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To the Indian members here-why the special treatment for Kerala fishermen ?

i was the first one to ask this question while indians were babbling on last week about waging war and shooting nukes at Italy

curiously, nobody responded to it because they were too overcome by petty emotions

I would have limited my reply to "Curiosity killed the cat"

Yet I blabber on:
When someone from outside the "family" wrongs the "family" even the most warring family members stick together. This is an issue where a gora has attacked one of us simply because they were not gora. The gora did not care if they were(Forgive Me) ****, Bloody Indian ..."where is Bangladesh?" or Sri Lankan(I cannot pronounce the names of those cricket players). Or even Somalian for that matter.

It was bored racist guys who thought they could get away with murder on the high seas.

I would want them to submit to the crimes or at least face a court. If the same thing happened to any innocent person of any nationality, I for one would stand by them. If it was Fishermen from Chittagong or Karachi or Colombo. My thoughts would be the same.
very true, Indians hate Tamils for 4 reasons -1) the Dravidian (now LTTE) movement , 2) look down upon Tamils as dark skin dravidians 3) Tamilnadu was the first state to fight for secession from India. 4) anti Hindi

The Indians 'support' for Tamils in PDF is all fake , they do out out off compulsion knowing that Tamilandu might go the Kashmir way or worst some day, and it not out of love for dark skinned Tamils, just a damage control exercise not to lose face to Pakistan

I would like to thank you in advance. Because now you have to stick by your words whenever we meet in person. Seriously own up to your words you racist. Then when we meet I can say to you "the very least you have is guts even without a brain"
Friends this has nothing to do with Kerala but it has everything to do wiht Italy.

Unfortunately the ruling party's president was born in Italy it’s a different matter that she has renounced the citizenship of that country and is a mother and grandmother to Indian citizens. Her biggest mistake she fell in love with the Indian guy who happened to be the son of then prime minister of India. Bigger mistake married him and became Indian bahu and on death of her MIL and husband decided to represent the family in the party on insistence of the party.
Since Cesar's wife has to be above suspicion India had to take a stance against those marines or the Modi fan boys would have run havoc as the Ship and the sailors were from Italy. The CPM party in Kerala the very next day had drawn the connection between the sailors and the Mrs. Gandhi the common denominator being Italy.
@Mahabali: Wait for the judgement.Before that unnecessary conspiracy theories won't do anything.People were saying those two mariners will never return because they are from Italy.Let's wait and watch.
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@Mahabali: Wait for the judgement.Before that unnecessary conspiracy theories won't do anything.People were saying those two mariners will never return because they are from Italy.Let's wait and watch.

That is exactly my point...heads I win tales you loose. Karo to maro na karo to bho maro.
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Jeez.. The amount of false facts and hate propaganda going on in this forum especially from TN based posters is dumbfounding.. Does anybody minutely sensible think that SL and India can have any kind of a normal diplomatic relationship with this animosity?? Read and be learned.. Don't jump in to conclusions

In Palk Bay, goodwill slips through fishing nets

It is time for Tamil Nadu to face up to the reality that its fishers are hurting livelihoods of Tamil fishermen on the Sri Lankan side.
Violent incidents involving Tamil Nadu fishermen and the Sri Lankan Navy in the Palk Bay are not new. The fishing grounds, rich on the Sri Lankan side of the maritime boundary, are today the bone of contention between Tamil fishermen of both countries. The Sri Lankan fishermen, the worst victims of ethnic conflict, have resumed fishing and find poaching by Tamil Nadu fishermen to be a major hindrance to their livelihood.

In order to understand the true nature of the conflict, it is necessary to highlight certain, basic realities. Fishermen throughout the world are no respecters of maritime boundaries; they go wherever there is fish. Thus, Sri Lankan fishermen enter the Maldivian waters and the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone to catch tuna, while Indian fishermen get into Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Sri Lankan waters.

The root of the problem can be traced to the mid-1960s when trawlers were introduced in the Palk Bay. Short of foreign exchange and keen to boost exports, the government of India provided subsidies to trawler owners. It was an illustration of being penny wise and pound foolish. While exports went up, overfishing and destruction of the seabed ensued. As a result, there is practically no fish on the Indian side. As Rameswaram fishermen told me, to earn their livelihood they have no other option but to enter Sri Lankan waters.

Civil war

The maritime boundary agreements of 1974 and 1976 further vitiated the situation. Not only was the island of Kachchatheevu ceded to Sri Lanka, but the traditional fishing rights enjoyed by Indian fishermen were bartered away. However, it did not alter ground realities because the Sri Lankan government was not keen to enforce its jurisdiction over the sea.

