although born of a low family like that of a Chandala, is situated on the highest platform of self-realization. Such a person must have performed all kinds of penances and sacrifices according to Vedic literatures many, many times after taking bath in all the holy places of pilgrimage. Such a person is considered to be the best of the Arya family" (Bhagavata Purana 3.33.7).
:) well going against the norm and faith is one thing BUT Rigveda describing eating of beef/cow sacrifice and worshiping god in non idol form is quiet another.

It is a misconception due to not understanding the original meaning of Vedic words which are completely different from classical sanskrit.The word Go in vedic sanskrit means Sun rays and in classical it means cow.The word hanyate means diminishing where as in classical it means to kill.
Hope this helps to understand where the famous beef eating theory comes from.Swami Dayananda Saraswati's excellent work Light of Truth is followed by curious students of this subject to understand the Vedas.But unfortunately don't find much here on this forum.
Someday, some culture/race/countries will made being Aryan unfashionable, these people who elbow each other to be in the front to call themselves Aryan will try their utmost to distance themselves from the idea of being Aryan.

What a pitiful bunch.
Someday, some culture/race/countries will made being Aryan unfashionable, these people who elbow each other to be in the front to call themselves Aryan will try their utmost to distance themselves from the idea of being Aryan.

What a pitiful bunch.

Not all are like you.
I said no recorded evidence before 900 BCE, that stands.
As for other "evidence", those really mean nothing. How can they prove that it was "Aryan" people ?? :lol: C'mon man, you are too smart to fall for a Russian based excavation which uses words like "Aryan". I repeat that there is no archaeological evidence of any movement of any so-called "Aryan" tribes to India. Even the foremost proponents of the Aryan Invasion Theory now accept that, they are now reduced to suggesting that there was a slow migration or even more weirdly that perhaps the people who migrated to Iran & India were not the original Aryans but an Aryanised people of central asia. All this is required because there is no archaeological evidence at all for their theory, they are basing it primarily on linguistic grounds & that assertion has been challenged by almost all archaeologists.

they were the people of central Asia so now we agree on some thing . by the way have you considered in this discussion you follow the logic of peoples who claim there is no planet outside of the solar system because nobody have ever seen one with his eye
Elam dates back to 2700 BC based on archaeology, not on recorded history.

It will help you to understand if you look up these three definitions, which everyone persists in running into one:


They are not the same. Knowing that Elam existed, and that there was a strong Persian/Iranian presence in the south-west, in the Tigris-Euphrates area, is not the same as having a history of that period.

Russian findings, which were known some decades ago within Russia, but have become public knowledge only painfully slowly in the rest of the world, are archaeological records. There is nothing to show what language was spoken by the people from those archaeological remains.

Calling them Aryan or Indo-Aryan or Indo-Iranian or Proto-Indo-European will mean that we will get beaten up by @Bang Galore. You don't want to get beaten up by him. He packs a mean knuckle-duster.
you know I claim people of India spoke old Chinese about 4000 years ago and as there was no written language of the time you can't prove me wrong . what's your Idea on my logic ?
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haven't enough people already died because of this term? why don't we all give it a rest and stop discussing it...
its not going to make a difference to whoever owns it, in gods eyes all humans are equal.

irrelevant as more people have died because of the God ,Money ,Christ and freedom why not also throw these term away and concepts away?
by the way the people who had more right to this term were not the ones who killed people . Hitler himself was from a Jew family that forcibly converted to Christianity , he was not Aryan at all he simply was a Semite.

Hitler 'had Jewish and African roots', DNA tests show - Telegraph
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