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for me defence.pk has further strengthened my pov of pakistanis being extremely emotional ,confused but normal ppl.
How has it made you feel we're confused? I hope you're not taking difference of opinion as confusion.
Opinions have changed based on the particular persons and so no generalization.

Few posters are good mature and help a lot while some or not.

So at least my one biased opinion has changed that not every Pakistani person wants destruction of India. Thats good.
I am really dissappointed to see nature of pakistanis on PDF.

I have been friend with many pakistani friends because of facebook & some shayari pages. I loved & respected them a lot and had really a very good view of Pakistani awaam.

My opinion was there are few extremist groups in pakistan who support terrorism but I had a hope that common pakistani doesnt support anti-indian/anti-hindu terrorist acts because humanity comes before religion. But I am totally dissappointed to see exactly opposite here on PDF where 70-80 % members support cowards acts like terrorism & blame india for 26/11,TTP,1971, floods, oppression of minorities,naxalist movements when majority of them dont have basic knowledge of facts/truth regarding those incidents.

The only Greener side is I like posts from few pakistanis like our respected Mods, fauj historian, mercenary, vcheng, andromacho, & some few very sane pakistanis.

About PDF its really a knowledgeable site.My many issue relating to military & history got cleared due to some real good threads & few good debates from members from both countries.
Though a strong believer that peace can't be achieved between India and Pakistan unless Kashmir issue is resolved, due to my daily interactions with my Pakistani friends and colleagues at office, I never carried ill feelings when I joined PDF. But I always had a feeling these friends of mine have moved out of Pakistan long time ago and much before the whole impact of Zia's changes were felt in Pakistan and I was not sure about the Pakistanis currently in Pakistan. But my views have changed on seeing many members here discuss issues in an objective manner and when I see youngsters like Armstrong, SHAMK9, I feel optimistic.
How has it made you feel we're confused? I hope you're not taking difference of opinion as confusion.

Difference of opinion is perfectly all right. Confusion is when that difference of opinion is even about basics or concept.
Try discussing with your friends issues you discuss on PDF, online. Its the same case on both sides.

I agree with your thought in general, but I have discussed Indo-Pak issues (specially Kashmir) with one of my friends (from Karachi) with logic and dignity. But I guess it took two sane heads to get that going.
Pakistani Members

- Surprising number of rational and liberal people.
- Generally speak about topics logically, except for a few trolls of course
- The general Pakistanis here slowly (but surely) seems to be liberalizing and focusing more on trade/economy/education rather than Islam

- Biggest annoying factor is that they try to lecture us on things they are far worse off than us, like giving us lectures on Secularism when they don't even have the 'S' of Secularism written in their constitution. Or women's rights. Or dealing with separatist movements *cough* Balochistan/East Pakistan *cough*
- History is in some cases outright wrong, and instead of using History to learn from the past, they tend to use it as some kind of "gloating" factor
- Identities confuse me, one day they are Moghul invaders, the next day Persians/Afghans who migrated, the next day the heirs of IVC, the next day the superior Brahmins and Kshatriyas who ruled over low caste Indians, the next day victims of the brutal caste system who converted to Islam to escape oppression, the next day descendents of Arabs, and the occasional time when they of course discuss their linkages to Europeans.

All said and done, Bangladeshis are the biggest surprise for me, and Bangladesh has replaced Pakistan as my least favourite country now after my PDF experience :P Now we finally understand the Pakistani Army's point of view in 1971, and wish we hadnt gotten involved so the Bangladeshis would have gotten a proper ***-whooping by the Pak Army :guns:
I have learned a bit about Pakistanis, both good and bad.
How have your views on Pakistanis changed since vising :pdf:? :taz::taz::taz::taz::taz::taz:

Do you see us as the angels we are? :yahoo:

Before i came what i thought of Pakistanies

1. They are owr naighbours and there leadership is wrong but there publik is very freindly

2. They are just like us but onli there relegeon is diff

3.maybe there can be peace between two nations if not friendly relations

Now What i came to understand

1. Pakistanies are confused people and they have no direction

2. Pakistanies are basicalli a very diff people onli with some linguistic , relegeous & coltural similarities

3. Pakistanies have a acute complex against Indians where they Think Once they were OWR rulers and most of Indians are there former servents children and they ruled us for 1000 years

