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To whom does the term 'Aryan' belong?

I am not talking only about skin color, there are lot of things which indicates lot of mixing happened during the course for thousands of years.

I will prove you wrong, but not right now.

Sure will wait...but let me tell you...DNA tells MORE than skin colour....and mixing or not...What matters is difference...coz THAT is all that is reported...No one is gonna report similar sequences, then they wont be considered genetic markers :P

They are all the very same authors, just expanding on the topic.......:hitwall: At the very least bother to look up names if you are going to be citing them.

@Bang Galore I looked up mine and cited him...Its YOUR job to cite your references NOT MY JOB!
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you know I claim people of India spoke old Chinese about 4000 years ago and as there was no written language of the time you can't prove me wrong . what's your Idea on my logic ?

It will remain an unhistorical claim, like thousands of others.

Roughly on par with legends of those who visited Paradise on horseback. Or destroyed whole formations on the battlefield by releasing a legendary 'astra'.
Want to be an Aryan? haha Just look at these clowns....

Ironing swastikas and turning hotel rooms into tattoo parlours: Chilling images from inside the Nazis' annual convention in Atlanta | Mail Online






In normal contemporary usage, the word Aryan is most known as the Nazi racial concept of "Nordic whites", which the Nazis claimed to be the master race.

To the average person in the world, this is what the word Aryan means.

Though I notice the word is also used often in South Asia to describe themselves. But this usage does not apply to the rest of the world.

Above mentioned definition is less than 100 years old

You can find this term in Dharma Religious (Hinduism/Buddhism etc) texts

Again Aryavarta (Land of Aryans) is a Sanskrit term quoted in Manu Smriti (1500BC-500AD) which is used to describe Central and Northern Indian subcontinent (including modern day Pakistan)
Above mentioned definition is less than 100 years old

You can find this term in Dharma Religious (Hinduism/Buddhism etc) texts

Again Aryavarta (Land of Aryans) is a Sanskrit term quoted in Manu Smriti (1500BC-500AD) which is used to describe Central and Northern Indian subcontinent (including modern day Pakistan)

It didn't describe Centrral and Northern Indian subcontinent. In fact, Aryans migrated from Central Asia (original homeland of Aryans) to Iran and India. In India, they installed an elite dominance, while in Iran they build several world empires.
Germans were creation of indian DNA. Hitler knew it and he loved india.... The nazi alien race been seen in india most of time.... Hitler knem the secret due to zetan greys.... This was the reason hitler used indian swastika as symbol of nazi superior race.... Germans became white skin due to climate. indian got different climate.... Aryan is sanskrit word and indians are real Aryans who gave birth to germans and majority of asians. Germans and brits are same genes. they are indian Aryan genes. Hitler knew every secret.... This was the reason he loved india. Nazi alien race adore india and hates america....
Germans were creation of indian DNA. Hitler knew it and he loved india.... The nazi alien race been seen in india most of time.... Hitler knem the secret due to zetan greys.... This was the reason hitler used indian swastika as symbol of nazi superior race.... Germans became white skin due to climate. indian got different climate.... Aryan is sanskrit word and indians are real Aryans who gave birth to germans and majority of asians. Germans and brits are same genes. they are indian Aryan genes. Hitler knew every secret.... This was the reason he loved india. Nazi alien race adore india and hates america....

Dont tell me the aliens told ya abt tht while they were doing a cavity search on ya..:omghaha:
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they were the people of central Asia so now we agree on some thing . by the way have you considered in this discussion you follow the logic of peoples who claim there is no planet outside of the solar system because nobody have ever seen one with his eye

I never said that they were people of central asia, said that is the commonly held idea but lacks any archaeological evidence to support it. The recent genetic studies on Indians seem to question that theory. Btw, raising doubts in a theory widely questioned by other scientists does not qualify for your analogy. Why do you believe that "Aryans" came from centrals Asia, Siberia wherever?

It didn't describe Centrral and Northern Indian subcontinent. In fact, Aryans migrated from Central Asia (original homeland of Aryans) to Iran and India. In India, they installed an elite dominance, while in Iran they build several world empires.

You are talking about stuff you seem to know little ablout. Aryavarta refers specifically to the parts of India mentioned, the rest of your post is rehashing the same theory that has been in vogue. No proof whatsoever, just an assumption made to explain the linguistic connection. No archaeologist of repute buys that theory anymore. Repeating nonsense of Iranian racists does not make it correct.
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