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To the Indian members here-why the special treatment for Kerala fishermen ?

Thats fine but caste didn't create such a big problem until the british came over,how come?

Because of LTTE and Central government genuinely has no hatred for the Sinhalese.

I think thats incorrect Bull. Caste may not seem like it was an issue because it was not documented before the British in detail. of course, I am aware of incidents in which colonialists manipulated the caste system to suit their agenda. This is nuts to me, coz for something is ingrained intot he culture, how could do get away with it? Only if they had the approval and control of the Brahmins. Islam was attracting some Shudras and low caste ppl before the British and Islamic invaders. Not enought to cause alarm but enough to take notice.
Sri Lanka is a free country. If India had the balls it should have taken it over decades ago. Let it be. This is the price we pay for electing corrupt, ineffective politicans. Voting against Sri Lanka in the UN is a difficult thing to do. Some or most tamils want that but their mind is clouded by emotion. Many of you fail to factor the China and Pakistan into the equation. if you did, this would explain why its not easy to vote against them. Think ppl.
Sri Lanka is not worried about resolutions

But Indian govt is shivering with DMK pullout.

Our foreign policy mandarins take on US, Russia, China successfully but fail miserably in case of SriLanka and maldives.

They dont know what to do and what not to do???
Because Indian GOV want to show their influence with a nation like Italy who does not really care about India at all...But in case of Pakistan and Sri Lanka...Indian diplomacy will be tested and in that area Congi is a big fail...Because Congi can not do anything to Pakistan with fear of loosing Muslim vote and they donot have any guts to say anything to Sri Lanka with fear that Sri Lanka gov will favor China in their bussiness project....I can not imagine...how come the people of Tamilnadu even voting for their regional parties like DMK and AIDMK who always support Congress in different terms of election...

Go shove your party bias in your back side. This is a serious issue and two Indians got killed near our shores. And you say India reacted because government wants to show false pride? Is that why your favorite party wants to act against Italy and hounds the government saying Congress has Italian bias?

This is a matter of India's honour and respect. There are no two ways of seeing it. India actually reacts the same way against any other country. The situation with Srilanka and Pakistan is a little different. They arrest some of our fishermen and we arrest theirs for coming into our waters. There is some parity involved. Above all we respect each others' judiciary. Our courts try their men and vice-versa.We don't question their courts' ability, neither do they question ours'.

But look at what the Italians did. They kill Indians, get treated like guests pending decision on jurisdiction. They then claim they don't trust Indian judiciary(the same judiciary which directed the Indian government to first deal with the matter of jurisdiction) and then spit on its face by leaving the country after lying.
@Shabz Nist: They are practically spitting on your and your country's face and you want to know why the treatment is special for Kerala fishermen?!
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Indian fishermen get killed or abducted very often in the ocean. Srilanka, pakistan etc all harass our fishermen. So why are we making such a hue and cry now ? Is it because the killed fishermen are from Kerala ? When are going to protest against sri-lanka for killing Tamils ? When are we going to protest against pakistan for placing hundreds of Indian fishermen in jail ?

For two Kerala fishermen, the state gets involved, the central government gets involved, the judiciary....everyone suddenly wants to protest...

Discrimination ?

"state gets involved" here is your answer.

The politicians in Tamilnadu are only interested in issues of Tamils in Sri Lanka, not in their own state.
This is about white(greasy light brown) skin vs brown skin all us south asians should stand together. Hundreds of years of treating us with contempt is over. They need to get this into their thick heads.
I will say it:
Who are Italians any way? Their Kangaroo courts, the corruption levels that makes south asians look innocent. EU despises them as the hub of crime and illegal migration into EU. They export crime all over the world. In Australia the use the racist term wogs to describe Italians. The sleazy b***ards are always trying to fcuk south asian women in fact anything that moves.
Yes I am angry and will hate on them my whole life if they get away with this crime and a large part of my hate will be on the Indians that made it happen.
If they get away with this crime....in protest every guy from India Pakistan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka etc should go out and score an Italian chick and post her pics online..... Rajiv Gandhi already started this movement :smitten:
We should learn from isreal, you kill one jew your land will be invaded next day, but again we are a lot of 1.2 billion, You kill one Indian 100 will be born next day....Hopefully a day will come when our government will grow some spine and be able to raise voice to protect its citizen..wet dreams I know :hitwall:
Thats what i find to be wierd,that just one party and one movement is now representing everything Tamil?

