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'Narendra Modi will keep Lanka and Pakistan in check'

Narendra Modi is all fake like LK Advani and all this :blah: :blah: have no value.

- It was the BJP which started the peace talk with pakistan resulting in Kargil :tdown:

- Then they have Agra summit resulting in parliament attack :tdown:

- It was BJP which recognizes the Tibet as Integral part of china and opened the Indian market for chinese goods. :sick:

Now, we all see how china bullying us.

The problem for the rational people like me is that we are fed up with Congress and BJP but there is no other option visible. :undecided:

Vote Modi.

And no, you are not being rational.
Modi, I m afraid, appears to be going the Vajpayee way. He is completely steering clear of Hindutva and talking only of development. And the visible projection of Muslim support to him is strange.

I detect signs of excessive keenness to become PM. Such personality traits are unwelcome.

I wonder whether RSS will be able to control Modi after he is PM.

Ambition defines a man. I would welcome a Modi who wants to become PM rather than a pappu who is not sure what he wants.

What use are abilities of a man if he does not want to do anything with it ? ......he is then a vegetable.

Modi is the child of Hindutva so he does not have to talk about Hindutva. It is part of his identity. What he needs to talk about is Development and his plan for India. I believe that that a small part of truly secular muslims will look beyond their irrational fears and see Modi for who he really is. That will get him some muslim support.

Beyond popular 'secular' propaganda, RSS has never sought to 'control' anybody. They are a ideological fountainhead and limit themselves to training karyakartas and raising awareness.

RSS certainly do not want to control Modi ...... nor is Modi a person ANYBODY can control. That too is something desirable in a PM. MMS being a case in point.
Modi is an arse wipe, jus sayin

We must not vote BJP becoz it is our prime duty to preserve Secularism:P

We actually need to preserve secularism, but no political party in India is truly secular, neither secularism in India exist in true sense.

And I don't believe in identity politics, neither I believe minorities will be persecuted under BJP rule.
Mr. Modi met Senior Sri Lankan politician closely connected to GOSL....



Some other events related to Mr. Modi & Sri Lanka.......


We actually need to preserve secularism, but no political party in India is truly secular, neither secularism in India exist in true sense.

And I don't believe in identity politics, neither I believe minorities will be persecuted under BJP rule.

You are confused.

How India doesn't have secularism?

It is in our constitution. So it is our duty to preserve it.

Don't you think so?
Congress has told us the Modi is a insignificant state leader unlike their international leader like rahul.

This is the response for the 'small gujarti state leader' when he visited Trichy for a few hours.


Here is a posting by a average non political person who attended the rally.

Sathish Kumar

This is a crowd that gathered on their own. I am from Srirangam in Trichy which is a temple town. The BJP crowd started pouring in from almost 5 AM with all the hotels, lodges becoming occupied. But there was no noise, no traffic issues , no shouting slogans etc. Mostly then attended the temple for a darshan and peacefully went away later in the after noon to the G-corner which is the important ground for all political parties and has always been a game changer venue whether it is for Amma in the past or for Mr. Modi now. There must have been atleast 3-4L people in the audience as the capacity of the G-Corner ground is about 2L and after the fly over, there is another open ground as well from where you cannot listen or seem Mr.Modi but i guess they managed to arrange loud speakers in that place. None of them were paid money as far as i can see. If it had been DMK/ADMK, the rouges would have taken rides around the city in their vehicles shouting slogans, making noise, causing traffic jam etc. Modi is emerging a clear winner and it is high time the small parties such as DMDK recognises this and joins hads with BJP or be left out


Pl do wake up atleast now from deep sleep. I am not sure if you are in coma or in deep sleep or illusions and delusions. I have been to this gathering and just reached home; I am not from any political party. Your Biryani group is your beloved Congress party workers and DMK/ADMK and other left parties. No one offered even snacks except water packets for this gathering. People were sitting in hot sun for hours since 12pm till evening ONLY to to see and listen Modi's speech. People came from all parts of TN and neighbouring places and not a single person was offered biryani and not even any eatbles. Many didn't have even lunch but simply straving and waited from 12pm till Modi finished his speech around 7.25pm. It was such a hotsun and I could not even stand there for few mins but thousands and lakhs simply stood in the hot sun patiently and cheeringly. Even when I spoke to thousands of people, I have noticed that most of them were not directly from the BJP as well and many youth and general public came to see Modi and listen to him. Even party workers were simply starving and cheering just after drinking normal water packets. I have not seen any such huge political gathering of people in this nation from Kashmir to down south in the last 35 years; I have not seen such an inspiration of youth for many decades in this nation. It was even surprise for people like me who are mostly skeptics. Though media is projecting just around 2 lakh (two hundred thousands) or 3 lakh (three hundred thousands), according to my foot walk calculation the total count slowly and steadily increased towards the evening hrs and I am sure it would have crossed 4 lakh(four hundred thousands) and might be nearly 5 lakh(five hundred thousands) as people were even standing for nearly half a mile away both the sides of the stage and nearly for 1 mile away in highway as no space inside the venue and amazingly even stood outside the venue in an oppsite direction of the ground. Surprisingly, even after BJP help desk closed the entry enrollments, more than around 1.5 lakh (hundred and fifty thousand people came and stood on both the sides of the highway and on the highway). Especailly, I never seen such a gathering even for local Dravidian parties or for Congress through out my public gathering visits.