The civil war brought about a qualitative transformation. Tamil Nadu became the sanctuary and support base of the Tamil Tigers and the Palk Bay became the conduit through which the war machine was fuelled. Colombo imposed a ban on fishing and fishermen became refugees and took shelter in India. Poaching in Sri Lankan waters became rampant. Fish production went up and the trawler fleet more than doubled. The Sri Lankan Navy, which could not distinguish between a fisherman and a guerrilla, began to resort to firing. A number of fishermen were killed, many injured and the catch, worth crores of rupees, dumped into the sea.

During the Fourth Eelam War, in order to get New Delhi’s support the Sri Lankan government began to make overtures. Basil Rajapaksa stated that his government had no problem if Indian fishermen fished in Sri Lankan waters, but the fishermen should not enter high security zones. On October 26, 2008, a joint statement was issued in which Colombo made a solemn assurance that “there will be no firing on the Indian fishing vessels.”

Colombo has since gone back on them. Today, it questions the right of Indian fishermen to cross the maritime boundary line. While incidents of firing by the Sri Lankan Navy have declined, Indian fishermen continue to be detained, intimidated and harassed.

Issue in provincial politics

With the Sri Lankan Tamil fishermen resuming their vocation, new tensions began to develop. Fishing is one of the major vocations in the Northern Province and before 1983, 38 per cent of the island’s fish production came from Jaffna, Mannar and Mullaitivu districts. Sri Lankan fishermen told me that Indian trawlers came very near the shores, severed their fishing nets and caused incalculable damage by bottom trawling. Sri Lanka, aware of the negative effects of trawling, has banned the use of trawlers and monofilament nets. Occasionally clashes have taken place between Tamil fishermen of both countries.
What is more, as and when elections take place in the Northern Province, poaching by Indian fishermen will be a major issue in electoral politics.

While competitive one-upmanship in support of the Sri Lankan Tamil cause is the order of the day in Tamil Nadu, the question of the livelihood of Sri Lankan fishermen never gets any mention. The State government repeats that the problem is a direct offshoot of the 1974 and 1976 agreements and that the only remedy is to get the island of Kachchatheevu back by “lease in perpetuity,” reopen dialogue with Colombo and get the traditional fishing rights restored.

According to informed sources, the Sri Lankan government has taken photographs of how Indian fishermen get into Sri Lankan waters on an hourly basis. Powerful sections within the government are also clamouring that Colombo should internationalise the issue by filing a case in the International Court of Justice.[/B]

The need of the hour is for the government of Tamil Nadu to tell fishermen not to poach in Sri Lankan waters and deprive the other side of its livelihood. Steps should also be taken to reduce the number of trawlers with buy-back arrangements. At the same time, fishermen of both countries should continue their dialogue to arrive at an amicable solution. While New Delhi has welcomed the ongoing dialogue among fishermen, Colombo continues to maintain an ambivalent stand.

Given the limitations of space in the Palk Bay, it is necessary to reconcile to the reality that transborder fishing is likely to continue. But it cannot go on in an unregulated manner. Perhaps the ideal solution is to look at Palk Bay not as a contested territory but as a common heritage. A Palk Bay Authority (PBA) should be constituted immediately, comprising representatives of both countries. The PBA can determine the annual sustainable catch, the type of fishing equipment that can be used, the number of days on which Indian and Sri Lankan fishing vessels could fish, and how the marine resources could be enriched. The Tamil fishermen should also be encouraged to undertake joint ventures in deep sea fishing. This perhaps is the only way to promote bilateral and regional cooperation in South Asia..

(Dr. V. Suryanarayan is senior professor (retired), Centre for South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Madras.)

In Palk Bay, goodwill slips through fishing nets - The Hindu
Anybody can cry wolf but this is the truth

March 13, 2013 12:54 pm

Indian Minister of Defence, Shri A.K. Antony in a statement to the Indian Parliament has said that there is no official record of Indian fishermen killed in Sri Lankan territorial waters. A total of 23 boats and 131 Indian fishermen were apprehended by the Sri Lankan Navy during the last year.

The apprehended fishermen have been repatriated, following the action taken by Government through diplomatic channels with the Sri Lankan authorities.

He further states that the Indian Government has reached an understanding with the Government of Sri Lanka in October, 2008, to put in place practical arrangements to deal with bona fide Indian and Sri Lankan fishermen crossing the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL). As part of these arrangements, it has been agreed that Indian fishing vessels would not enter the sensitive areas designated by the Government of Sri Lanka along its coastline.