4. most of the pakistanies dont know why India is there enemy and keep repeating Kashmir (Which could have been gone there way had there millitarry planners had not send afridis into Kashmir in 1947)but realli dont know why

5.To most of Pakistanies thyey think one day a massiah will come and rescue them by conquring India and every thing would be fine again

6.Pakistanies are well most of them highli intolerent to non muslims and have an acute sense or race supiriority over the rest of south asians as the believe they are the more ethinically pashtuns and central asians +Arabs rather than ethnic south asians

7. Last but not the least pakistanies love to denay all the miss management and idiocities there leadres did in last 65 years but beleve they are in this state because of US + Israel & Indian Conpiracies

Mods these are my personal thinking and i have no hard fealings towards any Pakistani members or Pakistanies even my best freinds on this forum are pakistanies like Imran bhai , don bhai and jon bhai
Pakistani Members

- Surprising number of rational and liberal people.
- Generally speak about topics logically, except for a few trolls of course
- The general Pakistanis here slowly (but surely) seems to be liberalizing and focusing more on trade/economy/education rather than Islam

- Biggest annoying factor is that they try to lecture us on things they are far worse off than us, like giving us lectures on Secularism when they don't even have the 'S' of Secularism written in their constitution. Or women's rights. Or dealing with separatist movements *cough* Balochistan/East Pakistan *cough*
- History is in some cases outright wrong, and instead of using History to learn from the past, they tend to use it as some kind of "gloating" factor
- Identities confuse me, one day they are Moghul invaders, the next day Persians/Afghans who migrated, the next day the heirs of IVC, the next day the superior Brahmins and Kshatriyas who ruled over low caste Indians, the next day victims of the brutal caste system who converted to Islam to escape oppression, the next day descendents of Arabs, and the occasional time when they of course discuss their linkages to Europeans.

All said and done, Bangladeshis are the biggest surprise for me, and Bangladesh has replaced Pakistan as my least favourite country now after my PDF experience :P Now we finally understand the Pakistani Army's point of view in 1971, and wish we hadnt gotten involved so the Bangladeshis would have gotten a proper ***-whooping by the Pak Army

Count have said it better
Now What i came to understand

1. Pakistanies are confused people and they have no direction

2. Pakistanies are basicalli a very diff people onli with some linguistic , relegeous & coltural similarities

3. Pakistanies have a acute complex against Indians where they Think Once they were OWR rulers and most of Indians are there former servents children and they ruled us for 1000 years

4. most of the pakistanies dont know why India is there enemy and keep repeating Kashmir (Which could have been gone there way had there millitarry planners had not send afridis into Kashmir in 1947)but realli dont know why

5.To most of Pakistanies thyey think one day a massiah will come and rescue them by conquring India and every thing would be fine again

6.Pakistanies are well most of them highli intolerent to non muslims and have an acute sense or race supiriority over the rest of south asians as the believe they are the more ethinically pashtuns and central asians +Arabs rather than ethnic south asians

7. Last but not the least pakistanies love to denay all the miss management and idiocities there leadres did in last 65 years but beleve they are in this state because of US + Israel & Indian Conpiracies

Mods these are my personal thinking and i have no hard fealings towards any Pakistani members or Pakistanies even my best freinds on this forum are pakistanies like Imran bhai , don bhai and jon bhai

Your punishment is to be detained for 10 years in industrial area of swat. :D
Your punishment is to be detained for 10 years in industrial area of swat. :D

he he he he he well looks Like Don Bhai has a fare amount of personal Expereance of industrial area of swat and at least after all that hardship i can rest in peace full mountains of SWAT with some bird..s!!!! :D
But to be fair, the amount of cow piss, small dick, 5'1" type posts have gone down.

And that is to Pakistan's credit.

Cause we still drink cow's piss, have small dicks, and are runts.

you should have admitted this ages ago, this way the trolling would have been decreased :rofl::rofl:
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