One Mr. Rajesh Jain asked me to tell about my observations on positive and negative responses from people after Modi finished his speech. I am copying the same for your reference as well as for other readers: As soon as Modi finished the talk with loud and vibrant "Vande Mataram" with increasing vocal reverberation, I can hear people around me thrilled and utterly astounded "what a speech! what a man da!". This says it all. Some people in my row as well as front rows were excited and I saw emotional tears in their eyes. I heard many youngsters saying to their friends 'mapley, this is the only man who can save this nation and who can change our nation for betterment da.. etc'. As I walked from the venue back to my parking lot, I could not see even the ground except the human heads infront of me for a very very long distance(around 1km ahead on the highway) and almost everyone were talking in high spirit and excitement... some were praising Modi, many were saying 'we need this kind of man as our PM'. One was saying 'next year I am going to vote for BJP and not for my usual DMK'. Another young lad was saying, 'mapley, kumar missed this great speech of Modi da' (from his words, I could guess 'kumar' may be his friend or college mate), and one family woman was saying her family and friends 'i'm going to tell my husband too to vote for bjp this time, he usually votes for congress, this time I am sure we all should vote for bjp..'. One gentleman was saying 'machi, this man would really get our fishermen issue solved da', one other gentleman who seem to be a school teacher was saying to his friends 'hey, this man pronounced many tamil words correctly and talked about freedom struggle contribution of tamil personalities like Rajaji, great poet Bharathiyar, V.O.C; I'm sure this man would do really good to our whole nation...'. Another guy was saying, Congress in the centre can not keep cheating us anymore, we all should wake up...'. One interesting thing to note is, though almost everyone were tired physically because of literally no food since 12pm till evening 7.25/8.00 besides travel etc etc, everyone looked cheerful and high spirited. Certainly, seemed that Modi's speech galvanised them. Another interesting fact is that not a single person complained about the language or delivery of speech by Modi. Modi spoke mostly in English and Hindi mix with his usual magnetic and sharp expressions and H. Raja translated the speech into Tamil excellently but with a bit less emotional manner in most places; that did not seem to affect the cheer of the crowd and rather people seem were engrossed in Modi's speech and cheering. I have noted only one criticism too: Raja had done a wonderful job of translating Modi's speech in a perfect Tamil very nicely received by the crowd; he made few trivial but vital mistakes in the flow of translation and hence in around 5 significant sentences the impact and response was lesser and that usually happens in any translation. But, overall, H Raja did an excellent job of translating Modi's Hindi and English to perfect Tamil sentences that reached the crowd well. When I reached my parking lot, my friends and their friends all greeted me with great smile and cheerful mood. Couple of them were still in excitement and some were saying "whatever may be the case, I would bring many of my friends to vote this time... etc...". Hope his words would become reality. Wish the zeal of people would continue till the elections and beyond. We have to wait until 2014 to watch the same!

Pl also add or correct as below as I missed to add it earlier: "Here people paid Rs 10 for entry. For this Modi's gathering, people seem came from far of places without any favours but with their own expenses; Even in the venue no one offered even eatables except water packets for this gathering but people starved without lunch in a hot sun ONLY to see and listen the Charisma of Modi and his Vibrant Speech, his Dynamism, his Patriotism and his Zeal to save and make this nation grow stronger and help our youth and general public to prosper ahead with a feel of safety in this nation and love to this nation. It was really surprising, amazing, interesting to see dramatic and positive change in our nation even in down south. Interestingly, people all came out bit patiently in queues in an organised, composed and disciplined manner unlike other parties."
You are confused.

How India doesn't have secularism?

It is in our constitution. So it is our duty to preserve it.

Don't you think so?

Which part of my statement is confusing? Secularism is a corner stone of our constitution and we must preserve it. But all our major political parties, both national and regional, are engaged in identity politics based on religion and caste, even Govt. Policies are influenced by identity politics, hence, what we have in practice is not secularism in true sense.
Which part of my statement is confusing? Secularism is a corner stone of our constitution and we must preserve it. But all our major political parties, both national and regional, are engaged in identity politics based on religion and caste, even Govt. Policies are influenced by identity politics, hence, what we have in practice is not secularism in true sense.

Hindus have been secular for 4000 years before the constitution of India was written so there is no particular need to "safeguard" secularism. :disagree:

You need to specify that the practices by "secular" political parties are not secular.
We have NS in Pakistan so no chance of India Pakistan confrontation. Modi can keep his focus on China which by the way he completely missed and instead kept his focus limited to Pakistan and Srilanka.

P.S does anyone want to exchange Manmoon Singh with NS?....just saying
To sweeten the deal we can add Zardari for free in the deal ;)
We have NS in Pakistan so no chance of India Pakistan confrontation. Modi can keep his focus on China which by the way he completely missed and instead kept his focus limited to Pakistan and Srilanka.

P.S does anyone want to exchange Manmoon Singh with NS?....just saying
To sweeten the deal we can add Zardari for free in the deal ;)


Modi is an arse wipe, jus sayin


We have NS in Pakistan so no chance of India Pakistan confrontation. Modi can keep his focus on China which by the way he completely missed and instead kept his focus limited to Pakistan and Srilanka.

P.S does anyone want to exchange Manmoon Singh with NS?....just saying
To sweeten the deal we can add Zardari for free in the deal ;)

Ithnibi kya dushmani 1 kay badlay 2
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