Other people who disagree are not?

Most of the industries in TN,the original ones are due to Congress/Rajaji/C Subramaniam/Kamaraj and so on....

People like Rajaji ll make TN lose its cultural dientity,nice joke?

Tamils dont loses their cultural identity in Malaysia/Australia and all,what cultural identity did these guys give us?

Periyar marrying a much younger girl,Anna having an affair with Bhanumathi and Mu ka marrying and laying wherever he wants and having an illegitimate kid.

This is indeed the culture,we need.

So these illicit morons have a story in tamil text book,even quaid e millat,some random muslim league leader does but Rajaji doesn't.

Hindi padingadannu sonnathu oru thappa?

Today hundreds of tamils land up in bombay all the time and struggle to get started and going,all because we have to save tamil identity.

I am shocked that these guys are torch bearers of the culture,for what?

This is why i have the hatred,

Reservation? mehh,the guys are good enough to crack the 31& quota,thats more than enough.

Asking every one to study Hindi was not a mistake but forcing was.
second He is not talked or idealized much because he introduced a educational system which encouraged a coblars son to become a coblar, a sewage cleaners son to become a sewage cleaner. He wanted to have the Brahmins at the height and others to bow to the Bhramins that is the reason he is not talked much
So why are we making such a hue and cry now ? Is it because the killed fishermen are from Kerala ?

Because the fishermen are relatives of the Keralite Vodhra the son in law of teh defacto PM of India, Sonia Manio
Indian fishermen get killed or abducted very often in the ocean. Srilanka, pakistan etc all harass our fishermen. So why are we making such a hue and cry now ? Is it because the killed fishermen are from Kerala ? When are going to protest against sri-lanka for killing Tamils ? When are we going to protest against pakistan for placing hundreds of Indian fishermen in jail ?

For two Kerala fishermen, the state gets involved, the central government gets involved, the judiciary....everyone suddenly wants to protest...

Discrimination ?

i was the first one to ask this question while indians were babbling on last week about waging war and shooting nukes at Italy

curiously, nobody responded to it because they were too overcome by petty emotions
I thought south India felt ignored... so how are we talking about special treatment for Keralites. South India almost seems like a separate nation at times.

very true, Indians hate Tamils for 4 reasons -1) the Dravidian (now LTTE) movement , 2) look down upon Tamils as dark skin dravidians 3) Tamilnadu was the first state to fight for secession from India. 4) anti Hindi

The Indians 'support' for Tamils in PDF is all fake , they do out out off compulsion knowing that Tamilandu might go the Kashmir way or worst some day, and it not out of love for dark skinned Tamils, just a damage control exercise not to lose face to Pakistan
non veg is taboo for us but we are not going to come and ask you to give it up like peta guys.

i do not like movies depicting things,the remains of the DK system that is there all over the place,you still have people giving that rhetoric,obviously you are not affected and it is easy for you to talk.

Not the same with us.

caste system is there in all old tamil texts and all of them who wrote them were andhanars.

Thiruvalluvar also said dont eat pulaal(non veg) and TN is a big home ground of Jains/Buddhists.

can you point out which tamil sacred works have justification of caste system in them ? and anyway we are not like certain religions to cling onto texts written centuries back...times have changed...man has evolved...lets move on.......

"state gets involved" here is your answer.

The politicians in Tamilnadu are only interested in issues of Tamils in Sri Lanka, not in their own state.

i think by state he meant india...not kerala......

but i agree with your second line though.......our politicians are at fault too......

very true, Indians hate Tamils for 4 reasons -1) the Dravidian (now LTTE) movement , 2) look down upon Tamils as dark skin dravidians 3) Tamilnadu was the first state to fight for secession from India. 4) anti Hindi

The Indians 'support' for Tamils in PDF is all fake , they do out out off compulsion knowing that Tamilandu might go the Kashmir way or worst some day, and it not out of love for dark skinned Tamils, just a damage control exercise not to lose face to Pakistan

hi gotti.....ur back again........
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