During the 8th India-Sri Lanka Joint Commission meeting held on 22nd January, 2013 in New Delhi, both sides reiterated the highest priority accorded by respective governments to the well being, safety and security of fishermen from both Sri Lanka and India, The Sri Lanka Navy reported.
RG got killed because of this Jaffna hospital massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Those who think RJ was a saint think again. He was not wise that Paramadesa, Jayawarda all used him and IPKF did a lost of attorcities that are not investigated

Boss,you please go read about Col Kaul's account of the IPKF time in Srilanka and how poor the intelligence was and how they did not know whom to trust and whom not to,

the truth is prabhakaran played a double game with Premadasa to screw the IPKF out.

Asking every one to study Hindi was not a mistake but forcing was.
second He is not talked or idealized much because he introduced a educational system which encouraged a coblars son to become a coblar, a sewage cleaners son to become a sewage cleaner. He wanted to have the Brahmins at the height and others to bow to the Bhramins that is the reason he is not talked much


There is no official policy paper called Hereditary education policy.

He just made schools function 4-5 hours,just because he was this pious old man,DK/DMK used his casual comments to make a conspiracy theory.

He did close down schools but thats for lack of funds and not for the sake of not making anyone to study.
Boss,you please go read about Col Kaul's account of the IPKF time in Srilanka and how poor the intelligence was and how they did not know whom to trust and whom not to,

the truth is prabhakaran played a double game with Premadasa to screw the IPKF out.
If you do not have intelligence why did you jump guns and send your army.
Until IG was there, there was a good trust with the Tamils with SL. but idiot RJ listened to Dexit the then Ambasdor to SL and thought that TN will go in seperate.
That is the reason INDIA is having its down fall

There is no official policy paper called Hereditary education policy.

He just made schools function 4-5 hours,just because he was this pious old man,DK/DMK used his casual comments to make a conspiracy theory.

He did close down schools but thats for lack of funds and not for the sake of not making anyone to study.

it is said that teach a man to fish and he will full fill his lifes hunger. so in order to save money for some thing else, this great man sacrifised on the next generations education. wow
Indian fishermen get killed or abducted very often in the ocean. Srilanka, pakistan etc all harass our fishermen. So why are we making such a hue and cry now ? Is it because the killed fishermen are from Kerala ? When are going to protest against sri-lanka for killing Tamils ? When are we going to protest against pakistan for placing hundreds of Indian fishermen in jail ?

For two Kerala fishermen, the state gets involved, the central government gets involved, the judiciary....everyone suddenly wants to protest...

Discrimination ?

The kerala fisherman were killed inside Indian waters without any provocation....while those captured by Pakistan and Srilanka cross the sea-limit of India and unknownigly enter the other nation's water....so they are arrested.
If you do not have intelligence why did you jump guns and send your army.
Until IG was there, there was a good trust with the Tamils with SL. but idiot RJ listened to Dexit the then Ambasdor to SL and thought that TN will go in seperate.
That is the reason INDIA is having its down fall

it is said that teach a man to fish and he will full fill his lifes hunger. so in order to save money for some thing else, this great man sacrifised on the next generations education. wow

People did not go to school until they got some benefits like mid may meal scheme and lot of freebies that MGR gave,

Did you forget the karuthama joke where r sundarrajan tries to convince periyardasan to send his kids to school and his reply to that?

Dixit and all are not at fault,

Veeramani/Mu Ka did try to pull off some separatist talk and thats what changed the opinion of the CG,

whatever RG might have did you cannot kill an Indian PM on Indian soil,I am sorry.

Thats why VP called it a thunbaviyal sambhavam.
People did not go to school until they got some benefits like mid may meal scheme and lot of freebies that MGR gave,

Did you forget the karuthama joke where r sundarrajan tries to convince periyardasan to send his kids to school and his reply to that?

Dixit and all are not at fault,

Veeramani/Mu Ka did try to pull off some separatist talk and thats what changed the opinion of the CG,

whatever RG might have did you cannot kill an Indian PM on Indian soil,I am sorry.

Thats why VP called it a thunbaviyal sambhavam.

How is a PM's life different from that of the 70 people who got massacred at the hands of IPKF.
Going by what is happening in TN, EVEN I am in support of seperating TN from INDIA.Its India that is making me think so. They are the ones who are favouring SL over TN

The kerala fisherman were killed inside Indian waters without any provocation....while those captured by Pakistan and Srilanka cross the sea-limit of India and unknownigly enter the other nation's water....so they are arrested.
Do you call this arrested. This is the latest attack by SL navy on Tamil fisher men 3 days ago

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